House Approves CISPA Despite Last-Minute Push By Opponents

This country will eventually reach the point that all them middle east countries met. The citizens will finally get sick and tired of the government running free and try to overthrow it. Anybody that wants to actually reverse the common trend of screwing over the Constitution and the citizens of this country will never, ever have a snowballs chance in hell of getting any political office to make a difference until the current government is eliminated.
Wonder if they will wake up if an Independent gets the presidency this round. Capturing the horribly scarce youth vote would probably do it.

But what a travesty our government has become....
While I approve of government involvement in the protection of our networks from foreign, or even domestic attacks, the language of this bill is far too general. Having some kind of unified and dynamic front in place to keep our infrastructure and secrets safe from cyberwarfare attacks and the "anonymous" idiots of the world is a a worthy goal. Especially when places like Iran, China, and Russia are all elevating their cyber abilities with us in mind...

Leave it to the government to take a good idea and screw us with it...
Wonder if they will wake up if an Independent gets the presidency this round. Capturing the horribly scarce youth vote would probably do it.

But what a travesty our government has become....

This is the reason, I would love to have Ron Paul not get the republican nominee, then go Independent and win. It'll destroy the ugly "balance" of the 2 party system, and might actually make them think about who goes into office and the person in office actually try to help the people instead of screwing us over.

If all goes well, it'd be funny, but nice, to see a 150 person Senate with independents in play. (I don't want to say libertarians... because I'm sure they'll drop off some time in the future and start screwing us over like everyone else is) I doubt it'll happen, but it would be nice to see.

I have not read much on Gary Johnson, but I've been told he's very much like Ron Paul, and if that's true. He'll be fine too.
This is the reason, I would love to have Ron Paul not get the republican nominee, then go Independent and win...

At the very least a 3rd party that got 5% could get federal funding for the next election helping to keep more choices on the ballot.
Just in case anyone is wondering... the only way to turn this country around is to take everyone in office right now... yes EVERYONE. And fire them.

Democrat/republican/whatever - I don't care about race, religion, background, or how many years experience. Get rid of every single worthless bastard and start fresh.

How could fresh blood POSSIBLY do any worse than what's going on now. Make lobbying illegal and then you might have a shot.

Thank you.. :)
Let's face it:

CISPA wasn't nearly as advertised as SOPA; It was bound to pass, sooner or later.
Majority of Republicans voted yes while Democrats voted no. Makes no sense.

Makes sense to me. Republicans are the ones who usually vote for increased government authority when it comes to civil liberties. Democrats vote for increased government authority in regulation and other areas.
Vote Ron Paul. That's all I can say.

Too bad most people see him as a decrepit old man who's on brink of insanity. That is unfortunately how most Americans will see him. Not that he does have real solutions and attacks the problem directly. Unlike everyone else when you ask them a question they'll talk as if that question was never asked to begin with.
Too bad most people see him as a decrepit old man who's on brink of insanity. That is unfortunately how most Americans will see him. Not that he does have real solutions and attacks the problem directly. Unlike everyone else when you ask them a question they'll talk as if that question was never asked to begin with.

What I hate is when people say 'no' to him based on a single issue they don't agree with, but HAPPILY vote for the current candidates based on a single issue they DO agree with - even if the rest of the issues are unclear or opposing.
Too bad most people see him as a decrepit old man who's on brink of insanity. That is unfortunately how most Americans will see him. Not that he does have real solutions and attacks the problem directly. Unlike everyone else when you ask them a question they'll talk as if that question was never asked to begin with.

There are plenty of us that believe he would be far worse for this country than any of the other candidates. Even reversible Mittens would be better and he is a nonsensical human being. I could write an entire novel about all the problems I have with the Austrian school and the right-libertarian obsession with creating some massive unfettered global marketocracy.

Right-libertarianism isn't the only kind of libertarianism... in fact it's not even the original libertarianism. Left-libertarianism or anarcho-socialism was around long before. Go check out some Chomsky or any of the Continental philosophers/social theorists from the 60's.

We're still all fucked for a while. IMO the best way to fight it is to come up with ways to destroy scarcity. 3d printing, digital piracy if you're into that, open source. The more things of theirs you can make accessible or belong to society as a whole and the more difficult it is for them to enforce artificial scarcity, the more a consumer market system that heavily favors a small number of people owning most of the means of production and relies on ever increasing consumption stops making sense and working. Once you can "pirate" physical goods, I think it will force us to have a much more serious discussion about our economics. No one's going to listen until they get hit in the wallet.
Our government is bought and paid for by the industries that want things like this passed.

Our leaders dont listen to us, they listen to lobbyists and people with a vested interest in passing laws like this. Money runs this country, and it's never going to change short of another revolution.

It's only going to get worse going forward I expect.
Our government is bought and paid for by the industries that want things like this passed.

Our leaders dont listen to us, they listen to lobbyists and people with a vested interest in passing laws like this. Money runs this country, and it's never going to change short of another revolution.

It's only going to get worse going forward I expect.

Yup, exactly this; Money makes the world go 'round.
Republicans think governments are bad.
Democrats think corporations are bad.

When will they realize that they're both right? You hand someone too much power and it always ends the same way.
After reading the bill (since my rep is a cosponsor), I'm glad he did. It's not perfect, but is a step in a good direction. It's a compromise bill, and everyone wins some and loses some: usually the hallmark of good legislation.
248 House Reps need to be voted out of office next election.

They are unamerican.

EACH ONE OF US, must vote to remove ALL of those 248 reps. This means YOU. This means even if the guy/gal is from your own political party... even if you thought you liked them. You can't say, "this one is my own rep, let someone else vote their rep out, I'm ok with my guy." You cannot do this.

This issue is absolute. If you want your life invaded without protection under the law, do nothing.

The reps who voted for this must go. It does not matter why they supported it. Ignorance or intentional makes no matter they are not fit to sit their seat in the House. This is WHY they are there. And they failed.

pick a day, everyone show up at your local representatives office in your home town to advise them (quite loudly) that you are not happy with their decision to sign this particular piece of crap. a large crowd at every elected representatives office will show that clearly we do not condone them passing such garbage.
Stupid People:

Of course most people are stupid. We have one of the worst education systems in the world given our economy. Why? Because the people that are running the country (and if you think that's the government/president you're one of the stupid people) don't want money put into the education system because educated people are competition and they don't want competition, they want slaves. And yes, most people in this country are slaves (people getting paid $8/hr with no health benefits while the guy running the company they work for is raking in $30 million is slavery, I don't care what kind of spin you put on it). I'm willing to bet it's cheaper in today's money to pay somebody $30k/year than it was to keep a slave back in the day.

Of course there's the people that say "well you should work harder." Work harder? With no education? Not to mention, the rich people (or brainwashed people) that say stupid shit like that know better than anybody that you have to either have money to make money (or to get a real education) or be incredibly lucky.

Vote them out:

If you actually think your vote counts in this country, in it's current state, you really must be one of the aforementioned stupid people. I suppose you also think that buildings that get hit by planes collapse in a perfect free-fall too and some planes disintegrate when they hit the ground or leave perfectly round holes in the sides of buildings.

We all became officially fucked when the patriot act (I can't believe they had the balls to call it that) was passed. It was that very moment that this country lost what was left of it's freedom. This is no longer a democracy. The house and senate (the entire government for that matter) are a horse and pony show to make you think nothing has changed.

None of this is really surprising though. This country has always been run on fear. When I was a kid it was the Russians, when my parents were kids it was the Germans and Japanese, now it's the terrorists for the current generation and it's going to be cyberwar for the babies being born today.

This country has never been invaded or successfully attacked without the consent of the people running it.

Give us your freedom so we can make you safe (and make a shitload of money) from shit that was never a significant threat the begin with.

I saw somebody mention revolution... It'll be a long, long time before that ever happens. People have become to stupid, lazy and fearful to pull such a thing off. Besides, that sort of thing usually starts with public protest but that's pretty much illegal now too (when they choose to enforce it).
Make lobbying illegal and then you might have a shot.
Agreed. Lobbying is one of the single-biggest problems of modern-day politics. The lobbyists simply create pawns that will vote for them. We need people who can think for themselves and vote the way they believe in. Sadly, I don't think such a politician exists.
Agreed. Lobbying is one of the single-biggest problems of modern-day politics. The lobbyists simply create pawns that will vote for them. We need people who can think for themselves and vote the way they believe in. Sadly, I don't think such a politician exists.

Yes, this should not be allowed...neither should contributions of any kind from politicians and their staff. But this is an impossibility these days, I block on e-mail address another 12 jump up.
OK fun facts this was supposed to be voted on tomorrow but it got pushed up
Basically it says the 4th Amendment does not apply online, at all. Moreover, the government could do whatever it wants with the data as long as it can claim that someone was in danger of bodily harm, or that children were somehow threatened—again, notwithstanding absolutely any other law that would normally limit the government's power.

OK fun facts this was supposed to be voted on tomorrow but it got pushed up


This is what it was always going to be anyway. So I love when people say "but it's not that bad, it's to help" No, it's a step in the wrong direction which leads humanity on an even worse path of supreme rulers and disposable slaves.

The government can't fix the problem because government is the problem.

Government - AKA - the richest humans controlling (by lethal force) every aspect of the middle class to the poorest humans.
Kind of adding my voice to the:

Write or call your congressman and tell them that if they voted for CISPA, they just lost your vote.
Any guesses on when they will slip another amendment (probably backdoor'd in another action to go under the radar) that allows them to use this for not just hacking (the recent amendment) but also to protect "intellectual property" ... ie: piracy.

It's bound to happen if this stays and gets through senate and/or does not get veto'd.
If this isn't veto'd, I guess we can only hope that someone tries to challenge it to the supreme court.
If this isn't veto'd, I guess we can only hope that someone tries to challenge it to the supreme court.

Veto might not help
there is a VERY good chance they could get the 2/3 needed to over ride the veto
WHICH is why i think Obama is ok with Vetoing
it makes it look like he is doing some thing but knows congress can override any way
Write your local congressman all you want:

Doesn't fucking matter.
How hard is it to immigrate to a European country that still has something resembling a representative government? Or maybe Canada or Australia?

The US is a sinking ship. It's basically Germany in the 1930s.
Well from the governments point of view the education system is working perfectly, making the upcoming populace so dumb they don't have to worry about them rebelling or even making a fuss when more freedom is taken away.

I saw the movie "Rollerball" this past weekend, and James Cahn had a great line that totally sums up what is happening today;

"They offered the people comfort or freedom, and they chose comfort."

Pretty much, people don't want to think for themselves. It is make this illegal so that I won't have to worry about this any more. Woman sued to make toys in kid meals illegal so that she wouldn't have to tell her kid no when they wanted a happy meal. Woman wanted Chucky cheese to be labeled an illegal underage gambling and closed down and the CEO arrested so that she wouldn't have to take her kids there anymore. Lawn darts are illegal because 5 people out of how many millions that owned there died after getting impaled in the head. Cribs with drop down sides were made illegal after 3 or 4 babies died due to their parents. It putting it together correctly. People don't care about anything unless it makes things easier for them.

except we can't vote people "out"

so who do you propose we vote "in" who wouldn't have voted for this?

This, you always here vote this person out. But he problem is not having a great replacement to do it. You vote for the nut job in office, his friend nut job in his party or a nut job from the other party. They all have greed as their number one determining factor for voting so it isn't like picking one over the other is going to be a huge change as the "good" candidate isn't going to be backed enough to actually make it to office. I remember during the 2008 elections hearing something along the lines of how the presidential election was like voting for if you wanted to have brain cancer or a massive heart attack. You don't want either but you have to pick one.


Except there is no red enemy. The real enemy is in Washington and they are far more deadly than any Russians.

THE REAL ISSUE is that Washington is not the only problem.

What about the corrupt news organizations?

What about the corrupt corporations?

The entire country is a mess of corruption just like the rest of the world.

In order to change anything we would need to destroy everything.

But a lot of those go hand in hand. Fix the government and that will fix the others. Get the government to stop taking money and letting companies be corrupt and have them stand up for the average person and the company corruption goes away as they start to inact laws against CEOs and hold them accountable for laws they break.

Wonder if they will wake up if an Independent gets the presidency this round. Capturing the horribly scarce youth vote would probably do it.

But what a travesty our government has become....

One person in a government position does not change everything else.

After reading the bill (since my rep is a cosponsor), I'm glad he did. It's not perfect, but is a step in a good direction. It's a compromise bill, and everyone wins some and loses some: usually the hallmark of good legislation.

No, it is not a step in the right direction. You are exactly the type of dumbass that people are talking about being the issue with the USA. Your existiance is wasting oxygen that could be used for better uses, please do the green thing and stop wasting oxygen.

Write your local congressman all you want:

Doesn't fucking matter.

Sadly this is true. They don't care about the average person. Some screener will read the letter, decide it doesn't surve any real purpose and through it out. You could vote for somebody else next time, but unless the majority of the people care for the reasons that you do it won't matter and they will vote to keep them in office.
Ridiculous bills like this, or ways around them will just keep happening until we start holding the people running this country responsible for the decisions they make. Sadly, I'm not sure anyone knows that's what voting for/against these money whore's looking after their own asses is for.
Just wondering what you guys think the probability is of this bill actually passing the Supreme Court on constitutionality if it goes into law and is challenged?