House Approves CISPA Despite Last-Minute Push By Opponents

This will most likely get to the supreme court. Also, I believe it will have to pass senatorial muster. We shall see.
This will most likely get to the supreme court. Also, I believe it will have to pass senatorial muster. We shall see.

The SCOTUS is filled with the same people that holds majority of Congress. I very much doubt this Supreme Court will go against their fellow Republicans.
Master [H];1038659842 said:
I was disappointed that my Rep had voted for it. I called his DC office and calmly explained why I was upset with the Yea vote to CISPA.

I consider it a good idea when speaking to an elected official to stay calm. I don't know if this happens to everybody, but they asked for my address (I assume this is to mail out some sort of response). Even so, it wouldn't surprise me if the conversations were recorded, so I have no intention of getting into it with the Secret Service.

I am just, happy mine voted no. All you people that have areas that voted yes, do something,don't care what, just something.
"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing." (Edmund Burke)
I am just, happy mine voted no. All you people that have areas that voted yes, do something,don't care what, just something.
"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing." (Edmund Burke)

legally i would add
Yes there is. Read up Thomas Payne's Common Sense, the ideology the United States Constitution was based on - republicanism/liberalism and our "natural rights" to dissolve governments that no longer serves our interest. If this was illegal, then everything we've fought for in 1776-1781 was in vain and Thomas Payne wasted a lot of ink.

I wonder if anyone here has even bothered to read it. I have.

get money out of politics.

Love to. The problem is politics is akin to the Mob. The comparison really is mind-boggling.
Man, this is some serious laxative for the boys and girls at the ACLU. I feel bad for the politicians that opened this can of worms. Let's just hope the Paultards on the Internet and anon don't go making things worse, and sticking to official channels rather than getting more supporting attention to CISPA to reinforce the current house stance for this act.

Time to go mail your representatives, and express your concerns about your civil liberties. Take a moment out of your day and send them a hand signed letter, something physical that doesn't allow them to dismiss the validity of the signatures received on an online petition.
are you surprised by this? I'm certainly not.

Sign this petition to tell your senators to reject this bill and send this link to your friends and tell them to spread the word. Facebook it. Twitter it. Reddit it. 4Chan it. Chain mail it. Post it everywhere and get everyone to sign it.

how exactly do you sign that?

all i see is click here to share on facebook, click here to share on twitter
site isn't IE friendly. in IE 9 (w and w/o comptibility mode) you don't get the boxes. went over to firefox and they are there.
Writing, or better, calling your Congress reps will do much more than signing an online petition.
oh come on guys get real, you as Americans should know you won't and can't do anything about this