HOT - Q9550 $169 MC in store only

IMO $179 is great, $169 = FIRE!!!

local MC also shows $179.99 - which after tax and gas would still have been $20 less than I paid from Newegg this week.
Chicago, I have the mailer right here in front of me.
Posted via [H] Mobile Device
Smoking hot.

Nice price on the I7 920 as well.

Wonder if they are E0 an D0 revisions???
Man, if I had any software that ran on four cores besides WinRAR, I would be all over this.
I suspected that MC would have it at $180 soon

$169 is smoking hot. Keep telling myself to stick to the E7200 and get i7 sometime next year. At least I have a while to think about it...
Nice...JUST ordered one on the Egg for $219.00 Duh! Not even shipped yet, but charged. May be worth just gettin one @ MC and selling this one on Ebay. Good eye on the hot deal.
hmm, haven't seen this in stock at the Minneapolis store in months (at least online anyway)...nice deal for those who can get it!
Was at the one in Cleveland OH friday, and it was $180 for Q9550, and $230 for 920.
Just got back from getting my W7 preorder at the Chicago store. They have 11 in stock @ $169. The i7's are $199 but I didn't ask about stock. There are obviously a few as I could see the boxes.
It's the advertised price in the mailer I get. It says store-wide clearance sale, however, it shows all stores.
I suspected that MC would have it at $180 soon

$169 is smoking hot. Keep telling myself to stick to the E7200 and get i7 sometime next year. At least I have a while to think about it...

I just upgraded from a e7200 and paid $220 for the Q9550
my advice is to GET THE Q9550 its ALOT faster than the e7200
i ran both chips at 3.4ghz and the Q9550 is alot fast and it OC better if you get a E0 revision !
I just upgraded from a e7200 and paid $220 for the Q9550
my advice is to GET THE Q9550 its ALOT faster than the e7200

yeah, I know its faster :p

can't decide whether to spend $170 or save it and get an i5/i7 sometime next year (or even the year after). I mostly just use internet and I haven't even been gaming recently. Even when I am gaming, its only about 10~15 hours a month
yeah, I know its faster :p

can't decide whether to spend $170 or save it and get an i5/i7 sometime next year (or even the year after). I mostly just use internet and I haven't even been gaming recently. Even when I am gaming, its only about 10~15 hours a month

If all u do is use the internet then you don't really need to upgrade at all :p
i have an EO revision and they are extremely easy to oc
it does 3.4ghz on stock voltage !
I've got some ddr-800 ram and was considering either this deal or the q6600 on newegg. Would ddr800 really impede the performance of this processor? I'd probably OC, but would getting ddr1333 later on just be the better idea?
well like i have a Q9550 E0 stepping and i have my system at 1:1 ration running
8.5x 400fsb running my DDR2 ram at 800mhz
so unless you want to run high FSB then your fine with 800mhz ram
Wow, when I bought mine in late january it was 276. Great deal for upgraders not going the full i7 route.
what's the reason for offering these in-store only? i would bite on this if they would ship. I'd probably grab some AS5 while i'm at it. i don't have a MC within a 1000 miles of me.
what's the reason for offering these in-store only? i would bite on this if they would ship. I'd probably grab some AS5 while i'm at it. i don't have a MC within a 1000 miles of me.

The trick is getting customers into the store where they can try to sell you a ton of other items that you didn't even know you needed ;)
who cares ? ?! if you don;t have AS5 and you need it that you will buy it
and they probably only sell it for $5 - 10$ anyways
How much of an upgrade is this over a Q6600? (benches anywhere that compare the two?)
I'm also wondering this. Newegg's Shell Shocker today has the Q6600 for $170, so I can get a Q6600 for $170 or a Q9550 for $182 + gas.
Not enough of a difference to warrant upgrading from a Q6600 IMO, unless you can sell the chip and make back most or all of your money. However, it's definitely enough of a difference to spend the extra and get the Q9550 over the Q6600, especially if you're an overclocker.