Hot Deal! EVGA B stock!

The 7900GS overclocks like mad, just like the 6800GS did. Mine went from 450MHz to 575 on stock cooling and stock volts.
Im gonna take a shower and check back in 30 min... I'll buy a couple 7900GS or 7800GTX maybe :D
I had a 7900GS CO and it was silly overclockable. Would have kept it but got a good deal on a 7950GX2... and that is silly overclockable too. Quiet until it gets toasty, and then the planes land.
The site was overloaded a minute before the sale started. :(
I wonder why so many people are interested, I would think everyone has their 8800gts 320mb by now...

haha yeah I think the same thing happened to me when I tried to get a cheap 360 back then too!
EXACTLY, I was at college then too lmao that time with like a fiber connection and the webpage didnt even load.

HarkovAdm, there are still some people who didnt upgrade. I for one is looking for a card for the server Im gonna rebuild. If Im lucky I might get a 8800gtx for $270.
8 minutes and it still hasn't loaded yet.

edit: it loaded, but nothing is on sale. what a huge waste of time. :mad:

Price: 99.99

128MB, 6800, AGP 8X DDR,V+S+D
Price: 89.99

256MB, 6800GS DDR-3, PCI-E V+D+HD
Price: 89.99

256MB, 6800Gs CO Edition, AGP, V+S+
Price: 89.99

Price: 99.99

256MB, 7900GS PCI-E, D+D+HDTV-7 w/NV Reference fan
Price: 99.99

256MB, 6800GS, AGP, V+S+D
Price: 89.99

128MB FX5900XT AGP
Price: 89.99

256MB, 6800GS CO (EVGA TOP), PCI-E, V+D+HD
Price: 89.99

256MB, 6800GS CO SE, PCI-E DDR3, V+D+HD EVGA TOP Plate
Price: 89.99

edit2: this is the "sale". bleh, worthless.

e-GeForce 6800 RECERTIFIED, 128 MB DDR
Price: 49.99
Now that is a scary thought... no load WITH fiber... that statement can apply multiple ways :D
haha yeah but the next crazy sale begins in 4 hours! I guess that means you have to be crazy to come back and try again -__-
EXACTLY, I was at college then too lmao that time with like a fiber connection and the webpage didnt even load.

HarkovAdm, there are still some people who didnt upgrade. I for one is looking for a card for the server Im gonna rebuild. If Im lucky I might get a 8800gtx for $270.

it didn't have anything to do with YOUR connection, their servers were overwhelmed and all their bandwidth was being split to the tons of people accessing their site...
wasn't that already there? the 6800

edit: o jeez thats foul.... made me wake up this early for that piece of crap. BAH
Fudge this lol what a waste of time. Ill bet the next one is even busier. For these things once the scripters gets wind of it, it is as good as gone.

nflesher87, it is dependent on your connection speed as well. During wootoffs I have like 0 chance of getting the woots from my dorm but at the linux labs in my school its a different story.
I had two windows open. The first one has an 8th anniversary special deal.

e-GeForce 6800 RECERTIFIED, 128 MB DDR
Price: 49.99

Didnt show up on the second window

Thank you for the feedback regarding our 8th Anniversary Promotion. I see that several of you had issues getting to the site, I am looking into this know to see if there is something we can do better on our side to correct this. We are taking on alot of traffic becuase of our Scavenger Hunt along with these Promotional Prices on these cards.

If you have other feedback you are welcome to email me directly at [email protected]

Thank you,

Joe Darwin
Director of Technical Marketing
i dunno about any special sales... but a 7800GTX KO seems like a helluva deal at 100 bucks....

sorta tempted to sell my x1900xt and get one, i can't imagine there would be that much of a difference in CS:S and insurgency :D
If a price like that would make you have to eat ramen at all, then I think you shouldn't be buying computer parts. At all.

i concur.... unless you like ramen :D

its not bad if you drain out the water and put about half as much seasoning in.... throw in some sliced pork or shrimp....

then again, it stops being broke-food at that point :D
oddly enough i was checking on the time left till the next product, and for some reason i just saw 2 7800gtxs listed both the same model and for $60 so i immediately clicked buy now and after a couple pages of filling in my info I clicked submit billing info and the thing timed out, so I just pressed back thinking someone else bought it and it seemed the info went through, and I click process order and sure enough it got through.

I haven't got any email receipt though... so we'll c wat happens. looks like i'll b selling my 6800gs :D
oddly enough i was checking on the time left till the next product, and for some reason i just saw 2 7800gtxs listed both the same model and for $60 so i immediately clicked buy now and after a couple pages of filling in my info I clicked submit billing info and the thing timed out, so I just pressed back thinking someone else bought it and it seemed the info went through, and I click process order and sure enough it got through.

I haven't got any email receipt though... so we'll c wat happens. looks like i'll b selling my 6800gs :D

good for you bro, what a buggy sale this is!
i concur.... unless you like ramen :D

its not bad if you drain out the water and put about half as much seasoning in.... throw in some sliced pork or shrimp....

then again, it stops being broke-food at that point :D

I actually enjoy ramen lmao. Ramen = THE food for a college student. I usually go for asian brand ramen though. Much much better than the generic stuff in typical supermarkets and still dirt cheap. Ramen breakfast is awesome when it is sub zero outside and you have to go to class.