Hit a Folding (Stanford) milestone? Post it here:

one hundred million is huge... congrats.

but for those who are just turning a million, that is a big milestone, congrats to you to
Sorry I'm not as bad ass as some of you. I've only just hit 4 Mil. Couldn't have done it without the 2600K, which increased my folding power by 10! :)

Sorry I'm not as bad ass as some of you. I've only just hit 4 Mil. Couldn't have done it without the 2600K, which increased my folding power by 10! :)

the 2600k is one of the best folding processors out there.

nice job
Sorry I'm not as bad ass as some of you. I've only just hit 4 Mil. Couldn't have done it without the 2600K, which increased my folding power by 10! :)

you are needed and valued .... most of our points come from folders like you.
100 mill

I think this is cool:


I did the 11th most points in the world today.
And there seems to be a whole bunch of [H]ers on the list as well ;)
35 million and bringing the rest of the farm back online. :D
slowly made it to 75 millions points! :D The points do add up smoothly with the sr-2. You plug it, you forget it.
Waiting for colder weather to go turbo mode.