Hit a Folding (Stanford) milestone? Post it here:

I have finally hit 200k points. It's about damn time.

Now, on to 300k.

WOOTAGE! Broke 50k and 250 WUs!

This contest has really helped out my production a lot, so thanks to everybody who is competing!

Keep on folding!

Party2go9820 said:
Well, I was waiting, but I finally broke the 1 million barrier - top 30 too.

Wow congrats on the mil
Keep up the good work :)

Its taken me quite a few months to get here. 10/11/05 30,126 and 226 WU's. and I should break into the [H] Top 1000 sometime tommorow. I have 3 machines going to turn in a WU with in the next 6 hours. WooHoo.

Finally hit 50k.

Took 81 days.
620.3 PPD
3.28 WU/D

Duron 850 has been offline for two weeks. Just won an Athlon 2200 of eBay which will replace the Duron (or be put in the spare mobo if I can find some RAM somewhere). So PPD should get a nice boost from the 2200. Mabye with the next paycheck my current computer will be updated to an X2 and the 939 will find a cheap mobo to live in until my HTPC can get built ;)

35000 total pts. 1100pt day. 900pt update.

All in a day's work.

God is tomorrow gonna suck

Fold on people! For tuxedoedShrimp

I am almost at top 250 in the [H]orde :cool:

Unfortunately I am changing jobs and losing all my borgs :( So, it looks like 250 is it for me.

Either way i will continue to [F]old my [A]ss off :p

Shmuckety said:
Unfortunately I am changing jobs and losing all my borgs :( So, it looks like 250 is it for me.
Whoever said you have to take F@H off the computers when you leave? If it's not bothering anyone, why take it off? It's just taking your time away from doing real work...
300 WU's.

and 55,000 PTS.

Had a phantom WU show up also this morning for 48 points...gotta track that one down now.

Finally cracked the top 100, now the art of staying there. :D

Another 7 days, another 50k points. 200k points, 1149 WU, 166th on team, 2783 in the world. :D :D

Well my laptop has been crunching

Total score 3301
WU 26

PS: I dont know when i joined, but i guess 2 or 3 month ago.


Just got 37,000 points more than some less (way) less than others. What color H does that authorize me to use ?

Cancer survivor

Fold on

Oh You mean like this ?

Hmm Looks funny

or this ?

javascript:document.vbform.message.value=document.vbform.message.value + ' '; document.vbform.submit(); halt;


OR Maybe like this ?

Yup by jove I think I'v got it lol
Hit the 40k mark a day or two ago.

[homer simpson] WOOHOO [/homer simpson]

Fold on people! For tuxedoedShrimp
