HD69XX @ newegg

california i think but it depends on if newegg distributed them to all their warehouses before hand. also depends on the manufacture's shipping warehouse location. but most cards i've bought ATI or nvidia from newegg have come from california but i was also living in california at the time.

lol i ordered 4 things once. 2 came from california and 2 from TN, funny part of it was the 2 parts from TN got to me first even though i only lived 5 hours from the california warehouse.

they still have 6 hours left to cancel it before it gets processed and shipped :D nothing wrong with reserving a card for yourself, lol.

Yea, when they were using DHL, it would take 4-5 days to get to me. Was so freaking retarded. They'd drive it 30 miles away, then transfer it to USPS, then drive it 30 miles back to my house.

UPS has been good though, this was my last order lol

Ship date 11/08/2010 23:24:42 Delivery date 11/09/2010 11:30:00
Well lost my mind and picked up a XFX 6970... The wife is going to kill me. :) No seriously I am screwed...
I can't decide either.
I've seen some say the 6950 is a crazy OC, and other benches say they got a "dud" and could only get 50 MHz out of it (failed 6970).
I can't decide either.
I've seen some say the 6950 is a crazy OC, and other benches say they got a "dud" and could only get 50 MHz out of it (failed 6970).

I am on watercooling, so I most definitly will surpass HD6970 on water. It hasn't failed me yet :), HD4850, HD5850....now HD6950's turn. Oh and before that it was the nvidia GT line watercooled :).
Canceled my order. Tax killed it. It's not $65 better than a GTX 570 @ 2560x1600.

GTFO of California newegg, so I can get some good prices on release days!
Picked up an XFX 6970 to "replace" my GTX 480.

Wow. Congratulations on having 3 more FPS on your games. Also, I've seen reviews stating that the 6900 cards are hotter and louder than the gtx500 cards.
Wow. Congratulations on having 3 more FPS on your games. Also, I've seen reviews stating that the 6900 cards are hotter and louder than the gtx500 cards.

Maybe louder, but are definitely cooler and more effecient.
I am on watercooling, so I most definitly will surpass HD6970 on water. It hasn't failed me yet :), HD4850, HD5850....now HD6950's turn. Oh and before that it was the nvidia GT line watercooled :).
That's good news.
I guess I've made a decision for the 6950 then. It's a pleasant surprise to save myself $50+... I was aiming for 570 level performance around $350 this season.
Wow. Congratulations on having 3 more FPS on your games. Also, I've seen reviews stating that the 6900 cards are hotter and louder than the gtx500 cards.


seems to run as cool as the gtx 500 series and uses less power. The 6970 uses 26w less than the 570 and the 6950 uses 72 less watts.

He has a gtx 480 he said which uses 346 watts. The 6970 he bought uses 238watts. Seems like a big savings .

On the flip side using less power on the same power supply allows it to operate more efficently , and stresses it less esp in long gaming sessions.

If he can flip the gtx 480 for around the price of the 6970 its a great deal for him
Wait, wait, wait.
Why are we referencing an insane eBay listing? Why was the link even posted? So many questions, so few answers.
Wait, wait, wait.
Why are we referencing an insane eBay listing? Why was the link even posted? So many questions, so few answers.
Haha. I'm just trying to find a damn 6970 without tax. Thought it was funny cause of what happened with the 5870 at release.
Their website SUCKS.
I've been searching 6970 for the past hour on there. "No results". Yet, there it is.


You're losing customers.
(I'm talking to TigerDirect as if they are listening to me)

Lol yes. God I wish bing 15% was still around :(. That built my pc last year.
For those going to watercool the 6950 to OC it over the 6970, wouldn't getting the 6970 be cheaper at +70$?
Their website SUCKS.
I've been searching 6970 for the past hour on there. "No results". Yet, there it is.


You're losing customers.
(I'm talking to TigerDirect as if they are listening to me)

There not listening,never have never will.
Just placed an order for the XFX 6950 on tiger direct. $15 cheaper than Newegg using Google Checkout. $302 Shipped.
LOL, I don't think demand is going to be that high this time around.

hah maybe not in your country, but that price is cheap elsewhere..ie australia usd is pretty much at parity atm and prices are like $550-600usd.. seriously being gouged.
I went to pull the trigger on the XFX 6970 but I see it uses dual MiniDP ports instead of a normal-sized DP Port, like on the 5870s and 4870s.

It would seem I would need to grab an adapter to convert one of the MiniDP ports to normal sized DP in order to use it with my Dells, and that ain't gonna happen. I think it should ship with the card, so I guess I'll hold off until I see the adapter included with the card.
can't you just use mini dp to dp cable from monoprice or does that not work?
XFX does not appear to include adapters, but Sapphire does. Newegg has 1 day shipping to me, so I'd rather buy from them and have the stuff in hand.

I just cancelled my 6970 and got 2 6950s :)
XFX does not appear to include adapters, but Sapphire does. Newegg has 1 day shipping to me, so I'd rather buy from them and have the stuff in hand.

I just cancelled my 6970 and got 2 6950s :)

Normally, I'd be at the egg making my order but after the latest fiasco where Newegg screwed up all 3 of the orders that I placed in a 1 week period, I'm through with them.
Normally, I'd be at the egg making my order but after the latest fiasco where Newegg screwed up all 3 of the orders that I placed in a 1 week period, I'm through with them.
Newegg is the Google of etailers. They never make mistakes. Whatever happened, I'm sure it was entirely your fault.

Praise be to the egg.
pulled the trigger on a sapphire 2GB 6970
gonna be a big upgrade from my 5850 for eyefinity
Newegg is the Google of etailers. They never make mistakes. Whatever happened, I'm sure it was entirely your fault.

Praise be to the egg.

Don't even get me fucking started.

My 570s were the first order from newegg in almost 2 years. They are great, until something goes borked, and then, you are in for a world of shit.