Have you gave up on windows vista?

Jul 13, 2008
I sadly did it. i am going back to xp, but xp 64bit. my reason is i try vista, while i couldn't install sp1 i bought a copy of vista with sp1. and while i can install and download the updates, i get sometimes error messages saying that a "service" is being closed, i finally gave up and decided to go with xp 64bit version...

Have you gave up on vista? and for what os?
I would suspect possible hardware or driver issues and try to resolve them before just "jumping ship" and running back to XP. If you find anything useful about Vista, or you like it for whatever reason, perhaps learning how to resolve the problem(s) you were having would be more than just a learning experience. I run XP Pro x64 myself and will continue to do so for a long time to come for my own reasons. Never have "moved" to Vista sooo... I guess I never will. :)
I LOVE Vista. It's everything I thought it would be and more to be honest. Paul Thurrott was just talking about how most people's general perception is that Vista sucks, stay with XP. For those who have properly installed it and have taken a little time to get familiar with Vista's new features and the way it does things I think the majority seem to like it. DO any of the people who bash Vista even own it?

I own the 64 bit version and it hasn't crashed, hasn't froze, is very secure and is very fast. I don't regret buying Vista and I'm certainly not going back to XP.
I gave up on XP as soon as I realized how much better Vista was. I will never go back to XP.
The only thing that's bugging me with my Vista Ultimate 64bit is not being able to properly patch the theme files so I can get custom themes going. I miss customizing all the time, BUT other than that I'm loving it.
When to Vista and the transition was pretty easy, as I had gotten a new computer. Haven't looked back since.
It takes some time to familiarize yourself with Vista..especially since we were stuck with XP for so long.. In the second half of the 90's, people switched OS several times.. from Win95 to Win98 to Win98SE to Win2000.. We've been stuck with XP for 5-6 years..we've just learnt to live with the quirks and know how the OS works, inside and out.

I wouldn't go back to XP now.. There are too many improvements in Vista that I would miss.
yea, made teh switch when vista was released and wouldn't even considered moving backwards to XP..
I absolutely love Vista 64 bit, as others have stated: SUPER fast, never crashes, etc.

but then again, my rig is sorta beefy, i could definatley see how vista can bog down a old PC. I will never go back to XP if I could help it.

everything about it is great.
I like Vista and prefer it over XP, but I can understand how someone with unsupported hardware might be frustrated with Vista.

Vista is compatible with a huge amount of hardware, but if your hardware vendor (ahem, Canon and Lexmark) has chosen not to support Vista, that's not really MS's fault.
I would suspect possible hardware or driver issues and try to resolve them before just "jumping ship" and running back to XP. If you find anything useful about Vista, or you like it for whatever reason, perhaps learning how to resolve the problem(s) you were having would be more than just a learning experience. I run XP Pro x64 myself and will continue to do so for a long time to come for my own reasons. Never have "moved" to Vista sooo... I guess I never will. :)

If you don't use Vista then why are you always in here defending it?
I like Vista and prefer it over XP, but I can understand how someone with unsupported hardware might be frustrated with Vista.

Vista is compatible with a huge amount of hardware, but if your hardware vendor (ahem, Canon and Lexmark) has chosen not to support Vista, that's not really MS's fault.

I have Canon scanner and printer and they both have Vista64bit drivers.
Meh, I have been running it since I got it from MS, and since I got my laptop.

I still run XP MCE on my HTPC, b/c I have no reason to change it - all I ever see is MCE anyway.

Vista FTW.
If you don't use Vista then why are you always in here defending it?

Any time I see ignorance laced with strong doses of stupidity I have a strong desire to squash it, quick. Just because I don't run Vista doesn't mean I don't "use" it for support situations. I've been a support rep for decades now, and obviously if I want to keep making somewhat of a living even in my retirement after those decades, I still have to keep on top of things.

Why did you make two posts just to single mine out when you could have done it in the second post you made?
I have Canon scanner and printer and they both have Vista64bit drivers.
Well, then that proves that all legacy (anything older than 2.5 years) ones do too! I'll inform everyone that you said all should work now! I guess Canon never dumped support!
If you don't use Vista then why are you always in here defending it?
I don't drive a Honda, but I would surely correct someone if they said that Honda made absolute junk cars. This forum is/should be about providing correct information to the questions....not giving ridiculous, incorrect, and misleading answers.
Given up?!?! I'm embracing and LOVING Vista x64 and have been for 6 months now. Awesome OS! It just works. Rock solid and fast.

Now for my work box, I've still gotta use XP due to many application compatability issues.

Both my home boxes are Vista x86 & x64. Not going back.
Vista in a nutshell:
Old computers - No point in upgrading
Building a new one - Get Vista 64bit
I thought about it a few times between the software problems and performance hit, but I decided to stick with Vista 64 and tough it out until the problems and performance loss are negligible.
My machine is decent enough that all of applications aren't affected. If anything, they start up faster because of Vista's smart prefetch. As for games, they do take a hit in performance but it isn't major and they're still very playable. My only regret is that I wish I could run the 64bit version but, because of my fujitsu scanner and the netflix movie player, I must run the 32bit version. Nevertheless, I'm loving it very much.
Why did you make two posts just to single mine out when you could have done it in the second post you made?

Two reasons. I had already posted my reply to you before I saw the other post I replied to and I was replying to two different people. I wasn't singling you out, just curious why you are a Vista zealot when you don't even use it. Now I know why.
I don't drive a Honda, but I would surely correct someone if they said that Honda made absolute junk cars. This forum is/should be about providing correct information to the questions....not giving ridiculous, incorrect, and misleading answers.

OK, I know Honda Civic is top rated compact but it is ugly so would rather buy Hyundai Elantra. ;)
I have been running Windows Vista for several months now. I think it is just ok, could use a bit more work though (as in large file transfers for one). Microsoft would like to get users to switch to Vista. Though let's face it, MS is not going to go back and offer XP, they basically have stopped selling it. Vista is the future, like it or not with Microsoft, end of story.
Basically you have three options:

1.) Stick with XP like you have done until support runs out.

2.) You could wait to upgrade to the next version of Window (Windows 7) like many Enterprise admins are thinking. In hopes of a more mature driver set and polished OS.

3.) Jump to another OS (MacOSX, Linux,...)

Oh, also, I have heard running Win2008 server as a desktop OS is doable. A bit faster than Vista due to trimming some of the bloat (DRM,...) Though if you are a gamer, I am not sure how this would work. Haven't tried it...yet.
I fell back to WinXP after an honest attempt to give Vista a go. With Vista almost everything was gravy..
Installation was painless.
Games ran faster.
Could use all my ram.
System was stable.
Interface is quite usable after you spend some time with it. (not a fan of transparency, but that's easy enough to customize)

The thing that stuck me was the language support. I couldn't for the life of me get import games to install and all I could find was circles on MS's website about language packs coming in the future for vista.... or being available now.. or ??? .. last conclusion I came to was that I'd need a copy of Vista from that region or Ultimate with language packs as an extra through windows update.
Sooo.. off I went back to XP where I could get what I wanted to do done, but I know it's not performing up to its potential.

I'll likely revisit Vista soon and see if I can do all the import games through a VM Xp or something, but I don't feel like I'm really missing out.
Personally, I HAD to install XP on a second partition. Just because I need Activesync to flash my Axim with newer OS's. That's about it.

Vista has never given me any issues.
I've had Vista since a few months after its release and never looked back. Not once did I even consider going back to XP.
I like Vista a lot, but I'm not going to pretend there weren't some compatibility issues. I wanted to go with the 64-bit version but had to stick with 32-bit due to some peripherals I have. Even so, I think Vista is a lot better than XP. You just need to run it with hardware and software it was designed for. But, truth be told, I still have an XP machine running as well. I'm not sure I could run *only* Vista until its actually the standard.
I like Vista a lot, but I'm not going to pretend there weren't some compatibility issues. I wanted to go with the 64-bit version but had to stick with 32-bit due to some peripherals I have. Even so, I think Vista is a lot better than XP. You just need to run it with hardware and software it was designed for. But, truth be told, I still have an XP machine running as well. I'm not sure I could run *only* Vista until its actually the standard.

What peripherals do you have that aren't 64bit compatible? Nothing new I'm sure. I've got everything from web cams to TV tuners, a lot of stuff that predates Vista and was fortunate to have good support and got new drivers.

I won't pretend that Vista is without flaws, mainly application and older hardware support. However with right hardware drivers and software that's well written and/or designed to with with Vista there just aren't any intrinsic issues with Vista.

It sure as hell doesn't make sense to put together a good gaming rig that's meant to play modern games without Vista these days. XP's performance advantage simply doesn't exist anymore overall, and in my case, 3x SLI isn't supported in XP, so I'd loose a lot of performance in XP in a lot of games.
Vista Ultimate on one computer and Vista Home Premium x64 on another. No problems yet.

I'm utterly impressed by Vista--the media center, the GUI--and I've had no performance issues whatsoever. I mean, sure. It's a new operating system: it likes new hardware and lots of memory. Give it just that and you should have no problem with it.
What peripherals do you have that aren't 64bit compatible? Nothing new I'm sure. I've got everything from web cams to TV tuners, a lot of stuff that predates Vista and was fortunate to have good support and got new drivers.
An obscure video headset (HMD) from last year, not old at all: http://www.vuzix.com/iwear/products_vr920.html

Support is somewhat flaky in Vista, but it works OK for 32-bit, not 64-bit yet. I haven't had a major issue with anything else (some products needed patches, etc,) but you get the idea.
I personally am giving vista another shot. After much reading, most of the problems seen in vsta are usually a sign of hardware problems or user error. Not the system itself.
An obscure video headset (HMD) from last year, not old at all: http://www.vuzix.com/iwear/products_vr920.html

Support is somewhat flaky in Vista, but it works OK for 32-bit, not 64-bit yet. I haven't had a major issue with anything else (some products needed patches, etc,) but you get the idea.

I had thought about this product a while back. For that kind of money I wasn't interested in anything that was flaky. Do these things work well in XP? Thanks.:)
I had thought about this product a while back. For that kind of money I wasn't interested in anything that was flaky. Do these things work well in XP? Thanks.:)
Yes and no, but explaining that could be a whole thread. I am writing a review for it, so I can put up a link when I'm finished.
Morning folks, yea early bird today. I been using Vista pretty much as long as I been on this forum. From my experience, I would not go back. I love it and there are so many features that make Vista fun and easy. Granted I installed Vista on a newly built machine so my experience will be base on that. However after reading up on Vista I knew that would be the best option if I wanted to use Vista, install it on a newly built machine.

As for this milkweg character, from my experience, he does not know what he is talking about. He will try to use his "I been doing this longer, I did this and work for that" nonsense. Yet have no solid proof or fact of anything he says. Yea, he's on my ignore list so I'm making an educated or from experience guess of how he will respond.
I just got my new laptop with vista about two weeks ago and I would say that I would not go back to XP, everything runs great and I'm adjusting to the interface in a good way :)
What peripherals do you have that aren't 64bit compatible? Nothing new I'm sure. I've got everything from web cams to TV tuners, a lot of stuff that predates Vista and was fortunate to have good support and got new drivers.
At work we have this obscure label printer, it's kind of old, and the XP drivers the company offers on their site are from like 2005 or something. So it kind of made me wince that they wanted me to crank out some labels on this thing, over the network, using my Vista x64 workstation. I hit the manufacturer site, and for no particular reason they *have* a Vista x64 driver for this thing, from this year. Downloaded, installed, printed labels with no problem at all. Yay!
I've been with Vista since 2 weeks after it's release. Dual-booted for a week to test and then moved completely after deciding I loved it.

I've used Vista across 3 different computers. No problems with any of them.

Started with Vista Ultimate x86 on my old PC. 11 months later I upgraded my video cards to Crossfired HD3870s so reloaded the OS to Vista Ultimate x64 and never looked back.

Built my new PC just last week and used Vista Ultimate x64 again. Wiped the old system and sold it to a friend! :D

My laptop is Vista Home Premium x86. That's my only regret. I have 4GB of RAM and no 64-bit OS for my laptop. So only 3.5GB usable. :( Laptop manufacturer's need to start giving us 64-bit OS versions.
