GTX295 $375+tax+free shipping @ DELL

So its Dell's fault that they have to charge tax in your state?
how do u get $363 and shipped!? o_O!?

i used DPA

ya its out of stuck but says it will be delivered on 04/14/2009, i can wait.


Delaware there is no sales tax, so my orders online are always taxless :)

so 375 w/ coupone - 3% for DPA = 363.xx and no tax, and free shipping = :)
what exactly is DPA? sorry for noobness :(

dell prefered account. dell has their own account much like a credit card, and if you use it they give you 3% off orders. The interest rate on it is terrible, but I plan on paying it off when I recieve the first bill.
oh interesting! thanks for telling!
too bad i dont have DPA... and i have to pay tax...
so the total is $406... so i am still deciding... lol
Good ol dell. Throw out a great deal and have thousands waiting for months for a card that will never arrive!
thanks OP, great deal...saved $125 over what Newegg was glad I didn't buy it yesterday at the egg lol.
Very tempted to buy the card but I'm concerned when or if I'll actually get it!
You can try but chances are extremely slim, Dell is notorious for this sort of thing: offering insane deals with 0 stock and then cancelling all the orders.
so dell throws out a deal, a very nice deal, and takes bunches of orders on it all the while telling the purchasers that it's out of stock but should be back by ??/??/?? date. Consumer thinks, Sweet! I'll save a few bucks to wait a few weeks! Meanwhile, dell now has this HUGE pile o' money in the form of CC orders numbering into the hundreds. Now dell runs to said Vid Card Manufacture saying, I'll buy this many Hundreds of this one card at ONE TIME but you have to give me a kickass deal of $???.?? per card or no go... So either Card Maker says Ok and dell makes a Shit Load drop shipping Vid Cards to happy customers or Card Maker says No Thanks and you all get cancelation orders. Either way, they lose next to nothing, but maybe some agrivated customers who like to sit on hold for hours waiting to bitch at someone. Not a bad plan!
Man, I just spent my wad on Bills already! This deal beats ALL on this card!
so dell throws out a deal, a very nice deal, and takes bunches of orders on it all the while telling the purchasers that it's out of stock but should be back by ??/??/?? date. Consumer thinks, Sweet! I'll save a few bucks to wait a few weeks! Meanwhile, dell now has this HUGE pile o' money in the form of CC orders numbering into the hundreds. Now dell runs to said Vid Card Manufacture saying, I'll buy this many Hundreds of this one card at ONE TIME but you have to give me a kickass deal of $???.?? per card or no go... So either Card Maker says Ok and dell makes a Shit Load drop shipping Vid Cards to happy customers or Card Maker says No Thanks and you all get cancelation orders. Either way, they lose next to nothing, but maybe some agrivated customers who like to sit on hold for hours waiting to bitch at someone. Not a bad plan!

You've let out my trade secrets!!!
$379.99 shipped for me. I hope this gets approved and goes through!!!!!! Now, i need a new PSU....

edit: this is to Cali btw
the new coupon code above just saved me another $22, nice...$372 shipped to Iowa.
I gave it a try, put her on the ol' DPA....if it doesn't go through oh well :p

Thanks OP,

You will need a new CPU too if you are using the one in your sig. :(

Heh, naw that's a really old machine. I never updated my sig..didnt even realize i had one. Though i should upgrade my cpu anyways (C2D e6600), but that can wait a little longer.
Well, I ordered and if it shows up my 3 8800 GTXs will be getting Ebayed to cover the cost. I will be pretty pissed if it doesn't, since this would not be the first Dell deal I've been burned on. We'll see.

~$375 shipped to me. If I ebay all 3 8800 GTXs it should end up costing me ~$50 out of pocket, if that. Worth it for the drop in power usage and heat alone, I suspect, plus I'll be getting a performance boost.
I'm hoping it shows too... I really want to unleash the brand-spanking-new parts of my rig, especially cranking things up to ridiculous levels @ 2560x1600 :D!
I'm hoping it shows too... I really want to unleash the brand-spanking-new parts of my rig, especially cranking things up to ridiculous levels @ 2560x1600 :D!

Wish I had a 30". That's probably next, though not a "soon" kind of next. Good luck.
Dell does this all the time LOL 10,000 people will order the cards, they will charge your credit cards, take the money then in another month or two change the SKU and tell you the item is discontinued. Been there done that, at least you will eventually get your money back though! So it's not totally shady, just consider it money in the bank for the next couple months if your ordering one.
i used DPA

ya its out of stuck but says it will be delivered on 04/14/2009, i can wait.


Delaware there is no sales tax, so my orders online are always taxless :)

so 375 w/ coupone - 3% for DPA = 363.xx and no tax, and free shipping = :)

I'm moving to Delaware
dang... when i first went to pay it was 4/9/09 for ship date. my confirmation from my bank showed a different price so i went back, and now it's at 4/15/09. WTH?! and it didn't change the amount on bank confirmation, but stayed the same on Dell's confirmation. doh!

it'd be funny if the price dropped in the next few days cause i just picked up 2. stupid 4870x2 is overheating my dinky case
well mine said that estimated delivery date was 04/14/2009 but i check my email today and I got this!

GeForce GTX295 1792MB GDDR3 03/26/2009

Your order (or part of your order) was shipped on 03/23/2009.

This e-mail contains the Estimated Delivery Date for your order(s),
along with tracking and delivery information.

Thank you for choosing Dell!