GSAT: The Geek Social Aptitude Test

only 12, damn

doesnt apply to me, but I had to ROFL at this one
46. I have a hard drive exclusively dedicated to porn.

and yes, this had to have been made by a none-nerd, as this is all the types of things that would come up in a playground fight in middle school.

Real nerds work on computers with more than 4 monitors

10 - E-Book reader -> I travel on business. Alot. What else am I going to do?
13 - Night shifts in the NOC
27 - My dad gave it to me
49 - That's a gimme. I'm from California.
#19 would be sad.
Wtf at #30.
#42 is petty.
#46 is actually a failure. Anyone with significant pr0n would have it on their RAID array or other form of multi-disk storage.

With that said, I only got 6. I am guilty of #27. Apparently taking iaido makes me more of a geek.

The fact that you know what Iaido is makes you a geek, j/k. MJER? Alot of the folks I knew practicing Iaido were geeks; history, tech and anime. Note, I iaito is not a sword, lol.

#41 WTF

And agreed, a real nerd has there porn on a RAID array.
After reading all the posts up to this point, I have decided not to say what I got(needless to say, it is on the high side lol).
Ok guys, there is one serious flaw to this test. It says that it is an aptitude test. It is obviously a nerd stereotype test. It has nothing to do with aptitude...
Xbox? no
Phone playing? no
those things are for common consumers :D

I have a hard drive exclusively dedicated to porn.

This statement describes the storage club members around here :p

I do things for the "lulz." My favorite :D
I got a 4 on it. I do have a social life, I just don't bother to logout when I shutoff the computer.
Most of the questions were based on the derogatory stereotypical views of the non-geek or non-nerd looking into the geek/nerd culture. It was a poor attempt at humor, especially when a lot of today's geek's have decent enough of a job to be able to not live with the parents.

I scored an 8, btw.

I have to agree with most of your post. First off they are confusing nerd with geek. Nerds are normally the ones that are socially inept, unable to deal with being a "normal" person, don't date.... Geeks on the other hand date, have real jobs, have friends... they just have a interest in some topic.

So I'd have to replace Geek with Nerd.

That said I scored a 2.

8. I hold an engineering or IT degree ---> Have a B.S. in Computer Science

31. I have corrected someone's spelling or grammar on a message board or in blog comments. --> while not on a normal basis I have done this at least once or twice

If they meant 31 to be on a regulare basis then I scored a 1.
1. I own and wear t-shirts featuring the logos of computer/operating system manufacturers.
8. I hold an engineering or IT degree.
11. Almost all of my jokes are actually just catchphrases or references to The Simpsons, Family Guy, Borat, or any other popular comedic film or show.
13. I live or have lived for an extended period completely nocturnally, sitting at my computer all night and sleeping all day.
18. My sense of humor is more in line with 4chan than any other comedic source.
21. I am the dominant talker in most conversations I have.
35. I suffer from halitosis and/or a laziness-based aversion to dental hygiene.
36. I vote for politicians based on their stance on net neutrality.
38. I am a very active member of a private, invite-only BitTorrent tracker with extremely strict ratio/bitrate requirements.
42. I always have the last word in online arguments. Always.
44. I am a guy and I have a ponytail. (Well my hair is to my shoulders but I wear beanie rather than a ponytail... I might be a geek but not gay (no offense to those few non-gay ponytail people))
49. I read Gizmodo more than the New York Times.

11.5 Total. I think this test is bad though. For example 17. List only "Apple people/Windows people" ?? Maybe a real geek would use Linux, right? One big issue with the test is it feels like it was created by some advertising/marketing people who have no idea wtf they're talking about.
9... But I think it should have been 8... Doesn't every guy have a hard drive dedicated to porn? :).
9 But I am wondering if there should be bonus points for age, or a deduction?

40 or older plus 5???

or under 18 plus 5???
got a 7...

does it count if the pron hard drive is sitting in a networked external case..but powered off for the past year?
You're like James Dean, if James Dean were less attractive, less famous, less rich, alive and interested in gadgets. You're a relatively "cool" person, but that's only relative to people who are seriously awkward, so don't go patting yourself on the back just yet. You still read a gadget site in your free time.

Wow, I'm not as big a dork as I thought I was.
Yep, only a 7 here. Don't really know what to make of it, either.
this test is retarded. its mostly a bunch of stereotypical geek fodder. i got screwed for the cats thing, nocturnal thing (its cyclic), sometimes having a ponytail (metal >( not wot r grooming myself? uncleanly geek ponytail), jargon-confusing laymen, internet acronyms out loud (i do it for the situational irony, plus it makes people mad sometimes xD), the workin on the enterprise thing (oh come on, that would be the coolest thing ever), and doin stuff for the lulz.

and excel tabulation counts as two points, just count alongside the list like a normal person, damn! xD
This test is seriously flawed. I only scored 8 and I had to stretch some of the questions to even get that. Besides, some of the questions like the Enterprise question suck. You can take your Enterprise and shove it where the sun don't shine. I'll stick with my TARDIS. :p

a lot of the questions suck, to be sure.. but i believe the equation goes something liek this:

living in humanity's golden age working aboard a flagship capable of blowing basically anything to hell > your little phone booth

A generous 14 with substitutes. Example #24 WOW? How about 10 top level PVE and 3 PVP Guild Wars characters?

Oh, how about +2 for using your eight fingers in binary?
I scored four. And given those questions, I'm glad I didn't score higher.
I scored 7

Though I feel I should be in the 3rd group of 21-30 :p