Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas.................**~PC~**

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Vagamus said:
like i give a damn. doesn't stop me from watchin chappelle's show.


I don't mind harsh language, I live in an urban enviroment, that's all I hear.
I'm not into the whole pop hip hop urban "gangsta" thing either but I will still most likely buy this game. At least the character is fully customizable so you can dress him as stupidly and comedically as he acts.

I've lived in Atlanta and Jacksonville most of my life. I know how they talk. San Andreas is a white-mans version of it (Let's see how many times we can put "fuck", "!!!!!", "suck", "dick", and "asshole" in the same sentence!!! They will think it is authentic then!)
So much bitching over something so easily ignored. I don't care for the fake gangsta thing, but look at it this way... you can SHOOT those people in this game, and to me... if you really despise it, should just make you happier when you do. I'd be willing to be that'd be why they went over the top with it, if they did at all.

Its not meant to be "the white mans ghetto" like some people are tryin to call it, thats not rockstar. Look at all the previous games, they took ideas from movies, and in many cases made over-the-top characters for humor reasons. Some people (certain hatian groups, "family" groups, ect) take it all too seriously. Don't be like that, cuz i bet you its not meant to be taken seriously.

It'll be out here in a lil over a week for us pc users to finally hax it, and then maybe you can change the speech if you really don't care for it. (The magic of hax... er... PC gaming)
damn to bad i finished this game on PS2
u guess i'd still try it out
Whatever...those of you who haven't played the game really don't have any room to argue about this, but go right ahead.

San Andreas was interesting in that it was seamless and had a lot of rural areas to cover, but almost everything else in the game felt regurgitated and/or sloppy.

It's the classic example of Jack of All Trades: Master of Nothing.
WickedAngel said:
Whatever...those of you who haven't played the game really don't have any room to argue about this, but go right ahead.

San Andreas was interesting in that it was seamless and had a lot of rural areas to cover, but almost everything else in the game felt regurgitated and/or sloppy.

It's the classic example of Jack of All Trades: Master of Nothing.
And those of you who assume too many things really don't have any room to draw judgements for us all.
is it gonna really blow the ps2 version away? The ps2 graphics were absolutely shit. Draw distances were crap, and the sounds were horrible. If it has 5.1 and some updated graphics, I think I'll get it.
elite.mafia said:
is it gonna really blow the ps2 version away?
I think it will. I rented a copy of SC:Chaos Theory for PS2 and bought it for PC. I played on the PS2 for a couple minute, then played it on PC at 1600x1200 with 8x AA and all settings maxed. Had my wife take the PS2 version back the same day. It's 10x better on PC, as will be GTA: San Andreas. Can't wait to see some of the mods that will come out for it.
nothing like cruising down the streets in you Nissan Skyline....something that PS2 gamers won't take part in :).

Mods are pretty much the only reason why I would get this game. Just download a saved full game and enjoy the game with real cars :).

I love my PC :).
ekorazn said:
nothing like cruising down the streets in you Nissan Skyline....something that PS2 gamers won't take part in :).

Mods are pretty much the only reason why I would get this game. Just download a saved full game and enjoy the game with real cars :).

I love my PC :).
ooh I'd love a mod with real cars... lol cruisin in a POS honda civic hatch around the ghetto. So much more realism. I beat the ps2 version 98.9% or something like that, just need 100 tags. I can't wait for the pc version though, rendering it on my 6600gt will be awesome. This card is 10x better than my old 9700 pro. I looked at the site. 5.1 audio! On my audigy 2 and 5.1 this game is gonna be awesome, especially since I loved all the music in the game. I just hope rockstar has support for it (patches etc.) One of my friends had vice city and had all his cars and bikes modded, but his comp was a pile of doo doo dell.
Hopefull that awful mouse sensitivity bug will not be present as it was for a handful of users in vice city (myself included). I've had to download the vcsens.exe hook and store it in my vice city case so i have it in 3 years when i go to play it again.
roz1281 said:
Hopefull that awful mouse sensitivity bug will not be present as it was for a handful of users in vice city (myself included). I've had to download the vcsens.exe hook and store it in my vice city case so i have it in 3 years when i go to play it again.

..... :confused:
Ya, GTA:VC was a great game but had almost zero support and no updates. Kinda lame coming from a company of arguable geniuses.
Sorry to invade like this, but what do you guys think will be minimum spec video card to run the game solidly at 1024x768?

Since my 98pro is out of action, I'm only praying that my 9250 will be up to the task :(
With max settings, i kinda doubt anything lower than a 9500 pro would run it very smooth.
I got to stop downloading fan made movies, im spoiling the games best surprises seeing the new vehicals.

Im excited to see the mini-games are a lot more interactive than super-turbo-turkey-puncher was.

5 days............:D :D

I just looked at rockstar's website.. lol @ the minimum specs.. I'm WAY over them. same with the reccomended specs.
elite.mafia said:
I just looked at rockstar's website.. lol @ the minimum specs.. I'm WAY over them. same with the reccomended specs.

yup all the GTA games seem to be well optimized since they came to the PS2 first.
Vildayyan2003 said:
Ya, GTA:VC was a great game but had almost zero support and no updates. Kinda lame coming from a company of arguable geniuses.

Very True, surprised me too. I think there was one small patch, that only fixed some torn texture issues for users of a certain video card.

BTW, GTA III on PC did not have this problem for me, it was very weird. Anyone else have the sensitivity problem? I'll be a little more specific. I could look left and right normally, but the up/down was so HIGH, that I'd be looking up and down so fast it's like having a seisure. Gamepad worked fine however, but that was no fun.
Im going to work tomarrow (Friday) so i can defer my day off to Tuesday. An entire day of feeding my desire to mush ped's with all sorts of new large rolling masses.

My fiance called me a freak... :D

As for where the cheapest place to buy???
go to
click on "where to buy"
and there is a list to gta PC at a dozen retailers.

ecost 46.94 shipped,ewbfroogle

NewEgg $46.90 with 3$ shipping

All the other US sites show $49.XX with free shipping usually

Rockstar warehouse

EB games




and compusa
Circuitbreaker8 said:
Eh....GTA III will remain king. If only it had bikes and stuff :(

Sorry, I can't stand "ghetto" people....All these wanna be thugs in my area have thier own game now....great. :rolleyes:

wow, that was one of the most closes racist statements ive read on this board...that's america though, freedom of speech

next time man up and speak ur mind instead of throwin out subliminals. dont worry its the internet, u have total anonimity hear, so you wont have to worry about me being "ghetto" and swellin ur face up.
WickedAngel said:
"Swellin ur face up..."


...whatever you say, 50 :rolleyes:

i said that to further his stereotypical view of "ghetto" people. and honestly, if he was around "ghetto" people as he put it, those comments would never leave his mouth. but thats the beauty of this country, people have the right to voice their opinion...

and what does 50 have to do with anything? stop watchin mtv man, its giving you a false sense reality
ne0-reloaded said:
i said that to further his stereotypical view of "ghetto" people. and honestly, if he was around "ghetto" people as he put it, those comments would never leave his mouth. but thats the beauty of this country, people have the right to voice their opinion...

and what does 50 have to do with anything? stop watchin mtv man, its giving you a false sense reality

I was making fun of your wannabe-ghetto slang by calling you a wannbe-gangsta (Ala 50).

Try to keep up.
Anyone play GTA:SA on the PS2 allready? Im trying to figure out what arcade games there are in game.
WickedAngel said:
I was making fun of your wannabe-ghetto slang by calling you a wannbe-gangsta (Ala 50).

Try to keep up.

wannabe ghetto slang? what was wannabe, ghetto or slang about anything i said in my comment. would it be better if i said "d00d you suck0rzz for tha!!!!1one!!1!"? would that make me seem more polished and refined, or would i still be a wannabe ghetto-thug as u so eloquently put it?

like i said, stop watching mtv and assuming you know anything about that lifestyle, cuz ur lookin like a real idiot right now.

and with that, this convo on my part is over
ne0-reloaded said:
wannabe ghetto slang? what was wannabe, ghetto or slang about anything i said in my comment. would it be better if i said "d00d you suck0rzz for tha!!!!1one!!1!"? would that make me seem more polished and refined, or would i still be a wannabe ghetto-thug as u so eloquently put it?
no then you'd be a script kiddie wannabe haxor

like i said, stop watching mtv and assuming you know anything about that lifestyle, cuz ur lookin like a real idiot right now.

and with that, this convo on my part is over
"swellin your face up", LOL what does mean, gonna apply some cosmetics or something?
ghetto talk is just as lame as leet speak, people want to be cool so they make up shit no one else understands.

thanks for the entertainment!

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