Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas.................**~PC~**

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doesn't take a genius to instantly figure out what "swellin your face up" means, nor to argue semantics

michealo said:
doesn't take a genius to instantly figure out what "swellin your face up" means, nor to argue semantics


whatever. if people can't be bothered to try and communicate in terms we can all understand (or should, if we payed attention in school) I have no desire to try and listen to what they have to say.
Anyone else notice when you click on the xth page of a thread in these forums, it's always two guys fighting over something retarded? :rolleyes:

ne0-reloaded said:
wannabe ghetto slang? what was wannabe, ghetto or slang about anything i said in my comment. would it be better if i said "d00d you suck0rzz for tha!!!!1one!!1!"? would that make me seem more polished and refined, or would i still be a wannabe ghetto-thug as u so eloquently put it?

like i said, stop watching mtv and assuming you know anything about that lifestyle, cuz ur lookin like a real idiot right now.

and with that, this convo on my part is over

1. Using the phrase "swellin ur face up" excludes you from ever being able to criticize anyone. Ever.

2. You're an idiot.

3. This is a new number for you, so I won't say anything ground-shaking here. Just try to remember that this number comes after 2.
ne0-reloaded said:
and with that, this convo on my part is over

Dude, you threatened someone over percieved *and I quote* 'closes racist' comments ON AN INTERNET FORUM. Wannabe is right. You're a douche.

On-topic content: I can't wait to get this game and play it. :p
I can't wait to actually try this game. It has been out forever for PS2 and I still have not played it :(

The ps2 version was fun, but it got boring. Flying planes is tons of fun, as is modding cars, dogfighting in military jets ETC. hopefully with the community throwing mods out for it, it will be plenty of fun.
KoolDrew said:
I can't wait to actually try this game. It has been out forever for PS2 and I still have not played it :(
Ya, I never played Vice City on my PS2 and I was very happy with VC on my PC. Now I can't wait till SA hits the PC shelves.
oh the times i almost broke down and bought a PS2 because i couldent wait for GTA or final fantacy to be ported to the PC, if rockstar makes another GTA for the next gen of console ill probibly buy it now that i am done with college.

1 more workday for me untill GTA:SA man a weekend will never go by as slowly as this.
Multi Theft Auto for San Andreas will be AWESOME
they will use the new BLUE core they are currently developing which has limitless modding possibilities as well as greatly reduced lag than in previous versions. it should be a revolutionary GTA multiplayer mod.
not to mention, there are a few other promising online mods that are also being worked on for SA.
warmace said:
oh the times i almost broke down and bought a PS2 because i couldent wait for GTA or final fantacy to be ported to the PC, if rockstar makes another GTA for the next gen of console ill probibly buy it now that i am done with college.

1 more workday for me untill GTA:SA man a weekend will never go by as slowly as this.

I hear ya brother. I have a 2nd job at Wal-Mart, and every night this week I've been looking for a possible early shipment of the game. No luck yet.
A part 2 for the last Q&A from game spot was posted here are some goodies...
Gordon Yeoman: Each pedestrian's personality is reflected in his or her response to around 40 world events. Some of these events are relevant only to specific types of pedestrians, so a pedestrian's personality is typically formed by choosing responses to about 20 different events. A response to a specific event is decided by choosing randomly from a weighted distribution of up to six actions appropriate for that event. Six types of pedestrian personality are loaded from file and applied according to the pedestrian's model index: cop, gang member, fireman, weak, normal, and tough. Mission pedestrians can have their personalities individually edited in script.
They still make my head hurt...
4 new pictures posted with it.

If pictures are your thing IGN has 6 new XBox ones (The Crane one looks aweful IMHO)

Spoilers ~> Soo close. I can almost taste the Cluckin' Huge Meal <~Spoilers
planetary said:
I hear ya brother. I have a 2nd job at Wal-Mart, and every night this week I've been looking for a possible early shipment of the game. No luck yet.

You should see it come in the day before, wether you can buy one without the register denying you is another issue. I plan on driving around and seeing if any of the big chains screw up and sell a day early like they sometimes do.
this whole thread is a laugh.
people callin eachother wanna be gangstas and shit.
it makes me wanna go out and buy a free ron artest t-shirt.

how is 50 cent a wanna be gangsta?
dont hate the man because he knows how to market himself.
sure he might be a changed man because he got money now, but dont take his past away from him.
and im not talkin bout the gun shot wounds my friend.
Having finished the game, I have to say really the only part of the game where you're a "thug" is like the first 1/3 of the game (Los Santos), the rest of the game is pretty much the same criminal activities as GTA3 & VC, with cooler weapons and vehicles obviously
If you have ever played a PS2 game ported to PC you should know game designers almost never optimise the game for mouse aiming. With that in mind let me reccomend a couple controllers that should be great for enjoying GTA:SA

My setup: :cool: RadioShacks PSX to USB adaptor & An authentic PS2 contoller .

I love the feel of an authentic Sony controller in my hands at the cost of 10-20 more dollers.

Other valid options: :cool: Logitech's line of clones for the PC

Thease are definitally cheaper with a sexy wireless option.

Either option is pritty cool, expectionally if the PC game supports rumblepads.
Now i wonder if you use a game pad the tutorials still tell you to press "R" to reload and stuff.
This is the first time I have ever wanted a weekend to go by so fast and for the work week to start. I want this game! ;)
Just a quick observation of those pics. If you compare the first and last pic, the flash reflections on the buttons are different, which would certainly prove that they were different pics. Unless someone went into a great amount of detail to photochop them to make them 'authentic'.

edit: with further observation, all the flash reflections are different.
editx2: bleah, i read the comments on that page and I didn't know the psp can display jpeg images. ah well, I don't own a psp, probably wont until this time next year. Get one before cruise. (Go NAVY :D )
if you look at the right side of the creen in the last picture, you can tell it's fake.. theres a line that goes down the screen but then stops.
1 DAY!!!! :cool:

Depending on how you look at it though..

Online stores ship it on Monday to be competitive with Retail stores who sell it tuesday.
i think some stores have sold it early (very few stores but I think a few across the USA have)

i haven't seen any torrents or newsgroups with it tho.
i don't think it has "leaked" yet still. EBgames and Gamestop both said they wont sell it till 5pm today.
wonder if the local walmart will be selling this game?

Either way, i've been drooling for this to come out since one of my lil' bro's got it for PS2.

C.J. just flat out cracks me up.
Aaron_ATX said:
wonder if the local walmart will be selling this game?

Either way, i've been drooling for this to come out since one of my lil' bro's got it for PS2.

C.J. just flat out cracks me up.

The only shops that sell games here are Fred Meyer, Wal Mart and Staples (<--haha) and they're always like two weeks or more late with new releases :(
I checked everywhere here, Gamestop didn't even have it. Said it would be on the shelves tomorrow :( . I sneaked out of work early because some shit there said it was on display.
GAH!!!! its not online yet?!?!?! (just kidding) i picked up my copy today :D fun game
I checked 6 stores today. 5 dident have it, and gamestop wasent going to sell it to me early :(
Checked Fred Meyer and Walmart today. The guy at Fred Meyer didn't even know it was coming out for pc and insisted it was coming out for Xbox only, I sort of had to argue with him until he checked and saw it was indeed coming out tommarow for PC. I doubt they'll have it on their shelves for a while though :(. Wal-Mart freaks me out so I didnt even bother asking when they'd get it in.
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