Got my Westinghouse LVM-37W3 37" 1080p display today!

Yeah - that's a route to go also.. the Xbox360 route.. get the $299 base unit and then the $170 1080p HD DVD player add-on.. then have game playing capability also.. whew.. well, I barely have enough time at home to get all my PC gaming in.. ;) I think that Toshiba HD-A2 is going to be a very good unit.. I am reading it does a terrific job on upconverting normal DVDs... and its 1080i output looks as nice as 1080p according to reviews.. I'm not looking to convert my DVD collection to HD yet, but it would be fun to have a couple of bad ass HD DVDs to drool over the intense IQ. the Shrek 3 HD trailer is nutz.. I watched it like 5 times. lol. :D

edit... ok, screw this.. I'm going with the Oppo DV-981HD for $230.. a real 1080p player for my 1080p LCD.. then I won't be tempted to buy movies over again in HD format.. I could just see myself spending a lot on that.. plus this is for office movie watching, not for serious watching.. I think this oppo seems like the best bang for the buck, well for a good upconvert dvd player.. plus it's small and will fit in the spot I have carved out for a player under my desk. I think eventually I'll want to get a hybrid HD/DVD and Blu-Ray unit for my home theater.. but think those are terribly over priced ATM... plus if I want to drool over full HD IQ I can DL trailers for free.
I need help. I don't know which monitor to get!!! I want to sit about 2-3 feet away from the screen. Solidsignal has the 47 inch for only 1699 FREE shipping here
and the 42 inch for only 1199 free shipping here

Or I can get the lvm37-w3 for about 1000 dollars. I dont know how to calculate dot pitch so i dont know if there will be a screendoor effect. I really want the 47 just because it's a monster if I sit that close. I need to hear some opinions!
I have the 37" and sit about 3ft away. I would say if i sat any closer or had a bigger screen it would be too much. Even now i want to move it back to 4ft but can't. I don't see any of the dot pitch when i am at 3ft and can only pick it out when i get way to close to the screen anyway. The 47" maybe ok if you are at 5'+ but any closer and i would think your head would start hearting for moving around so much. I would suggest getting the 37" just so you can sit a little closer and its still great for sitting back and watching movies.
Yes, 37 at that distance.. after 2 days I was pretty used to sitting about 2 ~ 3 feet from a 37" screen.. gaming at 1920x1080 with all the graphic IQ settings PUMPED I can make out some pixellation.. when I look for it.. so anything bigger than the 37" and I think I would not be happy at this distance... lots of people are saying good things about the new Sharp 32" for desktop viewing.. I bet the pixel pitch on that one is about perfect.. plus it also does 1:1 pixel mapping. but I think the westy is a better value over all. :)
I need help. I don't know which monitor to get!!! I want to sit about 2-3 feet away from the screen. Solidsignal has the 47 inch for only 1699 FREE shipping here
and the 42 inch for only 1199 free shipping here

Or I can get the lvm37-w3 for about 1000 dollars. I dont know how to calculate dot pitch so i dont know if there will be a screendoor effect. I really want the 47 just because it's a monster if I sit that close. I need to hear some opinions!

That's the Best price I've seen for the 42w2 Shipped. Sooo Tempted But I gotta wait, I also saw that J&R has the TX-42 up for preorder and it's only $100 more than they're charging for the 42W2 @_@ This gives me hope that the TX-42 will only be slightly more than the current street of the 42w2
Looking forward to seeing those ps2 shots, not sure how you managed to get it to look good on 480i though.
I need help finding a desk for my westy anyone have any recomendations. I like the jerker but I think it got discontinued.
PS2 shots coming up in a min, but I must warn you... my camera sucks.

Ok, here are some PS2 shots of Burnout Revenge and Soul Calibur 3. As I said, my camera sucks, especially when taking moving shots. So, FYI, any ghosting/after-image you see in these pics (mainly in Soul Calibur 3) are product of my crappy camera. There is NO noticeable ghosting when playing in person.

So as I said before, the games look as they would on an SD TV except at a much larger scale which is what I'm looking for here. That is what I mean when I say they look good, since this is still just a PS2 after all. To have such low res games displayed like that on a 37' 1080p screen seems pretty good to me.







Now for the good stuff, pics of 2 regular DVDs upscaled to 1080p with the OPPO 981HD DVD Player. These scenes are from Pirates of the Caribbean 2 and The Incredibles. It's not as good as true HD content but it's still pretty good IMO.

PS. People will 56K leave now or your phone line will be destroyed.









the incredibles shots look very good for non-HD dvd.. I'm getting my oppo today.. weee! glad I went that route.. I sersiouly want to wait until the format wars are over before buying any HD dvd players, or disks..
the incredibles shots look very good for non-HD dvd.. I'm getting my oppo today.. weee! glad I went that route.. I sersiouly want to wait until the format wars are over before buying any HD dvd players, or disks..
And that's with my crappy camera. :D

You won't regret getting the Oppo. It's pretty good for watching video in other formats, like .AVI too. Anime looks frikin nice on this screen. :D
the incredibles shots look very good for non-HD dvd.. I'm getting my oppo today.. weee! glad I went that route.. I sersiouly want to wait until the format wars are over before buying any HD dvd players, or disks..
Agreed. It's why I went with the relatively inexpensive X360 HD DVD add-on and I only rent the occasional HD movie, no buying whatsoever. Not to mention that 37" isn't exactly the kind of size that benefits from HD. :) Ah, I might just skip all the 70"+ current stuff and wait for a nice quad-HD 100" that really fills up your field of view. :p
True.... but I still was totally floored at how good the HD movie trailers looked on the Westy 37 at very close range (2 ~ 3 feet)... but I guess they'd look even more impressive on something larger, from a little further away... :drool: ;)

edit: that Xbox360 HD DVD add on is pretty kick ass tho for the price.. I hear you can hack it to run solo, but via component cables only.. is that true??
edit: that Xbox360 HD DVD add on is pretty kick ass tho for the price.. I hear you can hack it to run solo, but via component cables only.. is that true??
Actually, I've never heard about that before. Where you did hear that? I know you can connect it to a Windows computer via USB (with a hack) and it'll work well, although it doesn't look nearly as good as it does via Monster VGA through the X360.
Ahh.. ok, I read abotu it in wired.. but it looks like a USB hack to XP is what it was

still and all, looks kind of cool..

edit: lol.. my wife already thinks the oppo should go on the main TV in the livingroom.. I told her it doesn't support 1080p, so now she wants upgrade that set.. whew. anyways, so may likely end up there soon.. then maybe I'll try this hack with the xbox HD drive.. hrm.. the price is right for sure.. hrm.. well, maybe later..
With anyone seriously planning to get the current 42 and 47 inch models I suggest wait a month as the new "TX" series comes out soon. Check out the AVS forum link below for more details.

* $2,000 MSRP for 42"
* $2,499 MSRP for 47"

Westies are attractive mainly because they are inexpensive, IMHO.
For $2-2.5k I'd be looking at something else. :rolleyes:

I suggest you to put the subwoofer on the floor..its better plus u have more space to put your ps3, wii or 360...
* $2,000 MSRP for 42"
* $2,499 MSRP for 47"

Westies are attractive mainly because they are inexpensive, IMHO.
For $2-2.5k I'd be looking at something else. :rolleyes:

QFT. If I wanted to spend 2 grand, I'd have bought two 37w3's instead of one. The other one would have gone to work with me. It's a cruel cruel thing to have to look at a 17" CRT at work when I got 37" at home. Apparently, there are fates worse than death.
* $2,000 MSRP for 42"
* $2,499 MSRP for 47"

Westies are attractive mainly because they are inexpensive, IMHO.
For $2-2.5k I'd be looking at something else. :rolleyes:
Agreed. This Westy will be my computer monitor for many years to come. I may wait for 1440p and/or OLED to become popular (and cheaper) before buying anything new. This thing rocks for now. :D
* $2,000 MSRP for 42"
* $2,499 MSRP for 47"

Westies are attractive mainly because they are inexpensive, IMHO.
For $2-2.5k I'd be looking at something else. :rolleyes:

It may be $2K MSRP for the 42" but it can be found online for much less.
* $2,000 MSRP for 42"
* $2,499 MSRP for 47"

Westies are attractive mainly because they are inexpensive, IMHO.
For $2-2.5k I'd be looking at something else. :rolleyes:

Yeah but that won't mean that will be the street price. The MSRP for the 37W3 is much higher than $1100 just as the MSRP for the 42W2 is much higher than the $1300 street price. There's 3 places tat are putting the Street for the TX-42 @ $1300-1500 (including Amazon)
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I tried 480i on my 360 over component and composite today.. at a distance, component is actually playable in my opinion. There were overscan issues though, I was playing tony hawk's american wasteland and the bottom text was cut off. I have no clue why my ps2 makes it look so horrible, but the 360 looks alright (from a distance). Horribly noisy signal up close though. This is good to know because when I get a wii I'm going to play some 480i gamecube games on it, and it had better look playable. My eyes still hurt from this test though.
What happens if you play a pc game that doesn't support the native rez?
Especially if you can't hack the game to force it. I know there are alot of games that you can force it,
but what if you can't? Will the Westy stretch to fit like a "normal" pc monitor would that supports other resolutions?
The Westy supports a variety of resolutions. If a game doesn't run at 1920x1080, you can try 1280x720. Also 4:3 resolutions are supported (1024x768, 1600x1200...) and the screen will have black bars on the right and left.

Most games can be hacked to support widescreen resolutions or support them natively. The very few that don't won't be stretched.
Yeah but that won't mean that will be the street price. The MSRP for the 37W3 is much higher than $1100 just as the MSRP for the 42W2 is much higher than the $1300 street price. There's 3 places tat are putting the Street for the TX-42 @ $1300-1500 (including Amazon)

All three links show prices of $1500 shipped. Supply and demand will make the price vary from there. Alot of folks got their 37w3's shipped for $920 back in Oct/Nov 06. Yes, this is way below MSRP, but then, the 37w3 wasn't just released either. I wouldn't expect to see the price of the TX-42 drop below $1400 shipped any time soon.
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All three links show prices of $1500 shipped. Supply and demand will make the price vary from there. Alot of folks got their 37w3's shipped for $920 back in Oct/Nov 06. Yes, this is way below MSRP, but then, the 37w3 wasn't just released either. I wouldn't expect to see the price of the TX-42 drop below $1400 shipped any time soon.

True but the prices are always high at 1st then drop after about 2-3 month as more places get the product availible and fight for customers :p
I ordered mine from newegg with a 3 year warranty. For something that cost a grand, 1 year is too short. It cost me about 1200 shipped. I should be getting it friday hopefully, if not then mon.

I can't believe you have the 360 Premium but only the 20gb PS3. PS3 is better. I think. And wow about the whole 360 Elite comin out at the end of the month. Has HDMI but lacks the HD Player.. what the hell. Anyone who has done the math knows the 360 is more expensive, by the time the features match. I love em both so don't send me any hatemail.

I love the setup though man. I live at my comp so its great to see others and how mine could improve. I agree though, you woulod be better off puttin the sub on the floor in that corner and shift your console on top corner. Did you get Wii release day? I live in Oregon and I have yet to see one. I don't want one, just wondering when they will be widely available.

I am really looking at getting the 37" Westinghouse. I need some serious encouragement. This has probably already been answered but, will Westinghouse still make you pay for shipping to get something fixed if it just broke? Thats whats stopping me. I can justify a grand for a monitor, but not if I have to spend hundreds on shipping to get my product in working order after i buy it. That would be dumb.

let me know. Thx
Nothing wrong with the 20GB PS3. You can replace the HD if want and not everyone needs wireless. Oh and the memory card reader is well, unnecessary.
I can't believe you have the 360 Premium but only the 20gb PS3. PS3 is better. I think. And wow about the whole 360 Elite comin out at the end of the month. Has HDMI but lacks the HD Player.. what the hell. Anyone who has done the math knows the 360 is more expensive, by the time the features match. I love em both so don't send me any hatemail.
Only reason I have the 20GB is because I bought it off eBay for about $650 a few days after release. The eBay prices were only $150 above the retail price while the 60GB was like $350 above the retail price.

I love the setup though man. I live at my comp so its great to see others and how mine could improve. I agree though, you woulod be better off puttin the sub on the floor in that corner and shift your console on top corner.
I love it too. Computer through DVI, Cablebox through DVI-2, 360 through VGA, PS3 through HDMI, Wii through component, and Xbox and PS2 through component-2. My only complaint is that I have wires going all over the place, hehe. I would put the sub on the floor, but my landlords are downstairs. I will most defiantly do that when I move.

Did you get Wii release day? I live in Oregon and I have yet to see one. I don't want one, just wondering when they will be widely available/
Yea, I got mine from a Best Buy in Mount Vernon, NY on launch day. I couldn't believe it after being turned down on 360 day and not even attempting on PS3 day. The lines were crazy.
I would like to get this display but im mostly going to use it to watch TV and for my Xbox 360. I dont think im getting HD cable anytime soon, but since this one doesnt have TV tuner, how can i connect analog cable?
I would like to get this display but im mostly going to use it to watch TV and for my Xbox 360. I dont think im getting HD cable anytime soon, but since this one doesnt have TV tuner, how can i connect analog cable?
Well then your planning to use it exactly as I am. I just use it to watch SD TV, DVDs (upconverted with my Oppo) and later when I get it XBOX360 and/or PS3.

If you have analog cable (no set-top box) then you'll need to buy a TV Tuner.
An external DVD recorder or VCR will be plenty enough as a TV tuner. Basically anything that has a built-in NTSC tuner and a composite or component output (to connect to the Westy) will do. :)
I am really looking at getting the 37" Westinghouse. I need some serious encouragement. This has probably already been answered but, will Westinghouse still make you pay for shipping to get something fixed if it just broke? Thats whats stopping me. I can justify a grand for a monitor, but not if I have to spend hundreds on shipping to get my product in working order after i buy it. That would be dumb.

let me know. Thx