Gigabyte Holiday [H] Give-Away!!!

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Just Plain Mean
Staff member
May 18, 1997
Gigabyte is giving away TWO brand new motherboards.

One P55A-UD7 is up for grabs.


And one 880GMA-UD2H is up for grabs as well!


To enter this week simply post in this thread ONCE and tell us why you want one of these Gigabyte motherboards. Or if you want to puss out, just write something stupid like you you usually do when you post. .

Good luck. We will draw a random winner next week and will notify you by PM. If you do not respond to the PM in 12 hours, we will move to our next winner. I highly suggest you turn on email notification for PMs if you are not going to be online Monday.

This drawing is open to North American residents only.
Sign me up!

The new mobo with the racing stripes will match my underwear's skidmarks
Gigabyte board to upgrade from the Gigabyte board I'm running in several computers now! Great way to assist with that holiday upgrade plan :)
My Gigabyte G31M-ES2L doesn't overclock well, I want a better one!
See signature.
I could really use a great new Gigabyte motherboard to kick start my next computer... How can you call a computer with 2GB of DDR [H] when you're trying to do graphics work?
Dependable components, reliable company. Always wanted a Gigabyte board but never [H]ad the opportunity.

i want one for 2 reason, 1. cant spend any more money on pc parts, and 2. i want to setup a mini game pc in bedroom and a free motherboard would get me started :D
Gigabyte has been consistently good. The P55 board would pair great with the i7-860 and the 880 board would make a nice base for a new AMD build. You can't beat the cool blue colors!
Well, obviously, I'm going to claim one of these to start building Skynet . . . Sheesh.
Ever since P45, I have loved their boards. Actually I use to have a P965 which was great but can't recall too much about that.

Their BIOS is easy to read and understand and they release updates every other week! Take that Asus! :D
My business has taken a hit with this economy and I haven't been able to afford to upgrade my personal system for the past 3+ years.
It's like a jail sentence for a once proud hardware enthusiast and modder.
I have never worked on systems that were faster than mine and now I do it on a regular basis. It's embarrassing. :mad:
Shiny! I want one!

My last two mobos have been Gigabyte anyway, may as well continue the trend.
I would love one of these motherboards because either one would be a great upgrade to either my or my wife's systems. We both have Gigabyte boards from the budget end and I would love to upgrade to one of these.
I appreciate problem free components .. that's why I would like to win one of these motherboards from a company that oozes quality .. Go Go Gadget Gigabyte!
GB boards tend to be solid products, so that also has me interested. Reliable and from a good manufacturer.
I'd love to win one of these motherboards. It would go a long way towards getting my system upgraded from a Pentium 4 and AGP :) The USB 3.0, iPad charging compatible ports are icing on the cake.
I bought a budget motherboard that was supposed to be overclocking-friendly and it wasn't. I'm sitting on a quality quad-core running at stock and it's a crying shame. Gigabyte, set me free!
Sweet. Loving my current Gigabyte mITX 1156 motherboard and would totally love another Gigabyte motherboard to use! Thanks.
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