Get your tweaked Jetway AGDMS & ECS RS480-M bioses here!

Any chance we could get a "tweaker's BIOS" for the Jetway A210GDMS-Pro?

Basically, disable none of the settings, and just enable EVERY hidden setting (except those that clearly don't work, of course)?

I'd like to try it for the 3x HTT multiplier - but some of the settings you removed (for example, "ULI HPET") I still need.
What the heck is ULI HPET anyhoo...........I'd like to know what some of the more vague settings, like some of the southbridge settings are (apart from the obvious).
ULI HPET was the solution to my Audigy problem. It's basically an internal clock mechanism for the Southbridge to let it keep track of itself independant of the rest of the system. With it on, I can use the Audigy up to 220mhz HTT (the highest I can POST at from a cold boot). With it off, the Audigy dies, taking my onboard NIC with it, at anything above 220mhz HTT (unless I use non-Creative drivers for it, anyway).
dderidex said:
ULI HPET was the solution to my Audigy problem. It's basically an internal clock mechanism for the Southbridge to let it keep track of itself independant of the rest of the system. With it on, I can use the Audigy up to 220mhz HTT (the highest I can POST at from a cold boot). With it off, the Audigy dies, taking my onboard NIC with it, at anything above 220mhz HTT (unless I use non-Creative drivers for it, anyway).
Weird. Where on earth did you dig that tidbit of info up? :\ Anyway, that setting is unchanged from the default A03 bios - disabled on both.

There really is very, very little I left out. If there was even the slightest remote chance that it could improve performance, I left it in or turned it on. Basically, if a search on Google turned up anything other than sanskrit I left it in! :D

If you really want everything on, the working version of MODBIN is there to make the changes. You will be missing out on useful items like being able to disable your L1/L2 cache, setting your typing delay for DOS and setting the Power On self-test from "Fast" to "Slow!" ;)

Alright, I am exaggerating... If I get a chance I will post a version with every option available, so everyone can tweak to their hearts delight and know that they are not missing out on anything.
I was playing with the MODBIN a bit, myself. For some reason, using any BIOS I make from it, I get...oh...TONS of ASCII garbage all over the POST screen. And half the options MODBIN exposes in the editor are, like, "XXXXX" or "z " or "& " etc. Makes me think MODBIN isn't reading the BIOS file very properly at all or something!
dderidex said:
I was playing with the MODBIN a bit, myself. For some reason, using any BIOS I make from it, I get...oh...TONS of ASCII garbage all over the POST screen. And half the options MODBIN exposes in the editor are, like, "XXXXX" or "z " or "& " etc. Makes me think MODBIN isn't reading the BIOS file very properly at all or something!
I'll do the edit when I get home. Right now, I have no access to my board, though, so it would be untested.

Dillusion said:
I gave this thread a little linkage in the mATX mobos thread
Cool - thanks, D.
Man, is there any chance this bios will fix the Jetway A210GDMS temp readings? Case temp is at 29 degrees but CPU is idling at 42 and hits around 50 under load. I have a Zalman 7000 AL-CU with AS5 so I'm sure that the heatsink is good enough... my CPU is a 3700+ oced to only 2.4ghz. I've had it up to 2.6 but the temps were reading 50idle and mid 60's load and scared me shitless even though it was prime stable for 24 hours -_- Now is this a wide spread bug or am I doing something wrong? I'm pretty sure my heatsink is on correctly, this isn't my first time building a computer... but it's quite worrisome, also how about a PCI lock? I don't see the option in the current bios...
Also, btw did anyone try to new naked bios just posted? And is it safe to winflash with the jetway board? Thanks
Jetway BIOS temps are definately off by at least 10C

I usually only flash with a floppy, but I've used winflash 4 times now successfully.......just make sure you ARE NOT overclocked when you flash (whether you use winflash or floppy).

The PCI lock should be working, from my experience at least.
ND40oz said:
Are you saying XP-64 bit won't install after you flashed the modded bios, or was it installed and when you flashed it, it would no longer boot to windows?

Just wondering because I am planning on installing x64 this weekend on mine.

i flashed after i installed the x64 and x64 refused to intialize. the computer boots to the bios but i after that i see blank screen.
Jelic said:
Also, btw did anyone try to new naked bios just posted? And is it safe to winflash with the jetway board? Thanks
I just seen the Naked Pro Bios, what is it? Does it have a naked chick for the start up logo or something :p
Haha, no. :p Although a neked Ruby on startup would probably help ATi sell some more boards than their logo... Wrong word to name a bios on this forum, I am sure. All it is, is a bios with all of the options unhidden with their default settings... Consequently, it includes all of the useless crap I tucked away on the modded one. But maybe you will find something useful for performance or troubleshooting - who knows.

There were a couple of blank options that MODBIN was not reading correctly, under PCI-Express items. I think that is all they are - blank items, but whoever tries this first may want to check that out.
sleepeeg3 you have email ,

i recieved two modified bios from jetway for problems i am haveing . please look at them and make changes i ask for


Jen said:
sleepeeg3 you have email ,

i recieved two modified bios from jetway for problems i am haveing . please look at them and make changes i ask for


Do they allow for tweaking of the memory settings, if they do I may have someone here who is interested in using it...

PS check out this if interested...

Polygon is working with a Pro board

Jetway made change specific to problems i am haveing useing SCSI with SATA . i havent tried this bios out yet to see if it works. i am hopeing it will as i want to finish closeing this case .

i doubt they did anything more than to make these changes specific to needs i have. even doing this they had to remove a item .


upon flashing to this bios they sent me the machine posts processor speed then does nothing else.

i cant enter bios to do anything

i have sent email to jetway to request another bios chip ,

anyone have a spare bios chip ?

was going to be a nice day all i see now is clouds

i will say one thing about Jetway they did overnight me a new bios chip . now i have to figure out how to remove the old one to place this one in

It's not too hard. I would make sure power is unplugged and your CMOS battery is removed. If you don't have a chip puller you can gently pry it up using a small jewler's screwdriver, preferably two of them at each diagonal end where the pry slots are.

Take care to ground yourself and/or wear rubber surgical gloves.
MassiveOverkill said:
It's not too hard. I would make sure power is unplugged and your CMOS battery is removed. If you don't have a chip puller you can gently pry it up using a small jewler's screwdriver, preferably two of them at each diagonal end where the pry slots are.

Take care to ground yourself and/or wear rubber surgical gloves.

useing your suggestions , computer is back to working

i also hot flash the previous bios chip so i have backup

hopefully no more of these bad bios flashs , i did confirm the bios i recieved from jetway is bad.

Glad you're back up and running. I hope they sent you the chip at their cost since they sent you a bad BIOS to begin with.
Tha'ts way cool of Jetway. Sorry, Jen, guess I did not register what you were asking before. Hope that other one works.
MassiveOverkill said:
Glad you're back up and running. I hope they sent you the chip at their cost since they sent you a bad BIOS to begin with.

they paid for shipping overnight to me

am glad to have this machine back working , now i can play hl2 again.


I was over on 3dmarks ORB seeing how my RS480 scores were holding up, currently 2nd in 03 and 01, haven't run 05 yet, but anyway, the folks over at have their RS480 clocked at 440 mhz. Can we get a 400 and 450 option in the bios or is that something that cannot be unlocked, might have to go active cooling as well, I'd imagine.

They're also running a 280 HTT, so I wonder what board they used to get these clocks...
Well this is certainly strange. I happen to have the FBS set at 290 in the BIOS, even though it was limiting its self to 187 if you remember. I happened to turn the box back on yesterday after being off for a few days and CPU-Z said it was running at 290, reboot and kicked it up to 310MHz, now it seems to max out at 294.

What is more strange is the bus speed is slowly dropping. I am watching it in CPU-Z just tick down. In the past 10 minutes it has gone from 294 to 290. Maybe we need to be looking at our clockgen for something???
Flashing my ECS MB I had a problem: onboard video was not available anymore. Two beeps on boot and blank screen. I rescued flashing back with an archaic PCI S3 Trio video card.
OC is great, the memory settings are great, but I don't know what happened to the onboard video.
Thanks for any help.
I must have missed carrying over the default video settings for onboard, when I redid the mod for the last bios. Sorry about that. I'll look at it again...
I've noticed that A64 tweaker reports different latency values that those set in the BIOS (tweaked ver.) :confused:
Does anyone know if the modded bios works with the TUL AX480A7-F?
Reviews of the board seemed to have some overclocking options, but nada in the latest official bios. Just being able to make multiplier adjustments would rock.
I got the board in that cheap combo deal at newegg.
It's very similiar to the JetWay A200GDM.
Any chance of getting the BIOS for the RS480 ECS mobo that dosnt kill the onboard video?

I want to try to OC my parents comp a little but I really do not want to have to buy a seperate PCI-E card for it.

Any help would be great.
That bios killed my board. I still don't have a new bios chip from Jetway as they don't take credit cards and you have to mail them a personal check. For some reason they never received the one I sent them, so now I have to mail them another one. I've been without my board for over 2 months because of it. When I got the email on tues. saying they hadn't received my check yet, I just got fed up and ordered a 975x board, and a pentium d 930. My 7800GT needs something to go in.
ND40oz said:
That bios killed my board. I still don't have a new bios chip from Jetway as they don't take credit cards and you have to mail them a personal check. For some reason they never received the one I sent them, so now I have to mail them another one. I've been without my board for over 2 months because of it. When I got the email on tues. saying they hadn't received my check yet, I just got fed up and ordered a 975x board, and a pentium d 930. My 7800GT needs something to go in.

contact this person for either your bios to be reprogrammed or a new bios chip

its what i had to do when jetway sent me a bad bios

