Get your tweaked Jetway AGDMS & ECS RS480-M bioses here!

Thanks sleepeeg3, I will try that.
Thanks for everyones else help also. I have been running my system at 240fsb for a while now and have had no problems at all. this is the first time I have had this kind of luck with overclocking. One thing I have not mentioned is that the memory I am running is not matched, I have one Generic PC3200 that is about 2 years old and then I have the Giel Value PC3200, On my Abit NF7-S2G These 2 sticks ran good at 2.5-2-2-5 settting at 400mhz Dual Channel, I am sure that I might be having a problem with the sticks on this board, So as soon as I can I am getting another stick of the Giel PC3200 Value memory so I will have 2 matched sticks, I will possibly get 3 more of them if I have a little luck in the next couple days. Untill then I will be happy with the 240fsb, Thats a 20% overclock useing Stock Retail cooling, 100% stable, with a very quiet system, I cant ask for much more at his time. At least not till I get my new Aspire Q-Pack, Zalman 7000b-LED, and matching memory.
I'll post more later.....been real busy with side work, but I got my new board in (scrambled BIOS on old board trying to overclock........SO BE CAREFUL)....................I'm currently at 265x10 at 1.55V with my Adata PC4200 runing 1:1 at CAS 3.0, 10-4-4-1T. I'm trying to overclock my Abit X800XL, but I may have to volt mod her like I did my Rosewill X800XL to reach the same clocks. I've gotten 76K in Aquamark, which is pretty good considering my lower GPU/VRAM clocks. So far this board has saved me $200..............from not having to buy new memory. My Adata PC4200 wouldn't do crap in my DFI board.

I highly suspect the CPU die temp monitoring on this board is either innacurate, as I removed my IHS and my temps are still high for my liking.......although I haven't let the Shin Etsu cure yet, so we'll have to see. Oh yeah, I'm using the 800 HT multiplier, so apparantly it's good for 265x4 (actually 266x4 since it's 1Mhz off).
Morishani said:
Thanks for the modded bios, although i won't use it soon.

I got question - anybody overclocked the igp on ecs rs480-m mainboard?
i want to know if it worth it :)


rig :
a64 3000+ s939 venice
ecs rs480-m(1.0)
2*512 mb samsung PC3200
wd 80gb 8mb buffer SATA

I don't know how much it will help on the ECS board, but I used the modded bios and set my clock at 350 on the Jetway. Scored 1770 on 3dmark03, last time I checked, I was winning for that chipset :D
ND40oz said:
I don't know how much it will help on the ECS board, but I used the modded bios and set my clock at 350 on the Jetway. Scored 1770 on 3dmark03, last time I checked, I was winning for that chipset :D

What do u mean u checked, where can i check results on benchmarks like aquamark03?
on this chipset against real video cards? :rolleyes:
Futuremark Orb has searchable results. I don't know if Aquamark has anything like that.

What do you mean 350? You set the fsb to 350 or was that a typo?? Maybe you meant 175?
There is an option in the Jetway bios for the speed of the gpu. It defaults at 250, you have the option of going up or down, I took it all the way up to 350. If you go on futuremarks ORB and do a general search for 3dmark03, you can search the ATI xpress 200 chipset (don't search the 200 m chipset, it's for the mobiles). As long as you pick any drivers instead of futuremark approved whql drivers, I should have the top score for that chipset. Atleast I did the last time i checked. I imagine if you're running dual channel, you'll beat my score, as I was not.

EDIT: here's the url the compare url for my score here hopefully this works.
ND40oz said:
There is an option in the Jetway bios for the speed of the gpu. It defaults at 250, you have the option of going up or down, I took it all the way up to 350. If you go on futuremarks ORB and do a general search for 3dmark03, you can search the ATI xpress 200 chipset (don't search the 200 m chipset, it's for the mobiles). As long as you pick any drivers instead of futuremark approved whql drivers, I should have the top score for that chipset. Atleast I did the last time i checked. I imagine if you're running dual channel, you'll beat my score, as I was not.

EDIT: here's the url the compare url for my score here hopefully this works.

My default gpu speed is 200 MHz , raise it to 250? :confused:
Mine defaulted to 250 with the modded bios. I plan on flashing the official bios tonight, I'll see what it defaults to with that one. I checked ATI and Jetways sites, but couldn't find what the core speed of the onboard gpu is supposed to be. For what it's worth, I've had no problems at 250 or 350. But I have mine in an ATX case with four case fans. Still haven't decided what mATX case to go with.
Jetway bios has been updated to the official release. Now I am 99% sure I just wasted an hour and some change updating this, because the date was listed as 7/13 in bios, but at least it does not seem so shady.

Have not tested this on my PC, but I went item by item so it should work fine. Let me know if you guys have any problems or I missed something. I took out the hidden 150/183 dividers, since they were not working before and I doubt they fixed them.

Oh 250 is stock for onboard video. I didn't change that. Sort of surprised anyone is using onboard vid and this modded bios, but whatever works. ;) Dual-bank interleave is disabled by default so this bios should have a decent impact on gaming performance, if you use the onboard vid.
sleepeeg3 said:
Oh 250 is stock for onboard video. I didn't change that. Sort of surprised anyone is using onboard vid and this modded bios, but whatever works. ;) Dual-bank interleave is disabled by default so this bios should have a decent impact on gaming performance, if you use the onboard vid.

I have an X800XL AGP in my Shuttle SB75S, so I don't plan on putting a good video card in this one until the R520s are out, just not worth it to me yet. ;)

This is my first forray into the world of AMD, so I'm just seeing what this little gem can do for now, I may put it in a rig for my father if he would stop making me refurb old rigs he brings home from work.
The board (A210GDMS) is sold out everywhere and I just decided to get one. I wonder if the new batch will have the updated bios. Just thought I'd also say I just built an X-QPACK with a ECS RS480-M. Despite the limited options I really liked that board. I got 225X9 for 2.02Ghz on a winchester 3000+. I probably could of pushed it further but it wasn't my rig so I just wanted it to be stable.

Also eVGA the graphics card maker is getting into the mobo business and I just found that their boards are made by Jetway. Maybe they'll market their version of the AGDMS.
Ordered my A210gdms std. from Newegg. I can't wait.
Went for the pro, myself.

That 32mb of onboard ram means the thing will performan exactly like an X300 Hypermemory card.

That's pretty solid performance for when you are 'between cards' due to upgrades or RMAs or something.
Yeah I was thinking that. Especially since all the new cards are coming soon.
I have the ecs board and I have to say...that bios is freaking my 3000+ up to 2.65 stable (294x9) on the 1.45 max volts - I'm very impressed. I got up to 2.7something, but prime would error after 10 min or so.

Thank god for getting rid of that ugly ass logo...I could never disable it..even by "enabling" small logo..still doesn't seem to work even on the latest official bios.

The Trcd, Trp, and Tras do not appear to work and are always setting themselves at x-2-2-12...very odd, but nothing a64 tweaker can't handle. I dunno if this is fixable - as I hate using a software approach for things like this.

Do you plan on keeping these updated with new boises? Again, thanks..that 250 limit was going to kill me.
I'm new to tweaked bioses - did you basically take the rx480 bios and flash with that (with tweaks of course)?

Additional note: setting to 3.0 cl in a64 tweaker locks - but if I do it in teh bios it's fine..odd...I bet it's my crappy memory :p
Are you serious? You got past 250? Everytime I set it anything above 250 it would not post! 294? Wow! Why did I sell that voltmodded ECS board... :(

I am not sure about the RAM timings. I had a different experience. The lowest it would go was 3, but I remember setting it higher... maybe not. Anyway, maybe it is using the defaults for your memory? Honestly, I don't think there is much that can be done about the timings, but at least the RX based bios gives you a little bit more control.

A64Tweaker is mandatory, as far as I am concerned. Ya it may be software based, but it is not resident, so it is not draining any resources and will not cause any problems once the settings are applied. Plus, you can squeeze a little more performance using A64Tweaker than you can with the bios, does not matter what board you are on!

eledude said:
I'm new to tweaked bioses - did you basically take the rx480 bios and flash with that (with tweaks of course)?

Additional note: setting to 3.0 cl in a64 tweaker locks - but if I do it in teh bios it's fine..odd...I bet it's my crappy memory :p
Ya basically. :cool: If you guys edit one of the bioses with MODBIN, you can see what I am doing - it's child's play.

It looks likes the RX480 has been discontinued, so there won't be any more updates for the ECS. I probably won't bother with updates for the Jetway, unless the next bios offers something worthwhile. I can't think of anything else they would add.

Tweaker has always had problems with adjusting the CAS Latency in Windows. I don't know if it's a bug with Tweaker or it's just too big of a change for your memory to handle and still keep the OS stable.
Thanks for the tip on a64 tweaker. I remeber reading in the sapphire ati grouper review on anand that the ati chip likes to be overclocked gradually.

"We did notice that the Sapphire ATI responds best to gradual increases in overclocking - it does not like, for example, to be set directly to 245 clock frequency. It will reach higher overclocks if the Clock frequency is increased gradually instead of in one fell swoop."

So I started at like 240 and just sat there increasing clock 1 step at a time :p I got greedy at 290 and tried to go right to 292...and would you belive it, no post. So I had to go back down to 275 and climb up again...I was just amazed that it was going so high and just kept on going...I don't know what teh max clock fsb is, but I got up to 302 before I started to try running prime and had to work down from there.

Now that you mention a volt mod...I think now's an excellent time to do my first one :p

googling came across your other thread:

good place to start?
Well, I got my Jetway to 289x9. If I set her to 300, it still sets the actual clock to 289. It's too bad she won't do 300 (the mobo, I'm sure the CPU will do it).
hmm maybe Ill just go for the ecs and vmod :cool: However, the vcore mod doesn't look real clear :confused: Or should I go with the Jetway??? If so I can just use a ddr booster right? Only problem is, my memory only does about 230ish 2-3-3 and the dividers don't work :(
eledude said:
Thanks for the tip on a64 tweaker. I remeber reading in the sapphire ati grouper review on anand that the ati chip likes to be overclocked gradually.
Well if 250 -> 251 is not gradual enough then I don't know what is! Weird. I just assumed it did not work past 250, because that was the max before.

I am also really suprised you hit that high without raising your board voltage.

eledude said:
Now that you mention a volt mod...I think now's an excellent time to do my first one :p

googling came across your other thread:

good place to start?
Heh, that's my alter ego. I would say that is a great place to start. ;) The VDIMM mod is a cinch and if you look at the two spots I marked with a green X (one is crossed out) on the last pic, both will work for the VCORE mod. The top one is about 100x easier to solder to, though. I would use a 10k trimmer though, because the adjustments with the 20k were painfully slow.

sabre, dividers work fine if you update the bios. I would still probably go with the Jetway, because buying a booster is easier and you get more volts out of it.
sleepeeg3 said:
sabre, dividers work fine if you update the bios. I would still probably go with the Jetway, because buying a booster is easier and you get more volts out of it.

I tried your BIOS (pre-A03), and I tried the official A03 bios.

The dividers do NOT work. At least, the 166 doesn't. It divides, but not...right. For example, when running a 240FSB, setting the divider in the BIOS so the memory shows '200mhz' (the 166 divider - 5:6), then CPU-Z in Windows reports the memory's actual clock as 183mhz, while the CPU clock still comes out fine.
Were you running a half multi at the time? :confused: That will also reduce your memclock.
oh noes...well I tried taking the newest RX480-A bios: 1.0A 2005/07/06 and made all of the changes you did (although video cacheable was no longer an option). Then I winflashed and bam, no post. I experienced this problem with your bios as well, where sometimes it would refuse to post until I tinkered with any combination of f1/clr cmos/remove battery then it would come to life (seemed random so I don't know what actually fixed it) - that that was most certainly OC related..

Except this time I can't get it to post no matter what I do...bummer. Any suggestions? I may have to find another board temporarily and hot flash or just get one from - major bummer.
sleepeeg3 said:
Were you running a half multi at the time? :confused: That will also reduce your memclock.

No. In fact, for some reason, it doesn't like it when I change the multi down (AMD X2 CPU). Dunno why, but I've always just left that at 'auto' as a result (the CPU's stock 11x multi).
Question for you guys and gals, I'm seriously considering this mobo for my upgrade in the maybe near future. I'm not a gamer (no oc) so the onboard video should be more than enough.

How is the manual that comes with it? Is this a good stable board? I tend to not upgrade often anymore, so I'm looking for something that will last.
eledude said:
oh noes...well I tried taking the newest RX480-A bios: 1.0A 2005/07/06 and made all of the changes you did (although video cacheable was no longer an option). Then I winflashed and bam, no post. I experienced this problem with your bios as well, where sometimes it would refuse to post until I tinkered with any combination of f1/clr cmos/remove battery then it would come to life (seemed random so I don't know what actually fixed it) - that that was most certainly OC related..

Except this time I can't get it to post no matter what I do...bummer. Any suggestions? I may have to find another board temporarily and hot flash or just get one from - major bummer.
What board are you using now? Most boards use the same CMOS chip. Hotflashing it really easier than you think. That really is your best option.

You mean the 6/07 bios? That was the last ECS had posted before it looks like they discontinued the board and was the same one I was basing the modded bios on.

dderdix - maybe that's all an X2 issue? Locked multis is not good. I was semi-considering the 3800+ X2... but if the bios is not there yet...

oboyco, which board? The manual? The Jetway's is better than the ECS. It's slim, but from what I glanced at it should be enough to help you set it up. Download it off their web-site. Board is stable, but then if you are running stock, they basically all are. Some claimed issues with gaming and an nVidia card, but I have not heard anything recently and I honestly don't remember which Radeon Xpress board that was. I am sure at least a few other people in this catchall Jetway/ECS thread are using an nVidia card and they have not reported any problems, let alone any reviewers, so it could have just been some nVidinuts creating false rumors.
Well, playing around with it some more tonight.

Dunno what the problem I had last time I tried this was, but the multipliers seem to be working. Right now, I'm running 10x with 240 htt and the 5:6 divider, putting the ram at 200-ish. BIOS shows it resulting in a 203 clock, but CPU-Z is reporting 199.9 mhz.

Genuinely bizarre, but it seems with the clock multipliers *set*, things are good to go.

That's on the Jetway -Pro board with the official A03 bios.

Sleepeeg3 - I hate to say it, but right now I'm running on BIOS settings that I KNOW for an ABSOLUTE FACT were not working before.

250htt * 10x CPU = 2.5ghz. Ram at 5:6 divider, and it's really showing up as 208mhz/DDR416 in CPU-Z (although the BIOS at bootup is reporting 21mhz/DDR433. :confused: I guess it just can't add right - LOL. 255 * 5 / 6 = 213)

Here's the "hate to say it" part, though. The other BIOS I tried 250 * 10 w/ 5:6 on, that didn't work, was your last Jetway BIOS before using the official A03. The official A03 - I'm on now - is working 100% on these settings.

Maybe something about one of the tweaks you removed or changed the default of made it not like X2 CPUs???

Dunno, but I'm happy as a clam now!
sleepeeg3 said:
What board are you using now? Most boards use the same CMOS chip. Hotflashing it really easier than you think. That really is your best option.

Don't plan on being able to hot flash this motherboard with anything else but the same chipset. I tried to hot flash my first board with an Nforce2 mobo and it didn't work.
Good job with the overclocking on ECS RS480-m :)
i have it 2 :)

good news to hear that i can oc my rig on the next years :)
dderidex said:
Here's the "hate to say it" part, though. The other BIOS I tried 250 * 10 w/ 5:6 on, that didn't work, was your last Jetway BIOS before using the official A03. The official A03 - I'm on now - is working 100% on these settings.
Okay well, I guess my time wasn't wasted... I updated the mod to the official A03 last weekend.

Hey MO, how did you hotflash? Boot with the NF2, stick in the new chip and then flash? I have read hotflashing does not always work with the same chipsets, but I don't see why it would not. Same socket type, the bios routines are programmed the same way with the same program and the chipset really is not involved. I'm thinking there are hidden variables like the chip receiving a fatal dose of static when moving it around or trying to boot with the RX board with another chip - that generally will not work.
sleepeeg3 said:
Okay well, I guess my time wasn't wasted... I updated the mod to the official A03 last weekend.

Hey MO, how did you hotflash? Boot with the NF2, stick in the new chip and then flash? I have read hotflashing does not always work with the same chipsets, but I don't see why it would not. Same socket type, the bios routines are programmed the same way with the same program and the chipset really is not involved. I'm thinking there are hidden variables like the chip receiving a fatal dose of static when moving it around or trying to boot with the RX board with another chip - that generally will not work.

Boot with NF2 stick other chip in and flashed using the ATI's flash utility, tried the Nforce2's flash utility, Uniflash, you name it. It looks like it flashed it, but I suspect the boot block didn't get flashed correctly. I must have hot flashed about 15 times trying to get it back to life.
MassiveOverkill said:
Boot with NF2 stick other chip in and flashed using the ATI's flash utility, tried the Nforce2's flash utility, Uniflash, you name it. It looks like it flashed it, but I suspect the boot block didn't get flashed correctly. I must have hot flashed about 15 times trying to get it back to life.
You try Awardflash? That's what is uses. It also needs all the command line junk to completely flash every sector on the chip ("/cc /py..." etc). Those switches do the same thing as the checkboxes using Winflash. Maybe that's why? *shrug*
this might already been answered but what exactly does Dual bank interleaving do?
I used awdflash for both the Nforce chipset and the ATI chipset. I used Uniflash as well. I've tried the newest version of Award flash. I used all the appropriate switches. The Jetway tech even told me I'd probably be unsucessful.
Thanks sleepeeg3, and I was referring to the Jetway pro board with the onboard 32mb video. Seems a better deal if one is not using a separate vid card. Just curious about the quality of this mobo, as I've read both good and bad. Seems most of the bad comes from experiences with some older Jetways.

According to Newegg they have some new and improved capacitors. What that all about?