Get your tweaked Jetway AGDMS & ECS RS480-M bioses here!

Thanks for the bios! My Jetway is at 265X9 and being held back by my winchester and not the HTT or Memory. Good thing for the voltage options on the Jetway cuz I can't get by 219 on stock voltage. Now I only need a Venice and I'll see what this board can really do.
oboyco said:
According to Newegg they have some new and improved capacitors. What that all about?
They are using polymers like those used on video cards and several intel mainboards, they are as follows in this email from Jetway:

Blue color caps between the CPU and back panel are using OC-Con

all the other large caps are by sacon Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors
OC-CON is Lelons attempt to duplicate Sanyo's OS-CON organic

Sacon appears to be re-badged Sanyo electrolytics, I have no idea why they did not just go with all Sanyo's (Chemi-con)

More of a selling point as they do not test the mainboard at the capacitors rated 105°C

as shown here:

We do extensive testing on the board before they are shipped out. We also do
35c, 45c and 50c chamber test on the board.
MD_Willington said:
More of a selling point as they do not test the mainboard at the capacitors rated 105°C
Sounds like it would be... if anyone else knew that! :p Well that is good to know, at least. ;)
I didn't mean it as a bad thing, I'm glad they are using new types of components.

I'm still hoping to eventually get one of these jetway boards

Just a quick question, do the XP-90 & XP-120 have any issues with the board, or the little aspire cube (name escapes me ATM)
Ya I know. ;) On the X-Qpack, you have to do a little case pruning to get the XP-90 to fit and the XP-120 I have no idea. Thinking it would hit the sides of the case though, unfortunately. You could try it...
well I thought a friend had the same board, but he had the MSI version RS480, wich uses an AMI bios so the award flasher didn't work. Tried uniflash 1.40 and bam...worked like a charm to get the 1.0g ecs bios back on it. Didn't try it on my NF3 board though.

Anyway, I'm posting on it right now...and I'll put your bios back on in a second. I think I'll give up on making my own...that seemed to work NOT AT ALL :p I don't trust myself anymore...

You said you used the 6/7/05 RX480 bios to make that one...I was trying to use the newer 7/5/05 bios (which seems to only have been listed on the page for a brief moment) they refer to it as v1.0A. If you want to do something with it, I have it here:

also here's a screen cap of the display message:
damn...for some reason I cannot see any of the bios selections past the LDT (gfx clock, etc.) nor can I see the surround view option in integrated perips even though they are clearly marked as "normal" according to modbin.

sleep, you know what would cause this? I hate to lose onboard video functionality/ocing as I'd like to use it for a second/third display...perhaps if the default were enabled for surroundview would it fix functionality at least?
Very cool... You are probably the only person with that bios outside of ECS! It's always a mystery what the programmers may have added to a bios! :D Generally, it's nothing interesting though...

If it's marked as normal you should be seeing it. Sometimes there is a parent menu that you have to enable, though. The default options for that one are not something I would be changing.

The other problem, which would suck, is if they made those options selectable only by a hotkey or some other method. I have a late model PIII Jetway miniITX board that I bought for a carPC that I decided to mess around with the bios. Turns out it has VCORE adjustments and extended memory timing adjustments that are hidden! But when I enable them they still can't be seen. I even tried flashing with a higher default VCORE, but it did nothing. So I think that some of the options in the BIOS are just a front and are not linked to any programmed controls. See if CTRL-F1 or SHIFT-F1 bring up the hidden options, but I have a feeling they should just be forgotten...

I'll try and look at the new bios on the weekend.
rydell said:
It pertains to the SATA setup. I cannot seem to get any form of RAID to work, or at least with Win XP (and Win x64). Now, I've heard a little gossip of ULi south chip not happy with Windows. But I'm not sure if this is the true source. Setting up the RAID is fine, SATA bios shows raid name, Windows install... reads RAID driver, and sees the drive. It even installs the 1st phase to copy files, but after first reboot, the "SCSI" boot drive is not found! (I have IDE DVD drive) It seems like bios is not able to see RAIDed boot drives.

I have the exact same issue. Does anybody have a solution? Here is my problem:

1) I installed Windows XP, using the SATA RAID driver off the floppy disk. The installation saw the RAID drive, formatted it, copied files, then needed to reboot the computer and boot to the drive it just copied all the files to.

2) There is no option in the bios to set the RAID drive to boot. Therefore, the computer always boots to the CD ROM. The bios does not let the RAID drive boot.

3) Since the windows xp setup could not continue because the RAID drive was not bootable, I cannot get to Windows. I keep getting the Insert System Disk Error.

On my old nforce3 mobo, the bios had NVRAID as a boot device, so I set that as primary boot device, and it worked fine, but this bios has no mention of the word RAID anywhere in it!

Jetway has been so awful at helping me out, they keep sending me instructions on how to copy the RAID driver on a floppy in order to use during the windows installation. I don't even think they read past the first line of my emails.

Can anybody offer any advice?
ra990 said:
2) There is no option in the bios to set the RAID drive to boot. Therefore, the computer always boots to the CD ROM. The bios does not let the RAID drive boot.

SCSI Device. You want the SCSI Device option.
dderidex said:
SCSI Device. You want the SCSI Device option.

Nope, I tried that, but no go. The SCSI Device does not boot the RAID drive. Does it on yours? Maybe my mobo is defective.
Do you have multiple drives set up in a RAID array as the boot device? Or, just a single device on an SATA channel?

If you really as using a RAID array...ummm...I'm not sure, would have thought SCSI would do it. When the system is booting, isn't that an option to hit a key during the ULi array detection process to get into a setup mode for it? Make it a boot device? Dunno, haven't paid attention to that - I just have a single SATA drive.

For a single SATA drive, it's easy as pie. Just boot to HDD-0, it handles that as an SATA drive just fine presuming you loaded the device drivers off the floppy when WinXP was installed.
Yes, I have two SATA drives configured through the ULi RAID BIOS in a RAID0 array. There is no option in that bios to make it bootable or not. The option should be in the motherboard's bios, but it is not.

I thought SCSI would do it as well, but it did not. Still haven't heard anything useful from Jetway.

If there is anybody on this board who is running windows from a RAID array on their jetway, HOW DID YOU DO IT???

Thanks -
Ah, RAID0. Makes sense.

Well, update us if you find out a way. Myself, I'd just try each of the options in the boot list to see if ANY of them have any effect. Worst thing that could happen is that it doesn't find a boot device!

Not to be a downer, but, really, I'm not holding my breath. There are VERY few chipsets and motherboards out there than can *boot* to a RAID-0 array...wouldn't surprise me in the least if the RS480 or Jetway A210GDMS was not one of them.
sleep: I'd be somewhat cautions about that bios however...maybe it was only up there for a second because it doesn't work :p I didn't try flashing it by itself to the RS480, but I edited it in the exact same manner you did to the last one (though I made some changes for defaults that I would rather prefer) and when I flashed (as I said before) trashed the bios and I had to hotflash to fix it. I call not being test subject on this next one..

for what it's worth the ECS board does raid0 for win xp x32 fine...but I couldn't find x64 drivers for the sii 3112 that worked..oh well. Every board out there should do raid fine these days...

There's a semi-common problem out there for NF boards where everything is fine for raid floppy and windows 1st stage - then reboots to do the gui stage and everything is fine...but then after rebooting form gui stage endless reboots with BSOD (for both x32 and x64). I think the problem has to do with the floppy drivers from platform 6.66. From what I read (which was tough to find) windows doesn't agree with the lastest nvid drivers and decided to use it's own pci ide driver for it during gui install - effectively borking the entire installation. gg MS and nvidia. So I fixed that by using either older 6.53 raid floppy drivers or using the ones that came with my epox mobo (9NPA+Ultra).

Maybe you might be experiencing a similar problem...though it definitely seems to be a bios issue....if nothing else comes up, try finding older drivers...
eledude said:
sleep: I'd be somewhat cautions about that bios however...maybe it was only up there for a second because it doesn't work :p I didn't try flashing it by itself to the RS480, but I edited it in the exact same manner you did to the last one (though I made some changes for defaults that I would rather prefer) and when I flashed (as I said before) trashed the bios and I had to hotflash to fix it. I call not being test subject on this next one...
God wanted you to be a guinea pig! :p I updated to the last ECS bios... It needs an ALPHA-MALE tester. Who wants to show their cohones? eledude, you still have a spare board for hotflashing, right...? ;)

I am thinking the changes were probably just to update to the X2 chip and whatever else went into the RS480-M rev. f bios, so we are not gaining any features, unless the timings start working correctly with this one. If the bios did not work, they would have put the 6/07 back up - instead they took down the support page for the entire board because it was discontinued. You might have just missed something between my modded one and the new one, or maybe it did not like one of your changes. talked me into it

I go back for college wednesday if you can get a modded bios posted sometime today that woudl be awesome. I need to make sure I have some time to go to my buddy's house if hotflashing on an NF3 or 4 board won't work.

Haven't tried the ctrl-f1 to get the onboard video displaying yet
On ECS Rs480: Flashed this morning..and all went well - however it appears that the memory timings are not fixed still and vcore's above 1.450 still don't work either...major bummer. still cannot see onboard gfx options or surroudview..also bummer. so I'm not quite sure what was changed...oh well.

Notes about ECS OCing: (all are from my expereinces with one board)
My board hates the clock of 251..climbing up from 250 to 251 seems to always result in a no post. Skipping to 252 works fine.
I have found that I need to start the clock at 240-246 rage before I start climbing. From there I can usually go 4-6 increments up until 278. Then it's 1 steps after that. I'd recommend disabling the SATA controller and both IDE channels as this will speed post time sigfinicantly and make the whole process much faster.
Unfortunately..something happened and I can no longer go past 280 - no matter what I do (climbing in steps of 1 from 250, skipping 281, etc.). It's very I used to be able to hit 300 no problem (though my Venice caps out at 294 for being prime stable 20 hours+). It's not the new 7/05/05 bios' fault as I couldn't hit it yesterday before I flashed from the old 6/07/05 tweaked bios.
I've noticed two types of situations with booting. One is that the system just hangs and the fan's never react to the mobo control and requires holding F1 to get a post. The other, which usually occurs at higher clocks 270+ where the fans start to react to mobo control and the whole system just shuts off...posting in safe mode on a powering up. Don't really know what this if someone else does, please tell me.

Something very important to note is that once you get to clocks that high (maybe 260+ ?) the board can't seem to boot up again if it's powered down. Restarts go fine...but if it's ever turned off, hard or soft, I can't manage to boot at that speed and I have to start the whole process over...which only takes 5 minutes..but still is no fun whatsoever. Plus it's kinda lame for lan parties...where you spend the first bit getting your computer back up to speed. I just hope the power doesn't go out often.

Sleep: may I ask why you disable firewire in your defaults? The board does have onboard...which is like the only reason I got this over the jetway. Ati's SB400 on the ecs has like the worst usb controller ever.
Well thanks for being the sucke... I mean tester for it, eledude. I am sure other's will appreciate it. :cool: I did forget to disable the higher voltage options, so I will make sure to eliminate those and the lower timings. Too bad.

250 -> 251... ya of course that would be it. That may have been the only one I tried! Naturally. :rolleyes:

The cold boot issue past 260fsb I think is due to the ECS providing insufficient voltage to the Radeon Xpress northbridge. In fact, my personal experience is that I am not sure it gives it enough voltage to run past 240 stably. The default VDD looked to be about 1.6v? That is .2v lower than what the stock is for the Jetway. I think if you want to get it booting at higher clocks, you probably need to do a VDD mod. Malves or persivore on should be able to help you.

The other possibility is it is similar to the cold boot issue that the DFI Ultra Inifity and LanParty used to have and might be able to be fixed with a bios edit (beyond simple MODBIN tweaks). Not sure if there is anyone who would be willing and able to investigate that possibility. tictac was the man behind the DFI bioses and last I checked he was "retired."

I disabled firewire, because I assume 98.0746% of people do not use it by default. If you want to create a custom bios to have it enabled - go for it. You seem like you know what you are doing. ;)
sleepeeg3 said:
The other possibility is it is similar to the cold boot issue that the DFI Ultra Inifity and LanParty used to have and might be able to be fixed with a bios edit (beyond simple MODBIN tweaks). Not sure if there is anyone who would be willing and able to investigate that possibility. tictac was the man behind the DFI bioses and last I checked he was "retired."

I disabled firewire, because I assume 98.0746% of people do not use it by default. If you want to create a custom bios to have it enabled - go for it. You seem like you know what you are doing. ;)

afaik, the cold boot issues with the dfi's was due to insufficient voltage at bootup. A hardware soultion was to hard wire mod the socket into giving a higher default voltage at bootup.
swatX said:
the modded bios doesnt work with xp-x64. sucks

Are you saying XP-64 bit won't install after you flashed the modded bios, or was it installed and when you flashed it, it would no longer boot to windows?

Just wondering because I am planning on installing x64 this weekend on mine.
I can't think of anything I disabled that would cause that... :confused: The regular one will probably not work either, if that is true.
Just installed XP 64bit on a GDMS-Pro with the modded bios. No problems yet, I'm doing the windows updates now.

Edit: Did notice one thing, it's a pain to get the audio drivers installed since you have to browse the cd and go in the folder to run setup. Also to get the Catalyst Control Center to work, you have to install the .Net Framework 2.0 Beta2. But none of this can be attributed to bios issues.
I went back to the optimal Bios settings but I would really like to get to 250fsb. but I dont remember all the settings I had changed to get to the 240 I had before, I ran at 240 for a month or so and never had any problems really. I did get errors when trying to run Prime 95 but everything else ran Rock Solid. I really think that 2.5 in within easy reach, I have recently upgraded to the Zalman 7000cu-LED Cooler.
I am useing the modded bios linked on the first page of this thread. Also I am useing a A64 winchester, I also upgraded the Northbridge heatsink to the Zalman unit (gold one) for better cooling there, It gets alot of the extra Air that the CPU cooler puts out so it doesn't really need a fan, that stock Cooler really is a shitty design overall!
anyone know why my 4x512 DDR400 is being run as DDR333? This pertains to the Jetway Pro by the way.
What chip are you running in it. Unless it's an X2, Venice or San Diego you're probably going to be stuck at 333 with 4 sticks.
Strange, are you using a divider? Are these double sided sticks or single?
swatX said:
read the memory forum. 4x 512mb coupled with a A64 will make the mem run at 2T DDR333. Its a fact.

Is there a fix?

ND40oz said:
Strange, are you using a divider? Are these double sided sticks or single?

I don't know what a divider is, so I don't think so. And they are all double sided and all the same brand.
swatX said:
read the memory forum. 4x 512mb coupled with a A64 will make the mem run at 2T DDR333. Its a fact.

The rev. E chips should allow you to run 4 sticks at DDR400 though. AMD updated the memory controller for it. I think you may have problems still when filling all 8 banks (double sided sticks), you may want to try 4 single sided sticks to see if they'll run at DDR400.
I have 4 double sided 512MB sticks, running at DDR400 1T. On an x2 proc with the Jetway. At least thats what I have it set to in the bios and thats what it shows when it POSTs.
dderidex said:
To the OP...

Mentioned this in another thread, but....any chance of exposing the new 'E'-core memory dividers in the BIOS?
Only if they are there and they are not there yet. :( I can only enable existing options.

I would say ask Jetway, but they would probably tell you how to reset your bios or something totally unrelated like that! :p

Offtopic: Has anyone tried this "new" nForce4 Asus microATX board? This could be promising...
Uggg....Asus for TEH SUCK!!

Ever since they started doing OEM boards (almost all HPs, Dells, Compaqs, etc are using Asus-manufactured boards), their quality control has PLUMMETED. They seem to only be interested in manufacturing parts as cheap as possible anymore.
I guess I would not know that since I have only owned quality boards from makers like ECS, Biostar, Albatron and um... Jetway! :p I can't complain, because they all worked well for me at the time. DFI boards are allergic to me, though.

Still, if the features are anything like the A8N-E, that could be an arguably better board than the Jetway. Even if they are not, they may just be a bios flash away...

Edit: Just read your post in the other thread. Too bad, but a flash to the full-sized version may be all that board needs. Worked for the ECS!
sleepeeg3 said:
Edit: Just read your post in the other thread. Too bad, but a flash to the full-sized version may be all that board needs. Worked for the ECS!
Posts on the Fujitsu-Siemens forums (IIRC) said specifically that doing that wouldn't work.

Didn't try it, myself. (Or, at least, I tried, and it wouldn't let me. :p )
ra990 said:
I have 4 double sided 512MB sticks, running at DDR400 1T. On an x2 proc with the Jetway. At least thats what I have it set to in the bios and thats what it shows when it POSTs.

what brand?