Get Ready for "Gamerlicious" Nvidia Control Panel

non that i know of...
i still download and manually install all drivers, unless its an old system and windows update ones are fine.

Well, I know I'm a weirdo, but in linux, I install everything from the command line using apt.

I also refuse to use anything snap/flatpack/AppImage.

If it's not available as a apt package, I simply do not use it.

As for Windows? Yeah, I still use traditional graphical installers. Not even familiar with Winget.
Well, I know I'm a weirdo, but in linux, I install everything from the command line using apt.

I also refuse to use anything snap/flatpack/AppImage.

If it's not available as a apt package, I simply do not use it.

As for Windows? Yeah, I still use traditional graphical installers. Not even familiar with Winget.
yeah true. i suppose all our linux/network guys use cli for a lot of things.
back to the topic, does the nvidia installer not offer a minimum option, like driver only? what if you just point device manager at the driver folder? will it automatically pull all the other "junk" too? i havent used it in a while, been all intel and amd lately...
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yeah true. i suppose all our linux/network guys use cli for a lot of things.
back to the topic, does the nvidia installer not offer an minimum option, like driver only? what if you just point device manager at the driver folder? will it automatically pull all the other "junk" too? i havent used it in a while, been all intel and amd lately...
Yes, they offer options for the various components in the installer like PhysX, geforce experience, HD audio, etc.
Right now the driver package and Nvidia App are still totally separate. You can install the normal drivers without PhysX/Audio/GFE/etc.
The App's a separate download. It asks you if you want the Studio or Gaming drivers and it asks if you want the overlay on at least if you answer that you want the gaming drivers. If you answer Studio...maybe it doesn't even go that route? I dunno. I'd imagine the vast majority of people are just going for the vanilla gaming drivers.
Worth noting, it full-on replaces GFE when you install it, too.
I swear...If this app is a combination of geforce experience code/features, coupled along with the nvidia control panel....I'm gonna rage. The piece of malware that is Geforce Experience is the biggest PITA ever. Causes so many issues it's ridiculous. Can't tell you how many times I've come across gaming systems that have had issues in frame rate specifically due to the garbage that is Geforce Experience. Yet DDU'ing away the install, and installing a new set of drivers without geforce experience magically solves the problem. Use to see this ALL the time when I worked in tech/repair. Would also happen with some notable RGB software, but not nearly as much as GFE.

Especially those auto game profile optimizations for GFE. Causes more problems then it's worth.
I swear...If this app is a combination of geforce experience code/features, coupled along with the nvidia control panel....I'm gonna rage. The piece of malware that is Geforce Experience is the biggest PITA ever. Causes so many issues it's ridiculous. Can't tell you how many times I've come across gaming systems that have had issues in frame rate specifically due to the garbage that is Geforce Experience. Yet DDU'ing away the install, and installing a new set of drivers without geforce experience magically solves the problem. Use to see this ALL the time when I worked in tech/repair. Would also happen with some notable RGB software, but not nearly as much as GFE.

Especially those auto game profile optimizations for GFE. Causes more problems then it's worth.
I've literally never had GeForce Experience cause any issue, and I've been using it since it came out of beta in 2013.
I have a few friends that aren't that savvy with PC game settings and GFE has been helpful in getting them up and running. I made a video that showed 'em how to setup Gsync, HDR, etc. and I mostly feel comfortable letting them use GFE to do the rest for each individual game. They don't know DLSS from RTX from LMNOP, so it can do the heavy lifting.
I've never had GFE cause any harm, but sometimes it chooses settings that are less than ideal. Usually in the form of undershooting what you're capable of, even when you're gunning for 60/120fps. In the past it would do the exact opposite. It would crank your details to the max and leave you with 30fps. Luckily those days seem to be over. I tested it on a couple different machines last summer and it spat out good recommendations.
I have had issues with games that don't like the GFE overlay, though. It occasionally casues gamepads (and gamepad UI prompts) to go haywire. I don't use it and nor do my luddite friends, so I just turn it off.