Gearbox to release Homeworld 1 & 2 HD

The entitlement of "gamers" is reaching new heights...

Normally I'm all with you, but I really don't have a problem with the complaints I'm seeing in this thread. There is a big difference between someone saying "I wish the game were more like xyz..." versus what you see in any GTA V thread right now where people are ready to burn Rockstar to the ground for delaying a game.

I see some people wishing for a sequel or a lower price, but no one seems to be actually mad at Gearbox. That's totally fine, not everyone has to like the game, but there's also really no reason to be mad just because someone isn't what you wanted.
That ship model and those laser effects were from over TEN YEARS ago. Look at that ship model, and compare it to the game models in homeworld 2 remastered. I was expecting more of a facelift. Yes I was.

This is not the space game your looking for then, move along
To be honest it sounds like Gearbox did a very good job with this one overall.
I expected the people that spent over a million dollars just to get their hands on the ip

to have something more planned than a visual update to the original games. Now they probably still do, but this is not the hope and promise of a homeworld renewal. And if you were going to just redo the visuals of the game, why not go all out and start anew with updated designs. You could keep the basic story and game mechanics, but the actual visual style could have been so much more enhanced. Is that me expecting too much?

How about another 10 year old game still having a ship model/design (the angelwing) that looks better than pretty much everything in the "remastered" homeworld ship database (aside from the bentusi harborship)?

That ship model and those laser effects were from over TEN YEARS ago. Look at that ship model, and compare it to the game models in homeworld 2 remastered. I was expecting more of a facelift. Yes I was.

I'm sure this is the start. Obviously before dropping 30-40 million on a full fledged Homeworld game, I think they are testing the waters with an update to the classic games. And like I said, it is more than just a visual update. There are a lot of engine upgrades that could not have been accomplished in the original Homeworld 2 engine. You must be forgetting how much of a pain it was to join games, the disconnect errors, ect. Hell, Gamespy even shut down rendering online play rather difficult.

As for Nexus, there are only a few units on screen. Maye 15-20 ships at the most? In Homeworld there are hundreds. That is like complaining how flight sim terrian is not as detailed as Battlefield's shoebox size maps. Scale & performance matters.

I have acquired a copy myself, so I will see how the Remastered version stacks up. I have been hearing mixed things on the changes.
I went ahead and bought it anyways lol.

On Easy I was barely staying alive vs a CPU haha. I'll have to brush up on this some. I forget to just continually keep making units.
To be honest it sounds like Gearbox did a very good job with this one overall.

seems like their support team was working overtime release day/night as well for people that ordered collectors editions and didn't receive them on time due to all the weather issues with snow / ice so if you provided them with your amazon order number/receipt ect they would get you a key to play with release day.
I haven't venture into multiplayer yet, but if anyone wants to play with a baddie hit me up on Steam @ aeonrevolution
Well, considering that GOG sells 100% unedited games for $10 frequently I would say $35 for this upgrade isn't so bad. And you even get the original games with working MP.

I played a little bit. Homeworld 2's GUI was better than Homeworld Remastered by a long shot. The new one is odd and clumsy. And the icons are either too small to read or they cover up your whole screen. I also don't like the new chat system, which has no lobby chat. There are some other minor changes I don't like, but overall it seems nice.
I will eventually be purchasing this....right after the Warlords mod gets updated and published for it. :D

Or it goes on sale after an update or two.
Anybody get SLI to work, Geforce Experience isn't downloading the SLI profile contrary to what the website says.
Well, considering that GOG sells 100% unedited games for $10 frequently I would say $35 for this upgrade isn't so bad. And you even get the original games with working MP.

I played a little bit. Homeworld 2's GUI was better than Homeworld Remastered by a long shot. The new one is odd and clumsy. And the icons are either too small to read or they cover up your whole screen. I also don't like the new chat system, which has no lobby chat. There are some other minor changes I don't like, but overall it seems nice.

This is my only complaint. At level 1 UI its so microscopic that its almost impossible to read but at level 2 its too big and the squad assignments dont even show fully along the bottom.
I will eventually be purchasing this....right after the Warlords mod gets updated and published for it. :D

Or it goes on sale after an update or two.

Most mods work fine in Homeworld 2 Classic. You can download Tactical Fleet Simulator 2.9 via Steamworks right now.
I'm not sure what the complaining is about. Looking at the videos of this, I'll be getting it for sure. It is precisely what I'd want out of a remaster: A video and audio update, control refinement, and update for modern hardware. It looks great to me.
Been having a blast at 3440x1440...such a beautiful game! Just been doing player vs cpu for now, don't have time for the campaign just yet.
This is not the space game your looking for then, move along

Truth be told, the space game I want most of all is not being made because there is not enough interest. It does not have enough people who played the original to know how great it was.

Nexus the Jupiter Incident. Where homeworld focused on resource gathering and economy + space battles, nexus was a tactical combat space sim where the focus is on controlling a fleet plus aspects of individual ships like power levels to shields/engines/weapons in addition to the positioning of battles.

The shift away from a focus on economy and more on to tactical elements of individual ships made it the single most compelling space sim type game I've ever played to this day. Which includes...

homeworld 1/cataclysm/2
star trek bridge commander
starfleet command / klingon academy

I still enjoyed homeworld a great deal though.
I'm not sure what the complaining is about. Looking at the videos of this, I'll be getting it for sure. It is precisely what I'd want out of a remaster: A video and audio update, control refinement, and update for modern hardware. It looks great to me.

Not to beat a dead horse, but here is a sample of one of the iconic scenes from mission three of homeworld 2 (spoilers)


random dudes with some high res textures from a couple years ago:

Now that's not everything, I'd imagine one of the later ships you get and the lighting effects look much better. But here's to practice, and getting better and richer from the buzz. I hope next time they go all out.
Yeah, see that is what I'm saying. All they did was a fluff texture job and fiddled with some of the UI things.

I wouldn't recommend buying this at all, the only reason I did was bc I lost my discs ages ago and the version I obtained didn't want to run correctly.
It has issues with AMD card... black screens, crashes... But otherwise, it's great game. Granted, I was not a maniac of Homeworld, think I only played 2nd and Cataclysm, but I like this game. It's not hard, not easy (though I'd love adjustable difficulty levels) - building formations is easy, and make differences, graphics is okay, music is great. Plot is a little wonky, but it never held up in old games too :)

Of course, if people were used to different control schemes and ship behaviour, they can be not happy. But for me, who was not afficionado of that series, it's decent space RTS.
It has issues with AMD card... black screens, crashes... But otherwise, it's great game. Granted, I was not a maniac of Homeworld, think I only played 2nd and Cataclysm, but I like this game. It's not hard, not easy (though I'd love adjustable difficulty levels) - building formations is easy, and make differences, graphics is okay, music is great. Plot is a little wonky, but it never held up in old games too :)

Of course, if people were used to different control schemes and ship behaviour, they can be not happy. But for me, who was not afficionado of that series, it's decent space RTS.

So....are you a Homeworld Afficionado or are you "Not a maniac of Homeworld".

Nexus the Jupiter Incident. Where homeworld focused on resource gathering and economy + space battles, nexus was a tactical combat space sim where the focus is on controlling a fleet plus aspects of individual ships like power levels to shields/engines/weapons in addition to the positioning of battles.

I would like to play a game like Nexus myself. I only spent about an hour with it, but the pacing wasn't very good. If you want a more tactical take on Homeworld, download Tactical Fleet Simulator for Homeworld 2 Classic via the Steam workshop. Unit positioning/micro management is more important. For example, occasionally fixed weapon units will be better head on, though if the opposition is constantly maneuvering the fixed weapon unit may loose. Likewise, sometimes letting your fighters fire off long range missiles before pulling them back to lure in enemy formations into hull defense range is helpful. You can also build additional turrets on certain capital ships to slightly specialize their role.

Obviously it is still an RTS and the mico mangement is not nearly as indepth as Nexus, but it is probably worth a try.

Not to beat a dead horse, but here is a sample of one of the iconic scenes from mission three of homeworld 2 (spoilers)


random dudes with some high res textures from a couple years ago:

Now that's not everything, I'd imagine one of the later ships you get and the lighting effects look much better. But here's to practice, and getting better and richer from the buzz. I hope next time they go all out.

Remastered looks better than those textures by a long shot. And this is not counting the new graphical effects that were not possibly with the old engine. Max unit cap can be increased before the engine gets bogged down thanks to optimizations. Obviously if you played MP, the best thing about this is that you can now play online again.

I think they made the HW2 campaign easier, as I finished it in about 7-8 hours.
We got exactly what they told us we would be get since day 1: A digital re-release of the original HW1 and HW2 with updated graphics that will run on modern hardware. Honestly Im just glad it turned out as well as it did given their track record lately.

As long as this does well there will be more to come from the ip in the future.

This is EXACTLY what I wanted - especially since I never finished more than the first level of HW2.

Downloading now - my CE is sitting right next to me :)
I don't usually order any collector's edition stuff, but I made an exception this time = )

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I would like to play a game like Nexus myself. I only spent about an hour with it, but the pacing wasn't very good. If you want a more tactical take on Homeworld, download Tactical Fleet Simulator for Homeworld 2 Classic via the Steam workshop. Unit positioning/micro management is more important. For example, occasionally fixed weapon units will be better head on, though if the opposition is constantly maneuvering the fixed weapon unit may loose. Likewise, sometimes letting your fighters fire off long range missiles before pulling them back to lure in enemy formations into hull defense range is helpful. You can also build additional turrets on certain capital ships to slightly specialize their role.

Obviously it is still an RTS and the mico mangement is not nearly as indepth as Nexus, but it is probably worth a try. ..

The starting ship is not as compelling a primary ship. Once you get your replacement primary ship things pick up. I liked the fact that the game had some skill/rpg ship building elements where you could actually retrofit your ships with different weapon types, or go for more powerful engines/weapons/power generators/batteries for extended energy use/etc.

You could choose beam weapons that pierced shields and targeted specific subsystems of enemy ships, or go for a combo of shield draining and hull damaging weapons systems or choose missile weapons with limited numbers per mission but massive wtf damage potential if they can actually get through the anti missile defense systems on ships (btw you could add equipment to your own ships that jammed their anti missile defense so there was an arms race there too)

Oh my god, I weep for the loss of that game. The only reason that game was not as popular as homeworld was or more is because no one ever knew about it and played it. Nothing of its kind has come out since that I am aware of, it's a style of space sim lost to time.
I'm surprised people are complaining about this remaster. Try buying something like the Grim Fandango remaster. It still had the original 2D pixelated backgrounds and even the same audio. All they did was make the "3D" characters higher res/more cleaned up with some BS developer commentary throughout the game. Even the "widescreen" fix just stretched the square picture out until a rectangle and looks worse. It's obvious many companies are hopping on the "HD remaster" bandwagon to make a quick buck but at least the Gabriel Knight, Resident Evil 1, & Homeworld HD remakes did it right.
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Edit: Answered my original question. Yes, you do get the tech later on.

I have to say, Homeworld 1's campaign is atrocious compared to HW2's. I am on mission 10 where you have to navigate through dust fields to protect yourself against radiation... except you can't see it visually, and you can't see it on the map. So you essentially have to start flying your ships around and figure out when they're going to blow up or not. Even after completing my only objective (destroying a research station), the game fails to do anything else. I have no idea what I am supposed to do as the only objective I was given has been completed... just sit there and hope the mission ends in the next hour? Very over rated game. At least HW2 was a massive leap over it.
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Nope - don't click on them till you have a surplus of RU to spend :(

Of course, the drone ship isn't arguably all that good imho (at least from what I remember - it's been a LONG time).

The one part of the game that stinks is resources - first few levels make sure you gather everything before you leave, that way you have a surplus later on that you don't even have to think about.
Nope - don't click on them till you have a surplus of RU to spend :(

Of course, the drone ship isn't arguably all that good imho (at least from what I remember - it's been a LONG time).

The one part of the game that stinks is resources - first few levels make sure you gather everything before you leave, that way you have a surplus later on that you don't even have to think about.

Looks like I am not the only one with these issues:

Already did mission 10 twice now. Oh well, maybe I won't bother. The campaign is more or less "lets kill you in ways you can't prevent/anticipate for". Homeworld 2 at least required you to engage your brain rather than get units killed due to some random reason before you're spoon fed on how to avoid situation X. Homeworld is like the CoD of RTS. I suppose it is a tack on for HW2 anyways. Just wish I could delete it to save SSD space; except I don't think you can without deleting your HW2 Classic/Remastered install. :mad: