Gateway XHD3000 - 30" Widescreen Extreme HD Display

Anyone else using xbox 360 with 1080p over vga? Every time I set it to 1080p my resolution goes out of whack (cut off screen). When I exit the menu the resolution is then 1680x1050 and then it keeps flashing and reseting image all the time. Could someone else try their 360 with vga at 1080 res? It works perfect at 1280x1024 res though...
Nice. I like. What size / other monitor brands / models would be a good "side" kick vertical screen for the Gateway XHD3000?

excellent so far, bought retail from fry's (ca) $1850



And yeah yeah about the wallpaper. I have free rent/utilities until we move to Vegas in the spring, so meh on the wallpaper.:p

thanks much...that's why i like this site so much...great info and tips.

as you can see, i am a quick study :D


happy holidays all (for our usa members)
I asked a tech on chat:
me "when using native resolution the monitor sometimes goes dark and then comes back"
tech "Yes, its normal"
How high is the input lag in the resolutions lower then native resolution? Is it really that unplayable, I am not a pro gamer ,I will mainly play single player games ..
Is it that bad ? Has the input lag major influence on singel player fps gaming?, how bad does it look while playing xbox360, ps3 etc....
Can't believe I never saw this thread before.

I also started with a triple monitor setup in mind (adding the two 20.1" Dells), but my desk was not going to cooperate. I've not really found one I like that would work, so I bought a 24" for a flanking computer instead.

I love the XHD3000! Text is pristine, the blacks are black but the darks don't drowned out the details. Gaming on it is AMAZING (provided you can afford the graphics card(s) needed). I also have an HD DVD player plugged into it. It upconverts the 1080p signal to 1600p, which again, looks amazing! I am extremely happy with it.
Are you using 2x xhd3000s? Also I suggest using synergy: one mouse/keyboard for both pcs. It will let you drag your mouse over like it's one pc.
Are you using 2x xhd3000s? Also I suggest using synergy: one mouse/keyboard for both pcs. It will let you drag your mouse over like it's one pc.

Dude, Thanx for the Synergy reference!! I got some ideas for that, very Kewl stuff!
Are you using 2x xhd3000s? Also I suggest using synergy: one mouse/keyboard for both pcs. It will let you drag your mouse over like it's one pc.

No, one is the 30" the other is a 24".

I may use the Synergy for another setup, thank you! However for this one I prefer indipendent. The main rig is wired for best performance while gaming, but the rig to the left is wireless for those times I want to kick back in my chair. Thanks for the suggestion nonetheless.
just ordered one of these beauts from the egg today...tried to pick 1 up @ a local frys but they were all sold out (i guess everyone had the idea as me w. the tax free weekend)

thinking of adding either a fhd 2201 or 2401 for 360 use like frraksurred :)
i've been researching these displays for months now and am proud to report that I have finally taken the dive. Just wanted to let you guys know that this thread has been extremely helpful in my deliberation process. Got it on the egg for 1449 and am pumped to fool around with it early next week.

Thanks again guys, huge help.
I ordered one of these from Best Buy for $1599 (needed to have an easy return if it didn't work out). Got the monitor and loved the look of it, but had the infamous black out within 2 hours of setting it up. I really, really tried to love this display, but besides the black outs, I was seeing some slight lip sync issues when running my Dish Network 722 HD-DVR via HDMI full screen on the monitor. I did some basic testing (switched back to me Sharp 32GP1U), and on the same recorded event, I think I noticed a slight difference (the Sharp being better).

I really loved the PIP - being able to run 1080p. I wish you had greater control of the actual positioning of the PIP window, instead of just being able to accept top left, top right, bottom left, bottom right...

Overall I think the display was gorgeous and if I didn't already have 2 Dell 3007WFP-HC monitors, this would have been a keeper, however since it was possibly going to replace the Sharp 32GP1U and pull 75% video duty, I just couldn't justify that kind of cost.

I'll admit that I went into this basically requiring the Gateway to "blow me away" in order to keep it. 3 30" monitors side by side is just gorgeous, but I think I'll wait for something new to come out that hopefully can do everything I want... (which is a lot, but a considerably less than most here on the forums! ;) )

The Best Buy return was a breeze, and I was quite surprised that they refunded all of my shipping (monitor was $15 for ground, and $50 for overnight - I chose overnight so that I could get it quicker!)


If you use the easy tune software that came with the monitor, you can size and move the PIP window wherever you want it.
I'm thinking of selling mine. Going from 1680x1050 to 1920*1080 is only a 300k increase pixel wise. Going from 1920*1080 to 2560*1600 is a 2 millon increase. Even my beast of a system struggles at 2560*1600 res. And honestly I can't see the big difference between 2560*1600 and a res of 1680*1050. To me 1680*1050 with AA looks fine on my 20 incher.
I'm thinking of selling mine. Going from 1680x1050 to 1920*1080 is only a 300k increase pixel wise. Going from 1920*1080 to 2560*1600 is a 2 millon increase. Even my beast of a system struggles at 2560*1600 res. And honestly I can't see the big difference between 2560*1600 and a res of 1680*1050. To me 1680*1050 with AA looks fine on my 20 incher.

are you serious? i wont game on anything else now haha and it's hard to believe that your system struggles w. this resolution bc my system is very similar and it cuts everything like a hot knife on butter
are you serious? i wont game on anything else now haha and it's hard to believe that your system struggles w. this resolution bc my system is very similar and it cuts everything like a hot knife on butter
I'm really picky and sensitive about framerate. If it goes bellow 60 it bothers me insanely.
haha icic...add another x2? =P
As games become more and more graphically advanced even the newer cards will struggle at 2560x1600. 1920 is the sweet spot i think. Also I tried lower resolutions and while it looks good I can't stand the mouse lag. I treid to ignore it and pretend it's not there but my god it's fucking horrible.
I can't go back to anything smaller then a 30" after using one. I'm looking for a 1080p lcd tv to replace it.
haha i feel ya...i went from dell 2707, 2 gateway fhd2400 (bad idea) and now the xhd.

have u tried the 32" samsung, sony, sharps, lg? they are nice, but the dpi is way high in comparison....i use my samsung 46 on weekends and i miss using the xhd
well I got mine yesterday and I can tell you I am BLOWN away. Looking at high res photos on this monitor is incredible. I did have one black out which lasted 1 second and it hasnt happened since. No dead pixels. So I guess I lucked out but so far so good.

I remember when I got a Samsung 240T (going on memory here) back in 2002 and it was $4500 !!!!!!
amazing how far these have come
congrats!, I know the feeling!

buying a 30" lcd was literally one of the best things I've ever bought
Ok first post just wondering if i should buy this xhd3000 mainly i play games on my PC mostly FPS but i tend to switch it up anyways i've been reading about the input lag and just want to know if i were to turn off the scaler and just use the scaler built into my gtx280and the screen at native res would the input lag still be there? i'm going to pull the trigger on buying a new LCD been using a 28" hannspree and im donating that my dad so time to get somthing new for myself thanks for any replys this may get,.
Ok first post just wondering if i should buy this xhd3000 mainly i play games on my PC mostly FPS but i tend to switch it up anyways i've been reading about the input lag and just want to know if i were to turn off the scaler and just use the scaler built into my gtx280and the screen at native res would the input lag still be there? i'm going to pull the trigger on buying a new LCD been using a 28" hannspree and im donating that my dad so time to get somthing new for myself thanks for any replys this may get,.

Well there is no doubt that there is input lag to a degree...the debate is how bad is it? I mainly play FPS like Halo or GRAW or COD4. Switching to this as my main monitor from a dell 2407 was a little different...but my monitor's lag is not that bad. It very mildly effected my gameplay...and honestly you will get used to it.

I would use the built in scaler, as it is a very high end HQV scaler..that takes load off of your 280 for higher fps and graphics processing.

The XHD3000's best picture quality is when sent interlaced video (720i or 1080i) as opposed to progressive. The monitor de-interaces the video itself. (Using an Xbox360)
I have noticed that input lag is less with interlaced video although...i suppose to less load on the onboard processor/scaler.

Either way, you will love this monitor!!!
Cool thanks for the info i did read somthing that having the upscaler adds 15ms to the display have you noticed any ghosting and i guess i really need a definition of what input lag is can you describe how the gameplay is when it lags ?
anyone have samsung Ln40a650 and does it have the same input lag as the xhd3000? or any other issues that have came up with the samsung im going to be using these lcd's as pc monitors for games and the occasional tv and blu-ray watching let me know what you guys think.
Ok first post just wondering if i should buy this xhd3000 mainly i play games on my PC mostly FPS but i tend to switch it up anyways i've been reading about the input lag and just want to know if i were to turn off the scaler and just use the scaler built into my gtx280and the screen at native res would the input lag still be there? i'm going to pull the trigger on buying a new LCD been using a 28" hannspree and im donating that my dad so time to get somthing new for myself thanks for any replys this may get,.
From everything I've learned about the XHD3000, if you run it at native resolution (2560x1600), the scalar automatically turns off, eliminating any scalar-induced lag. Your video card would fully control the graphics. In this mode, most people claim the monitor performs extremely well. My question is whether using the scalar to upscale HDTV, movies and videos to 1600p adversely affects their image quality. I plan to use this LCD as my office PC+TV monitor.
ok correct me if I'm wrong but people are stating this is a pva panel and on gateways site it states it's a tn panel.
My question is whether using the scalar to upscale HDTV, movies and videos to 1600p adversely affects their image quality. I plan to use this LCD as my office PC+TV monitor.

1600p does not exist.
Side note.
AFAIK only the NEC 3090 is able to scale 1080p blu-ray movie up to 1600 lines of visible image without black bars above and below (with cropping sides respectively), but not XHD3000.
AFAIK XHD3000 scaling is limited. So it's max vertical visible upscaled blu-ray image (with 1.85:1 for 1080p) will be ~1385 out of 1600 with usual black bars above and below. Correct me if I am mistaking (I didn't spend much time with XHD3000).
"1600p" is Gateway's little marketing fib.

Back to your question.
Upscaling 1080p to max screen size affects Full HD image quality minimally. You shouldn't worry.
ok after about 10month of having this monitor
today I turned it on and I have two fat colored lines on both sides of the screen they are right around 4:3 aspect ratio. they just appear there for a little bit and then after browsing on the net they gradually disaapear. Its like ranibow color line that go across the screen vertically.
and also now I have a green film like patch to the right of the center of the screen, which is about 4 inches wide that go vertically across the screen that appeared on my screen recently like a day ago, vertically as well which does not go away.

Does anybody have the same issue. I think I still have 1 year warrnty ont he screen I just wonder if anything I can do to fix that or just return it to where I bought it from?

here is what that green looking thing looks like:

this is right before I was using Cyberlink PowerDVD8 to watch the movie.
is like this in the Bios as well when I go there or reboot and the winxp window appears etc...
ok after about 10month of having this monitor
today I turned it on and I have two fat colored lines on both sides of the screen they are right around 4:3 aspect ratio. they just appear there for a little bit and then after browsing on the net they gradually disaapear. Its like ranibow color line that go across the screen vertically.
and also now I have a green film like patch to the right of the center of the screen, which is about 4 inches wide that go vertically across the screen that appeared on my screen recently like a day ago, vertically as well which does not go away.

Does anybody have the same issue. I think I still have 1 year warrnty ont he screen I just wonder if anything I can do to fix that or just return it to where I bought it from?

here is what that green looking thing looks like:

this is right before I was using Cyberlink PowerDVD8 to watch the movie.
is like this in the Bios as well when I go there or reboot and the winxp window appears etc...

I'm curious if NewEgg will RMA. It would seem to me that if you've had it 10 months, you would have to RMA with GW??
ok, so im looking to buy a 30" soon and this was one of the contenders. So two things i've been hearing a lot is the blackout and input lag.

So my questions are:

1) Did Gateway ever fix the blackouts? And if not, are they a big problem?

2) I usually game on my xbox 360 and thats ranges from fun to highly competitive as in online tournaments and mlg, so i was wondering, does the input lag highly effect the consoles, and if so, is it fairly noticeable?
ok, so im looking to buy a 30" soon and this was one of the contenders. So two things i've been hearing a lot is the blackout and input lag.

So my questions are:

1) Did Gateway ever fix the blackouts? And if not, are they a big problem?

2) I usually game on my xbox 360 and thats ranges from fun to highly competitive as in online tournaments and mlg, so i was wondering, does the input lag highly effect the consoles, and if so, is it fairly noticeable?

I don't have a Blackout issue. I've used mine with three different Cards. All ATI, X800PE, HD2900XT, and 4870x2. No Blackouts. Input lag seems non-existant to me, but I'm not a Hardcore gamer so not sure I would really Notice it. I can Tell you COD 4 and Crysis and Crysis Warhead are AWESOME on it. The multiple Inputs are awesome also. I wouldn't trade it for anything out there. Multi inputs were a pre-req for me and it has tons of inputs.
I don't have a Blackout issue. I've used mine with three different Cards. All ATI, X800PE, HD2900XT, and 4870x2. No Blackouts. Input lag seems non-existant to me, but I'm not a Hardcore gamer so not sure I would really Notice it. I can Tell you COD 4 and Crysis and Crysis Warhead are AWESOME on it. The multiple Inputs are awesome also. I wouldn't trade it for anything out there. Multi inputs were a pre-req for me and it has tons of inputs.

x2, plus I love being able to game and run a PiP movie from my 360