Gateway XHD3000 - 30" Widescreen Extreme HD Display

I don't have a Blackout issue. I've used mine with three different Cards. All ATI, X800PE, HD2900XT, and 4870x2. No Blackouts. Input lag seems non-existant to me, but I'm not a Hardcore gamer so not sure I would really Notice it. I can Tell you COD 4 and Crysis and Crysis Warhead are AWESOME on it. The multiple Inputs are awesome also. I wouldn't trade it for anything out there. Multi inputs were a pre-req for me and it has tons of inputs.

hmm i guess ill try out the xhd3000 and see if i like it, if not ill get a 3008wfp :)
I didnt have any problems w/the monitor at all untill just last week.
I never had any black out screens or any lag when playing games but just last week this annoying crap is on my screen.
what should I do?
I've emailed GW support havent gotten a reply back .
Tomorow I'll call

So far I've been pleased w/the monitor and would like to have it again for sure.

I just dont know what is this green stuff on the screen is all about.
is there way to fix it or the only option is to return/exchange?
there is a 1 year warrnty on the monitor for sure I bought in January from Newegg and manufacturing date on the back of the screen is Oct/2007

any suggestions?

so could it be my video cards I have xfx 7800gtx in sli
I am susing 178.15 xp 32 drivers?
I didnt have any problems w/the monitor at all untill just last week.
I never had any black out screens or any lag when playing games but just last week this annoying crap is on my screen.
what should I do?
I've emailed GW support havent gotten a reply back .
Tomorow I'll call

So far I've been pleased w/the monitor and would like to have it again for sure.

I just dont know what is this green stuff on the screen is all about.
is there way to fix it or the only option is to return/exchange?
there is a 1 year warrnty on the monitor for sure I bought in January from Newegg and manufacturing date on the back of the screen is Oct/2007

any suggestions?

so could it be my video cards I have xfx 7800gtx in sli
I am susing 178.15 xp 32 drivers?

Unplug and replug the Power supply on the monitor.
ok turned off the monitor
then unpluged power supply to the monitor, then
unplugged DVI to the monitor
repluged dvi connector and repluged the power supply connector after 10sec.
turned the monitor ON still the same green line vertically across the screen.

what could this be and how come it appeared after 10month of use, this is crazy.
Tech Support didn't reply back to my email its been 24hr now.

does anybody know the phone number of Gateway Tech Support?
ok turned off the monitor
then unpluged power supply to the monitor, then
unplugged DVI to the monitor
repluged dvi connector and repluged the power supply connector after 10sec.
turned the monitor ON still the same green line vertically across the screen.

what could this be and how come it appeared after 10month of use, this is crazy.
Tech Support didn't reply back to my email its been 24hr now.

does anybody know the phone number of Gateway Tech Support?

Broke, gotta go back...

ET Phone Home...
ok turned off the monitor
then unpluged power supply to the monitor, then
unplugged DVI to the monitor
repluged dvi connector and repluged the power supply connector after 10sec.
turned the monitor ON still the same green line vertically across the screen.

what could this be and how come it appeared after 10month of use, this is crazy.
Tech Support didn't reply back to my email its been 24hr now.

does anybody know the phone number of Gateway Tech Support?

FYI, I've had a great experience w/ Gateway support, as my speaker bar blew out w/ in the first week of owning my screen, called up Gateway and they sent one out right away and got it in 2 days. (yes I was very surprised, and they spoke excellent English too)

FYI, I've had a great experience w/ Gateway support, as my speaker bar blew out w/ in the first week of owning my screen, called up Gateway and they sent one out right away and got it in 2 days. (yes I was very surprised, and they spoke excellent English too)

How long ago did you call them?

I think the other Poster is correct. Things have changed there. Almost impossible to get them. I think I went thru the contact thread and they req. SN. The SN is not of an acceptable format I seem to remember and you get auto hung up on.
Newegg tells me to contact Gateway.
but I still didnt get a reply from Gateway its been two days now w/out a reply to my email
ok got a reply from gateway which to me sounds totally random. plus the link they provide is for WinVista
I use winxp pro

here is there email to me:

Dear Sir ,

Thank you for using our online email support. It seems that your monitor
is experiencing an abnormal video display. Please refer to this link to
troubleshoot the issue

Please reply to this message if you require further assistance with this
issue. If your reply is received while I am out of the office, to
ensure a speedy resolution, your issue will be handled by one of my


Badge GWEL9650

Information provided pursuant to Gateway's and/or eMachine's Terms of
Sale and Limited Warranty Agreement. All brands and names are
trademarks of their respective companies.
I called just a couple of months ago...go figure.....I hope things haven't changed, that would royally suck

FYI, I've had a great experience w/ Gateway support, as my speaker bar blew out w/ in the first week of owning my screen, called up Gateway and they sent one out right away and got it in 2 days. (yes I was very surprised, and they spoke excellent English too)

Lucky you. One side of my speaker bar did not work. I email Gateway support, they told me to send the entire unit back to newegg. I didn't bother since I prefer the Z5500 over the speaker bar. But definitely in the future, I will not buy Gateway if there are alternatives.
turned the monitor ON still the same green line vertically across the screen.

I've seen the green lines on my monitor a few times. It sometimes happens when I put the PC to sleep and hit the power button on the monitor before the video card shuts off the display. When the video card does shut off the display, the green lines appear and the monitor stays stuck in that state. I then have to disconnect the power from the monitor to reset it.

I hope this is not an indication that my monitor is going bad
GlimmerMan that exaclty what was happening before the permanent Green Patch was there for good
so I highly suggest you call gateway to expalin the situation.

I finally got a reply back from techsupport this is what they said:
Hello Sir,

Thank you for using our online email support.

Based from the issue description, the monitor will need to be repaired.
We can process a repair for the monitor under your limited warranty. In
order to complete the order for your repair, please provide the
following information.

1. Complete shipping information (Street address, including city,
state, and zip code)
No P.O. address

2. Home phone number

3. Physical address of the system if different from 1 and 2 above.

4. Alternate/Work phone number.

5. E-mail address

Please reply to this message if you require further assistance with this
issue. If your reply is received while I am out of the office, to
ensure a speedy resolution, your issue will be handled by one of my


Badge GWEL4322

So I guess since the monitor has a labor and repalcement warranty
somehow according to this email they will repair it?
received another email from
they do not provide box to put the monitor in
what box should or can I use to put the monitor in it?
does anybody know a specific monitor box that I can use?
Does anybody remember how it was packaged?
was the base detachable? I cannot find anything to detach the base/stand
was it originally shipped like that?
Bought a PS3 today hooked it up using HDMI connection on the back of the screen
the green bar still there. I am sending the monitor tomorow to Gateway.
ok after about 10month of having this monitor
today I turned it on and I have two fat colored lines on both sides of the screen they are right around 4:3 aspect ratio. they just appear there for a little bit and then after browsing on the net they gradually disaapear. Its like ranibow color line that go across the screen vertically.
and also now I have a green film like patch to the right of the center of the screen, which is about 4 inches wide that go vertically across the screen that appeared on my screen recently like a day ago, vertically as well which does not go away.

Does anybody have the same issue. I think I still have 1 year warrnty ont he screen I just wonder if anything I can do to fix that or just return it to where I bought it from?

here is what that green looking thing looks like:

this is right before I was using Cyberlink PowerDVD8 to watch the movie.
is like this in the Bios as well when I go there or reboot and the winxp window appears etc...

Return it to gateway. And do it quick since you have less than 2 months left. Also, you would want to keep some extra timeframe open so that you can return the replacement if it has any other issues.
ok, so im looking to buy a 30" soon and this was one of the contenders. So two things i've been hearing a lot is the blackout and input lag.

So my questions are:

1) Did Gateway ever fix the blackouts? And if not, are they a big problem?

2) I usually game on my xbox 360 and thats ranges from fun to highly competitive as in online tournaments and mlg, so i was wondering, does the input lag highly effect the consoles, and if so, is it fairly noticeable?

I spoke with a MPC (purchased as business) advanced tech services about a month ago regarding any new revisions with the monitor. Was informed that the blackout and other issues weren't fixed yet. The issue seem to be isolated to certain ones, not the whole production line. I'm pretty sure that ones you get now should be fine.

I don't notice any input lag on my PS3. The only instances where I come across input lag is when I'm running very low resolutions on the PC (1680x1050 and below) And even so, it's barely noticeable (for me atleast).
got RMA and everything ready
shipping the monitor on Monday Nov 10,2008
will see how long it will take them.
I hope they just sent me a new one instead of repairing it.
I have been looking to buy this monitor and noticed that it's priced at $1099 on Amazon - sold via J&R. A couple of weeks ago it was still $1499. Any idea why the sharp drop in price?


How long have you been buying electronics?

I got a computer I'll sell ya, perfect condition Pentium 100, barely overclocked to 120 mHz by a little ol' Lady from Pasadena. Only $2000.

The Amazon deal may change in the next 5 seconds. They do that kinda thing. A great deal by the way.

We'll see how long it lasts, I just posted in the Hotdeals section. I'm looking for a 65" LCD TV, and all those prices are dropping like rocks.
As an Amazon Associate, HardForum may earn from qualifying purchases.
but I wouldn't buy it.
after 10 month my lcd is broken. I've never owned a lcd monitor that lasted 10 month
my last 19" NEC monitor lasted me 5 years w/no problems.
I would look for NEC or Dell instead of Gateway IMO
I am lucky this happened only within 10 month. I am sedning mine for repair/warranty tomorrow and I paid a premium price for this monitor. This is unacceptable the production contorl from Gateway needs to be way better for the price they were asking at first.
$1099? It was $1499 just three days ago (11-6-08)! My triple 30" setup is looking more doable all the time! WOO HOO!
but I wouldn't buy it.
after 10 month my lcd is broken. I've never owned a lcd monitor that lasted 10 month
my last 19" NEC monitor lasted me 5 years w/no problems.
I would look for NEC or Dell instead of Gateway IMO
I am lucky this happened only within 10 month. I am sedning mine for repair/warranty tomorrow and I paid a premium price for this monitor. This is unacceptable the production contorl from Gateway needs to be way better for the price they were asking at first.

Failure is bound to happen with every electronic item. NEC and DELL are no exception to this.
but I wouldn't buy it.
after 10 month my lcd is broken. I've never owned a lcd monitor that lasted 10 month
my last 19" NEC monitor lasted me 5 years w/no problems.
I would look for NEC or Dell instead of Gateway IMO
I am lucky this happened only within 10 month. I am sedning mine for repair/warranty tomorrow and I paid a premium price for this monitor. This is unacceptable the production contorl from Gateway needs to be way better for the price they were asking at first.

There were issues with Blackouts and screws showing through to the screen at first. I made GW match Dell's price, Free shipping, and Free 3 year warranty, by crying about those issues and was considering a Dell. I did have to pay Tax.

May I ask, how you managed to do this? And at what price did you get it, because sadly, it is OOS at jr now, and it would indeed be nice to have one of these on my desk. . . perhaps with some more advice?

Thanks :)

May I ask, how you managed to do this? And at what price did you get it, because sadly, it is OOS at jr now, and it would indeed be nice to have one of these on my desk. . . perhaps with some more advice?

Thanks :)

I called in thru the business access. I didn't act like I was trying to get over on them. I basically told them I was trying to make up my mind about whether I wanted the Dell or not because I was concerned about what I had read about the Blackout issue. I didn't want it to blackout at 14 months and not be able to warranty it. I got it shipped with TAX, and three year warranty a year ago for $1700 or so. That would have run over $1900. You need to have a little Con artist in you. Call in, get the salesman's contact info. Deal with one guy. They want to sell. I'm sure end of month might be better than beginning, but not sure about that. Go in with some ammo to beat them down with. Tell them about all the monitors you've researched, and you like some things and don't like some things about the GW. Get your "play" together before you get on the phone. You need to be have a legitimate story. Mine was I was worried about the blackout issue. Which I have never seen with three different systems.
. . . I didn't want it to blackout at 14 months and not be able to warranty it. I got it shipped with TAX, and three year warranty a year ago for $1700 or so. That would have run over $1900. You need to have a little Con artist in you. C.....

Con artist, eh? I think I can whip something up..I've been known to have some swag in that area :D. The only thing nowww is that do you think they are willing to match the price down to newegg/jr @ 1099?? That's the crucial point I wanna know, because if so..time to start dialing ph #s. .
Con artist, eh? I think I can whip something up..I've been known to have some swag in that area :D. The only thing nowww is that do you think they are willing to match the price down to newegg/jr @ 1099?? That's the crucial point I wanna know, because if so..time to start dialing ph #s. .

I think they won't match an old sale. I would look at Dell's proces, which is what I did, I hit them with Dell and HP prices on their 30's
Both and Newegg have the Gateway XHD3000 for $999 right now. I got one through Tigerdirect as I used the 5% off to negate the shipping.

I tried this monitor once before, and did have the black outs and did see some lag, but I'm going to live with it as it won't be my primary display. I have 2 Dell 3007-HC monitors, and the Gateway will be used primarily for video (I absolutely loved the 1080p PIP on the 2560x1600 display!)

Here's to hoping for no dead pixels and no black out issues...!

Both and Newegg have the Gateway XHD3000 for $999 right now. I got one through Tigerdirect as I used the 5% off to negate the shipping.

I tried this monitor once before, and did have the black outs and did see some lag, but I'm going to live with it as it won't be my primary display. I have 2 Dell 3007-HC monitors, and the Gateway will be used primarily for video (I absolutely loved the 1080p PIP on the 2560x1600 display!)

Here's to hoping for no dead pixels and no black out issues...!


Great Deal!
ok recived the word from Gateway Customer Service
they are sending me a new monitor after warranty work.
will be getting it on Monday. hope this one does not fail after 10month again
and I hope its updated version. since mine was manufactured in Oct 2007
Mine came with 4 dead pixels. Not even going to test it further. I am so mad about the fact it's going to take a while to get another one.
At least I hope they can adjust the price for me because it just dropped down some more.
what i did:

i ordered it from J&R because of the better warranty support.

it's 1099 w/ 7% cashback.

i ordered and waited for the cashback to get processed in my account. I called them afterwards and then they credited me teh cash difference from newegg but i get the full 7% from them after everything, i bought the monior for around 960
what i did:

i ordered it from J&R because of the better warranty support.

it's 1099 w/ 7% cashback.

i ordered and waited for the cashback to get processed in my account. I called them afterwards and then they credited me teh cash difference from newegg but i get the full 7% from them after everything, i bought the monior for around 960

Great stuff spressa,

Question: When you ordered it, was the item in stock @ the egg? Also, did you add any additional warranty (i.e. the 3 year service plan) with J&R? Is that extra warranty even worth it?

Anyone else know if it would be too, more than welcome to comment :p

Thanks for the tip!
well, i just wanna get one for sure that has no dead pixels and no black out. I had one before and it had both problems......j&r returns with no hesitation, so i think it's worth it. I've only bought two monitors from newegg and both times, it has has to be more than 8 pixels. I've heard of times where they'll argue a stuck pixel is not a dead pixel on an 8th pixel argument, etc....i think the j&r is worth it
Do you guys think this monitor is worth it if i get it over going for say a westy 37"er 1080p as my primary monitor?

im sure my games will run fine at 2560x1600.

im just not sure if i want a bigger screen for $400 less, or a smaller screen but bigger resolution for $400 more.

convince me, because i really want to get the 30" but the westy is such a steal.

now, if the 37" was $1000, id get the 30" hands down.