Gateway FPD2485W - 24" HD LCD

My biggest issue with this monitor is the brightness. I feel like I need to be putting on tanning lotion!

Anyone come up with a good brightness/contrast setting that calms this monster down without killing the color or detail too much?

Run the EZTune calibration, which will adjust the monitor's settings via software. You should be able to reach an acceptable level of brightness for your lighting conditions.
Nothing yet, the monitor doesn't get here till Friday. Though the A04 we got at work surely is a good sign. However that is under bright office conditions with no game consoles to test it with. I do know that there is not a lick of smearing or inverted ghosting on that display.

I will reserve judgment until I have it in my dark room with my game consoles though. I am eagerly awaiting Friday.
Just letting some of you know my Dell vs. Gateway comparison should be started tonight. The Dell should be at my house within the next few hours. Can't wait.
Just letting some of you know my Dell vs. Gateway comparison should be started tonight. The Dell should be at my house within the next few hours. Can't wait.

I am watching for your review....

It is going to be hard to even think about giving up on my Gateway since I use all 3 of the DVI (main display), VGA, (secondary computer) and component (HD cable box), plus the USB hub....but this February model, while superior to the old one in most respects (November), has the inverted ghosting much worse while gaming. Can I deal with it? Yes...but I shouldn't have to.

From what I have read, the inverted ghosting is an artifact of the overdrive tech that gets the response time down...if we could only find a way to turn it off....I can deal with slightly increased response times....
I read that as well regarding inverted ghosting and overdrive. However the fact that the display doesn't exhibit the issue when cold and only once it warms up (or in a warm environment) leads me to believe that it is in fact a heat issue. Especially since I don't recall any other LCD that I have used having that same trait ( I use a ton at work, on all day, none have inverted ghosting) The panel, even the more recent cooler models, run warmer than most LCD's and it could be the fact that Gateway cranks the bulbs on this beast.

I will be sure to give an honest opinion of the Dell v Gateway with inverted ghosting, or the lack of, being my focus. Quite frankly like I said before, minus the inverted ghosting IMO the Gateway is the closest to the perfect 24" LCD. It just becomes such an eye sore when it really kicks in that it kind of becomes the focus of my attention.
I read that as well regarding inverted ghosting and overdrive. However the fact that the display doesn't exhibit the issue when cold and only once it warms up (or in a warm environment) leads me to believe that it is in fact a heat issue. Especially since I don't recall any other LCD that I have used having that same trait ( I use a ton at work, on all day, none have inverted ghosting) The panel, even the more recent cooler models, run warmer than most LCD's and it could be the fact that Gateway cranks the bulbs on this beast.

Agreed re: the heat issue. This panel runs hotter than and LCD display I've seen, including some pretty warm 40" sets. Where the panel is the warmest - the upper corners - is also where the backlight bleed is the worst. I may point at fan at this to see if it alleviates the ghosting.

I think the light source is just too hot. I keep my brightness cranked down, so perhaps some cooler backlighting is in order.
I will try leaving the display off for a couple hours then immediately firing it up and going into a game. For me, Call of Duty 2 exhibits pretty bad inverted ghosting.

More to follow.
One thing I noticed yesterday on my day off was a shit load of tearing on Gears of War. I was playing and it happened a lot. Now it's actually starting to piss me off. I'm seriously thinking about getting myself a Westy 37" for the 360. The Gateway looks great with HDTV and the PC. So I'll just use the Gateway for the PC and image/video editing. That I don't mind.
Tearing with 360 is usually fixed by just turning the monitor on and off, I don't notice any tearing with GOW and the Gateway.

Now on to the Dell, first here she sits (not adjust, nor is the stand adjusted, but now it is perfectly level.


I live in a Cape Cod style house hence the low ceilings upstairs, which is my gaming lair.


And the lone soilder....


First impressions of the Dell were the box and how plain and boring. It actually made me kind of nervous because the box is so drab and small. After powering it up I checked for dead pixels, and thankfully there were none. Backlight is even all across the panel, no bleed as of yet, though it is still semi light in the room so I will reserve judgement on backlight until tonight.

Text is sharp, a tad more so than the Gateway. I think it has to do with the panel front. While the Dell does not have a glossy screen cover, it is sort of reflective. It however lacks that sparkle type effect that the Gateway panel front gives off. Hard to describe but if you look close at your Gateway, you can sort of see what I am talking about. Just sort of sparkles, the panel front of the Gateway is very matte in comparison. Not to say I can see my reflection on the Dell, it just seems shinier when the display is off.

Colors, while uncalibrated, look very good on the Dell. A strong point of the Gateway as well, and I would say they are on par with each other. Banding? I don't know, color banding really doesn't bother me and it's not something I look for on a display. When I get around to it I'll view the same images I checked on the Gateway way back. However I didn't notice anything on the Gateway and don't on this. Maybe with some test images I could do a better comparison, but again, it's not one of those things that really makes or breaks a monitor for me. I am a gamer, I don't do photos or any serious graphic work.

Brightness seems more effective on the Dell. What I mean by that is when you crank the brightness on the Gateway, it doesn't really seem to make objects or colors change all that much. Like this forum, the greens/greys are sort of darker on the Gateway, they appear lighter on the Dell. I would say the Dell benefits from a more effective brightness setting while things seem to be a little darker on the Gateway. Which is probably whty the Gateway has such deep blacks, if not too deep at times. The color/brightness shift seems a little less on the Dell, the type where if you bring your head to the side the image becomes brighter. The Gateway has a more prominant color/brightness shift in comparison, again when taking your head and viewing at an angle from either side.

The Dell is cooler than the Gateway, by a lot. My Gateway could never cook me dinner, but it did get warm. The Dell has been on for close to 3 hours now and is only mildly warm. Which brings me to the next, most important benefit of making this switch.

Inverted Ghosting. There is none, not a single bit. I really don't know what else to say without sounding like a fair weather fan of the Gateway, but this panel just goes far and above it when it comes to anything moving. Websites, like this one, where inverted ghosting became so plainly obvious, is just flawless. Games where sides of buildings started to look like a good acid trip, are without a trail. It just isn't there, not even a little. I didn't notice it on the Gateway until it was pointed out, and even then at first mine wasn't that bad (as you can clearly read numerous times in this thread), but it has gotten to the point where close to an half inch (probably less) of a moving object looked like it was melting black behind it.

Is the Dell better than the Gateway? Yes, in just about every aspect.

Should you sell the Gateway and get a Dell or somthing else? If inverted ghosting bothers you, then yes, it's like night and day without it. That is not to say that the Gateway is not a great display, but for those who are fixated on the ghosting issue, switching to a new panel eliminates it.

I haven't tried my PS3 yet with the Dell but 360 looks fantastic. If you have any questions on the comparions let me know, I'm not a reviewer as is obvious by my ramblings above.
Just thought I have to send the Gateway in because otherwise the guy I sold mine to would not be able to do an RMA with his panel most likely. Plus I'm an honset times.

Wow Ferris even ended up with another monitor, one that actually does what its supposed to.


Im going to start offering this 24 POS around maybe I can get a couple of bucks back, it even dropped 100 bucks lol.

It doesnt sound like Gateway is taking care of this, I just contacted CS and gave me no confidence at all. The CSR assured me there were no problems with these monitors and she would be glad to RMA me another one, its great how fast they can get that setup but just to get another ghosting monitor =/.
I will disagree with you Juic3. The Gateway isn't a piece of shit. It might not be the best multi-media monitor out there, but it has it's flaws like every other monitor out there. I'm keeping mine even if it ghosts. For me, it will serve me well in my image/video editing. I will get me a monitor that will take care of my movie and gaming needs, but the Gateway is more than enough for the internet, work and editing for me. I only have my issues when playing video games.

I like my Gateway. It just needs a bigger brother.

Ferris, thank you very much for that write-up. I'll be calling Gateway for an RMA on Monday, but I'd like to move to a Dell now. I only use my Gateway for PC gaming (360 is on a Westy 37w3), so I just want a great PC display. Gateway missed the boat with their first 24-inch offering, because the inverted ghosting dismisses it for anything but viewing text.

Now I'm looking for a Dell on sale.

And Ferris, why did you get the 360 Elite? Sucker. :p
And Ferris, why did you get the 360 Elite? Sucker. :p

It's the best deal of them all if you think about it. The core + 120 GB drive is the equivalent of the price they are sking for the elite... add in the component cables, HDMI port, HDMI cable, audio dongle, headset, wireless controller, and you have a saved a ton of $$. Plus it has the revised motherboard so it runs cooler and *most* are shipping with the quieter BENQ drive. Plus its black, thats enough reason for some of us.... ;)
I will disagree with you Juic3. The Gateway isn't a piece of shit. It might not be the best multi-media monitor out there, but it has it's flaws like every other monitor out there. I'm keeping mine even if it ghosts. For me, it will serve me well in my image/video editing. I will get me a monitor that will take care of my movie and gaming needs, but the Gateway is more than enough for the internet, work and editing for me. I only have my issues when playing video games.

I like my Gateway. It just needs a bigger brother.


I like mine too despite the inverted ghosting. As far as I can tell for 24 inch monitors this guy seems the best for displaying 1080p 1:1.

This is the most important feature for me so that a guilt trip is not laid on me for hogging the main tv so much.

Luckily, Gilmore Girls is being canceled. Now, if we could just get that d-mn Ugly Betty canceled and only have Battestar, Lost, Heroes and sports games then I'd be a happy camper. :D
Sigh, if I could sell this monitor I would. But I cant.. or I dont know of anyway I can sell it.

I like this monitor but the inverted ghosting is killing things for me. I have a fan pointed on it that helps a little but not enough.

I cant return it to bestbuy and every time I rma it I get a a new model with the same problem.

I feel like I wasted 600$..
It's not an Elite, it's a flashed 360 Premium with a Black Knight replacement case. All my digital ports are spoken for and I really don't need the space, I just wanted black. The Black Knight case is true black unlike the Elite and excellent quality.

The Gateway handles 1080i over DVI which the Dell does not I don't think, other than that 1080p support is identicle on both displays, in that it supports said resolution over the same inputs.

Like I said before, if you can't find a buyer for your Gateway (for the right price, I'm sure you can) then you still have a great display. But in all honesty I feel much better about owning this new display, like I have something I will be truely happy with for some time to come. I promise you, if you are dissapointed by the Gateway because of the ghosting, switching displays will be the best move you can make. The more I use this panel the more I kind of feel like an idiot for defending the Gateway so much in this thread. Granted my problems weren't that bad at first and initially I could always have returned it, I just didn't see what the fuss is about.

I honestly do not see Gateway resolving this problem any time soon.

I originally wanted to step up to the Dell 27" or Westy 37", but after getting a Westy 47" that was just out of my range.
I like mine too despite the inverted ghosting. As far as I can tell for 24 inch monitors this guy seems the best for displaying 1080p 1:1.

This is the most important feature for me so that a guilt trip is not laid on me for hogging the main tv so much.

Luckily, Gilmore Girls is being canceled. Now, if we could just get that d-mn Ugly Betty canceled and only have Battestar, Lost, Heroes and sports games then I'd be a happy camper. :D

Funny that is the reason I wanted a 24", when my wife hogs the TV I use my PC display for console gaming. I was also thrilled when the O.C was canned.

I will disagree with you Juic3. The Gateway isn't a piece of shit. It might not be the best multi-media monitor out there, but it has it's flaws like every other monitor out there. I'm keeping mine even if it ghosts. For me, it will serve me well in my image/video editing. I will get me a monitor that will take care of my movie and gaming needs, but the Gateway is more than enough for the internet, work and editing for me. I only have my issues when playing video games.

I like my Gateway. It just needs a bigger brother.


This also is how I feel....mostly. I think I can handle the ghosting, since everything else is so good. I really do need all the inputs it offers.

Certainly I won't be spending any out of pocket money to replace it, I'll just use till after Christmas and then get another, larger display.
The Dell handles the PS3 very nicely, in fact I just found a major advantage of the Dell v Gateway with using the PS3.

720p on the Gateway/PS3 combo was always stretched full screen, regardless of which setting chosen. This was incorrect scaling but I always assumed it was the PS3. The Gateway supports 1080i over DVI, the Dell does not. Advantage Gateway with that resolution.

After testing with the Dell I am really impressed with how it handles 720p titles on PS3, take Motorstorm for example.

Here is how scaled 720P in 1:1 should look on a 24" 1920x1200 (basically not stretched to full screen), IMO too small to play, but proper scaling regardless.



Now what the Dell is able to do us run 720p in aspect mode, which is what consoles are designed for (16x9). So you are left with a non stretched, 720p picture out of PS3, the Gateway was not able to do this. Very nice.



I will disagree with you Juic3. The Gateway isn't a piece of shit. It might not be the best multi-media monitor out there, but it has it's flaws like every other monitor out there. I'm keeping mine even if it ghosts. For me, it will serve me well in my image/video editing. I will get me a monitor that will take care of my movie and gaming needs, but the Gateway is more than enough for the internet, work and editing for me. I only have my issues when playing video games.

I like my Gateway. It just needs a bigger brother.


I wish it were ONLY the ghosting too, a buzzing power supply and weird behavior (not showing image, sometimes showing weird garbage). I guess its not reaaally the monitor itself but Gateways QC :p
With the Dell at $569 right now, I think I have to jump. Does anyone know if all 2407 displays shipping from Dell are the A04 revision?
Ferris, does the A04 have proper 1:1 scaling for common non-widescreen PC resolutions as well, such as 1600x1200 and 1280x1024?
I have been playing around with mine today with some games (the Gateway that is) and other than the inverted ghosting, this one is as close to perfect as I can get. It only shows up on certain color transisitions, such as in CoD2, when you have a character in dark clothing against a snow or sand background....the ghosting does not show itself in Flight Simulator X as far as I can tell, nor in Q3A. Far Cry shows it as well, but only about half as bad as CoD2.

I guess I can live with it. It's not a deal breaker to me now that the other functions work properly. My initial model had terrible banding, which I realize now that I see a good one that doesn't.
Ferris, does the A04 have proper 1:1 scaling for common non-widescreen PC resolutions as well, such as 1600x1200 and 1280x1024?

Yes, just tried both of those resolutions and they scaled 1:1 using the monitor setings and still look very sharp.
Yes, just tried both of those resolutions and they scaled 1:1 using the monitor setings and still look very sharp.

Nice! Thanks.

I'm going to order a 2407 tonight. At this point, I wish Gateway would offer a refund to those who are unhappy with the inverted ghosting on their display. I am out of luck because I purchased mine through Circuit City, but for some it would be a relief.
I just called Gateway for an RMA. The inverted ghosting on mine has been getting progressively worse as the weather warms up, and has passed the threshold of annoyance. Today I also found a green stuck pixel that won't go away - that was the last straw.

The rep was pretty nice though, and she said that since I have the inverted ghosting problem they will run my replacement panel for 1 hour to make sure there's no ghosting. I hope that's not BS...
It is B.S and you will get a monitor that eventually (or within 1 hour or use) will have inverted ghosting just like the one you are sending. Unfortunate, but true.
I just called Gateway for an RMA. The inverted ghosting on mine has been getting progressively worse as the weather warms up, and has passed the threshold of annoyance. Today I also found a green stuck pixel that won't go away - that was the last straw.

The rep was pretty nice though, and she said that since I have the inverted ghosting problem they will run my replacement panel for 1 hour to make sure there's no ghosting. I hope that's not BS...

Hi Xeth! If you through with it please tell us how it goes, although its almost sure youll get the same thing you never know lol.

The rep gave me the same solution, but I dont wanna go thru the process just to get even more pissed lol.
It is B.S and you will get a monitor that eventually (or within 1 hour or use) will have inverted ghosting just like the one you are sending. Unfortunate, but true.

Agreed. That's crap. There's no way they're going to sift through panels for you to find you one without the inverted ghosting. On top of that, I think all panels have this flaw.

My Dell is on its way. :)
My biggest issue with this monitor is the brightness. I feel like I need to be putting on tanning lotion!

Anyone come up with a good brightness/contrast setting that calms this monster down without killing the color or detail too much?

I used spyder2 to calibrate my is what I am using and it looks GREAT to me:


***spyder 2 actually did 45,40,40 on the red green blue...but that is what I would use for photo editing...for everyday use I use the settings listed above.:)
still loving my gateway...sorry it did not work out for you...mine might be just as bad/if not worse that your's...but then again I am not looking for every little imperfection me it's kinda like a new car...when you 1st get it you do everything in your power to make sure there are no dings/dents...but once it get over it and move on.:)
Most people can get over something like that, but for a gaming I'm not sure the level of inverted ghosting I had is acceptable for an expensive display.

Gateway really does have some quality control issues. Here is the panel the buyer of my Gateway got, now he is in the process of his first RMA. Not to put this display down or anyone who owns it, but after owning the Dell 207 for a week I am so glad I moved on and didn't settle. Just a personal opinion, but the difference is pretty significant.

Here is backlight bleed on the RMA panel the buyer of mine got, he said it is far worse in person but he only has a camera phone to take photos with. I may send him mine after all to save him some aggrivation.


(I did an RMA and had Gateway send him the new unit, then I am sending mine back)
WOW...thats some serious backlight bleeding...mine does not look like that at all...:)
I really sang the praises of this display when I first purchased it in December. However, as the temperature is clibming, the ghosting is becoming a bit too noticeable for my tastes.

Ferris, that is some serious bleeding from the corners, particularly the upper-right corner. (I'll assume that the glow in the middle is a flash?) I'm sure that Gateway needs to improve QC on these.
WOW...thats some serious backlight bleeding...mine does not look like that at all...:)

Goodness...that is terrible, mine does not have backlight bleed like that, if it did, it would be gone.....yikes, that's bad.
Holy crap, sad to see Ferris23 turn over to the Dell.

I hope my Gateway behaves throughout the summer as it's starting to get real warm here in Boston now.

Crossing my fingers I do not have any problems, although I did get the 3 year warranty from Best Buy...