Gamespy: We Got Next - Part One (Xbox) [Xbox 2 related]

Blinkme323 said:
PS3 and XBOX compete against on another. Revolution has a bunch of exclusive titles though. I like my Gamecube a lot but I didn't buy it on launch. I will buy the PS3 when it first comes out and wait until the Revoulion's price drops.

ah....please refresh my memory on how great the ps2 launch was....
Ballz2TheWallz said:
and then theres devolpers like bethsada(in maryland w00t)who dont slack and we can expect this as a launch on X2, but as a 640x480 player i hope they have something close to 8xS like on nvidia cards to make it look good for us poor people

What is that from? Xbox 2 or 1? My 6800 does better than that at more than double that resolution
It's a pic from the next elder scrolls for PC. It will use the current generation of video card, nothing special, personally the screenshots of that game dont wow me. I see some impressive stuff, but then again look at the bottom left of the shot with the grassy texture...not the bushy 3D stuff, but the flat ground the next gen of consoles there shouldn't be any of that. If there is, then it's not gonna be a "quantum leap" (as SCEA president called it) ahead of current consoles like all the console people (including me) are hoping for.
The trouble with this whole thing is this: First you have to buy the console, which will almost certainly be very expensive at first, I would say at least in the 500$ range, just to cover the cost of the components. Then, if you have a normal TV, it will still look awful. Or you could go out and spend say, 2000$ on a HDTV. Ok, everything's fine. You have something that displays better graphics than a PC after optimization. Now you get to sit down and play your FPS's... with a Game pad? :mad: Then you buy a 50$ game and beat the single player in 20 hours. Want to get online? Well, not only do you have to pay for cable, but you also have to pay for X-box live. So, you've put down 2500 and now your console is just as good as a PC, except for the controls. But Oh no! 2/3 of the other games are coming out for the other consoles! Well, got to go buy them. If they have equal specs, they'll have to be 500$ each too. Ok, you’re up to 3500$, plus X-box live subscription cost. Well, Mr. PC gamer just bought himself an awesome PC for 2500$, that can do every thing the console can, plus he can get mods to extend the life of his games. Not only that, but he is learning valuable computer skills, and can do many other things besides gaming. Also, mouse and keyboard. :D Fast forward a year or so. Mr. PC gamer has upgraded his PC, and hopefully runs a more efficient OS like longhorn and now his PC runs circles around the consoles. The consoles no longer have so much optimization ability, because the graphical shortcuts done can be easily seen on an HD TV monitor.
If someone wants to spend all that money on all that stuff, then fine for them, I certainly wouldn't. Someone said before "my TV looks just as good from the couch as my PC monitor looks up close" That's kind of true in a way. TV's are meant for sitting far back on your couch while the PC monitor is meant for being up close, hence needing all that quality, so your eyes don't get destroyed, IMO! Everyone has their personal preferences, and my preference is to game on both but mainly consoles, because both has their ups and downs, and with console gaming it's just pop in the game and go, with PC's there's other hassles you have to worry about that some people just don't want/know how to deal with! I just find console gaming easier, and I was raised on console gaming, so it kinda just stuck. I don't beleive one is actually "better" than the other, its just preference.
Oh, I'm too lazy to give a link, but youd have to be physically or mentally challenged not to find it, but in the Xbox sectionof there's new Xbox 2 info...ya know...just to let everyone know...pretty much all we've heard before, but as time goes on, it all gets more official. And Xbox 2 will launch this fall and, PLEASE PEOPLE STOP THINKING IT WILL COST 500 DOLLARS!
lesman said:
Xbox 1 only has 64 megs of RAM and still it can push impressive textures and GIGANTIC's not traditional RAM that's in these systems, it's specialized as to where it can handle these graphical tasks and feats extraordinarily effectively. I don't need to provide a link, the proof is in front of your eyes...given the situation that you're looking at a TV screen with an Xbox game running, of course.
X-box 1 looks like ass, partly because it's working with 64MB of shared memory.
pr0pensity said:
X-box 1 looks like ass, partly because it's working with 64MB of shared memory.
That 64mb of Shared memory is makin' Splinter Cell:Chaos Theory look pretty amazing, though, isn't it? Guaranteed on the box for the PC version the required specs will be no less than 256mb RAM and a 2-2.6 ghz processor. It's not what ya got, it's what ya do with what ya got...
lesman said:
That 64mb of Shared memory is makin' Splinter Cell:Chaos Theory look pretty amazing, though, isn't it? Guaranteed on the box for the PC version the required specs will be no less than 256mb RAM and a 2-2.6 ghz processor. It's not what ya got, it's what ya do with what ya got...

No, it doesnt look pretty amazing. Considering it wasnt programmed to run on everything thrown at it, it was SPECIALIZED for ONE system set up, and then it is running at a very low resolution, Screenshots also don't dictate how smooth a game plays also, it can look good, but it could be as fluid as a brick.
I've seen the game in's not screenshots I've seen. The game is coming out pretty soon, theres tons of videos and stuff for the Xbox version around on the net and on about every gaming website. Also let me rephrase, it looks pretty amazing considering the age of the hardware and the amount of memory that it uses....

EDIT: LOL, fluid as a brick, made me laugh out loud :) That wasn't sarcasm, that was actually funny, never heard it said like that before! :p
lesman said:

I think it will cost 500 dollars.... :D

to manufacture. No doubt Microsoft will pull their typical gestapo, monopolistic tactics and sell it for $250 while simulataneously charging $300 a year for the requisite Xbox Live. Not only that, but even if they don't charge $300 for Live, they'll still run Sony out of the business by undercutting them at a loss. I don't think Nintendo will be hurt as much by the undercutting as they typically are much more efficient at manufacturing their consoles.