Gamespy: We Got Next - Part One (Xbox) [Xbox 2 related]

Forget XBOX. I mean it's cool but computers are so much better. And no I'm not a !!!!!!. I own all 3 consoles. GC is cool still cause or Resident Evil and I'ma HUGE fan of RE. Been playin it sinc eI was liek 7. I had night mars back then, but thats not the point. Get a high end PC and play on your friends console. From what I hear the Xbox2 will be $500+ USD. :eek:

I say buy the new graphics card whne it comes out. Put that $500 on the next gen grapics card and your already ahead of the game so to speak.
I know this is rather off-topic, but I have a question:

I haven't really played any of the RE games before. I started playing one of 'em but didn't get very far. Should I pick up RE4 even though I haven't played the other ones?
I really think you should, the game is wonderful! It's a lot different from the other RE's, but it's good kind of different! Pick it up, play it, beat it, come back and tell me what you think! The average time it takes to beat the game, if you're an average to good player is 19-20 hours. That's LONG for a game that doesn't have much backtracking and youre constantly on the move.This game pulls you in like no made me sweat sometimes from how engaging and intense it was. :eek: And I'm dead serious....I say get the game.
lol, I might have to pick it up. I still need to beat Metroid Prime and Windwaker though :(
I wonder how many people that have blasted Xbox's graphics in this thread OWN an Xbox, with an HDTV set...

Until you've seen Xbox games like Ninja Gaiden, DOAU, RalliSport Challenge 2, Splinter Cell 3, in action on a nice HDTV set, you have no place here to talk.

And don't start flaming me just because i'm defending Xbox... like i don't play PC games and know what they look like... and what they've looked like... :rolleyes:
i got an update.

AGEIA NovodeX Physics SDK to Support Next Generation Xbox Platform

Multithreaded NovodeX Physics SDK enables game developers to exploit powerful multicore architecture of next generation Xbox platform

MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif. - March 9, 2005 - AGEIA™ Technologies, Inc., a company dedicated to delivering pervasive interactive reality to next generation games, announced today that its NovodeX Physics SDK™ will enable unmatched performance for game developers targeting the next generation Xbox® platform. As a result, users of the Xbox video game system from Microsoft will be able to enjoy some of the most exciting, lifelike game experiences available on any platform.

As the games industry's first multithreaded physics SDK, NovodeX is uniquely equipped to exploit the multicore architecture of the Xbox, allowing game developers to deliver incredibly lifelike worlds and characters for Xbox users.

"AGEIA's NovodeX Physics SDK is a powerful middleware engine for game developers who want to make the most of the multicore architecture of the next generation Xbox platform," said Tracey Frankcom, program manager, Xbox Tools and Middleware. "The real-time physics capabilities of NovodeX, combined with the high-definition graphics and audio of the Xbox, enable the creation of totally immersive environments and unbelievably lifelike character interactions."

"The next generation Xbox platform is the first available game console system to unleash the multithreading capabilities of the NovodeX SDK," said Manju Hegde, CEO and co-founder of AGEIA. "Today marks the beginning of a new era of hardware-accelerated physics for developers and users alike, in which pervasive interactive realism enters the world of gaming."
I didn't play any other RE either (other than a bit of 2, and a rental of each of the previous gamecube releases). Though, some of the HUGE surprises in the game didn't surprise me as much because they are from the past games, it's still incredible. If you own a GC, get RE4. Even if you THINK you won't enjoy it, you will. Simple as that.

As for the X-box 2... #1) Microsoft is bringing it out way too early. Especially for that hardware. Either they lose billions of dollars, or release it at $500+. Ridiculous.

#2) If "all X2 games will be on PC" there's no point in purchasing the X2 unless you don't have a high-end enthusiast PC.

While I agree PCs are much better than consoles, the console gaming experience CAN (and sometimes does) surpass the experience of PC gaming. As I said in a previous post, there's nothing like sitting back on a comfy couch, playing RE4/GT4/etc on a huge widescreen TV with 6.1 surround. Despite the fact that the textures and game aren't as hi-res, it still beats playing most of the bland FPS shooters on PC. Gameplay before graphics, right people?

PS Isn't Wind Waker fantastic? lol
pettybone said:
i got an update.

AGEIA NovodeX Physics SDK to Support Next Generation Xbox Platform......

That makes since. Goes along the lines of the Devs going for that and the Meqon Physics over Havok's product.

i am going to buy one of these when they come out. it sounds amazing and i can always use another toy around the dorm :)
Read: "over a teraflop of data" in that article.... :eek: that's all I can say...or, well, express. :eek: :eek: :eek:
Now, when they come out with a desktop version of this computer, which can play PC games with a 3-core PowerPC processor and run all the other Windows software (no doubt with Windows 2007 loaded on it), I will definitely be purchasing one on three conditions:

-It is standard high-end PC price range ($1800-$2500). :eek:
-I can upgrade the Video Card at my leisure. ;)
-I can co-install linux on it. :p **Probably not gonna happen until at least 2 years after release (due to linux hack community development time).**
pettybone said:
i got an update.

AGEIA NovodeX Physics SDK to Support Next Generation Xbox Platform

Multithreaded NovodeX Physics SDK enables game developers to exploit powerful multicore architecture of next generation Xbox platform

MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif. - March 9, 2005 - AGEIA™ Technologies, Inc., a company dedicated to delivering pervasive interactive reality to next generation games, announced today that its NovodeX Physics SDK™ will enable unmatched performance for game developers targeting the next generation Xbox® platform. As a result, users of the Xbox video game system from Microsoft will be able to enjoy some of the most exciting, lifelike game experiences available on any platform.

As the games industry's first multithreaded physics SDK, NovodeX is uniquely equipped to exploit the multicore architecture of the Xbox, allowing game developers to deliver incredibly lifelike worlds and characters for Xbox users.

"AGEIA's NovodeX Physics SDK is a powerful middleware engine for game developers who want to make the most of the multicore architecture of the next generation Xbox platform," said Tracey Frankcom, program manager, Xbox Tools and Middleware. "The real-time physics capabilities of NovodeX, combined with the high-definition graphics and audio of the Xbox, enable the creation of totally immersive environments and unbelievably lifelike character interactions."

"The next generation Xbox platform is the first available game console system to unleash the multithreading capabilities of the NovodeX SDK," said Manju Hegde, CEO and co-founder of AGEIA. "Today marks the beginning of a new era of hardware-accelerated physics for developers and users alike, in which pervasive interactive realism enters the world of gaming."

damn.. i really hope they will not be charging $500 for this thing. three cpu's, a gpu, and ppu.

too bad there isnt an actual apu... then we could call it neat.

this thing is sounding more and more like an animal. :eek:
so after xbox 2 comes out, ati is supposedly going to realease the r520....

what kind of effect you think that will have on the prices of the current high-end ATi cards? (x8X0)
They'd have to go down, right? I mean, it'll make their sales better if they lower the price, whos gonna buy em if the better ones are the same price?
Jason711 said:
damn.. i really hope they will not be charging $500 for this thing. three cpu's, a gpu, and ppu.

too bad there isnt an actual apu... then we could call it neat.

this thing is sounding more and more like an animal. :eek:

Whats an apu? And where does it say that there will be a ppu? thank u
theres not enough time to redisign the motherboard to include a PPU, however the PS3 might have one as it is needed because the cell cannot handle Ai or physics for shit(theoroctically since its vector base)
s2 was worse on paper than xbox but it sold millions more than xbox
Ok I am sick of this stuff being posted. One Major Reason the PS2 beat the Xbox was due to the fact it was realesed a couple years before and allready had a fan base. Now I m not knocking the PS2 I mean hell I own one and an Xbox and a PSX (Tekken 2 Bitches!). It just gets tiring to see people post that as if they were realesed on Equal grounds. Also X Box was Microsofts first console (they deserve some appluase for that piece of work). A PPU sounds good to me!
Lol, I just beat Metroid and Windwaker too. Great games :) Still working on FF10 Yeah Resident Evil 4 is amazing. I played and beat the other ones which were great, but this is so much better.
Cant say thats my reason....Resident Evil series were my reason, straight up! :)
It will be a crime to run that on an ugly TV moniter. All that hardware running at 640x480, what a shame. :p
Ballz2TheWallz said:
theres not enough time to redisign the motherboard to include a PPU, however the PS3 might have one as it is needed because the cell cannot handle Ai or physics for shit(theoroctically since its vector base)

Perhaps I misunderstood, but I thought that this PhysX was supposed be a vector based processing chip. And am I wrong in thinking that the PowerPC (which all three systems are based on this time around) is a vector based CPU?
The next Xbox is not using a Physics processor, or PPU. The announcement really only means that Microsoft is including the NovodeX SDK in their XNA software suite. NovodeX is already in use in other engines such as the Unreal Engine...
looks super duper. and the tech should definitely make it last for quite a while like the current xbox

but again, as far as looks go, console's always look better at the start. but again that's b/c console game developers know what the specs are and get the most out of it.
I actually liked the look of Wind Waker better than the Ocarina-style stuff. Maybe I'm the only one... but it reminded me a lot more of the old SNES/NES Zeldas, and looked a lot more like it. Seeing the crisp cell animation in progressive scan wowed me. Maybe I am the only one...

And Zelda/RE4 is far from the only reason to own a gamecube. I think a lot of you have been playing way too many FPS' :p

As for the X2, I think "all that power" will be able to run at a higher rez than 640x480, it will probably be able to push 720p at the least. All the next gen systems will do that... HD is the future, remember?
Marcdaddy said:
1080I doenst look horrible lol! Only newer ones do 1080P im just hoping they really improve this sucker.

Actually, 1080i was really adopted first and then 720p. 720p looks better imo that 1080i, although it's extremely difficult to notice the difference.
Bottom line, the next gen systems will do HD in some way. Though I'm sure we'll still see games in 640x480 from the lazier developers.
steviep said:
I actually liked the look of Wind Waker better than the Ocarina-style stuff. Maybe I'm the only one... but it reminded me a lot more of the old SNES/NES Zeldas, and looked a lot more like it. Seeing the crisp cell animation in progressive scan wowed me. Maybe I am the only one...

And Zelda/RE4 is far from the only reason to own a gamecube. I think a lot of you have been playing way too many FPS' :p

As for the X2, I think "all that power" will be able to run at a higher rez than 640x480, it will probably be able to push 720p at the least. All the next gen systems will do that... HD is the future, remember?
Well, the problem is that with 3d graphics, even the lazier developers can be in 720p as resolution doesn't matter from a 3d rendering perspective (aside from processing speed issues). So they can be lazy and, though it may not look good from a texture stand point, it will still be 720p with no extra effort. :(
and then theres devolpers like bethsada(in maryland w00t)who dont slack and we can expect this as a launch on X2, but as a 640x480 player i hope they have something close to 8xS like on nvidia cards to make it look good for us poor people
If an RPG looked like that (and didn't envolve kids seeking revenge) I would seriously think hard about playing it.
Could be better... we've gotten effects like that in some current gen games (see Starfox Adventures for Gamecube) with fuzzy everything. It's also running at 640x480. For something with "3 3Ghz processors" I would expect more. Not to say that it looks bad, though. It looks quite a bit better than Halo 2.
{NG}Fidel said:
Ok I am sick of this stuff being posted. One Major Reason the PS2 beat the Xbox was due to the fact it was realesed a couple years before and allready had a fan base. Now I m not knocking the PS2 I mean hell I own one and an Xbox and a PSX (Tekken 2 Bitches!). It just gets tiring to see people post that as if they were realesed on Equal grounds.
The Dreamcast was released a year before the PS2 and that didn't change the fact that Sega went belly up in the hardware market even despite, according to you, it should have had a stronger fan base..

The PS2 was released 1 year before the XBox and it had a very poor initial launch (mass hardware shortage and a hardly any good software for the first year). IMO the XBox and ps2 were released on fairly equal grounds.
To say that the PS2 and Xbox launched on equal grounds is laughable.

1) The PS2 was released over a year before the Xbox
2) Sony already had a reputation in the console market (PS1)
3) The PS2 had a HUGE library even before launch (Remember the backward compatibility)