Gamespy: We Got Next - Part One (Xbox) [Xbox 2 related]

KrakenGuy said:
Oh. My. Fucking. God.

This is by far the stupidest thing ever. Why have a gaming console thats even more powerful then a computer? What a waste of breath.

Err, because playing games on a console is fun? And it only costs Like $300 at launch?

Also, how are these bad textures:


Sure, theyre not Quite as good as Halo 2 or Far Cry, but there pretty awesome for 64mbs of memory
Hate_Bot said:

First of all, the bump mapping and light mapping are quite obvious... quite obviously 8-bit.
Second of all, if you remove the character (was it Sarge?), there is a total of 4, maybe 5, textures in the image: wall, window, sky, gun. the fire used for the flare is a directx feature. This allows for a very detailed character, but lackluster texture detail.

But! Games are not played in screenshots or slideshow (if you can help it) so it's a moot point really. ;)
i think any console, incl ps3 which i have been waiting for eagerly, is a sum of its games and not its technical specs. ps2 was worse on paper than xbox but it sold millions more than xbox, thx to gran turismo and pro evolution soccer which kicks fifa a.s.
xbox 2 has impressive specs on paper, but i am biased against m$ products since they tend to fall short of expectations(promises).
Optimus said:
First of all, the bump mapping and light mapping are quite obvious... quite obviously 8-bit.
Second of all, if you remove the character (was it Sarge?), there is a total of 4, maybe 5, textures in the image: wall, window, sky, gun. the fire used for the flare is a directx feature. This allows for a very detailed character, but lackluster texture detail.

But! Games are not played in screenshots or slideshow (if you can help it) so it's a moot point really. ;)

First f all, the game looks great in motion

Second of all, if quoting a picture, do what the other guy did TAKE THE PICTURE OUT/. It's annoying when someone posts a picture, then someone 1 post down posts it again cuz they dont realize to take the [ img] tags of
Hate_Bot said:
Second of all, if quoting a picture, do what the other guy did TAKE THE PICTURE OUT/. It's annoying when someone posts a picture, then someone 1 post down posts it again cuz they dont realize to take the [ img] tags of

Dude, pay attention: The other guy was me. I posted something with the tags removed before I posted without removing them. I wanted the picture to be right there for my comment on it. Duh! :p
Optimus said:
First of all, the bump mapping and light mapping are quite obvious... quite obviously 8-bit.
Second of all, if you remove the character (was it Sarge?), there is a total of 4, maybe 5, textures in the image: wall, window, sky, gun. the fire used for the flare is a directx feature. This allows for a very detailed character, but lackluster texture detail.

But! Games are not played in screenshots or slideshow (if you can help it) so it's a moot point really. ;)
Well, consider it's 4-5 year old hardware, and THEN say again what you've said. And the 4 maybe 5 textures are for that one level...the levels vary greatly and there is overall a large number of textures in the game. I wouldn't say a damn thing is luster-lacking considering the fact of how old the hardware is!
Some Computer Enthusists have become tainted by the power of AA and AF. They begin to forget its the gameplay that matters the most. Sure you have HL2 and FarCry on the PC but really how long can you keep playing FPS over FPS over FPS? I mean sometimes people just need a change. I myself feel that a Controller and Keyboard are both equal, The controller just gives you the buttons you really need.I dunno Im tired. :confused:
All Xenon games can be played using custom soundtracks.
Mandatory, cool.

Owners can also play their own music directly.
What does that mean?

Supported formats are MP3 and WMA. Files can be encoded up to 320Kbps CBR or VBR stereo.
Very nice. So does that allow for an asumption that the HD will be greater than 8 gigs? After all, the memory card is 1 gig.

The system is branded a Music Player Service.
What in the heck does that mean? Buy song tracks over LIVE?
lesman said:
Well, consider it's 4-5 year old hardware, and THEN say again what you've said. And the 4 maybe 5 textures are for that one level...the levels vary greatly and there is overall a large number of textures in the game. I wouldn't say a damn thing is luster-lacking considering the fact of how old the hardware is!

No, I agree completely. For hardware as old as the Xbox is, that is superb work. It puts the focus on what needs it and also works very well on that focus. I just didn't want anybody think ing that as good for modern hardware... granted, I didn't exactly say it that way... sorry :(
If that is true, do you have any idea how much Xbox 2 is going to retail for? I bet it will be like $499. Or more even. I can't see them selling very many if it retails for over $500 USD when it's released.
cool! that means come my next computer upgrade cycle i'll have a sexy rig!

by reasoning that consoles are where PCs will look within a year or two tops.
Blinkme323 said:
yeah, I am really dissapointed by the memory too. I am probably going to end up buying a PS3 and Revolution instead.

Why are you going to buy consoles based on hardware? Buy them based on games.
It sure does, it sure does.
EDIT: and to anyone who says "that's not real game footage" or ANYTHING like that....well, put're wrong. Say that the graphics for that game do not look amazing...because then you'll be lying. It's that much more impressive, the fact being that what is being used to create those awesome visuals is 4-5 year old get those SAME graphics on a PC, it needs to have at least 512 mb RAM, and over 1.5-2ghz processor, depending on the processor. Plus the vidoe card alone will have to be very powerful, high end.
lesman said:
It sure does, it sure does.
EDIT: and to anyone who says "that's not real game footage" or ANYTHING like that....well, put're wrong. Say that the graphics for that game do not look amazing...because then you'll be lying. It's that much more impressive, the fact being that what is being used to create those awesome visuals is 4-5 year old get those SAME graphics on a PC, it needs to have at least 512 mb RAM, and over 1.5-2ghz processor, depending on the processor. Plus the vidoe card alone will have to be very powerful, high end.

How can you say that? Xbox graphics are extremely low resolution compared to PC (1600x1200 and greater). If you turn the resolution way down you can get all kinds of great effects with old gpu's.
BossNoodleKaboodle said:
How can you say that? Xbox graphics are extremely low resolution compared to PC (1600x1200 and greater). If you turn the resolution way down you can get all kinds of great effects with old gpu's.
They still look amazing though....what if there ever was a game that looked JUST like real life? Wouldn't really matter what resolution it was on, it would still look like real life.
Mojo said:
If that is true, do you have any idea how much Xbox 2 is going to retail for? I bet it will be like $499. Or more even. I can't see them selling very many if it retails for over $500 USD when it's released.

Consoles arnt PCs, I remember when the Xbox specs were first announced, everyone was "OMG It's gonne be $600 wtf"

You have to remember Console are designed to do alot less then PCs, henceforth the tech in them doesnt have to be that complex. It will retail at the same price pretty much all other consoles have retailed for years ($300, or at least thats in canada)
No console will ever hit past the 299 dollar mark again, it's suicide for a company. Well, one of these years, in the far future they might go up along with gas prices, rent, and minimum wage, of course.
Hate_Bot said:
Consoles arnt PCs, I remember when the Xbox specs were first announced, everyone was "OMG It's gonne be $600 wtf"

You have to remember Console are designed to do alot less then PCs, henceforth the tech in them doesnt have to be that complex. It will retail at the same price pretty much all other consoles have retailed for years ($300, or at least thats in canada)

You also need to remember MS lost shitloads of cash on their consoles alone because of how much they needed to cut the price to get good sales. They made this margin up on their games, however.

About Resident Evil4, it definately looks better than any Xbox game I have played. Leaving PC games aside, it has superb lighting and the environtments get you down into the game and ready to get your head sawed off by ganados. The framerate is also constant throughout the ENTIRE game, always smooth as a baby's bottom. Remember that the "Flipper" core is based off of ATI's R300 cores. It definately has power for its age, and I wouldn't be suprised if it could perform more complex lighting and shader effects than Xbox's custom Geforce(3/4 was it?). Having a 6800gt, I can say that it easily out performs my Gamecube in graphics, but Gamecube looks damn good. Xbox does also. Ps2 is way too choppy for me and you can tell its aging. I was never suprised at what images my 'Cube could put out though. No OS, a game specifically coded for the console, and all of the resources dedicated to the game can make the game look quite nicely, but you cannot say that a console today can put out an image near the quality of a decent PC (like mine), which can be had for about a grand today


personally i think xbox looks way better resolution wise,but you cant really compare graphics because RE4 is a differnt style of game from halo
lesman said:
They still look amazing though....what if there ever was a game that looked JUST like real life? Wouldn't really matter what resolution it was on, it would still look like real life.

Actually some Japanese fellows just came up with a new HD format that tricks the eye into thinking its real life for the first time. A few minutes of FMV were 13TB though, and nothing today can process realtime graphics that would come close to being photo realisitc at even 24FPS at those resolutions.
Halo 2 and RE4 are the same resolution...640x480. It's just the quality and/editing of the screenshot.
BossNoodleKaboodle said:
Actually some Japanese fellows just came up with a new HD format that tricks the eye into thinking its real life for the first time. A few minutes of FMV were 13TB though, and nothing today can process realtime graphics that would come close to being photo realisitc at even 24FPS at those resolutions.
That HD format shows real life recording, though, nothing created in CG, it was all real life recording. The human eye "resolution" is super, extremely high, and so, obviously, the higher resolution, the easier it is to see the picture...real life still looks like real life on low resolution TV' just wont give you motion sickness.
lesman said:
Halo 2 and RE4 are the same resolution...640x480. It's just the quality and/editing of the screenshot.

I thought it was cause RE4 has static backgrounds. Meaning they are predrawn, and such. No dynamic lighting either.

Take those screenshots of the new interface and pair it with this:

No, RE4 has full 3D graphics! All real time lighting, etc! It's awesome running around in the rain, in a dark cemetary having the lightning flash and light up the whole area and surrounding area only to let you see creepy ass creatures moving about. The sound on the game is one awesome acheivement as well, as that game has some of the best, most realistic sound I've ever heard in a video game. Seriously, no drama. That game should be played no matter what you're a fan of.
lesman said:
No, RE4 has full 3D graphics! All real time lighting, etc! It's awesome running around in the rain, in a dark cemetary having the lightning flash and light up the whole area and surrounding area only to let you see creepy ass creatures moving about. The sound on the game is one awesome acheivement as well, as that game has some of the best, most realistic sound I've ever heard in a video game. Seriously, no drama. That game should be played no matter what you're a fan of.

My bad. I haven't played an RE game since RE2. As much as I like the games, it isn't a big enough draw for me to get a cube.
Ballz2TheWallz said:
personally i think xbox looks way better resolution wise,but you cant really compare graphics because RE4 is a differnt style of game from halo
xbox sucks and you know it

its just another consumer whore platform based around a worthless video card
wow. this thread was pretty much devoid of trolls so far. Congrats on being the first. :rolleyes:
Tiny said:
wow. this thread was pretty much devoid of trolls so far. Congrats on being the first. :rolleyes:
awww, does the truth hurt?

Are you defending a bad purchase you made, or defending the system that mommy and daddy got you for christmas?

If you'd actually stop being ignorant and look at the benchmarks, you'd see that xbox is a POS that can't perform. The only remotely sane reason for buying it is game selection but who would want to play all those games on sub par hardware? :rolleyes:
Is he/she for real? Seriosly, just take a look at his/hers total posts. All flames. ugh.

And since when do you benchmark consoles? I know of the ATA100 cable mod giving slightly better load times, but other than that?
what can you expect from a n00b :rolleyes:

And yes, Resident Evil4 is completelely 3D and is very amazing to play considering the graphics are just as good as when it was predrawn, the lighting is what pulls me into the environment though.
I thought the backgrounds in RE4 were 2D that simulated 3D. I remember seeing something about the fire in the game doing this. Am I thinking of a different game?

That sketch of the"Xbox Titanium" looks really nice. But, I get the feeling that Microsoft would rather have something that wont look out of place on an entertainment rack next to other electronics...
Maximus825 said:
I thought the backgrounds in RE4 were 2D that simulated 3D. I remember seeing something about the fire in the game doing this. Am I thinking of a different game?

That sketch of the"Xbox Titanium" looks really nice. But, I get the feeling that Microsoft would rather have something that wont look out of place on an entertainment rack next to other electronics...

That is what I was thinking about RE4, but since I don't have the game I can't tell.

As for the concept, I like your idea. It would look great in a brushed or satin finnish all aluminum enclousure.
Those were the previous resident evil games. Everything in RE4 is completely 3D. That's what makes it so nice looking, better than Halo 2 IMO. And as the icing on the cake, it plays well too (remember, gameplay before graphics... that game has both)
steviep said:
Those were the previous resident evil games. Everything in RE4 is completely 3D. That's what makes it so nice looking, better than Halo 2 IMO. And as the icing on the cake, it plays well too (remember, gameplay before graphics... that game has both)
Seriously...the overall experience of that game is far greater than any other game I have ever played. From beginning to end, you're always drawn in and kept there. It's so full full of action and terror, it's just so fun to play. For me, I play a game a few hours, turn it off, play the next day. With this one, every time I started it up to load my save point I was so damn excited to be playing it, because none of the environments repeat or get stale, and they get way more interesting as it goes along, and if you're a fan of the overall story then this will be very interesting to you also, and the gameplay is so fun and it feels so rewarding just to shoot a "villager" in his leg and see him fall realistically, and relative to where you shot them at. It's crazy how much detail and atmosphere and artistic sense this game has in it. For people skeptical about and such, you really need to play it, because it is one of Capcoms and gamings great acheivments, IMHO. That's what makes a game for me, obviously, and that's why I think RE4 is one of the greatest, or even THE greatest game I have ever played. Honestly! Oh, yeah, as for the graphics (for anyone who doesn't know), they ARE full 3D and look beautiful! Take a shot at the game, it can't hurt ya, the monsters aren't real! LOL. :)