Games you would like to see make a comeback...

There needs to be a new Chrono Trigger. I would also like there to be a Shenmue 3, even though Yu Suzuki has said that he has suspended the project... :(
Dark Prodigy said:
Even though it was the hardest game I've ever played.... DINO CRISIS deserves a vote....

I thought DC 2 was infinitely better than DC, but ye...remake, but the camera angles would have to be fixed majorly :p
Slartibartfast said:
The Incredible Machine ;)

mate that game was awesome, i think i still even have the cd around somewhere.

Wonder if it works under winXP!!
boycee said:
mate that game was awesome, i think i still even have the cd around somewhere.

Wonder if it works under winXP!!

Heck yeah, The Incredible Machine was sweetsauce on a sugary cinnamon bun :D!

for the love of god freelancer

Microsoft says they are recommited to pc games this next year this would be a great one ot pull out of the darkness.

fuckin SEGA. The put SoR as an unlockable game in the Japanese Sonic GEMS collection, the US version got that stupid Vectorman.

Where the fuck is my BARE KNUCKLE?
Below the Root / C-64 version roxxed
Hoover Boover / C-64 you cut grass while getting chased by Mean Dog
And Finally the mother of all trading games M.U.L.E. multiple systems.
ClearM4 said:
Wing Commander :)

2nd that
the world needs a new GOOD spacesim

a new Shogo would kick ass to

and for all you guys that want a new Knights into Dreams game youll get it on Wii
Shogo MAD (incredible game).

Heretic 2 ( a new one would be stellar...underrated classic ).

Duke Nukem 3d ( or forever....yawn.... :eek: ).

Streets of Rage 4 (I'd buy whwatever console that got this).

Nights into Dreams (not sitting around waitiing for this, but it'd be great.

Not really a console guy anymore, but those two I would play.
dajet24 said:

for the love of god freelancer

Microsoft says they are recommited to pc games this next year this would be a great one ot pull out of the darkness.
I second that. I still play Freelancer, and if not a sequel this year, then an expansion pack with more missions, ships, commodities, weapons, systems, factions, etc would be good enough to tide me over for a while.

Of course, when it comes to Microsoft developing and publishing games the community actually wants, darkness = their asses.
Dark Prodigy said:
I guess I'm the only person who likes building/strategy/management games like Caesar III

I liked those games but there has been a new one every year and civ city rome is coming this summer so u cant really complain about lack of support from game makers.

children of the nile pharoh etc this genre is covered decently every year or so
Jawadali said:
OMF: Battlegrounds released a couple years ago was more like an incomplete beta than a real game, and did not have the tournament mode.
I caught soooo much shit from my editor for basicly saying just that in my review.
Star Wars Galaxies: Lose Sony Online Ent. and give it to bioware along with a rollback to PRE-CU. Game was so fun back then, now it's complete shit.. :(
monkey island would be so cheap to make, and has such a following, that I really dont understand why lucas arts isnt jumping on it...
I wonder if a Contra fps could be done well. Keep the settings and environments. Even in the mass of generic futuristic alien invasion games, Contra has a distinct look to me.
M.I.S.C. Best space shooter ever.

Unfortunately it's difficult to run on modern computers unless you run an older Windows OS or wine it.

Xeography! Where are you?
Dark Prodigy said:
I guess I'm the only person who likes building/strategy/management games like Caesar III

Not exactly the same... but the Civilization series is absolutely great... esp CIV IV. I play it and loose all freaking track of time!!

I would like to see Project Stealth Fighter make a comeback. Played it years ago on my Commodore 64.
zero002021 said:
Zombies Ate My Neighbors
Monkey Island
Sam and Max
Beyond Good and Evil (More recent, supposed to be a trilogy but didn't sell well :()

I'm sure I could think of many, many more given enough time.
Give this man a cookie.

I would add General Chaos and Cannon Fodder :)

I'd also like to see the Advent Rising story continued. BloodRayne with more nazi whacking would be kinda fun. Moar jiggly physics to take advantage of SMP.

Almost forgot, AvP3 using the Doom3 engine could be interesting.
TRIBES 2 ..... the most enjoyable and engrossing multiplayer experience I've ever had. Too bad they patched the game until it was crap and the majority of players gave up after the first year.