Games you would like to see make a comeback...

More like the origonal Super Mario. I don't need all that extra crap like in 2 or 3 I just want straight up gaming like the first one. I still think Super Mario Land for gameboy was one of the best games ever.
johnnq said:
mech2 was superior to mech every way. too bad it was older with dated graphics and no real strategy involved (flat maps)

i can't believe NOBODY has played battletech here!!

LOL, I guess you are entitled to your preference. :) I remember playing MW2 once, but I can't say that I remember it very well. Surely the better parts could be gleamed from the whole of the MechWarrior franchise in any hypothetical future game.

Now where did I leave my little pewter mech statue?
Autoduel (I still play this in WinXP)


XW Alliance

Jedi Knight series


Tie Fighter

Wing Commander


Star Fleet I (developed for Unix back in the 70's, but evolved and carried over to Apple and Commodore back in the mid 80's. Had a shareware version for PC called EGATrek long long ago that was identical)


Space Taxi (would make a great flash-based time waster)

Mail Order Monsters (spent lots of time with this one on my C128)

Ultima IX (would love to see DX9 used to it's potential in a remake)


Fallout series (just a graphics update patch would be fine with me!)

Last Ninja


Commander Keen

Sun Dog: Frozen Legacy

Street Rod

Hard Drivin'

Impossible Mission

S.T.U.N. Runner

Lots of others..but it's time for lunch break.
Prince of Persia I. I want the old style 2D gameplay with a bit better graphics. The new prince of persia's are like puzzles and they get kind of boring after a while.

Marathon I


Number Muchers
MechWarrior (Mercenaries style)
Starcraft 2 (obviously)
I think another Fallout with updated graphics would be cool.
FF7 with todays graphics

I like old games but some of them i dont see as having squels, so i'd just like to play them as more pretty versions.
I think I'm the only gamer that has not played FFVII or Halo....should I feel deprived? *rhetorical*

I guess my Deus Ex suggestion sucked....
Beyond good and Evil
Xwing-TieFighter-WingCommander Like games. We need more spaceflight fighters that dont suck and arent hard to control.
Undying Sequel (Scryyyyyyeeee)
I totally miss Quake2 LMCTF mod. That was such a cool mod. The voices, taunts, and those crazy ass laughs. :D
Crystalis for Wii

Man that game rocked and since Nintendo already owns the rights AND nintendo is remaking alot of the old school games on the Wii it seems like the perfect time.

God I loved that game.... reminds me of a simpler time.
Also I can't wait for Diablo 3 to be announced. Don't know when it will be but since Blizzard was staffing up on people with "Diablo-like" skills I can only imagine it is coming. I just hope they don't screw it up and make it a MMORPG.
Nobody mentionned Destruction Derby :( Would kick ass with PPU and current gfx...

But i also loved the rest like X-Wing/Tie Fighter, Starcraft, Blood, FF7...
Nostradamus said:
Also I can't wait for Diablo 3 to be announced. Don't know when it will be but since Blizzard was staffing up on people with "Diablo-like" skills I can only imagine it is coming. I just hope they don't screw it up and make it a MMORPG.
Knowing Blizzard nowadays, a Diablo MMORPG is coming around the corner :rolleyes:

My list:
X-Wing/Tie Fighter
Monkey Island
TFC 2 (...)
There needs to be a sequal to FREESACE 2.

That was the best space simulator in PC history. WE need Freespace 3...... So bad because Freespace 2 was teh bomb./
Helmut said:
Total Annihilation. I still play that game and I'd love to have a version with current-generation graphics.

p.s. I believe the apocalypse must be coming tonight...this is the first [H] thread I've seen in months that didn't turn into some sort of flame war.

They are making Supreme Commander. I never played TA, but I've heard that it was amazing and SupCom looks good, so far.

Khaydarin said:
Aegis and USS Ticonderoga

Agreed. USS Tico was a fun game, even though I sucked at it.

Khaydarin said:
A remake of Vietcong that doesnt suck

Red Baron

Air Warrior

Red Alert style C&C

Again agreed. The ORIGINAL Vietcong that has the Crysis engine would be completely amazing. It would blow most new FPSs out of the water.

Red Baron and Air Warrior were also mad fun.

Look up Command and Conquer 3. I believe Tiberium Wars is the working title.
I used to play this old game called "Seal Team".

You led a squad of US Navy Seals in Vietnam.

It rocked big time.
I loved it.

Just improve the graphics and AI to modern standards and it'll be a winner again.
bazylik said:
Oddworld series, but back from Abe's oddysee and Exodus years... great great platformer.

Agreed, although I loved playing Stranger's Wrath too. The only reason I bought a Xbox on release day was to play Munch's Oddysee. It really pissed me off when they said they were stopping making games. The Oddworld series was the only non-Nintendo game series I really, really loved. :(
House Julii said:
Look up Command and Conquer 3. I believe Tiberium Wars is the working title.

Thats not Red Alert style, thats C&C. Diff story line, units and strategy involved.
aliens vs predator! i know everybody has thought the same thing at some point when playin doom3/FEAR/half-life2.

just take the same pitch blackness of doom3 and throw in that ever omnipresent "beep"
Contra and FREESPACE ffs!

Man, aside from being the greatest space-combat sim of all time (and I have played the x-wing, tie fighter, and wing commander series also), the end of Freespace 2 was such a huge cock teasing cliffhanger I about jumped off a cliff when I learned there wouldn't be a Freespace 3! I mean the whole damn galaxy is about to be annihilated by the Shivans, who just look more and more unstoppable the more you play. I've never played another game that made you feel smaller or more hopeless, yet made you want to play more!

You're like "Yes! We defeated the Shivan Juggernaut!" Then the Shivans are like "oh yeah btw we have like a billion more where that came from kkthx" And then you're like "mommy make the bad aliens stop killing all our dudes" And then your mom jumps off a tall building. Then the Shivans are like "All your base are belong to us. You will not survive, make your time" Then you're like "MOVE ZIG!"

Crap I gotta quit smokin crack.
HRslammR said:
aliens vs predator! i know everybody has thought the same thing at some point when playin doom3/FEAR/half-life2.

just take the same pitch blackness of doom3 and throw in that ever omnipresent "beep"

I concur, avp2's marine campaign was tense.
Another Thief style game. Thief : deadly shadows (3rd and final in the series) had me in awe and in dissapointment at the same time. Buggier than windows millenium, AI was far too easy (gaurds gave up quickly and said something like "oh maybe it was the wind").

Yes, another Thief style game in a different setting... well, just entirely different. That kind of game just plain kicks ass.
Had to throw in my 2 cents before this thread died:

Am i the only one dying for a squel to Vagrant Story, I freakin loved that game.

The list goes on...

Shadowrun (RPG style)
Casltevania (side-scroller none of that 3D stuff)
E.V.O. Evolution
Maniac Mansion (already mentioned but I thought it was a great idea)
FF Tactics
Final Fight
Tecmo Bowl
Marvel vs Capcom
That one multiplayer sega game with the guy with the axe and in between levels you'd be at a campsite hitting little dwarfs for potions, damn I forgot the name! Recently played it at the arcade too :(
hershey said:
Final Fight
Tecmo Bowl
Marvel vs Capcom
That one multiplayer sega game with the guy with the axe and in between levels you'd be at a campsite hitting little dwarfs for potions, damn I forgot the name! Recently played it at the arcade too :(

Marvel vs. Capcom is one of the best and coolest fighting games ever made...with todays tech it would look better than the original arcade version...

oh yeah...I don't know if anyone remembers this game...but it was the best arcade fighting game of its time...It was found in every Aladdins Castle in every mall....

Yi-Ar-Kung-Fu....! You played a character called Oolong and you fought people that were the names of their weapons...Star, Chain, Pole... etc... I'd pay good money just to even play the game again... Prerunner to Street Fighter series..and in some ways better..
hershey said:
Final Fight
Tecmo Bowl
Marvel vs Capcom
That one multiplayer sega game with the guy with the axe and in between levels you'd be at a campsite hitting little dwarfs for potions, damn I forgot the name! Recently played it at the arcade too :(

That one was called Golden Axe ;) , and yeah it rocked.
I would be a happy man if they release FALLOUT 3, last I heard some company bought them out then the project got dropped. Maybe a sequel to an old nes game called captain sky hawk
I don't think anyone mentioned this one yet:


Great game by Shiny. I've been waiting for a sequel on that one for a long time.
silentsammy said:
I don't think anyone mentioned this one yet:


Great game by Shiny. I've been waiting for a sequel on that one for a long time.

That was a great game. Messiah was also a great game from them and I wouldn't mind seeing a sequel to it.