Games are getting expensive, $70 for my pre-order,

The price is whatever people are willing to pay. If people are willing to pay $70, then that is the price.

Obviously I don't agree with it, and I will not pay it, but I'm not terribly surprised nor blame them for trying it. It just shows their true nature, your money is all they want, your money is all they care about.

Hopefully you end up getting a game that makes it worth it to you.

Me, I got backlogs that will last me for years, and since I don't much care for multi, I don't feel the itch to get the latest and greatest as soon as it comes out. It will still be fresh to me when I eventually pick up whatever game looks good to me, after it comes down in price and goes on sale.
Are they? A Nintendo game in 1990 cost $50, which is $86.50 in 2012 dollars. Basically the $70 game you're talking about would cost $40 back then, so games have actually become relatively cheaper.
Don't pre-order are only enabling them to screw us over by paying them BEFORE you know what you're actually going to get. In order to establish a healthy relationship between supply and demand, the supply has to demonstrate that they are actually meeting the demand with the product, by pre-ordering you are placing blind trust. Supply can now get away with releasing fancy tech demos and false promises that doesn't reflect the quality of the product at release. And this is exactly what we're seeing these days. You're a sucker if you pre-order anything.
Yeah, I sort of regret preordering BF3, sure, I got BtK for "free", but not only did the price on the main game fall quick as hell, not soon after release you got the game+pass for a pittance.
Are they? A Nintendo game in 1990 cost $50, which is $86.50 in 2012 dollars. Basically the $70 game you're talking about would cost $40 back then, so games have actually become relatively cheaper.

That was cartridge games vs today no physical media required, and the market is probably 4-8x larger now to boot. Yes, production costs have gone up, but don't look at me, I'm not the one spending $$$ on hollywood actors to do voice work.
I've been done with EA for a long time. I bought BF3, then shortly after they released old BF2 maps and made you pay for them. If you didn't pay, you didn't get to play with all your friends who did pay.

Then, they started a new "premium" system where people who pay EA extra money get to jump into servers in front of you, even though you waited in que for 30 minutes.

Thats when I uninstalled and decided to be done with that shady company.
Yeah, I sort of regret preordering BF3, sure, I got BtK for "free", but not only did the price on the main game fall quick as hell, not soon after release you got the game+pass for a pittance.

I am the same way. I played it for a bit after release, but not enough to justify the cost. I only recently started playing again due to the Premium upgrade with all the DLC after the sales. I think it only cost me $5 to upgrade.

I have played more since the upgrade than before.

These days it falls around my birthday so I just throw it out there as an idea. If my brother gets it for me great, if not I will wait for the next Premium bundle.
BF4 is not $70. WTF is this thread about. The standard edition is the same price as every other AAA game in existence.
Except its not $70. This is just for the base game right? I will either be getting it for free from sponsorship or at 50% off but I can imagine that with the dlc etc that it will be $100+ easy right?

PS2 is free to play btw. You can sink a ton of money in it but at least you can try it for nothing and if you insist on it never pay a dime. That is what BF4 and any online game should do imo. You get way more people playing and willing to try the game out if it is free to start.
Hey guys, just ordered 3 copies of BF4. Here's a picture in case you didn't know from the statement I just made about me buying 3 copies of BF4. Life's tough.

hah an F430? totally non-baller

Get back to us when you have a 458 Italia -- that's the only Ferrari that PROVES you are ballin'
If $70 is enough to make you complain on the internet...then maybe you shouldn't be spending money on games.
PS2 is free to play btw. You can sink a ton of money in it but at least you can try it for nothing and if you insist on it never pay a dime. That is what BF4 and any online game should do imo. You get way more people playing and willing to try the game out if it is free to start.

Good thing you're not running EA/DICE, much as I disdain EA. Absolutely not. PS2 is free because it has to be. Do you think people would be lining up to pay $60 for PS2? I like the game, FWIW. But let's face it, its got a learning curve and only shines in specific circumstances like the larger conflicts. Most people in my BF group that were all gung ho about PS2 and played it briefly with me slowly just drifted back to BF3 and never looked back. I realize its anecdotal but that special something was missing.

BF3 - and by extension BF4 is $60+ because it can be because people are willing to pay it.
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I don't get the complaining about the prices of games when most posters here spend so much for hardware to play those same games. I've been gaming since the early 90s, it's never been cheap.
Are they? A Nintendo game in 1990 cost $50, which is $86.50 in 2012 dollars. Basically the $70 game you're talking about would cost $40 back then, so games have actually become relatively cheaper.


Through the Federal Reserve the US dollar is devalued approximately 5% a year since leaving the Gold Standard. They print more dollars, backed by the same amount of assets, so each dollar is worth approximately 5% less each year.
Since leaving the Gold Standard, US politicians have used the Federal Reserve to "borrow" from the value of each dollar.

The Federal Reserve's Explicit Goal: Devalue The Dollar 33%

The Federal Reserve Open Market Committee (FOMC) has made it official: After its latest two day meeting, it announced its goal to devalue the dollar by 33% over the next 20 years. The debauch of the dollar will be even greater if the Fed exceeds its goal of a 2 percent per year increase in the price level.

An increase in the price level of 2% in any one year is barely noticeable. Under a gold standard, such an increase was uncommon, but not unknown. The difference is that when the dollar was as good as gold, the years of modest inflation would be followed, in time, by declining prices. As a consequence, over longer periods of time, the price level was unchanged. A dollar 20 years hence was still worth a dollar.

But, an increase of 2% a year over a period of 20 years will lead to a 50% increase in the price level. It will take 150 (2032) dollars to purchase the same basket of goods 100 (2012) dollars can buy today. What will be called the “dollar” in 2032 will be worth one-third less (100/150) than what we call a dollar today.

The Fed’s zero interest rate policy accentuates the negative consequences of this steady erosion in the dollar’s buying power by imposing a negative return on short-term bonds and bank deposits. In effect, the Fed has announced a course of action that will steal — there is no better word for it — nearly 10 percent of the value of American’s hard earned savings over the next 4 years.

Why target an annual 2 percent decline in the dollar’s value instead of price stability? Here is the Fed’s answer:

“The Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) judges that inflation at the rate of 2 percent (as measured by the annual change in the price index for personal consumption expenditures, or PCE) is most consistent over the longer run with the Federal Reserve’s mandate for price stability and maximum employment. Over time, a higher inflation rate would reduce the public’s ability to make accurate longer-term economic and financial decisions. On the other hand, a lower inflation rate would be associated with an elevated probability of falling into deflation, which means prices and perhaps wages, on average, are falling–a phenomenon associated with very weak economic conditions. Having at least a small level of inflation makes it less likely that the economy will experience harmful deflation if economic conditions weaken. The FOMC implements monetary policy to help maintain an inflation rate of 2 percent over the medium term.”

In other words, a gradual destruction of the dollar’s value is the best the FOMC can do.

Here’s why:

First, the Fed believes that manipulation of interest rates and the value of the dollar can reduce unemployment rates.

That was cartridge games vs today no physical media required, and the market is probably 4-8x larger now to boot. Yes, production costs have gone up, but don't look at me, I'm not the one spending $$$ on hollywood actors to do voice work.

Right, so as I said, games have actually gotten cheaper when you factor in inflation. So maybe it's the lack of physical media.
after medal of honor i am cautious when it comes to preordering ;'(
after medal of honor i am cautious when it comes to preordering ;'(

Exactly, unless I played the game somehow, someway, I won't pre-order anymore. If I find out it's "the shit", I'll grab it day 1. I need to see gameplay, hear what people think, etc.'s important. Before I would just grab on impulse, now I'm more careful...
I remember hearing a ton of good things coming from Rage, so I preordered a couple of days before release.

I just had a terrible feeling about it so I cancelled my preorder the next day. BY THE SKIN OF MY BALLS

That is the standard version. $70 is for the digital deluxe version.
You get unlocks for bf3 right now when you pre order it and other unlocks for bf4, as well as beta access.

I just want the beta access really. The order page says I can cancel anytime before the game gets released, so I guess you could play the beta and then cancel the order and just buy the standard edition.
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Putting the beta behind the fucking paywall, jesus christ EA
Putting the beta behind the fucking paywall, jesus christ EA

They did that with bf3 as well, if I remember correctly for the closed beta, and I can't remember if if they had a free open beta afterwards.
didn't pre-order FIFA 14 hoping that the price will remain $40 for 2 more weeks only to see it increased to $55 within 5 days !!! EA sucks !! :mad: will Stick to FIFA 13 till December :D
I will pre-order BF4 the day before the beta goes live. No idea why people pre-order this far out, as said, it's an interest free loan to the publisher with zero value for the consumer.

~230 hours in BF3 and still loving it, so much fun.
I will pre-order BF4 the day before the beta goes live. No idea why people pre-order this far out, as said, it's an interest free loan to the publisher with zero value for the consumer.

~230 hours in BF3 and still loving it, so much fun.

Pre order from Amazon instead, no payment until release. No hold on funds.
Less than a month ago there was this pre-order for some game on Steam. It said something like 83€ or something. Some alpha! access was also included. Imagine that... :D
EA is charging for PC games @same rate as Console games !! actually it is a strategy to increase the sale of Gaming Consoles !!! Titanfall costs $60 for PC in Origin !! Can u even believe that ?? $60 only for pre-order !!! :confused:
i will never pay $70 for a video game.i will never pay north of $50 (and that's extremely rare too).