Gamers Nexus vs LinusTechTips: Smackdown


IF the audience can see! And what when most of the audience, which I would argue is the case with LTT audience, can't see? Years of consistent quality drop accompanied by constant viewership increase is proof it doesn't work as Ian believes.

And when it's pointed out, it's punching down? Not to mention that from GN to LMG it's hardly down. If anything, this whole section from Ian should have been addressed to LMG and their initial bragging and comparison to HU and GN.

The rest of the video was mostly balanced, if unnecessary. I don't find GN a journalistic bedrock beholden to high reporting standards nor that they see themselves as that, more of a higher standard but subjective op-ed channel. Granted, that could be just my perception.
The everything. Genius on all fronts. If Steve casually wore an Owen Wilson wig in his next video and never made mention of it, people would be blacking out from laughter-induced oxygen deprivation.

But that'd also be undermining Steve's dead serious conviction about the whole thing, thus he'd never do it.
Steves vindictiveness is frightening. I mean he's got the qualifications for a serial killer lol. Once he smells blood he goes for the kill like a shark. All over that one comment from the LTT tour? Sheesh.
TBH, ltt has to be called out on their bad testing, but until recently they were in their own lane of "tech reviews you don't take too seriously". When they decided earlier this year to be taken seriously and then took pot shots of reviewers who have been working years on accurate data, they painted a target on their own back.
And when it's pointed out, it's punching down?
Because the $100,000,000 corporation and undisputed dominant force in the world of tech based video content with multiple channels, outlets, custom built state of the art laboratory testing facility, it's very own international annual expo and that's been proven to lack any kind of moral compass isn't Goliath in this scenario.

That Ian guy is wedged so far up Linus's ass that he'll need one of those Noctua screwdrivers (brought to you by LTT™) to dig himself out.
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That Ian guy is wedged so far up Linus's ass
Not gonna argue your claim about where he's wedged, but "that Ian guy" is fairly well-known, too. Dr. Ian Cutress was a senior editor at Anandtech for over a decade.
TBH, ltt has to be called out on their bad testing, but until recently they were in their own lane of "tech reviews you don't take too seriously". When they decided earlier this year to be taken seriously and then took pot shots of reviewers who have been working years on accurate data, they painted a target on their own back.

I have to agree with this.

The thing is, compared to the old print media, these YouTube "famers" are for the most part just playing games all the way to the bank. It might be fair to throw some criticism at GN for some of it's stuff- but Steve's the best there is right now.

Some of us remember the "busts" made by the print media back in the day. At least Steve has the cajones to do something. "Influencers"? Puhleez.

As an actual systems engineer (and gamer) it makes me sick about the errors floating around- and the ability of "fans" to harass dissenters.

Shit that moron jay2cents (half wit) actually declared that DDR4 memory was running at 3200Mhz. Really?

I just can't take it. Especially the know nothings that make bank off promoting a single line of network electronics. Ubiquiti? Unifi? WTF?
So, um... when do we get to see LTT run DLSS3.5 on an RX7800XT... and declare the Intel the winner? Has it been a week yet?


PS: The Zoolander was funnier, but the Homelander set-up is so dead-on it hurts.
IMHO. Linus has been garbage since they moved out of that house. They did some fun stuff there. I openly mock nearly anyone who references them.

Can't say I'm a big GN fan either. He just seems like a pompous ass knowitall, whos tone of voice leads me to believe he is burned out on it all.

That said, I agree with GN on all accounts on this one.
Steves vindictiveness is frightening. I mean he's got the qualifications for a serial killer lol. Once he smells blood he goes for the kill like a shark. All over that one comment from the LTT tour? Sheesh.
A 100m dollar company announced publicly that they where coming for him and planning to replace him... cause he can't afford to run brand new tests every review.
He protected his turf is all he did.
You want to run a business... you better be prepared to punch when someone comes for your cookies. If they make it easy and expose their junk punch twice as hard.
Good on him.
Linus out on the couch for this one. Imagine putting your wife into something like this.

I'm still shocked this situation even occurred.
If you come at the King, you best not miss.


ya he still doesn't get it. He should have sold his company and cashed out.
I don't believe he actually understood why he was popular. NO one ever took him serious. Everyone knew he had zero ethics. I mean for 2 years the guy has been reviewing glowingly a laptop company he owns a major stake in. He was always just an entertaining salesman... and the last few years he has slid into the slimy things sales folks just slide into too easily.

Bottom line is we don't need a 100m+ Media company giving us "authoritative" reviews or product shootouts ect ect. IN fact I actively reject. (its not different then the commercial PC mag reviews back in the day... Garbage) Knowing they want to be "The authoritative" review company makes me want them to fail. I don't care how he treats his employees the fact that he has more then a handful is the issue.

I prefer reviews from fellow true geeks who perhaps even nerd out a bit more then myself. People willing to work long hours themselves testing because they love it... and perhaps hiring a small team that feels likewise. (cause hey one man show is a bit crazy). LMG got to big for its britches. And ya he is a terrible terrible manager... the guy made his own wife the head of HR. LMAO If as he claims an outsourced consultation firm said that was cool... he either hired someone very unqualified or he ignored them on that. Imagine... "I have an issue with the company... hey bosses wife can you help me here" Geezus
I don't have a problem with them being a big company, but the bigger the company, the more likely for there to be shitty corporate practices abound.
It is like reforming Toms Hardware circa early 2000s. LTT was there and the some.
I prefer reviews from fellow true geeks who perhaps even nerd out a bit more then myself. People willing to work long hours themselves testing because they love it... and perhaps hiring a small team that feels likewise. (cause hey one man show is a bit crazy). LMG got to big for its britches. And ya he is a terrible terrible manager... the guy made his own wife the head of HR. LMAO If as he claims an outsourced consultation firm said that was cool... he either hired someone very unqualified or he ignored them on that. Imagine... "I have an issue with the company... hey bosses wife can you help me here" Geezus

Well, you are right.

The "drive to build an authoritative review behemoth" is pretty absurd. But the good thing is that by just making that statement they are going to be fried in oil over and over. First they decided to leave their niche and compete with the big boys. And the handful of Youtooobers that do in-depth technical content will probably eat them alive. They painted a target on their back.

How many companies have been torched by GN alone? They are good at it. They will continue doing it. This is not the last time a flamethrower will be pointed at LMG.

Linus is not a professional. I think he's an egoist. The results will reflect that.
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I prefer reviews from fellow true geeks who perhaps even nerd out a bit more then myself. People willing to work long hours themselves testing because they love it... and perhaps hiring a small team that feels likewise. (cause hey one man show is a bit crazy). LMG got to big for its britches. And ya he is a terrible terrible manager... the guy made his own wife the head of HR. LMAO If as he claims an outsourced consultation firm said that was cool... he either hired someone very unqualified or he ignored them on that. Imagine... "I have an issue with the company... hey bosses wife can you help me here" Geezus
Conflict of interest so over the place. If the sexual harassment casse ends up in court hell be eaten alive.
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Conflict of interest so over the place. If the sexual harassment casse ends up in court hell be eaten alive.
He will be. I know most people on the [H] are American. As a Canadian let me say Linus is going to get some serious finger slapping. I assume it will go to the BC human rights commission... and they will be forced to hire a proper HR person, probably develop proper policies and hire real consulting companies to do it, and very likely get hit with a ton of fines/payouts. If any other employees come forward, it will get very expensive.
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The "drive to build an authoritative review behemoth" is pretty absurd.
Bottom line is we don't need a 100m+ Media company giving us "authoritative" reviews or product shootouts ect ect.

Not sure how to feel about this, for one many probably drive to be so good and build such an track record to become an authoritative review. For the Behemoth part it come with advantage to us, the reviewer being big enough and big enough of a non-review business side (would not be surprised if most views does not come from people interested in a serious review) come:

) Can purchase and review stuff not giving to them by a company
) Big enough that there is a cost to a company to stop to give them products to review
) Feel like they can lose sponsors
) Some testing will be more and more complicated, for example:


If you are small and depends on review and depends on getting the hardware gifted to you by companies that create a really strong conflict of interest.

And with how complicated benchmarking is becoming
Look how different a review of the 7800x3d can be depending on the title you choose and the video cards used versus a 13900K:
Ryzen 7 7800X3D vs. Core i9-13900K: Radeon RX 7900 XTX [Driver Overhead Test]

On Callisto protocol on a 7900xtx the 13900k has lower 1% lows than the 7800x3d with a 4090 it is the other way around for some title it is the reverse, Hardware unboxed often come up with really nice-video analysis from ram frequency-timing, SMT, SAM, the actual 40+ games reviews and now we will want with a 3d cpu or not and them tested on a lower driver overhead AMD gpu or not, etc... but months after launch or the products.

We will add image quality (different cards will have significant image quality again like in the 90s early 2000s) to this, quality of the inferred frame.

Going from giant conglomerate newpapers type company doing reviews that did not need money from the industry they were reviewing to very small company that need products-access from them come with a lot of issues as well, like they say there are no solution, only compromises.

It’s not a bad video, but if Linus really wants to build labs up like that he’s going to need to expect even more scrutiny coming at them over time. They have lofty goals, but it’s going to need a careful hand. I don’t think Linus himself is up to the task so hopefully he can keep his nose out of things and let the new CEO and the rest of the management team handle things.

I’m willing to sit back and see how things go, but I won’t be surprised if we end up getting another exposé on them down the road.
It’s not a bad video, but if Linus really wants to build labs up like that he’s going to need to expect even more scrutiny coming at them over time. They have lofty goals, but it’s going to need a careful hand. I don’t think Linus himself is up to the task so hopefully he can keep his nose out of things and let the new CEO and the rest of the management team handle things.

I’m willing to sit back and see how things go, but I won’t be surprised if we end up getting another exposé on them down the road.
I think his problem is that he still wants to be the face of the channel still. Certain personality types can only take a company so far. Think Bill Gates or Steve Balmer. When your personality becomes bigger than the company itself that's a problem. Most companies usually move the figurehead away from making public statements if the overall public perception is negative. I'm surprised they didn't do that here. But this speaks to how much control he still has, and I'm afraid it's too much.

You're bringing these senior management heavy hitters and they aren't the ones who are primarily in your restructuring video? You're paying them high six figures easily. WTF.
Bottom line is we don't need a 100m+ Media company giving us "authoritative" reviews or product shootouts ect ect. IN fact I actively reject. (its not different then the commercial PC mag reviews back in the day... Garbage) Knowing they want to be "The authoritative" review company makes me want them to fail.
This is funny, considering I've heard Linus say essentially the same thing several times on the WAN show; he doesn't want to be the "authoritative" reviewer and encourages others to develop their own review styles and emphasizes there's plenty of room in his segment for other reviewers and tech channels. So I don't know where you're getting that quote from otherwise.
I think his problem is that he still wants to be the face of the channel still. Certain personality types can only take a company so far. Think Bill Gates or Steve Balmer. When your personality becomes bigger than the company itself that's a problem. Most companies usually move the figurehead away from making public statements if the overall public perception is negative. I'm surprised they didn't do that here. But this speaks to how much control he still has, and I'm afraid it's too much.

You're bringing these senior management heavy hitters and they aren't the ones who are primarily in your restructuring video? You're paying them high six figures easily. WTF.
Nah, most (if not all) of the issues brought up recently were why he was still CEO. And he's still the face of LMG regardless (now as the "Chief Vision Officer"), hence his name on the name of the channel and company. He's the most appropriate person to address the issues publicly. But people are gonna shit on him and his company regardless of what he does or doesn't do as well.

But also pretty much every senior person including the new CEO was in their previous restructuring video as well, so dunno why they'd need to be in another video after that.
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I think the amount of content is wholly possible, just not with him in as many videos and with an even larger work force. 25 videos a week, if that is the actual number, divided by 25 different groups within the organization is one thing, 25 videos divided by a handful of teams, becomes a very big issue, as we've seen. I have no dog in this fight, I watch LTT to be entertained, I watch GN for the same reason. They're both entertaining in a different way but I watch them wholly as entertainment and get my information from forums, and written reviews where I can see what information they're gathering, and how, and easily return to them if needed without searching through videos. But I'm an old man, and videos have always just been entertainment to me.
This vid was pulled from GN's channel with it seems a lot of backlash attached to it if I am reading Twitter right.
View attachment 594112

While I do have some pretty strong feelings about his LTT videos, not really sure about this one.


Think of all the extra traffic the [H] could have had if you had spent more time attacking colleagues though. If you'd just been a smaller man you could have had so many petty vendettas.

And that's coming from someone that's 5'2"...
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I listened to the WAN show this week and Linus seemed to address it pretty well; he essentially reprimanded the tech that blasted GN and Hardware Unboxed in that tech tour and apologized for it on the WAN show. But I guess GN took that as an invite to destroy him with a 45 min critique of his business and every misstep he could find in the last year or so.
But also includes major screw ups, then trashing said product, because they used the wrong one and their own team didnt know what GPU they even had...

This is funny, considering I've heard Linus say essentially the same thing several times on the WAN show; he doesn't want to be the "authoritative" reviewer and encourages others to develop their own review styles and emphasizes there's plenty of room in his segment for other reviewers and tech channels. So I don't know where you're getting that quote from otherwise.
The thing is if you are going to offer consumer advice you need to be authorative to the best of your abilities. "If you don't like how I do it, then do it better" is an argument for adolescents. Either do it right or don't do it at all. I don't have to do a better / more comprehensive review first to gain the right to call out bad practices. But even if that was the requirement GN surely qualifies.
Think of all the extra traffic the [H] could have had if you had spent more time attacking colleagues though. If you'd just been a smaller man you could have had so many petty vendettas.
Disregarding the fact that the first shots were fired by LTT, I consider the GN video important consumer advice, not a pointless attack. I had no idea about their shoddy record and until now I'd have taken their results at face value, now I know better thanks to GN calling it out.