G-Mail Invites consolidated here!!!

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hmm i got a gmail account but i havent got any email with free invites... how do i get to invite peepz???
Ok ive got 2 invites. Im not going to dig through the 18 pages to find whos next. the first 2 NON-NOOBS to post a non-nude female hottie pic in this thread get them. Remember non-nude, non-noob
Hope this is not against the rules, i dont think it is, just trying to have a little fun with it.

Post you email addy after the pic and ill send tonight.

The reason im doing the non-noob thing is im giving back to the active community that ive enjoyed and participated in for so many years.
palabared said:
i aint trippin....spellin isnt my thing.
btw u are a weird kid
thanks for noticing....but I'm not really a "kid" per say, since I turn 21 in a couple months, cant wait.

But in all seriousness, I really think that not sharing an invite with a "noob" is all that cool, I can't help having so few posts, and I guess it will be too late by the time I do shift in ranking, but nevertheless I would share the wealth with all users "noob" et al. when invites do get issued, that is, if a kind SOLE (hopes palabared has a kind soul within that ghost in the shell) would help out a "noob" (hopes everyone would judge character vs. posts ;) such as I.

If anybody has a change in heart, please send me an invite, I won't bug anyone anymore on this matter! Unless you want too.....Bring it ON sucka!!

--MD-- dukie --

duplessism "@" wit.edu
I received only 1 invite and it was sent out today to 5x5.:) Anymore come and I will pass them on.
dukie said:
thanks for noticing....but I'm not really a "kid" per say, since I turn 21 in a couple months, cant wait.

But in all seriousness, I really think that not sharing an invite with a "noob" is all that cool, I can't help having so few posts, and I guess it will be too late by the time I do shift in ranking, but nevertheless I would share the wealth with all users "noob" et al. when invites do get issued, that is, if a kind SOLE (hopes palabared has a kind soul within that ghost in the shell) would help out a "noob" (hopes everyone would judge character vs. posts ;) such as I.

If anybody has a change in heart, please send me an invite, I won't bug anyone anymore on this matter! Unless you want too.....Bring it ON sucka!!

--MD-- dukie --

duplessism "@" wit.edu
I think it has little to do with your number of posts and more to do with your registration date.

edit: Might as well post my info again. I'm back on Page 5 or 6. [email protected]
dukie said:
thanks for noticing....but I'm not really a "kid" per say, since I turn 21 in a couple months, cant wait.

But in all seriousness, I really think that not sharing an invite with a "noob" is all that cool, I can't help having so few posts, and I guess it will be too late by the time I do shift in ranking, but nevertheless I would share the wealth with all users "noob" et al. when invites do get issued, that is, if a kind SOLE (hopes palabared has a kind soul within that ghost in the shell) would help out a "noob" (hopes everyone would judge character vs. posts ;) such as I.

If anybody has a change in heart, please send me an invite, I won't bug anyone anymore on this matter! Unless you want too.....Bring it ON sucka!!

--MD-- dukie --

im giving back to those who have been here to give back to me...n00bs can be cool...just not the ones that write worthless paragraphs about nothing.
dudewth said:
I think it has little to do with your number of posts and more to do with your registration date.

edit: Might as well post my info again. I'm back on Page 5 or 6. [email protected]
yeah tell me about it! Nothing I say can deter the fact that it looks like I reg'd only for gmail, I can say for my character, that is far from the truth, hell it was a dire coincidence that this post was here when I reg'd, but in any case I can understand someone's reasoning mostly on that bit of user info as that is what a huge majority of peeps are doin. I for one have been coming here for ages, posted here and there, but haven't used my user name for a long time, forgot the password, and dont have access to the email i used to reg long ago, hell, i even forgot my user name(dont ask LOL).
--MD-- dukie--

*x*x*x*x*x*x* *x*x*x* *x*x*x* *x*x*x* *x*x*x* *x*x*x* *x*x*x* *x*x*x*
Sorry everyone, this is off topic, but I would like to ask the whole [H]ard community if y'all would shout out a prayer for my bro steve (24), happily serving 6+ years in the airforce, who just got shipped off to Afganistan yesterday to rain heavenly firely judgment in the AC130 gunship upon the dirt scum over yonder, for protection and a safe return whenever that may be. Thanks all!!

God bless!!

--MD-- dukie--
this thread is very sloppy, who the hell do i give my invites too, I guees if you really wanted an invite you would keep checking thread, so 1st come 1st serve, reply with email for invite
palabared said:
....in a hot deals thread...prayers?
gl anyway
hehe sorry bout that. just thinking about it while posting, I guess my recent "empty" ;) paragraphs are kinda a reflection on how I feel right now with my bro leaving for war the other day and the extreme uneasyness we all at home are feeling. It's just crazy round here, so a lot of stray thoughts are stampeading about.

Plus I figured that with a sh1t load of people gathering round here looking for invites would get it seen, but then again, it will just be passed into the pages as more people post :p. arh, sorry again palabared for the stupid posts i did earlier, I'm not normally this "weird" LOL

But that's the reason I love these [H]forums so much, the people are all generally accepting and less apt to just spout out unnecessary flames(dont worry, yours weren't, just talking in general) like at a couple techbased forums I've lingered about.

Ok I've babbled enough, back to business....

can I have a gmail invite?? :D

peace all!

Your friendly neighborhood noobie ;)
--MD-- dukie--
hexx said:
this thread is very sloppy, who the hell do i give my invites too, I guees if you really wanted an invite you would keep checking thread, so 1st come 1st serve, reply with email for invite


2nd post from 6 or 7 pages back.

Edit: Recieved. Thank You! :)
hexx said:
this thread is very sloppy, who the hell do i give my invites too, I guees if you really wanted an invite you would keep checking thread, so 1st come 1st serve, reply with email for invite

nevermind, got one already
hey.. how many invites are u given when u get a new account?? Ive got only 1 invite left.. w00t! i thought the default was 3..
there is no default its all random. i got just 1 invite yesterday. hopefully will get more tomorrow or later today
I accept invites ;)
calavero at levele.com

I will turn around and invite back as soon as they show up in my account. Thanks.
Was hoping to get an invite to Gmail. Would a member be kind enough to bring me in? :D

edit: thanks!
Got it!

Thanks so much toy4x4!

As soon as I get some invites I know the first place they're going: right here!
Hi, my name is Thrash.
I have three cats and like long e-mails on the beach.
Anyone feeling generous?

kewlcow AT ioL24.com
I would appreciate an evite for this and will pass on the love once invited.



mstrmold@pacbell .net
I should have some more invites in a couple days. But be forewarned, these will only go to members who have been here as long as I have and before. I'm tired of seeing people register just to get a Gmail hookup. :mad:
If anyone felt like hooking me up - it would be greatly appreciated :)

My e-mail is my user name here @comcast.net. Thanks!

edit: I got one. Not from here. Thanks for nothing [H]. :D
merlin704 said:
I should have some more invites in a couple days. But be forewarned, these will only go to members who have been here as long as I have and before. I'm tired of seeing people register just to get a Gmail hookup. :mad:

amen brother
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