Folding Farm Spreadsheet

mikeblas tends to write good code, to say the least ;)

I'm looking into a way to clean out the resulting html so it will look nicer in Firefox.

The problem I'm having now, is more to do with Excel, than the code.... his code worked perfectly..... and I adapted it (after ALOT of fumbling around) to get the shipping also...

When the website doesn't exist (the item number), then Newegg sends you to a search page, the code still runs, but returns something that Excel doesn't know what to do with.... so I get a #VALUE!.... of course, with excel, you can't use #VALUE! in an IF statement lol.... so I can't say:

=IF(geteggprice(b7)="#VALUE!", "Not Found", geteggprice(b7))

oh well... I'll figure something out....

is there any way to make the VB function return "Not Found" if the result isn't going to be a price?

Keep on Folding!! For the [H]orde!!

OSUguy98 said:
is there any way to make the VB function return "Not Found" if the result isn't going to be a price?
    If nLocation = -1 Then
        GetEggPrice = "Not Found"
    If nLocation = -1 Then
        GetEggPrice = -35
and then have an if statement that checks the return value for -35 and prints an error message. The price will never be negative, so it's safe to use this here (I think).

I solved that problem, though not exactly the way you said to.... I tried it, but it didn't work.... I think that since Newegg redirects you to a search page if a URL doesn't exist, the code wouldn't work properly..... I change the nLocation = -1 to nLocation = 0, because it was returning 0 on the redirects.......

I've got all of my tables updated and working now, just doing some final tweaking and experimenting.... of course, now that freewebs has added some kind of ad to their upload file window, I get websensed everytime I upload a file.... so I'll have to upload from home from now on..... Of course, now all I have to do to update the file is to open it, recalc for good measure and save each as a web page..... MUCH quicker.....

As for additions,etc... I added the Opteron lineups and Celeron lineups.... I should be able to get everything posted late tonight....

Any thoughts on the Socket 478 and 479 pages that I've already uploaded?

Keep on Folding!! For the [H]orde!!

Works well in ffx, but gee- you have the cost of an X2 3800 at $489, and last month I only paid $270 for the m/b plus CPU - not $399 :) :)

I see it as $325, just like it's listed on Newegg. And the width of the columns is still a little (okay, a lot) weird.

mage, what's weird with the column widths? they look okay here at work? (but on a 21" monitor @ 1280x1024)... is it something to do with resolution? or more to do with the output from Excel?

-edit.... I have noticed that the pages will load wrong sometimes.... if I go back, and click it again, it comes up fine........ I guess I need to stop relying on Excel to do my html....

gnewbury, where did you find a 3800+ mb-cpu combo at $270? The original purpose of this spreadsheet was to provide a basic cost of the systems and then work towards figuring out relative folding performance......I never intended it to be a "Newegg is always cheapest, get it here" type thing.... I used Newegg because the carry a crapload of stuff and almost everyone is familiar with them.....

Keep on Folding!! For the [H]orde!!

Also at 1280:

I think the problem is that the colums are set to a fixed width in pixels, but I've got a minimum font size of 12. So everything overflows.

Edit: With the minimum font size turned off, it's almost right:

but look at the item number and label and core columns. Not really a big thing, though.

The text size I have in Excel is 7 for almost everything.... What's the easiest way (cleanest way) to go from Excel to html? export as a CSV and write some script to do it?

Keep on Folding!! For the [H]orde!!

Easiest way is not to use Excel :-/

CSV won't preserve the coloring rules or the links.

Once I finish this little app I'm working on, you might be able to modify the code to create the table. Since my code will take column headings, row headings, and all the data cells and create html tables from it, it should be easy to adapt.
Sounds like a plan Mohonri... Maybe we can figure out a way to intergrate some of your data (maybe an overall average for each processor?) into the "expected ppd" column of mine... not sure if that's possible of just asking for trouble lol....

mage, besides excel, what's the best way to do this?

Keep on Folding!! For the [H]orde!!

OSUguy98 said:
gnewbury, where did you find a 3800+ mb-cpu combo at $270? The original purpose of this spreadsheet was to provide a basic cost of the systems and then work towards figuring out relative folding performance......I never intended it to be a "Newegg is always cheapest, get it here" type thing.... I used Newegg because the carry a crapload of stuff and almost everyone is familiar with them.....

Keep on Folding!! For the [H]orde!!

My son picked me up one at a "black" Friday's sale at Fry's in Las Vegas ::( only 1 :( but he did get THREE 80 GB drives for FREE after rebate. GREAT SON!!

AND I fully respect your drawing from Newegg for a good stable low price. But about all one can brag about on this forum is the speed of their system(s) (higher is better), the price of their systems (lower is better), or the span of their horns (ask Mrs. Moose :) )

However for the price concerned - Mwave is selling an X2 3800+ combo for $320 and Outpost for $350 NOW.
/edit - I goofed - Mwave is selling the processor for $320.
And my machine, NOT overclocked, when it gets two p1140's it cranks 500ppd.
/edit - Actually, per EMIII the 1140 is cranking at 10.3 pph per instance, so about 5.15PpHpGhz which compares very well with Dr. K13's post in the FAQ.

I noticed one small problem, on the Socket 939 page (maybe others as well...I didn't check) items 13-16 are calculated incorrectly for $$ for 2 yrs of electricity. Looks like you multiplied the 1st yr price by 12 instead of 2 (Opteron 152 N82E16819103592 Retail Venice Socket 939 1000 2.6 104 35 $795.00 $0.00 1 $163.27 $958.27 1 $958.27 $368.57 1218.47 $7.72 $92.60 $1,143.48 )

$92.60 for 1 yr....$1,143.48 for 2 yrs :eek: I'll just run mine for 1 year, thanks. :p
Otherwise, awesome job man.
I think you might be misunderstanding the headings (or I'm misunderstanding you).... The 2 year cost is NOT 2 years for of electricity... it is the initial cost and 2 years of electricity.... I figured that 2 years was probably a good round number for how long people would keep a setup before upgrading/etc/etc.... the $$/year is just that..... the "2 Years" cost is the cost of everything, assuming you ran it 24/7 for two years from the day you got the hardware.... does that make sense or am I misunderstanding what you were pointing out?

Keep on Folding!!

Looks like I misunderstood the definition of 2 yrs cost.....thought it was 2yrs of electricity only. Good thing thats the "total cost" for 2 yrs, otherwise, damn! thats alot of juice for the 2nd yr....heh.
I was wondering if it was possible to have this table and others setup for other computer sites (geeks, ZZF, clubIT, etc...) then have it compare them and make a choice of the best price. I saw the VB post and I could only understand 20% of it. :confused:
Well... yes... and no.... before the holidays, I took a quick look at doing this, and found that at least ZZF was a little harder to get the prices from... With ZZF, the URL is easy enough with their product codes.... but.... I haven't figured out how to strip the price from the page... I've been learning VB in Excel... working on a project from work..... I thought this was pretty cool At least, it helps me at work...... but now that I've learned a little VB... I can see what I can do with ZZF.... seems like it'll be in the same boat as ZZF...

But I guess that raises another question...... Where do most of us shop? If we got a top 2 or 3, maybe 4.... of course, now that I understand VB a little I could probably make a choice (have columns for 3 prices.... and enter a number at the top of the column that corresponds to Newegg, ZZF,,etc,etc,etc) then it'd just a be a switch statement away from working with whatever sites you guys would want....

I'll try and get an update to the spreadsheet (save the addition of the other sites) today...

-edit... scratch that... I did update the page... but apparently Excel 2000 doesn't like making html...... so they're ugly.... It'll have to wait until tomorrow night when I can email myself the html made by Excel 2003....

Keep on Folding!!

Well, trying it at work seems to copy the macros to the web page and enable them. I won't know till newegg makes a change. But its working at work. Who knows what will happen when it hits the real world. This kinda makes me wanna take some VB classes. :p
I just posted the updated Spreadsheets.... Still working on adding the other sites... I do most of this in my in-between time at work... so it'll get worked in eventually.....

Let me know what you guys think.... any suggestions? etc? etc? etc?

Keep on Folding!!

The 775 single and dual core board and the socket 479 board needs ddr 2. This RAM is a suggestion.

The link for the HSF for the socket 478 needs corrected.

The link for the 660 socket 775 needs the "\" removed from the end.

The Pentium 840 shows on newegg but the price and shipping are missing from the sheet.

The Pentium 920, 930, 940, and 950 are missing from the sheet.

The 3.4 Irwindale Xeon link is for the one with no fan. The part number for the one with active cooling is N82E16819117032.

The 2.8 Nacona Xeon is on newegg but the price and shipping are missing from the sheet.

The 2.8 Irwindale Xeon is missing from the sheet.

The 3.0 Nacona price is 10 bucks more on newegg.

The 3.2 and 3.4 Nacona Xeon are missing from the sheet.

Suggest a new mobo for the 603/604 800MHz Xeons. This mobo supports the boards with DDR2. This RAM Should work with the new board. I think having dual processors with HT this type of rig should have at least a GB if not more of RAM.

Since their are no more of the 533 FSB Xeons, you might wanna remove it.

The 740 Dothan has a 533 FSB.
I've made the majority of those changes.... I added a time for the "Last Updated" because I think some of the price differences and "Not Found"s were due to Newegg not having it when I did it, but had it later.... or a change in price mid-day....

Eventually I'd want it to be on-the-fly... but so far, my html and VB skills are far from useful to do that.....

Thanks for the input and suggestions... I'll try to get the updated pages posted later tonight....

Keep on Folding!! For the [H]orde!!

The Celeron M 370 I think is a socket 479. Looks like a newegg glitch.

The link for the socket 478 HSF has an extra 0 on the end of the link.

The P D 940 and 950 are linked to the 840EE.

Line 6 Xeon Irwindale dosen't have an active heatsink. Dunno if an active heatsink should be added for reference or what.

Freaking sweet! this is gettting me in the building mood again. :eek: Watch out! 20 GHz, here I come! :cool:
Celly M problem.... fixed...
478 HSF link..... fixed...
The P D 940 and 950 are linked to the 840EE... fixed....

ICE_9 said:
Line 6 Xeon Irwindale dosen't have an active heatsink. Dunno if an active heatsink should be added for reference or what

I'm confused.... it is a retail CPU... why wouldn't it come with a HSF? Newegg says it does, but the review says to the contrary..... wonder which is correct?

Keep on Folding!! For the [H]orde!!

I think the review is correct. Even looking at the picture of the box shows on it, that it has a 1U thermal solution. If that is anything like the dual P3 boxen I have, its just a heat sink.
A heatsink that you could easily add a fan to?
The only decent heatsink for the S604 at newegg is a swiftech @ $60ish.... but I guess if you're buying a $500 CPU, what's another $60?

Keep on Folding!! For the [H]orde!!

If anyone needs them I will have 2 x 604 stock hs/fans from the 2.4GHZ models shortly. I'm going fanless in that box, so I'll be replacing them soon.

The reason it only has a heatsink is because it's expecting to be put in a 1U chassis that has dremel-speed 40mm fans already installed and pointed straight at the heatsink. Take a look here for some pics that'll make it more clear.

I'm slowly getting the knack for VB... I'm working on the ZZF price thing...... I posted an update here... If you guys have any input/help for that side of things, let me know!

Keep on Folding!! For the [H]orde!!

Here is my response from newegg:

Thank you for contacting Newegg.

We apologize for the inconvenience. Item N82E16819117045 is listed incorrectly as having a cooling fan when in fact it does not. We appreciate you bringing this to our attention and will make the appropriate adjustments.

Still shows with fan. I wonder how long this will take. :confused:
well... I've figured out how to grab the prices from Newegg, ZZF, Mwave, and Chief Value... The only problem I've found so far is that not everyone has shipping... or an easy to find shipping cost:

Newegg is easy and has their shipping price right there on the page
ZZF has "free 2nd day" on almost everything
Mwave you have to add the item to your cart to see the shipping cost
and Chief Value has their price on the page....

So... I have a few questions for you guys........

1) Are these the most popular/reliable/cheapest places to get hardware? (please list anyone else you buy off of regularly)
See Thread

2) In order to give a "Place X has the best price", I have to compare apples to apples... So Newegg, ZZF, and CV can be compared easily, but Mwave would have to be thrown out because I can't calculate shipping.... Are 3 stores enough to provide a decent comparison? Or should I add 1, 2, 8 more places?

3) How do you guys think I should handle hardware that isn't being sold at one or more vendors? (Example(for the sake of arguement): Newegg has an A64 3000+ Venice, but ZZF doesn't.... Mwave does, and Chief Value doesn't).....

Right now, I'm still tweaking the VB code to make sure it works for everything.... Then, I'll grab the item numbers/etc/etc/etc/etc from each store.....

So let me know what you guys think!

edit---Started thread to find you where you shop

Keep on Folding!! For the [H]orde!!

An update....

I've been screwing around with VB and I have 6 websites that work... shipping included (except on Mwave where they want you to add something to your cart and tell them a zip code before you get a price).... I wanted to post a teaser for you guys.... The lowest prices are highlighted....

it's far from done, but I've collected item numbers for damn near 200 CPUs from 6 different websites...... albeit, not every stie had every CPU, but it's still ALOT to compare.... So far....

Newegg has 132 CPU links
ZZF has 123
Mwave has 92
Chief Value has 126
ClubIt has 20
Monarch has 73

I've been debating whether or not to get rid of Clubit because of their lack of CPUs.... and Mwave because they're the only place that doesn't factor in shipping (and ends up being the cheapest place most of the time because of that..... so add about $9 to each Mwave price).... I want to compare apples to apples... Newegg, ZZF, Chief Value and Monarch are all apples... ClubIt is just a seed and Mwave is... well... not an apple lol.....

I plan on adding all this in somehow with what I have already... I just haven't figured out how just yet....

So what do you guys think?

Keep on Folding!! For the [H]orde!!

Freaking sweet! That is exactly what I wanted. Feel free to drop the non-apple sites. I would probably keep ClubIT since they seem new to the arena and may grow quickly over the next year.
The other thing I could do for Mwave would be to average the shipping costs for their CPUs... I went through and added them all up and it's around $8.44.... I just picked one CPU from each category..... Mwave, I think, focuses more on the combo than the individual part sale....

I didn't realize ClubIt was new... I'll probably keep it (and add inventory as they do), but may not include it with the others....

So far, I planned on keeping the MB, RAM,etc coming from Newegg, simply because I think it'd be WAY too confusing to try and get everything from 5 or 6 different places.... Any thoughts or ideas on that are welcome!

Keep on Folding!! For the [H]orde!!

I just updated the teaser to include an "average" Mwave shipping cost... didn't effect things nearly as much as I thought....

Thanks for the compliments guys!

Keep on Folding!! For the [H]orde!!
