Folding Farm Spreadsheet

I made a major update to the spreadsheets today.... Let me know what you guys think.... it's far from perfect.... next step is to learn html or xml or something to make this thing work ALOT better.... I really need to clean up the html...... sometimes they work, sometimes they don't.... I don't know what the deal is (yet).....

Let me know what you guys think (minus "the html sucks":) )! the concept is there... may not be "pretty yet"

If anyone has any ideas on how to get me started on making this stuff better let me know... I don't even know where to start when it comes to html and/or css or anything beyond C and VB for that matter......

Keep on Folding!!

what resolution is it set for? The numbers are overlapping on the site (at least for the 939 link.)
that's the problem.... it's not set for anything.... it's Excel created.... it worked with what I had before... but now that I added 10 or 12 more columns, it's all screwy.........

Is the best way to make this web-friendly by going from a *.csv trhough C to make the html the way I want it to be?

Keep on Folding!!

it looks like you didn't auto adjust the column width. That might resolve it.

It's still awesome though, I appreciate it. :)
OSUguy98 said:
how do you do that??

Keep on Folding!!

select the columns and go format auto fit selection. If that doesn't work you can pull the width wider using the cursor by the above letters.
oh.... I meant in html......... I know how to do that in Excel.... it was fit before I made the pages..... but for some reason it didn't hold the size 7 text for all the pages.....

Keep on Folding!!

OSUguy98 said:
oh.... I meant in html......... I know how to do that in Excel.... it was fit before I made the pages..... but for some reason it didn't hold the size 7 text for all the pages.....

Keep on Folding!!

weird, i applied your data to an excel sheet and made an html file and it worked ok. I guess its just something funky. No biggie.
Exporting to a .csv and then doing a bunch of search-and-replace-all's is probably the most straightforward way to get what you want. Export as a .csv, replace every comma with a </td><td>, add a <tr><td> to the beginning of each line, add a </td></tr> to the end of each line, and add whatever other HTML you want (and need) at the beginning and end of the file.

A little better?

I edited the html file in Excel.... since it's made from excel that was the default editor.... I forced all the text sizes to be 7 again, even though in my regular spreadsheet everything is 7...... A little less confusion (at least on my side)... it loaded every one I tried correctly.... I'll look into trying to find a way to make these files smaller/better/etc.......

Would xml be better? How do you make an xml style sheet?

What's the best way for me to get the info up on the web?

Keep on Folding!!

How about this?

a little cleaner... much smaller... and actually looks like what I intended lol...

Keep on Folding!!

mage said he would help me change this from a "get everything from Excel, post it on the web" thing to a "runs automatically every hour or 3 and updates itself" thing.... we talked a little yesterday about it, but it's a long term goal....

meanwhile.... I'll make changes to the layout of the spreadsheets and we refine things... and eventually, hopefully, it'll become an automated system that will help others out when buying their boxen (or their next system)...

As always, suggestions/corrections/critism/etc/etc/etc is always welcome... many of the members here have posted suggestions and corrections.... from which hardware to use, to bad links, to typos, to cheaper/faster/better..... I appreciate the help/feedback/etc!

Keep on Folding!! For the [H]orde!!

I updated the spreadsheets this morning....

Posted here

Sorry for the long time between updates.... it's been a busy month... Between working on stuff for the [H]ordebowl II, making wedding plans, and designing a bridge or two, it's been kinda busy.....

Let me know what you guys think.....
Newegg has apparently stopped carrying any Socket 940 boards, so the prices on that page are a little off.....

Keep on Folding!! For the [H]orde!!

Thanks for the continuing update -
1. would you please put 2 CPU's in the mix for the dual cores so the $$/Ghz turns out correct.
2. for the dual core 939's you left the constants out of the figures
I have not been following this thread but it seems several of the sheets don't put the constants in the column.

Please keep up the great work!

1. will do... I'll add that in tomorrow....

2... I'll double check my formulas..... maybe something got lost in the translation.... not every CPU uses all the constants though (retail assumes it has a sufficient HSF), is that the descrepancy you're seeing?

Keep on Folding!!

Okay, problems fixed... I'll update the pages today, and post the new spreadsheets online tonight......

for #2, I had a formula pointing to the wrong column... it was working, just getting 0s.... oh well, fixed now..... Thanks for catching those mistakes!

Keep on Folding!! For the [H]orde!!

Okay.... everything is updated and posted.... still not perfect..... stupid Excel-->html issues......

Keep on Folding!!

I finally got around to posting an update to the spreadsheet

Newegg, or any of the other 6 venders listed, no longer carries a socket 940 board.... Monarch has dually 940 boards though.... so I may change it to a dual proc 940....

Also, I changed the PSU on the Socket 603/604 page, the one recommended earlier in this thread is no longer carried by Newegg....

I apologize for it taking more than a month to update this thing....

As always, let me know what you guys think, whether or not you have suggestions on hardware or changes to the spreadsheets,etc,etc,etc,etc....

Keep on Folding!! For the [H]orde!!

OK - here I am sitting in a laundry in Wakkiki, HI. and seeing another great update to your spreadsheet.
Now I have to buy more hardware!!
fold on!!
thanks! :D

and why didn't any of us get invited to HI?!?!?! lol

Keep on Folding!! For the [H]orde!!

I updated the spreadsheet yesterday, and ran out of time to get it posted yesterday afternoon....

I need to do a wholesale redo of everything.... make sure all the item numbers are listed,etc....

Right now, ClubIT doesn't have any prices, they changed the way they list the prices on the web site, so it borked my macro... I haven't say down and figured out how to fix it just yet....

I also need to add the in Intel and AMD chips (Core Duo,etc and AM2-based chips)....

Again, I apologize for it being more than a month, but this whole wedding-planning/house-hunting/work stuff has been keeping me pretty busy....

Keep on Folding!! For the [H]orde!!


Any chance of letting me know how you do the automatic updates to your prices?

One more thing. You know that your numbers on watts for AMD versus Intel is a little off? TDP for AMD shows the highest possible wattage, while Intel uses a number as a % of the possible maximum (or something like that).

For example, on the AMD side, An Opteron 165 has a TDP of 110w. Full out folding on a microATX board, with CD-rom, 2HDDs, and a couple of USB peripherials it is running at 126w. I think your spreadsheet would show it at 145w.

I don't have numbers for an intel system but will get them.

Like the spreadsheet, just pointing out a couple of things.
a bunch of VBA Scripts in Excel... they do an html request, (in a function that uses the given item number) and searches for a string (different for each site) and returns the price...

Keep on Folding!! For the [H]orde!!

Oooppss thanks for the quick reply. See the additions to my post above. Any chance of getting a copy of one of those Excel Spreadsheets so I can do some more extended pricing stuff for myself (I promise I won't compete).
just send me a PM with your email addy....

the wattage was an assumption (at least overall wattage)... for each CPU, I went with whatever the spec sheet from Intel/AMD said... I didn't realize they calculated things differently.... Eventually, I'd like to use the data from a Kill-a-watt for each processor (or at least each processor range/type/etc) to get a better idea... I figure most people building a farm are pretty much only going to have the MB, CPU, some RAM and a PSU... most likely with a HD.... I guess aiming high on the wattage is the engineer coming out in me, damn safety factors lol

Keep on Folding!! For the [H]orde!!

I can get you some of the data. That is what I'm doing right now (optimizing my farm....weeding?)

I think the Opty 165 is a TDP of 110w. But I'll bring it to stock and give you a number. I can give you a Celeron number, some Athlon XP numbers and a Sempron 3000+ number within the next week or so.

PM on the way with addy.
email sent... Any help with power numbers is greatly appreciated...

I've been toying with some changes to the overall thing, but I haven't had alot of time to mess with it recently....

Keep on Folding!! For the [H]orde!!

Folding Farm Spreadsheet

I added the Socket AM2 single and Dual cores.... working with Hito on the Core Duos

Let me know what you guys think

Keep on Folding!! For the [H]orde!!

I finally got around to posting an Update for the Folding Farm Spreadsheet.... I apologize for having almost 2 months in-between updates.... Real life has been keeping me pretty busy (getting married in about 7 weeks, closing on a house in a few weeks, and getting a few bridges designed in the mean time)....

I need to double check some of the item numbers and prices (some of the prices look well off from other stores), but that'll wait until the next update......

Let me know what you guys think!

Keep on Folding!! For the [H]orde!!

I posted an update to the spreadsheet to add in the Core Duos and the Core 2 Duos..... I did not yet update all the prices (expect for the Core 2 Duo).... I'll work on those throughout the day today hopefully....

Let me know what you guys think (esp. about the new Core pages... doublecheck my hardware choices/etc).....

Keep on Folding!! For the [H]orde!!

Okay, all prices are updated/etc for the Spreadsheet.... Let me know what you guys think...

Keep on Folding!! For the [H]orde!!

With the Core Duos, dosen't the mobo come with a heatsink? It shows one in the pics. Drops the price a little. Still looking at the sheet. Trying to install Vista RC1 at the same time.
ah, screw the upgrade. it wouldn't work for me anyways. TTT for more views.
Here is a possible change for the Core Duo section:

Left out the heatsink because its included in the mobo. Gonna work on getting more info for the other setups.

I suggest the ram because of reviews stating that some ram won't work unless its on the QVL list. Also suggested a new PS to one that is on the 80 plus list. This efficient thing is really making me change my pc spending habits.
Thanks for the bumps Ice.... and the help.... I'll look into that a little more today... I'm not sure how I missed your bumps/questions before, I'm chalking it up to that whole wedding/house-buying things :D

I should be able to get an update put out today or tomorrow

Keep on Folding!! For the [H]orde!!

At first, I did... but others have developed better ways (Processor Matrix and YURT)... I should probably delete those columns.....

Keep on Folding!! For the [H]orde!!

Not to question your decision on that board, but won't you want a 965 for the quad cores?
You would need a V/C -
gwarren007 said:
Not to question your decision on that board, but won't you want a 965 for the quad cores?
You would need a V/C -

are both the 965 and the 975 good for the quad core?