Folding Farm Spreadsheet

What's best for me to post? just the html like before? or would it be better with a tab delimited txt file?

Keep on Folding!!

OSUguy98 said:
What's best for me to post? just the html like before? or would it be better with a tab delimited txt file?

Keep on Folding!!

Tab delimited would be awesome. I can get HTML from that in two simple steps.
here and here

Only problem with that is that it doesn't pick up the orange background of the ones that are out of stock/no longer carried/etc....

Keep on Folding!!

*slaps forehead* DOH!!!

just realized that the tab delimited also lost us the links I had for each processor.... motherboard.... etc....... DOH!!

Keep on Folding!!

OSUguy98 said:
Do you guys still want to try to build on the spreadsheet I made? if so, I can send it out to whoever... I kinda got the impression many saw it as "not very useful" so I wasn't sure if it was completely shot down...

Keep on Folding!!

I'd like to get a copy, and continue the discussion on "building on it".
One immediate point in particular is how did you figure power usage?
I've gotten several data points from my Kill-A-Watt meter and the power usage is far lower than what you have in the list.
For instance I'm running a sempron 2400 on an ECS m/b in an Antec 350Watt case with 768MB ram, CD and 10GB hard drive with Fedora. It's using 97 watts running folding, 86 not. You have the system using about 212 watts.
I've a Dual XEON 2.4 at work with 3 hard drives, 2GB RAM, CD, 450Watt PSU and that uses about 254 Watts running 2 instances.

Actually... I just looked up the wattage of the processor... and added a base number... I don't know much about the power usage,etc... but I figured this spreadsheet was a good place to start...

Any power data that you (or anyone else for that matter) have is greatly appreciated... I basically just work on this in my spare time, so it'll probably need a little help before it'll really be useful to people...

I'm good with Excel, just don't have enough data to have anything competely helpful yet...
Thanks for the interest!

Keep on Folding!!

I wonder about the usage of these new Turoin's? Once the yhit the market they maybe something to add to the list.......if they will work in regular s754 boards.
OSUguy98 said:
Actually... I just looked up the wattage of the processor... and added a base number... I don't know much about the power usage,etc... but I figured this spreadsheet was a good place to start...

Any power data that you (or anyone else for that matter) have is greatly appreciated... I basically just work on this in my spare time, so it'll probably need a little help before it'll really be useful to people...

I'm good with Excel, just don't have enough data to have anything competely helpful yet...
Thanks for the interest!

Keep on Folding!!

Well here's another data point - I swapped in a 200Gb hard drive on the sempron and power usage is now up to 120 Watts!! Thats almost a one-third increase just due to the hard drive!
gnewbury said:
Well here's another data point - I swapped in a 200Gb hard drive on the sempron and power usage is now up to 120 Watts!! Thats almost a one-third increase just due to the hard drive!

Good info to know. I wonder what my server with 3 160s is sucking down.
wow... I didn't think a hard drive would cause that big of a jump in power usage...

How do we go about creating a base to start from? if that 10 GB drive was pulling 10W (for the sake of argument), then that 200GB was pulling down 40W...(roughly).... How do we figure out how much each component pulls? Do we really even need to know that?

Does a Sempron 2200+ running on a ECS KM-400M with 256MB of ram pull the same as a Sempron 2200+ running on a Abit VA-10 with the same 256MB of ram?

Is the chipset on the board the governing factor in power usage (for the motherboard)?
Will the power usage vary with different production weeks for the processor?

Keep on Folding!!

I use to have to figure out the power draw for each slot in vaxen boxen (NOT vixen BOXEN:)) plus all other peripherals. So I was a little surprised at the jump. HOWEVER-
IMPORTANT DATA POINT - I failed to mention that the original readings were for TT's, not Gro's and this might be a difference also. I've tried putting some Gro's on the Xeons and the fans "kicked it up a notch" so to speak, compared to just the TT's, so this may also be another power usage. Further testing with my trusty Kill-A-Watts will only tell.
Just noticed something have Pentiu, M's listed as socket 478. They are socket 479. They won't work in normal 478 boards without that new adapter.
Thanks.... I'll have to remember that when I get back to work...... I don't have the latest files here at home....

edit--Spectre... I fixed that... Found a S-479 board or two on Newegg... which really kind blew the price out of the water.... the cheapest board was around $220... Anyone out there making a universal S478 to S479 adapter???? :D

Anyone see anything else?

Keep on Folding!!

I updated the Spreadsheets today...

Also, added a handful of Celeron processors...

Just click the links in the above post!

Keep on Folding!!

Updated the Spreadsheet today... I need to sit down an add a few more processors and make sure everything is 100% right....

Folding Farm

Keep on Folding!! For the [H]orde!!

OSUguy98 said:
edit--Spectre... I fixed that... Found a S-479 board or two on Newegg... which really kind blew the price out of the water.... the cheapest board was around $220... Anyone out there making a universal S478 to S479 adapter???? :D

Anyone see anything else?

Keep on Folding!!

Not that i know of.....sorry.
mis-post... nothing to see here.... move along :D

Keep on Folding!! For the [H]orde!!


nice work on the lists of equipment.

any plans to add AMD socket 939 and 940?
Yup, planning on adding alot of the newer hardware to it... but just haven't found the time at home or at work to do it... my girlfriend is away this week-weekend, so I'll probably get another update with new hardware

Keep on Folding!! For the [H]orde!!

Did a big update to the page... changed things around... It's easy to go back to the old one if you guys don't like it.... Please excuse the html impaired page :D

Here is the updated page... Let me know what you guys think

Keep on Folding!!

crap... it works when I click the link..... lemme try in IE.... I'm in netscape

edit- works for me in IE?

Keep on Folding!!

OSUguy98 said:
crap... it works when I click the link..... lemme try in IE.... I'm in netscape

Keep on Folding!!

I was using firefox. Got them on the AMD links.
working on fixing it.... noone of the links worked for me either....

Keep on Folding!!

fixed..... stupid spaces in the filenames :D...

Keep on Folding!!

Thanks for the help...

How's the new page(s)?

Keep on Folding!!

OSUguy98 said:
Thanks for the help...

How's the new page(s)?

Keep on Folding!!

Seem fine. Haven't been through them line by line yet. I'll go over them in the next few minutes.
Ok the PSU link is broken. Also we need to make sure the PSU is 24pin native. FSP's page was down earlier so I will see if it is on my spreadsheet.
OSUguy - you ROCK!!
Thanks for a great contribution.
Now we can point n00bs at it!

Any html/etc gurus out there know of any way to make these pages better? (esp. the individual platform pages).... Any way I can make it so I update one file and the other 9 change? Is the current way of doing this the best way?

Thanks for the compliments gnewbury!

Keep on Folding!! For the [H]orde!!

OSUguy98 said:
Any html/etc gurus out there know of any way to make these pages better? (esp. the individual platform pages).... Any way I can make it so I update one file and the other 9 change? Is the current way of doing this the best way?

Thanks for the compliments gnewbury!

Keep on Folding!! For the [H]orde!!

For the individual pages, saving the files as comma delimited and importing them into a DB would make everything much nicer in the long run. I'm not sure if you have those features on there though. If you have a non-free site to host on, it would help.

Once everything is in a DB, you can use ASP, perl, whatever else to generate the page. Excel makes some nasty looking xml for those charts, and it's all malformated in Firefox.