Fix Your Samsung Gear VR Problems


Just Plain Mean
Staff member
May 18, 1997
Samsung Gear VR is still the best selling VR device going, and of course it is a great way to ease into VR before going whole hog on a system like the Vive that we love and use a lot. However, as with any new hardware, it is not without its issues. Joy of Android has a great article put together that will show you some of the ins and outs of getting the Gear VR up and running perfectly. Keep in mind though, VR experiences using devices like Gear VR are nothing close to how a HTC Vive will get you into the action.

Before you go through any of these problems or solutions, take a look at these troubleshooting steps. Almost 99% of the time, any one of those steps will fix any Android software issue.
I've had my Gen 1 Gear VR for quite a long time and have used it more than my Vive and I never had issues.

With that being said that's a great and thorough guide if you are having problems.
Never new there was a trouble shooting guide for the GVR... because mine just works. Other than having to wait for the initial install and updates...the rest of the experience has been perfect.
Been trying to combine TrackIR and GearVR for a while in Elite Dangerous. Have some decent results, but still working out issues.
Step 1: Buy a desk fan
Step 2: Sit in a swivel chair in front of said fan
Step 3: Profit!

If you have any other issues, do the simple thing and just backup your crap, factory reset your phone, install only the apps you need, and voila. My only problem has been that the Galaxy S6 gets hot as hell gaming, but sitting in front of a fan keeps you and the phone cool.