The latest AMD Radeon Software Adrenalin 2019 Edition 19.2.2 driver has been released and it adds support for the AMD Radeon VII, Far Cry New Dawn, Metro Exodus, Sid Meier's Civilization VI: Gathering Storm, and Crackdown 3. AMD Radeon RX 590 owners should experience a 5% performance uplift in...
amd link
amd radeon vii
civilization vi
computer hardware
crackdown 3
far cry new dawn
metro exodus
radeon software adrenalin 2019 edition 19.2.2
AMD Radeon Software Adrenalin Edition 18.9.1 drivers have been released and add support for Shadow of the Tomb Raider and Star Control: Origins. Some of the issues that the AMD driver team has corrected include Radeon FreeSync failing to enable when playing Monster Hunter: World, AMD Link not...
Samsung Gear VR is still the best selling VR device going, and of course it is a great way to ease into VR before going whole hog on a system like the Vive that we love and use a lot. However, as with any new hardware, it is not without its issues. Joy of Android has a great article put...