FBI Wants 'Adult Conversation' On Device Encryption

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
The director of the FBI says he wants to have an adult conversation on encryption next year. I have an idea, why doesn't the FBI build a team of people that can stay one step ahead of the crooks, instead of relying on companies to provide them an "easy" button. :(

FBI Director James Comey warned again Tuesday about the bureau's inability to access digital devices because of encryption and said investigators were collecting information about the challenge in preparation for an "adult conversation" next year. "We are working hard to make people at keyboards feel our breath on their necks and try to change that behavior," he said. "We've got to get to a point where we can reach them as easily as they can reach us and change behavior by that reach-out."
While I can certainly understand and even support the idea that the government should crack encryption on their own just like with physical security (safes etc).

The article from a week back where many were saying the Government should be reporting security bugs that we the taxpayer will be paying to find in order to exercise legal (hopefully) searches.

While we can demand both still happen we should also then be willing to pay (in taxes) to keep finding (or hiring out) these same bugs.
Maybe the best way to make them understand our side, as adults, is to ask them how they would feel if their buildings were wide open to the public, and if they had a computer lab with full access to their network where we could just walk in and comb through all their data. How would they like that. Oh, they would not? Well guess what, we don't like when they do it to us either, thus that is why we use encryption, firewalls, etc.
Well there will be a new President next year so they have to have a conversation to confirm that Hillary wants them to keep doing the exact same thing they're doing now.
But seriously, any product that has government spyware in it won't sell. American companies are multinationals, so even if they can sell it in the US, which is dubious, they won't be able to sell overseas. The FBI's ideas are a business suicide order. The companies affected will move overseas rather than comply. I'd rather like to keep my job and my privacy, so sorry FBI, the adult part of this conversation is that you can go fuck yourself.
Isn't that the dude that let Hillary off the hook and then claimed he believes in this democracy or some BS like that to make it look like he is a freedom lover and not a corrupt POS?
I think he's more a coward. Loretta Lynch basically a day or two before said she'd follow his advice. Basically she put the ball exclusively in his court. If he recommended prosecution he would be the target of ire for all the Clinton supporters. Not just teh psycho average dude but people with power, etc. They'd punish him and his family for decades. All enabled by the media.
So, instead of Big Brother insidiously hovering in ubiquitous anonymity, Big Brother wants to whisper "A/S/L?" in our ears while we surf the internet. Guess they aren't satisfied with being voyeurs.
Wonder how long till they find a child pornography ring to splatter across the news and tell us how the missing piece of information is locked on an encrypted phone.
Adult conversation? Sounds sexy...

More seriously though, there can be no compromise on encryption.

When privacy and security concerns conflict, privacy must win, 100% of the time. We can not let the irrational fear of terrorism lead us down the road of giving up the constitutional ideals this nation was founded on.

We hear the phrase "Freedom isn't Free" all the time in military circles,. but I feel it is misused in this context. What it really means is that in order to live in a free society that guarantees everyone the same constitutional rights, we have to take the risk that they will use our freedoms against us for nefarious purposes, and we can't let the fear of this change what we know is right.

Like any good American, I am prepared to accept the risk of me, or my friends or my family dying in a terror attack committed by those using our freedoms against us. This is the true price of freedom, and there can be no compromises.
"Because what we want to do is collect information this year so that next year we can have an adult conversation in this country." However BleachBit is off the table because that sh*t kept me from being the next Vince Foster!
Eff these guys. You want into our private lives? Pay the money to hire people intelligent enough to hack into it; stop trying to force legislation that requires tech companies to give you our data. I hope I live long enough to see the next American Revolution. "Terrorism" is falling in with "the children" and "communism", it's just rhetoric the government uses to persuade people to give up their freedom.
Eff these guys. You want into our private lives? Pay the money to hire people intelligent enough to hack into it; stop trying to force legislation that requires tech companies to give you our data. I hope I live long enough to see the next American Revolution. "Terrorism" is falling in with "the children" and "communism", it's just rhetoric the government uses to persuade people to give up their freedom.

Woah there, you seem a little paranoid, perhaps there's a reason for that. Are you currently or have you ever been a member of the Islamic party?
The director of the FBI says he wants to have an adult conversation on encryption next year."

It sounds like his idea of an "adult conversation" is to say what he wants then stick his fingers in his ears and shout "LA LA LA LA LA LA " as loud as he can.


"We want to lock some people up, so that we send a message that it's not a freebie to kick in the door, metaphorically, of an American company or private citizen and steal what matters to them," Comey said. "And if we can't lock people up, we want to call (them) out. We want to name and shame through indictments, or sanctions, or public relation campaigns —who is doing this and exactly what they're doing."

Like Edward Snowden and others did when the US Government did this?


"We are working hard to make people at keyboards feel our breath on their necks and try to change that behavior," he said. "We've got to get to a point where we can reach them as easily as they can reach us and change behavior by that reach-out."

Ordinary citizens already feel your breath on their necks, thats why they encrypt stuff.
Ok lets have an adult conversation, now you want us "the people" to have backdoors in phones for "security purposes", no secrets and all that rot. Ok finel, now as a show of good faith every single US secret should be released too, everything from Roswell to the CIA whacking Marylin Monroe and making it look like suicide, no black line redacted bullshit either, I want all the secrets
There is no such thing as having an adult conversation with anyone who is unwilling to listen to the experts who oppose their side of the conversation. I mean not one expert has made any childish remarks, play to the sympathies of the people, or do anything but state facts and yet the FBI side is always the same, "for the children" or "to catch terrorists/pedophiles" to try and evoke some kind of emotional response from people towards their side. Not once did they ever seem concerned that their purposely built in backdoor would cause more damage to the people they are suppose to be protecting than they could ever make up for by catching the criminals they want.

Here is a fun fact, in 2012 American's lost $24.7 Billion dollars to identity theft. Now just imaging how large that number will be if every device people keep their lives on has a backdoor the FBI put in and then criminals find out how to exploit. Remember knowing something has a backdoor in it, means it's only a matter of time before someone finds out how to open it.
Read between the lines... he wants corporations... Microsoft, Apple, etc. to lie to consumers and put in back-doors. Beyond that, why should strong data encryption only be for governments and large corporations?

As I've said for a long time, they need to get off their asses and go out into the real-world and stop crime... not just sit in an office using NSA data.

Can't break into some suspect's iPhone? Get a warrant, tail him, bug his house, etc. What's next? Brain-scans to evade the 5th Amendment?
They have missed pretty much all known terror attacks, most of which they were told about ahead of time. The 9-11 jihadists used specific amounts of coins exchanged by hand in a mosque.

The war on encryption is just about about control. Like most government programs.
"The FBI wants an adult conversation..."

No. No they don't.

They want a bunch of talking heads while they go ahead and do whatever the fuck they want to do.

Strong encryption is pretty much the public's ONLY defense against bad actors on the Internet nowadays.
And among those bad actors is the government. Let's be real here.

Anyone talking about including "back doors just for the "good guys" to use" fails at math and logic.

Basically encryption really doesn't work that way. If you include a compromise in there, ANYONE can use it. And there's no way to keep it some big dark secret. And assuming that criminals are dumber than the US government is basically denying reality. The government is MUCH stupider than just about ANY other type of criminal organization or individual.

Also, the US government has a MASSIVE credibility problem. They've been too ready to throw out, subvert or flat-out ignore laws for the protection of citizens if it suits them.

They argue that "it makes their jobs harder".
When the fuck were they promised an easy job?

The public needs ubiquitous, strong encryption. And they need it SOONER, rather than later. And setting the clocks back on what people can and cannot use is simply begging for a security nightmare. With the government being one of the monsters under the bed and in the closet.
And here I thought that Homey the Clown would be too busy releasing all the prisoners who clearly broke the law, but had no intent to break the law.

This is INTENT, Mr. Homey. (Since you couldn't find it without assistance.)
FBI's idea of the conversation is:

1. Private citizens will not be allowed to have encryption.
2. Only government entities will be allowed to have encryption.
Ok here is the "Adult" conversation that needs to be had.

It is a Flagrant violation of my constitutional rights for the government to have built in backdoor access to my devices. I am not willing to trade personal privacy and my rights as a citizen of this country for the illusion of security. Once the FBI and the US government understands that, this conversation is no longer necessary.
I think it is fair to force someone by court order to decrypt their data after there is a reasonable suspicion that the data is incriminating; just as someone would have to do if they had an unopenable safe.

I don't believe this is what the FBI is after though as the court can already force decryption with contempt of court processes. I believe what they are after is back doors to encryption system in order to have broad surveillance capabilities.

This is one of those issues that I think there really is no compromise. If you force back doors into encryption, it is the beginning of the end of freedom from broad government intrusion.

They will use child porn and terrorism as examples of why they must have this capability. I think those are the cost of these freedoms.

The dystopian cyber punk future is now!
stop whining, big brother is just looking out for the sheeples. so what if you have to give up all your rights, at least you will be saferish... kindof.
"Adult Conversation". It's not an adult conversation unless you agree with what they say, apparently.

If we keep disagreeing, it's because we're all babies.

I think he's the one that needs to become more of an adult on this conversation. The answer is NO. Quit being a little crybaby and take no for an answer.
We should have an adult conversation about locking your ass up in prison for the rest of your life. And your little 'friends'. Treasonous fuck.
Here is my adult conversation to any intelligence agency. Mind your own fucking business. If you want my information, get a search warrant with explicit probable cause. Then you can talk to my lawyer.
"We are working hard to make people at keyboards feel our breath on their necks and try to change that behavior," he said. "We've got to get to a point where we can reach them as easily as they can reach us and change behavior by that reach-out."
What kind of creepy quote is that? Um, no thanks, I'd rather not have you breathing on my neck... what the fuck.
What kind of creepy quote is that? Um, no thanks, I'd rather not have you breathing on my neck... what the fuck.

This is how bureaucratic privacy invaders think. You've just gotten a small snippet of the inner mental workings of how a privacy rapist works. They don't give a fuck what you do as long as they can access whatever it is they want to with or without your permission while making you think you've a modicum of control in the whole situation.
The director of the FBI says he wants to have an adult conversation on encryption next year. I have an idea, why doesn't the FBI build a team of people that can stay one step ahead of the crooks, instead of relying on companies to provide them an "easy" button. :(

FBI Director James Comey warned again Tuesday about the bureau's inability to access digital devices because of encryption and said investigators were collecting information about the challenge in preparation for an "adult conversation" next year. "We are working hard to make people at keyboards feel our breath on their necks and try to change that behavior," he said. "We've got to get to a point where we can reach them as easily as they can reach us and change behavior by that reach-out."

That's a bullshit comment Steve.

To clarify, this sounds like you are specifically referring to the Court case and the Court Order surrounding the iPhone used by the San Bernadino shooter several months back. The court order that was misrepresented as allowing what you just claimed.

But if I have the wrong reference please illuminate.