FBI Wants 'Adult Conversation' On Device Encryption

I don't believe this is what the FBI is after though as the court can already force decryption with contempt of court processes. I believe what they are after is back doors to encryption system in order to have broad surveillance capabilities without any of the people they're watching, being aware that they're being watched
Here is my adult conversation to any intelligence agency. Mind your own fucking business. If you want my information, get a search warrant with explicit probable cause. Then you can talk to my lawyer.
^As it should be. This has been the standard of searching privately owned things that the country was based on. We've done fine with it just that way. There's no reason to change it.
What kind of creepy quote is that? Um, no thanks, I'd rather not have you breathing on my neck... what the fuck.

Federal LEA, all agencies, are fascists. They don't care about the law. All they care about is being right and breaking the law to make themselves look correct.
New revelations. 1)Clinton sent classified information from her servers after leaving office as secretary of state. 2)Bill Clinton used taxpayer money to fund the Clinton Foundation and to support the private server.

Thanks for being a blind man, Mr. Comey.
Federal LEA, all agencies, are fascists. They don't care about the law. All they care about is being right and breaking the law to make themselves look correct.

All they care about is job security and personal gain, period. The American people are just more customers to them. Those agencies hire establishment boot licking cucks in the first place, so in their minds they are on the right side of history. As far as they are concerned, they simply view themselves to be warriors of justice who dispense what "those people" deserve. They don't give two shits about the misery they've caused. They don't even accept responsibility for their own actions, like the SS who loaded the death trains, they are just "following the law". Their refuge is repeating over and over, "We didn't make the law", while they profit from enforcing fucked up laws everyday without lifting a finger to lobby against injustice.
Here is my adult conversation to any intelligence agency. Mind your own fucking business. If you want my information, get a search warrant with explicit probable cause. Then you can talk to my lawyer.

I'd also like to add that in top of that - I will do any math that I please, and no, I won't explain my work.
What kind of creepy quote is that? Um, no thanks, I'd rather not have you breathing on my neck... what the fuck.
Hey, at the very least if they are going to breathe on our necks maybe they can reach-around instead of reaching-out.
FBI's idea of the conversation is:

1. Private citizens will not be allowed to have encryption.
2. Only government entities will be allowed to have encryption.

Considering encryption is just math I'd wager that it is protected under the 1st amendment.
FBI needs to be signed up for some high quality Korean donkey porn. Maybe they will find out how to make pleasure long time.
Sure. Lets have an adult conversation. Encrypt all the things and do your jobs. Stop spying on Americans without warrants. Why dont you focus on government security and important shit like stopping foreign actors?
Is Comey going to force everyone in the U.S. to speak and write in English? Will it be against the law to send an e-mail or write a letter in a foreign language or talk to someone in a foreign language? Technically, languages are a form of encrypted communication.
New, "New Revelations".

1) The FBI just said that Hillary blamed a concussion for not remembering her briefings on preserving and handling official documents.
2) The FBI has just confirmed that Clintons home server WAS hacked.
3) The FBI has just stated that Clinton lost a laptop with classified data on it in the mail.

New, "New Revelations".

1) The FBI just said that Hillary blamed a concussion for not remembering her briefings on preserving and handling official documents.
2) The FBI has just confirmed that Clintons home server WAS hacked.
3) The FBI has just stated that Clinton lost a laptop with classified data on it in the mail.

1 - who cares
2 - who cares, the entire gov is probably hacked
3 - who cares and how is that her problem?

At this point the FBI should STFU until after the election unless they have her on HD video committing cold blooded murder. Talk about election rigging.
if they want an adult conversation they should probably stop using boogeymen like terrorism and pedophiles to convince everyone encryption is bad.
Ooh so are they gonna talk dirty about encryption in a sexy voice?