EVGA Video card explosion @ Monarch

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great, now im in love with a robot, I hereby decline my love to Monarch or any affiliated people.

ReD.SkY said:
great, now im in love with a robot, I hereby decline my love to Monarch or any affiliated people.


:( Perhaps if jiminy cricket came to see me tonight i could wish to be a real boy....

Ok i am getting punchy now, are you guys buying any video cards??
Monarch Deals said:
:( Perhaps if jiminy cricket came to see me tonight i could wish to be a real boy....

Ok i am getting punchy now, are you guys buying any video cards??

LMAO! this is going too far lol...

i bought a card :D
Monarch Deals said:
:( Perhaps if jiminy cricket came to see me tonight i could wish to be a real boy....

Ok i am getting punchy now, are you guys buying any video cards??

Still waiting on that eVGA mATX SLI mobo. :p

Have a suggestion / request for a special? Have a questions for "Mr. Monarch"?
We have created an e-mail address just for you folks: [email protected]
Please understand we may not reply to every e-mail, but everyone's words ARE important and will be read.
Monarch Deals said:
Have a suggestion / request for a special? Have a questions for "Mr. Monarch"?
We have created an e-mail address just for you folks: [email protected]
Please understand we may not reply to every e-mail, but everyone's words ARE important and will be read.

does anyone know how many messages i can send before i get blocked because of spamming ?? :D

btw, what does "hf" stand for?
ReD.SkY said:
does anyone know how many messages i can send before i get blocked because of spamming ?? :D

btw, what does "hf" stand for?
I'm ascertaining it stands for HardForum...
$150 for a 6800gs CO SE? Ouch! I paid a lot more than that for my 6800gs a couple of weeks ago.

$239 AR for a 7800gt? Man, you are killing me.
Smoking hot deals.
Mr. Monarch, you ROCK! Opty 170 due here tomorrow, EVGA 7800GT just ordered. Now if we could only get a deal or two on some nice DFI socket 939's I'd just about be set! It's a beautiful thing you are doing here, and I do hope it will be a long-term relationship (at least that's an LTR I can deal with). I was even lucky enough to score on the legendary Mushkin 2GB kits a while ago. All from Monarch, all so good. Thanks again, MONARCH RULES!
Hmmm... went to order the 7800 GT CO SE but price was up to $285 b4 MIR. Must have been a yesterday only thing. I always miss these, you people must be on-line 24/7 :p
How bout throwing that 256-P2-N518 7800GT/133-K8-NF41 SLI mobo combo into the mix?
etekberg said:
Hmmm... went to order the 7800 GT CO SE but price was up to $285 b4 MIR. Must have been a yesterday only thing. I always miss these, you people must be on-line 24/7 :p
Yeah, what happened to that? My girlfriend was gonna order one today for the machine I'm building her, since her laptop is dying a slow death (she couldn't do it last night since her laptop was wigging out). Any way you could bring that deal back for today? :)
People please! $264 for an eVGA 7800GT CO SE is still [H]ot! Jump on it while it lasts. Regular price of these are normally between $295-320, depending on where you look.
markcov said:
Durn, only 12hours after it was posted, price jumped back up. Showing $264 now.

I know...i was waiting untilli got paid today to order it :(
so...what happens if...my...friend...bought the CO SE on the 12th...and now the price is significantly reduced? think they'll refund? or...return and get another? or...keep it...?
I bought the 7800GT CO SE on th 13th :eek:
I email them yesterday to see if I could get a credit for the difference.
We will see......... :rolleyes:
digitalxdna said:
*cough* put the *ahem* a8n32-sli *cough cough* on sale *AHEM*

Yes. I want this too.

However, I want the government to give me my money back before I can pay for it.

Stupid IRS...

I was gonna order one today also. Damn. My cable modem went out last night so I wasnt able to buy it.
I submitted a question on Monarch's wesnite and never got an answer...

Will you folks ship to Canada?

I guess I missed the super dee duper deal on the 7800GT CO SE since I stalled last night.. :(
hot deal.. I would buy it if they could ship it to my apartment instead of my billing address :( 30 bucks in gas money kills it for me.
synergyo1 said:
hot deal.. I would buy it if they could ship it to my apartment instead of my billing address :( 30 bucks in gas money kills it for me.
? :confused: ? :confused: ? :confused: ?

Can't you specify separate billing and shipping addresses?
DejaWiz said:
? :confused: ? :confused: ? :confused: ?

Can't you specify separate billing and shipping addresses?

Monarch won't ship to any address that isn't listed under your credit info. This is fine and I actually prefer this method since it is more secure.

However, I am having a hard time adding a alternate ship-to address under my Visa since the people on the Visa customer service lines have no fucking clue what I am talking about.

I don't want to go off topic anymore than I have to... So please keep this on topic. This is HOT deal.
Would someone please talk me down from going SLI? I'm just glad this isn't the XFX or I wouldn't be able to resist at all.
digitalxdna said:
mr. monarch:
please give me a deal on the a8n32-sli so i can get a 7800 gtx w/ it too!

Hey! No copying. ;)

That's what I was going to get here probably this / next week.

I guess if more of us ask for such deals then I'm more likely to find a good price come order time, though.

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