Everex XT5000T Support thread

Only wish it were true, 200MHz pc6400 that is................


Why does it say you're running in single-channel mode? Or is it Sandra just being inaccurate again?
Sandra being inacurate again, like I said, if it were only true. Sandra inacuracy is the reason I doubt 200 MHz........
I can definately see the use for it when gaming with these machines. for casual usage it would just let the system get to the low end of the fan temp quicker is about it.

For both casual usage, and that cooler, we need to get the acpi fan values lowered. I can see for battery conservation keeping the values where they are but on AC we should be able tolower them, or they should already be lowered.
Liquid nitrogen mmm tasty.
As is traditionally my role, I answered that the nitrogen evaporates at the surface of the table, which creates a cushion of air for the drop to sit on, and thermally insulates the drop, which minimizes further evaporation. That's why a drop dances around without boiling, without touching the table, and without spreading out like a pool of water.

Then I continued. I mentioned that the very same principle makes it possible to dip one's wet hand into molten lead, or drink liquid nitrogen without injury. I had done the latter several years earlier in a cryogenics lab, and remembered the physics of how it worked.

Naturally those around me were skeptical. "It will freeze your whole body. Remember Terminator 2?" But I was sure of myself. I had done it before, and I believed in the physics behind it. So I unhesitatingly poured myself a glass and took a shot. Simple. Swallow, blow smoke out my nose, impress everyone.

Read the rest.
Liquid nitrogen mmm tasty.

Read the rest.

"While you can safely hold it in your mouth and blow neat smoke patterns, you should never, ever swallow."

Truer words have never been spoken. I've read this is also true of liquid nitrogen.


One comment though: I have access to NEJM, and couldn't find the case report. Makes me wonder.
Hello, I bought this laptop (xt5000t) used, and the drive doesn't read anything, I am sure the lens is bad , My question is, does anyone know of a direct replacement, that will fit into it? it has to be a cdrw and dvd rom, doesn't necessarily need to be a dvdrw.......BTW, what great forums. And what an awesome thread. Thanks in advance.
Hello, I bought this laptop (xt5000t) used, and the drive doesn't read anything, I am sure the lens is bad , My question is, does anyone know of a direct replacement, that will fit into it? it has to be a cdrw and dvd rom, doesn't necessarily need to be a dvdrw.......BTW, what great forums. And what an awesome thread. Thanks in advance.

link at http://www.laptoprepairco.com/itemd...829;&#9829;&#9829;&#9829;1505&category=drives

for your replacement.

good luck

HUGE OVERHEATING ISSUE!! Seriously how can they release a laptop like this where it overheats and throttles right out of the box. Do they test their product? Why don't they give us controls to let us control the fan speed?

I want to set my fan speed at 100% when my CPU is working hard... I tried using notebook control but it says ACPI is not yet configured for this system when I try to enable it.

I did use RClock to reduce my voltage and it has reducted temps by 10c!!! just underclock .1c but i'm worried I may screw something up I have no idea what i'm doing with those voltages etc.
HUGE OVERHEATING ISSUE!! Seriously how can they release a laptop like this where it overheats and throttles right out of the box. Do they test their product? Why don't they give us controls to let us control the fan speed?

I want to set my fan speed at 100% when my CPU is working hard... I tried using notebook control but it says ACPI is not yet configured for this system when I try to enable it.

I did use RClock to reduce my voltage and it has reducted temps by 10c!!! just underclock .1c but i'm worried I may screw something up I have no idea what i'm doing with those voltages etc.

Before you come in here with your panties all in a bunch why don't you actually READ the thread?

1.) There is no way to set the fan to 100% other than thru hardware modification.
2.) There is no risk of damage by undervolting providing your system is stable.
3.) ACPI will only allow you change the 2 fan set points for low and medium speed.
4.) Take a deep breath, a valium, a shot of whiskey, and enjoy your new notebook.
HUGE OVERHEATING ISSUE!! Seriously how can they release a laptop like this where it overheats and throttles right out of the box. Do they test their product? Why don't they give us controls to let us control the fan speed?

I want to set my fan speed at 100% when my CPU is working hard... I tried using notebook control but it says ACPI is not yet configured for this system when I try to enable it.

I did use RClock to reduce my voltage and it has reducted temps by 10c!!! just underclock .1c but i'm worried I may screw something up I have no idea what i'm doing with those voltages etc.

LOL, Willy must have been a doctor in a previous life ... he loves prescribing meds to XT500T users.

But his tech advise is sound. You will be able to tame this beast with some work and you may even end up liking it despite its shortcomings, I do. Just look at it this way, if it were perfect, it would cost more.

Under volting is a must. Even though it will not hurt anything it may void your warranty if Everex knows about it, so remove RMClock and don't mention it if you ever send to Everex. They would consider it "over clock."

Be aware that if you do apply better TIM on the CPU you will void the warranty. It does help some but it sounds that you may not be comfortable doing it anyway.

I have not yet used the fan triggers mentioned but plan to try them when I have more time.

I use a Zalman notebook cooler and it works great but adds another $40-50.

Just to encourage you, I felt as you do with the ridiculous temps I had in the beginning. But for the money and with a little work you will make you Everex user friendly.

Good luck.
LOL, Willy must have been a doctor in a previous life ... he loves prescribing meds to XT500T users.

But his tech advise is sound. You will be able to tame this beast with some work and you may even end up liking it despite its shortcomings, I do. Just look at it this way, if it were perfect, it would cost more.

Under volting is a must. Even though it will not hurt anything it may void your warranty if Everex knows about it, so remove RMClock and don't mention it if you ever send to Everex. They would consider it "over clock."

Be aware that if you do apply better TIM on the CPU you will void the warranty. It does help some but it sounds that you may not be comfortable doing it anyway.

I have not yet used the fan triggers mentioned but plan to try them when I have more time.

I use a Zalman notebook cooler and it works great but adds another $40-50.

Just to encourage you, I felt as you do with the ridiculous temps I had in the beginning. But for the money and with a little work you will make you Everex user friendly.

Good luck.

Medication is good. Medication is our friend.

/em picks up a little yellow pill, a little blue pill, and a little red pill and eagerly swallows them

The problem with the ACPI fan triggers is that by and large they won't do anything to help your temperatures. The only advantage I can see is the ability to shut the fan off to keep it quiet without having to use the "silent mode" button. If there were a way to tell the fan to run at 100% thru ACPI, that would be useful. But alas, it ain't there.

At some point I might try the USB hardwired fan mod that someone here made. It looks like everything is accessible thru the RAM cover, so at least I won't have to disassemble the entire unit. RMClock does a good job at keeping the CPU cool, but does nothing for the GPU (which for me still runs at over 100C under load). And honestly, I have no interest in a cool pad.
Fan triggers do nothing to help when the system is under high load. It will however help keep it a bit cooler in day to day casual usage. Throttle trigger control would be nice but unavailable to programs so far.

RMClock allows two things. First undervoltage allowing lower temps durring casual usage as well as under load. Second is to stop throttling all together. This shouldn't stop ashut down if criticle temps are reached.

RMClock and other utilities can cause other lock up issues. With Vista primarily it can enhance the Wireless and Video lockup issues. You may be lucky and have a system that does not experience this issue.

One thing is upgrade to the c1c bios. This will allow the cpu load to decrease on the one core. We nweed a Bios, such as that of the Amilio Xa 1526, that rids the Motherboard resource conflict.

Overall it is a great machine with some limitations and concerns. Hopefully with the XT5300T the concerns will be addressed and we can get some backward compatability of the fixes.
Alright, so after playing a round of bf2, all of a sudden my fps starts to drop really low for about 10 seconds, and this happens about every few minutes. Is it an overload or overheating gpu? Thanks for the support guys.
probability is some type of throttling. Try and see if RMClock helps the issue. At worst you can at least use the moniotrs to see if the cpu is throttling.
it sucks but i had to reboot. it locked up twice, second time it didn't come back. still, 667 hours isn't that bad :)

mouse disperred during both lockups, second one, the video went blank. no image on screen. i rebooted cause after that long, i guess it was time :)
Yeah, the CPU is throttling. Sortof a noob question probably but, is there a way to disable the CPU from throttling itself?
I just installed from nVidia the motherboard driver package WinVista 15.01. I don't know if it will help the Wireless and Video issue yet but now my Raid0 is reporting Smart Drive info to the O/S.
Yeah, the CPU is throttling. Sortof a noob question probably but, is there a way to disable the CPU from throttling itself?

setting up RMClock and using the maximal perfomance profile will disable the throttling
setting up RMClock and using the maximal perfomance profile will disable the throttling

Do I have to change anything in the maximal performance profile? Like the 'P-State Transitions'?

Yeah, I set it to maximal performance but I still throttle.
When using the Maximal Perfomance setting within RMClock (Not just Vista's settings) Mine will not throttle no matter what. I can run over 95C and it will not throttle. You must be sure to enable the profiles and then of course use them.
I set the 'PST' to "4x 8.0x 1.125v" for Maximal Performance and it doesn't throttle anymore, but if I don't set any PST, it throttles. Thanks though :D
I set the 'PST' to "4x 8.0x 1.125v" for Maximal Performance and it doesn't throttle anymore, but if I don't set any PST, it throttles. Thanks though :D

Right but set the voltages lower as well. The defaults are 1.125 wich is way to high.....
Right but set the voltages lower as well. The defaults are 1.125 wich is way to high.....

What voltage would you recommend? By the way do you know what would be the ideal GPU & CPU temp when gaming that you would want? I sometimes game on this laptop, but not for long (less than 45 min typically) but I am afraid that if I play for too long the CPU or especially GPU might fry. And since we can't replace the GPU it is especially vulnerable. Also, does anyone also know what is the max temp the CPU & GPU can handle before it "fries"? Thanks.

By the blahz5.1 the issue you have in BF2 is positively throttling issue. My framerate also starts to drop in certain situations like during firefights in Far Cry (I play with everything high w/ HDR 7). Hoping that preventing throttling will fix the issue.
Right but set the voltages lower as well. The defaults are 1.125 wich is way to high.....

And the lappy throttles down for a reason! To protect the CPU from overheating. Why would you want to disable that mechanism and potentially damage it and/or shorten its lifespan?

Use RMClock properly and it will keep the CPU cool enough that it won't need to throttle.

EDIT: Most people find that .9 to .95 work well. Every unit is different; you need to find whatever setting is stable for your particular machine.

The CPU has a thermal threshold of 95C, the GPU 110C. Although it's unlikely either will "fry" at those temps continued usage at such high temperatures will slowly degrade the chips over time and drastically shorten their life. That being said I usually see my CPU max out at 74C and GPU at 104C while under full load, with RMClock at .925v
With my TL-50 I couldn't get under 1.00 at 8x stable. Mine ran most times at under 85C which is safe enough using 3dmark. But standard throttle is at 80C so I got hit every time. RMClock fixes that issue. 95C was only seen running prime95 on both cores.

If when you are running RMClock and it's monitor shows your cpu is doing over 80C then just the fid at your lower voltage would not stop the system from throttling. Even 81C or 82C would cause that issue. Do not think just because it is cooler it wouldn't still give you an issue with out RMClock.

running the TL-64 now with 3dmark or other programs and RMClock I rarely see over 75C. With prime95 Dual core I can push 92C. But that isn't what the system is for and it is never pushed that hard.

From what I can tell the normal operating threshold is 95C for the CPU's but our ACPI's are set as 108C for critical shutdown. I can tell you under normal usage the new CPU runns way cooler than the original.
So, whats the highest cpu this laptop supports?
As in... X2 TL-?? or... what? lol

Also, any idea where to buy Turion CPU's from? Internet I mean, a trustful website like newegg or tigerdirect, but so far I haven't had luck with them finding to big of a boost.
Was just curious if anyone had there orginal 1 gig stick they would like to sell for a reasonable price. Looking to upgrade my xt5000t to 2 gigs.

Just post reply on here or send me a private msg.

thanks alot,

Alright so, when I hold my Fn key and hit F8/F9 to lower/increase the screen brightness, neither work. Anyone have any ideas at all on how to fix this? THe other Fn keys work fine like mute, sleep, touchpad enable/disable, sound up/down, but not the screen brightness. Thanks ~blahz5....1
Hi guys,

I ordered 1GB mem PC2-4200 from Kahlon last week, I got it today from mail, rip up package and pop in my laptop, run cpu-z 1.41 to see if my new ram match, bam...it show PC-2 5300 (333mhz)...I find odd mem timing different from slot 1 and slot 2, maybe Kahlon sent me wrong one !, but..I run some test benchmark and WEI score.

I use Nvidia 156.66 for laptop version.

3dmark2001 -11,300 with 1gb
3dmark2001 -11,500 with 2gb

WEI score

Ram before 4.5 w/1GB

Ram after 5.4 w/2GB with aero on

Ram after 5.7 w/2GB with aero off, 30 processes, few tweaks.

Click to “update to score” few times like 5 to 10 times in row, score will slight go up, I find odd WEI seems not accurate i dunno, maybe you should try this to see if your WEI score go up with this method.

What do you think about mem timings pix below ?

should i take it back and buy a-data 1gb pc2-4200 match pair ? Or 2x1gb 667 boost to around 320mhz ? I wonder if 266mhz to 320mhz really big difference or little gain ? My ram score 5.7 should be okay ?

and two months and 15 customer support calls, and 160$ later..... B34ST1Y realizes that taking the laptop COMPLETELY apart 3 times in a row to install a modded heat fan.....is *not* a good idea.....

sup guys.
and two months and 15 customer support calls, and 160$ later..... B34ST1Y realizes that taking the laptop COMPLETELY apart 3 times in a row to install a modded heat fan.....is *not* a good idea.....

What was the $160.00 for?
sadly....correct. bottom line: DONT TAKE YOUR LAPTOP APART KIDS. :-P I learned the hard way
sadly....correct. bottom line: DONT TAKE YOUR LAPTOP APART KIDS. :-P I learned the hard way

You blew the MoBo, Dang....... So far I've only taken the covers off. With that the Heat pipe and fan too. That is about as far as I am willing to go. A pc with a real case I'll do just about anything but the these seem to be put together on a wing and a prayer.

I'd love to come up with a better cooling solution but other than that I have no desire to moddify the system. I'll take provens and apply them but this is a main development system so I hesitate to go overboard.

I took a chance on the TL-64 but I had the original CPU should things go awry and the same be told of the raid. Everything was backed up and safe. Where some people like crossword puzzles, I like to code. It really is a bummer when the system crashes and you lose the work. It's like someone not only erasing the answers on the cross word puzzle but erasing the clues too.

But then again it is like that show, We can rebuild you, we have the technology, we can make you stronger and faster........ :)
I *do* have some fuzzy photos, but it DOES give you a better idea about the layout of the inside of the laptop....if you want them....I suppose I can put them up