Elden Ring (From Software RPG)

So I finished my first play-through of Elden Ring. I had purchased the game when it was first released but waited until the performance issues were resolved before I gave it a play-through. 419 hours later, I've completed the game and begun ng+1. What a beautiful game, the artists and level designers really did a fantastic job (despite the repetition). Having played through DS 1,2&3, + Sekiro, this game was by far the best looking. Though maybe not the most immersive, nothing will ever top DS 1, IMO. I completed my play-though blind, no cheating. Managed to find all but 4 caves and catacombs, and I missed one boss, the ancient dragon in the crumbling area. While the world was stunning and a joy to experience, many of the boss fights became extremely repetitive (and too easy). Facing a mostly-same boss for the 10th time was really disappointing and boring. And the regular enemies were often not very interesting and felt simple, generic, and over re-used from area to area. But I understand why they had to make such trade-offs for a game this large. It's clear that FromSoft was not able to use a lot of the previous content from Dark Souls, they must not own the IP. I smacked every chest before opening it, but no mimics to be found :). Elden Ring was by far the easiest of the souls games. I played through the game as a dual wielding warrior, started with scimitars, ended with the bandits curved swords. Managed to acquire 39/42 achievements.

All in all, Elden Ring is a fantastic game, I'm very much looking forward to the DLC. FromSoft has always produced really good DLC content. I expect it will be amazing.

[Edit] I should not have has said, "easiest" I meant to express, 'Least difficult'. The game was not easy, it was the least difficult in the Dark Souls series thus far (IMO).
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So I finished my first play-through of Elden Ring. I had purchased the game when it was first released but waited until the performance issues were resolved before I gave it a play-through. 419 hours later, I've completed the game and begun ng+1. What a beautiful game, the artists and level designers really did a fantastic job (despite the repetition). Having played through DS 1,2&3, + Sekiro, this game was by far the best looking. Though maybe not the most immersive, nothing will ever top DS 1, IMO. I completed my play-though blind, no cheating. Managed to find all but 4 caves and catacombs, and I missed one boss, the ancient dragon in the crumbling area. While the world was stunning and a joy to experience, many of the boss fights became extremely repetitive (and too easy). Facing a mostly-same boss for the 10th time was really disappointing and boring. And the regular enemies were often not very interesting and felt simple, generic, and over re-used from area to area. But I understand why they had to make such trade-offs for a game this large. It's clear that FromSoft was not able to use a lot of the previous content from Dark Souls, they must not own the IP. I smacked every chest before opening it, but no mimics to be found :). Elden Ring was by far the easiest of the souls games. I played through the game as a dual wielding warrior, started with scimitars, ended with the bandits curved swords. Managed to acquire 39/42 achievements.

All in all, Elden Ring is a fantastic game, I'm very much looking forward to the DLC. FromSoft has always produced really good DLC content. I expect it will be amazing.

seems like they replaced the mimics with those chests that transported you to a different location...I liked the mimics better...I also missed 1 achievement...419 hours beats my first blind playthrough of 340+

the only question I have...and it's a big one...did you beat the entire game solo: no spirit ashes, no co-op etc?
seems like they replaced the mimics with those chests that transported you to a different location...I liked the mimics better...I also missed 1 achievement...419 hours beats my first blind playthrough of 340+

the only question I have...and it's a big one...did you beat the entire game solo: no spirit ashes, no co-op etc?
I didn't do any co-op, except getting summoned to other peoples world to help defend them when they were invaded, until I realized that I needed to turn off the blue ring to stop being summoned. I don't really like the co-op in Dark Souls games. With one exception, in Dark Souls 2, the last DLC, there was this one boss, I don't remember the names, but you had to clear the room and he would then appear from a teleporter, well that fight, I was on ng7+, and there was a whole group of people who just loved that fight, like me. We would summon a full party and then defeat that boss, over and over and over again. It was just so much fun. As for Elden Ring, I used the ashes, once I figured out how they worked. I started off using the demi-human ashes, as they made for a good distraction, but I ended up mostly using the Black Knife Tiche ashes starting with the Elden Beast fight. I was having trouble with phase one and that ash was very effective.
I kinda always thought that separating PvE and PvP would've made their life easier with balancing things out better.
people have dug into the HTML code with the new patch...the latest update for Elden Ring adds menu strings related to ray tracing features...the update also includes references to two new maps that do not yet exist in the game data


obviously a major hint that DLC is incoming as well as ray-tracing (finally!)...I'm expecting an announcement at the Game Awards in December and a DLC release in February 2023 (1 year anniversary of launch)
Hmm, I want to get back into this game. I was progressing quite nicely, took down quite a few larger bosses, and then got pulled into projects. Those projects are getting close to complete now, so maybe I can hop back in. I also started up a new game of Dark Souls 3, because I had been thinking about both of these games. :D Just took down Iudex Gundyr the other night. :D Elden Ring apparently improved my souls skills, because this game doesn't feel like it did the last time I played it. Of course, I'm just starting out again.

Hmm, I want to get back into this game. I was progressing quite nicely, took down quite a few larger bosses, and then got pulled into projects. Those projects are getting close to complete now, so maybe I can hop back in. I also started up a new game of Dark Souls 3, because I had been thinking about both of these games. :D Just took down Iudex Gundyr the other night. :D Elden Ring apparently improved my souls skills, because this game doesn't feel like it did the last time I played it. Of course, I'm just starting out again.

so are you now officially a From Software/Soulsborne fan? :smuggrin:
Something tells me Elden Ring will be From's pinnacle accomplishment but.. I'm pre-ordering their next title, no matter what it is, day one.
so are you now officially a From Software/Soulsborne fan? :smuggrin:

You could say that. :D I actually kind of was before, but never quite fully clicked. I got really deep into DS 3 right after it came out, but ended up stopping for whatever reason. It had still never really fully clicked even though I was getting to be decent at it. Elden Ring made it click. I don't know what it is about it that did that. I think I had more fun exploring, but then had to get even better at the game to keep being able to explore. Just a different motivation. It paid off though, because I'm already doing better this time in DS 3.

DS 2 is the one that really intrigued me way back, but when I attempted to start it, it seemed a bit more obtuse than I'd have liked. But who knows, maybe I'll give it another shot sometime. :D
After 120 days of trying and multiple restarts, streamer Dino broke into happy tears yesterday as he became the second recorded player to complete "God Run 3": A playthrough of Demon's Souls (the remake), every Dark Souls game, Bloodborne, Sekiro, and Elden Ring in which he took no hits whatsoever...


Can you even imagine the pain of being on the last game towards the end and getting hit and having to start all over?
Stuff like that is pretty amazing, but I do think some people seem to just have a knack for timing in the Souls games. I've seen plenty of people make frame-perfect rolls and parries over and over and I just flat out can't replicate it. That's all the while I can beat many of the same people at fighting games via pure fundamentals. I feel fortunate I'm decent enough to at least play the Souls games and not get mauled, but there's no chance I could even play 15 minutes of one game without taking a hit.
Stuff like that is pretty amazing, but I do think some people seem to just have a knack for timing in the Souls games. I've seen plenty of people make frame-perfect rolls and parries over and over and I just flat out can't replicate it. That's all the while I can beat many of the same people at fighting games via pure fundamentals. I feel fortunate I'm decent enough to at least play the Souls games and not get mauled, but there's no chance I could even play 15 minutes of one game without taking a hit.

mastering the timing for every single boss and every single enemy to the point where you never get hit is next-level impressive...especially since the timings can vary wildly among different enemies/bosses
Is Elden Ring more like Dark Souls or Sekiro? I've beaten all 3 Dark Souls, but I just can't get into Sekiro.
Is Elden Ring more like Dark Souls or Sekiro? I've beaten all 3 Dark Souls, but I just can't get into Sekiro.

Definitely Dark Souls. Sekiro is its own thing even if it plays kinda similarly. IMO, it's like a Souls version of paper/rock/scissors most of the time.
Elden Ring is more or less like an open world version of Dark Souls with a jump button and a horse.
Hidetaka Miyazaki says he’s trying not to get distracted by Elden Ring’s success

The director said he had the same opinion when it came to user feedback. “Personally, I try not to look directly at user feedback,” he said...“That’s because I can’t listen to all the users’ opinions. I’m afraid that if I do, the voices and opinions I happen to hear will have a strong influence on my future decisions, so I’m careful not to put other opinions directly into my own mind

Miyazaki went on to say that he doesn’t feel FromSoftware’s status has changed due to Elden Ring’s success and that it simply continues to make the games it wants to create...however, he said he believes that the reputation earned by selling more than 17 million copies of Elden Ring “will back us up” in future and allow it to continue making the games it wants to create...

Looks like there is some sort of boss battle mode attached to it. I'm down for that. I couldn't care less about PVP, though. Fighting against other people in Souls PVP is like an endless cycle of Blanka vs. El Fuerte in Street Fighter. It's just exploits and shenanigans against exploits and shenanigans.
My problem with with Elden Ring Maps are too big. Less memorable maybe uf the Graphics were more Real. I'm still level 75 or something in the Castle and I'm staying there.
This is a good idea to prevent searching for the Host just have a central area for a quick game.

all the previous Souls games had unofficial areas where people would meet up for pvp...I hate the gank squad nature of invasions in Elden Ring but a fair 1v1 pvp matchup is a lot of fun...I also hate that players need to opt-in to getting invaded
If the next From game had zero pvp elements I’d be perfectly fine with it. The boss battle mode might be interesting though, will definitely download this today.

I actually just started a new playthrough going for a battlemage INT build, currently using Moonveil katana and Meteorite staff, and it’s been a lot of fun, though I am dying a lot more than I did with my strength/end/vigor build. Enemies that I have trouble creating distance with totally wreck me.
all the previous Souls games had unofficial areas where people would meet up for pvp...I hate the gank squad nature of invasions in Elden Ring but a fair 1v1 pvp matchup is a lot of fun...I also hate that players need to opt-in to getting invaded
I agree with the opt-in opinion. I never played a character for purely PvP, but the chaos of random invasions while playing the Souls games is part of the fun.
I like the idea of invasions more than the reality. When one of the Souls games first hits, the invasions tend to be other players (just like you) trying stuff out and having fun. After a few months or especially after a few years, it turns into a bunch of hyper-optimized griefer builds causing chaos. For every 1-2 fun encounters with someone comparable or trying a "fun" build, there are a pile of people using the exact same perfectly tuned setup from a PvP forum. I know that's online multiplayer in 2022 in general, but it's annoying within the confines of the Souls games. That said, I don't really care for how buried multiplayer is within Elden Ring. It should at least be obvious how it works.
the 1v1 and free-for-all Deathmatch looks really good!...I'm not sure about adding spirit ashes to the mix though