Download Windows 8 Consumer Preview

I have no idea...I had to switch to desktop mode then task manager then kill the apps...I'm not kidding. I'm sure there's an easier way but WTF!

Metro apps are suspended, not closed. They use no/very little resources when suspended. They aren't like standard apps that you close.
Been using it for a few hours now and on a full installation, my initial thoughts remain mostly the same, it just feels like it's fighting me(when using a keyboard/mouse).

Also I am not entirely sure but I think it is sort of giving me a headache with all this flipping back and forth.
Metro apps are suspended, not closed. They use no/very little resources when suspended. They aren't like standard apps that you close.

I'm going to test that out...I'm not sure I like that but will hold judgement.
Agreed. I'm glad MS finally has the guts to try something different. Sure it will take time to transition and get used to a new way of thinking about how you operate your PC, but improvements cannot be made if we just sit there and use the start button forever and ever.

I can guarantee that the start button method of navigation is far from optimal.

Look at OSX and Ubuntu. They don't have or need a start button and work beautifully.

Looking forward to installing this Preview tonight :)
Remove the steering wheel from a car and just drive with the stick, doesn't matter you can get used to it. OSX and Linux don't have start menu in strict sense but they have similar asset on it's desktop still.
Many people, mostly businesses and nerds and gamers, went from 98SE to Win2000.

Windows 95 was actually very great for it's time. When 98 came out, then it was dated and crappy. 98 really wasn't that great until SE came out. XP wasn't GREAT (good, yea) until SP2 came out, then it was a whole new OS pretty much. A lot of changes.

There really is no "every other one is crap" schedule on Windows except for those that manipulate them to fit their needs.

SE was definitely better than regular 98.

SP3 for XP killed performance on older-ish machines. Made it almost intollerable.

Vista was a lot better after SP1 came out. Still not as good as 7 though.
The start button is gone? Thank freaking god. That archaic useless item was good 17 years ago when it was introduced. Today it is completely worthless except for chumps who are stuck in the 90's. Do you still rock a mullet and listen to Billy Ray Cyrus?

I am so busted. My mullet is actually sewed on.

The Start button being removed was long overdue. I'm glad it's gone. However, it is like other changes in the past. It takes a while to get used to it. There was so much crap and bitching when 7 was released that things (namely items in Control Panel, networking settings, etc.) were moved and/or required more clicks to find. Those same people that were bitching are now complaining about Win8, and Win7 was the GREATEST thing ever, and it was perfect... Trolling or they hate change... Choose one.
Remove the steering wheel from a car and just drive with the stick, doesn't matter you can get used to it.

That's a really poor analogy. If you remove the steering wheel from the car, you literally cannot turn the vehicle. It is completely useless.

If you want a four wheeled comparison, it would be like when cars moved from manual transmissions to automatics. There are still people out there that hate automatics (and with good reason). Does that mean car makers should abandon automatics?
Metro apps are suspended, not closed. They use no/very little resources when suspended. They aren't like standard apps that you close.

Ummm....bullshit. Map- 40MB, Pinball-213MB, Weather 56-MB, Windows Reader 12MB...very little resources my ass. cpu maybe, memory not so much...
Ummm....bullshit. Map- 40MB, Pinball-213MB, Weather 56-MB, Windows Reader 12MB...very little resources my ass. cpu maybe, memory not so much...

As memory gets full, the memory management services start moving things out of RAM.

And seriously? You're complaining because ~300MB of RAM being used?
Hmmm, I can't find anything in Windows. I hate this new interface.

I can't see this working in the wild. MS have jumped the shark IMHO.
As memory gets full, the memory management services start moving things out of RAM.

And seriously? You're complaining because ~300MB of RAM being used?

Jesus christmas just think what happens when you start doing some real work! I don't need fucking pinball chewing up a couple hundred MB's of memory. Seriously stop drinking the koolaid. :rolleyes:
I am so busted. My mullet is actually sewed on.

The Start button being removed was long overdue. I'm glad it's gone. However, it is like other changes in the past. It takes a while to get used to it. There was so much crap and bitching when 7 was released that things (namely items in Control Panel, networking settings, etc.) were moved and/or required more clicks to find. Those same people that were bitching are now complaining about Win8, and Win7 was the GREATEST thing ever, and it was perfect... Trolling or they hate change... Choose one.

Actually there is a group you are excluding from your generalizations there..You know, the ones who aren't fanboys and are able to look at change that isn't good change and honestly say it isn't.

Vista was an improvement over XP, It had its issues but I moved to Vista happily. Win 7 is an improvement over Vista. Win 8 is many ways is an improvement over 7, there are lots of things to like about it. The UI however is not one of them. While the Ribbon was an excellent change, metro is a change for the sake of change and not for the sake of improving things. It is a FANTASTIC ui on a tablet and phone, it is utter crap on anything that is not touch oriented.

Sorry to shatter your generalizations there.

Greater than 12 hours!? On a dedicated T1!?

Um..a t1 is a 1.5mb connection, 3mb bonded or 4.5mb with 3 lines bonded. Even at best that is a terrible connection speed. :(
yawn... gonna install on my netbook tonight...

can hardly wait to see what childish crap those dumb MS sucking fucking retarded autistic monkey-turds made up this time...

couldn't care less about a start button, that's actually interesting... who knows, maybe i'll like it... probably not but... :rolleyes:
I don't need anything dumbed down for me, ever. I personally would much rather have dials, switches and buttons in front of me along with windows to resize and move around rather than a glossed over orange box that changes pictures from Justin Bieber to god knows what. Oh, I'm not done with Windows 8. I'm going to give it another shot.

I'm positive many MANY UI tweakers and companies will come to the rescue in order to bannish this madness away from the desktop. I'm sure it can be turned off. Besides, you can't buy 42" touch screen monitors and if you could they would be priced so outrageous it would make zero sense to purchase one outside of a large business. I will never use some small hole in the wall 23" lcd to game on. For me, that's like using a 7" tablet to play fruit ninja on. Yeah .... no.

I just see so many hurdles.

I'm not stupid. Of course I see the reasoning and logic in Microsofts huge gamble here and yes, this is an insanely huge gamble for them. They want to marry tablets, their phones with the new OS. The logic being, customers will have a no-brains desire to purchase these devices because they all look, act and work so wonderful together. Here's the problem with that. No one wants the Windows phone. That's not going to change. The tablets are going to be priced super high. Amazon is going to make sure along with Apple that Microsoft NEVER has a piece of that pie. Why would they? And if you look at the recent history of Microsoft. Their "innovation", i.e. where they succeed most of the time is to just buy the market at any cost and replace it with their products. Well, they've already tried this with the phone. I guess they are hoping that Windows 8 and tablets with somehow resurrect their Windows Phones no one wants. As far as the tablet goes. There is one area MS has been very very careful on how to enter. They know they basically have one shot. You come in wrong and don't get accepted by the public, what happens? Billions lost, tons of stock and they have a toxic product on their hands. This is all common sense. I think a Windows 8 tablet would be awesome. Can I get one for $299 and play some really fun games like I can with Android? Not only no but hell now. That's the problem. It all comes down to price, $1,000 Windows Tablets? If MS can come in with a Windows 8 tablet for $299, they are going to win and win huge but they never will, there is not enough money in it or for their partners.

Playing with Windows 8, using it these past few hours, it's pretty clear where they are going with these new design decisions. I think the public is about to give them a very nasty wake up to all of these dreams.
I really don't want to demo this and am far to lazy today to research anything. So I am hoping anyone would be kind enough to answer two questions for me, Are the keyboard shortcuts and run commands still there, gone or changed from what was in W7?
Out of every Windows OS, I think we can all agree that before Windows 7, absolutely none of them were any good out of the gate. Everything needed at least 1 SP or more to get to a functional state that a business would consider upgrading. I think microsoft is taking a step back if they expect people to switch from 7 to 8 unless it is great out of the box. From what I can see, I think they have another Vista on their hands. Lots of new features that we the consumer are going to beta test until SP1.
I am a sys admin this is going to be hell on the users when we finally change over to it. Thankfully that will not be for a long time. I so far have no issues with it other then it taking me a couple of minutes to find the control panel. It's different so was every other OS out there when I tried it for the first time. Such as any Linux distro or mac os. For anyone that says I am going to run windows 7 until they drop support you are obviously not looking at the big picture unless the only persons computer you are working on is your own. I build and repair a lot of computers I need to know how all OS's work so I can fix them.
Installed it... gave it a try... it returned me nothing but headache. :eek:

I'm not too crazy about how difficult/limited the UI is... Maybe it's because my touchscreen laptop is 3 years old and MS didn't have those laptop in mind. Trying to touch the very corner to bring up the "start" using my finger is next to impossible. :(

Task Manager changes... WTF? Dumbed down to only show what app is running.. THATS IT! :mad:

I do have Window phone 7 style homescreen on my Droid X, and messed around with my friend's Window Phone 7. I liked it but I'm starting to think this kind of UI need to stay out of PC/laptop and stick with mobile/tablet based devices. :(

Hmm I dunno... maybe I need to mess around with it some more. :(
I'm not too crazy about how difficult/limited the UI is... Maybe it's because my touchscreen laptop is 3 years old and MS didn't have those laptop in mind. Trying to touch the very corner to bring up the "start" using my finger is next to impossible. :(

You swipe from the left edge to bring up the charm bar and then tape the Start Button, piece of cake.
Installed it... gave it a try... it returned me nothing but headache. :eek:

I'm not too crazy about how difficult/limited the UI is... Maybe it's because my touchscreen laptop is 3 years old and MS didn't have those laptop in mind. Trying to touch the very corner to bring up the "start" using my finger is next to impossible. :(

Task Manager changes... WTF? Dumbed down to only show what app is running.. THATS IT! :mad:

I do have Window phone 7 style homescreen on my Droid X, and messed around with my friend's Window Phone 7. I liked it but I'm starting to think this kind of UI need to stay out of PC/laptop and stick with mobile/tablet based devices. :(

Hmm I dunno... maybe I need to mess around with it some more. :(

Task manager shows MORE info in Windows 8 than any previous version, you have to click the "More Details" button at the bottom.
I am a sys admin this is going to be hell on the users when we finally change over to it. Thankfully that will not be for a long time. I so far have no issues with it other then it taking me a couple of minutes to find the control panel. It's different so was every other OS out there when I tried it for the first time. Such as any Linux distro or mac os. For anyone that says I am going to run windows 7 until they drop support you are obviously not looking at the big picture unless the only persons computer you are working on is your own. I build and repair a lot of computers I need to know how all OS's work so I can fix them.

Most companies wouldn't touch this OS, it's too radical for their workforce. I worked IT for one of the largest casino operations here in Vegas, they're still using Windows XP.

It seems to be that Microsoft decided they wanted to push a good tablet/smartphone (Metro) interface onto the desktop PC. I can see this flopping. From the YouTube videos I've seen, it seems to make simple desktop stuff a little bit more difficult. I don't like having a lot of my apps (if they're "Metro") forced to full-screen either.
well i just downloaded it and burned onto a dvd

will give it a try when i get home from work. I am not sure i like it though based on the screen shots. Regardless if it gives bulldozer a performance boost, i might be suckered into using it.

I dunno more to come when i actually install it. Might turn around and say f that and go back to windows 7. Kinda like i did when i installed windows vista for the first time, i went straight back to using windows xp.
From the YouTube videos I've seen, it seems to make simple desktop stuff a little bit more difficult.

Stop watching YouTube and try W8 for yourself. Is it different? Yes. Will it take getting used to? Definitely. Is it bad? Not in my opinion.

I don't like having a lot of my apps (if they're "Metro") forced to full-screen either.

Not using Metro is still an option. Just use the same versions of the applications you're currently using. Its not like the desktop has gone away, its just that the start menu has become a full screen piece. I'm not a huge fan of that, but it isn't so bad as to become unusable.
You swipe from the left edge to bring up the charm bar and then tape the Start Button, piece of cake.

Okay that worked, but still want the ability to switch between apps from the left side bar. Going back to Start every time will get annoying.

Also cant figure how to open the apps from start button using touch screen. Single click, double clicking, and long press isn't working. Long press bring up the configuration option.

Another thing I see an pulse on top left corner where the mouse pointer keep going back to. That's freaking annoying. :mad:
Jesus christmas just think what happens when you start doing some real work! I don't need fucking pinball chewing up a couple hundred MB's of memory. Seriously stop drinking the koolaid. :rolleyes:

What happens when you start doing real work? Those suspended Metro apps get pushed out of memory and you'll never know the difference.

Again, why are you complaining?
Okay that worked, but still want the ability to switch between apps from the left side bar. Going back to Start every time will get annoying.

Also cant figure how to open the apps from start button using touch screen. Single click, double clicking, and long press isn't working. Long press bring up the configuration option.

Another thing I see an pulse on top left corner where the mouse pointer keep going back to. That's freaking annoying. :mad:

I know with a mouse, if you hover over the "Start" area, then move upward, the Metro apps are there. Don't know how you do that with a tablet since I don't have one.

Try dragging from left to right?
Okay that worked, but still want the ability to switch between apps from the left side bar. Going back to Start every time will get annoying.

Also cant figure how to open the apps from start button using touch screen. Single click, double clicking, and long press isn't working. Long press bring up the configuration option.

Another thing I see an pulse on top left corner where the mouse pointer keep going back to. That's freaking annoying. :mad:

Just swipe from the right, the apps will simply cycle. When using a mouse you actually get a list of open Metro apps and the desktop if it's running.

I the consensus here unfavorable but this shit is cool beyond belief.
Ok guys, I don't feel like fighting the obvious MS schills in this thread anymore. Complaining just means your a troll no matter how justified your issue is. I was actually going to give this a shot at home after we decided this is a no go at work, but the MS lackey's here have changed my mind. Good luck with your Phone OS girls...
The start button is gone? Thank freaking god. That archaic useless item was good 17 years ago when it was introduced. Today it is completely worthless except for chumps who are stuck in the 90's. Do you still rock a mullet and listen to Billy Ray Cyrus?

I actually like the start button. I am not so sure about metro but I am willing to give it a shot. As for being stuck in the 90's, not really. I like having direct access to to my files, so far I am still not confortable with how far Win7 has me away from them. Yes, I still rock, never did have a mullet and who is "Billy Ray Cyrus?"