DoubleSight DS-263N - 26"

yeap mine got cancelled.. got 4 emails from them too :[

When did you order yours?

If mine gets cancelled, I'm going to throw a fit. I want this monitor bad and have been monitoring the page nonstop the last couple of weeks when it was OOS.

And I swear I ordered it within the first 15 minutes when it put up, as I had my browser set to refresh ever 15 minutes and had NewEgg to SMS me when it was available - I got the SMS after I even ordered it.

Common Newegg, good god.
Just spoke with live chat and they said mine was getting processed in the warehouse and should be shipped tomorrow...

Hope live chat is right >:|
Mine arrived from Amazon yesterday, and based on the condition of the box there's no way it was from the "new" batch. Amazon definitely lost a few points in my book, be forewarned. Seems they have a "prediction" system in place, where if you returned big items recently they just assume you'll return whatever they send you. It looks like they dug the box up from a crashed FedEx plane in the wilderness. : )

The monitor itself is in OK shape, though there is a problem. First the good:
- Less aggressive matte coating than the NEC 2690. Text was sharper and less fatiguing to read compared to the NEC (both displays calibrated with lagom sharpness test). 40% Sharpness is ideal on the DS (factory setting is 50%).
- Picture looked almost identical to the NEC out of the box (no surprise, really). Didn't see any glow, and no "screen door" effects.
- No buzzing or other noticeable noise on any brightness setting.
- Only 1 stuck pixel in the upper left quadrant.

The bad:
- Lower right corner had a red shift compared to the other 3 corners. Not terrible; but for web design it bugged me enough to RMA.

The tech support rep advised that they currently don't have _any_ units in stock themselves. Presumably this means my replacement will be from the new batch. If I'm not happy with the replacement, I'll just make Amazon eat it (raw).

Anyone else that has RMA'd still waiting for the replacement?
Finally put in a pre-order over at, should be interesting to see when they actually ship something. :D

I'm guessing that all the stock that DS has sent out recently is probably arriving in small stages at all the different etailers, hence why the recent NewEgg restock lasted all of 10 minutes.

Still debating the sense in plunking down so much for an LCD, but then again I paid a bit more than I wanted to for my current 2007WFP and I've been extremely happy with that, so we'll see.
Got mine up and running. 1 stuck pixel in the upper right corner, only noticeable on a red background. Other than that, this LCD is every bit as good as the Apple Cinema display it replaced. Very little backlight bleed, no noticeable screen door effect. It is definitely way too bright at anything more than about 15%. I am using Toasty's "calibrated" color profile and OSD settings, and it looks great.
I'm guessing that all the stock that DS has sent out recently is probably arriving in small stages at all the different etailers, hence why the recent NewEgg restock lasted all of 10 minutes.

You're exactly right. I called DoubleSight today and they said there are still some monitors on the way to their distributors. He specifically mentioned Newegg, Provantage,, and Amazon. Hopefully that means I'll get mine soon.
Woo! Step 5! Shipped!

Too bad I ordered this on Tuesday expecting it today or tomorrow and It'll come Monday or Tuesday... Oh well.

Veritas did they ship yours?
Umm.. Wow, it came today?

1 dead pixel (dead, not stuck :(, so it's visable always) (Also, it's right in my damn task bar so I'll always notice it.. the bastard!), but other than that it looks beautiful! I'm using toastyX's settings (thanks), and it definitely has the A-TW polarizer, so that's good news for people who are getting them from newegg from the latest shipment.

Unfortunately my mount didn't come today, so I can't tell you guys if it works or not (Ergotron LX Desk), but I'm hoping it comes tomorrow. I'll report back as soon as it comes in.

Two annoying things about this monitor for me.. the "autoscan" didn't play well with my computer at first.. somehow I got it to work, but I dare not unplug it! Also, could they make it a little harder to plug in the DVI cables?

Overall GREAT value! The colors look incredible, and there is ZERO detectable lag (unlike the dell 2408... and especially the 3008)
Same here. WOW. It came FAST. HOWEVER - NewEgg sucks at packaging, there was a gaping hole in the friggin box and all there is is styrofoam in the corners of the box to pad the monitor - I was going to be pissed if my new monitor was jacked up due to bad packaging on their part.

My eyes are dilated at the moment (LASIK exam) so I will review this when I get a chance to see with clearer eyes. As so far when I plugged it in I have 0 dead pixels, I think (can't be sure, everything is blurry still).

And yeah fopkins, LOL, darn is it hard to get to those plug ins for the DVI and power cord cables, dang!
Got mine yesterday, box seemed pretty beat-up as well. I didn't get a user's manual in my package either, hoping I didn't get a returned unit. The included DVI cable seemed really shoddy, the max resolution it worked at was 1280x1024. Switched to my own cable and everything was fine at native.

I didn't notice any dead pixels, but haven't done a thorough check. I'm fairly certain mine does NOT have the polarizer as while glow is very noticeable when viewed from an angle, corners also seem slightly brighter. There is also a faint buzzing sound when the brightness is lower than 100% (from the pwm I assume).

I'm using ToastyX's 50% contrast setting icc profile (thank you!), I don't have my own calibrator but colors seem very good. The brightness seems a bit high, even at 0%, and I'd rather not sacrifice contrast ratio to lower it. Coming for a Viewsonic VP930B (pva) black levels seem quite high, but I might have been crushing some of my black before.

There's some minor blb, the white glow is a lot more noticeable than the blb. This is a greatly exaggerated image with a 15 second exposure. (Sorry for the blurry images, didn't get out the tripod, camera sensor is dying as well)

Front View:


Will connect my PS3 later today. I'm not sure what to do with this unit, although image quality is great, and I don't notice any dead pixels, getting one without the polarizer and with buzzing is slightly disappointing.
Wow.. mine will not wake up from sleep mode AT ALL. Meaning that I turn the monitor off, turn it back on, and it will not recognize the monitor. I actually had to hard reset my computer three times before it would recognize the monitor again.

This is EXTREMELY annoying... I guess I can just turn it off when I leave for now, but I will be calling doublesight ASAP about this issue. I have a feeling it is the "feature" of the monitor that it autoscans the inputs for attached devices. The reason I believe this is the cause is that my computer notifies me when something is plugged into it (such as a flash drive, the familiar da-dun sound), and when I try to wake my computer from sleep mode it makes this sound every 3-5 seconds... about the time it takes the doublesight to scan through the inputs...

This is a HORRIBLE "feature" for me, especially because I don't see a way to turn it off!!!
I did notice that this monitor stops transmitting the EDID signal when switching inputs or when the monitor is turned off, which normally wouldn't be a problem, but it seems some video cards rely on that signal for hotplug detection so it can determine whether or not a monitor is connected. This creates a deadlock situation where the video card won't send a signal until it detects a monitor, but the monitor won't stay on the input unless it detects a signal from the video card. I don't know who to blame for this because it's partially the monitor's fault and partially the video card's fault. If they'd just transmit the signal and stop trying to be smart about what's connected, there wouldn't be a problem.

This situation is common enough that there are devices designed to work around this problem, but they're not free. Monoprice has one for about $55:

That device will continually transmit the EDID signal for your monitor so your video card thinks the monitor is always connected.

I'd really like to hear what DoubleSight has to say about your situation though.

Mine arrived from newegg today as well, Step 3 since I ordered then all the sudden UPS shows up with the monitor today. Looks great so far, no dead pixels that I have found yet, but I'm unsure about the polarizer, how can you tell that yours has the A-TW?

In order to get the vesa100 and good balance, I'm using the desk stand and solid arm from this:
with the solid arm and head from this:
Seems like a lot of mount, but considering I'm left with a wall mount LX arm that I can use elsewhere, not so bad.


My box was a bit beat up as well, but as far as I can tell its the factory box, not newegg. I would be more suspect of UPS in my case at least.
I was hoping they would do the same for me so that I will have my monitor by tomorrow but I just contacted newegg and they said my item is being shipped tomorrow... It's in step 3 still.. I bet they gonna cancel my order tomorrow

on a side note.. it seems like newegg has quite alot of these considering how it's still not sold out.
@fopkins & radione

What warehouse did your LCD come from: CA, NJ or TN? Mine was step 3 as well until this morning and is now step 5 but has not shown up yet nor do I have a tracking number yet? Maybe tomorrow I guess?

Wow, thanks for the info! I will definitely call them tomorrow and see what they have to say. I'll post this as soon as they let me know. But I will definitely consider that product as a backup.. it lists a max resolution of 1600x1200, but people say 1080p works, I don't suppose it would have a problem with 1920x1200? Doesn't make sense to me why a product like that would be resolution dependent..

Anyway.. the more I use this monitor the more I love it. (With the exception of turning it off instead of just letting it sleep when I step away. :))

I have an NVIDIA 8600 GT by the way.. so if you also have this card expect the same problem!
Before I called I went ahead and installed the latest drivers on their webpage...

And they worked! :)
Three posts in a row.. but as promised the LX mount came today and I'm about 95% confident (and growing) that it can hold up this 26'' behemoth!

I had to tighten the screws a LOT (specifically the up/down tilt screw underneath.. I tightened that as much as possible without busting out my 28 volt driver..) to hold the monitor, but I don't believe it's going anywhere now.

@radione, that's a nice setup with your mount.. I hadn't thought of that! Smart. I bought a 100x100 to 200x100 converter.. but now I have it going 200x100 -> 100x100 -> 75x75.. not sure how I feel about the longevity of this combination, but it appears to be fine now!
Still haven't gotten around to installing the monitor, will have to do it after I come back from work. Had too much crap around the room from moving back from my apartment at uni that I still had boxes around lol D:

Hopefully mine has a polarizer (looked like it just from power it on without any source). No dead pixels, and everything is pristine. Just keeping my fingers crossed for no screen doors/shifting/bleeding.

edit: FYI mine came from PALATINE, IL, US
Well it looks like I will no longer be shopping at newegg due to their shitty reputation and retarded price jacking just to make an extra buck. I used to spend that little extra because I liked newegg and knew they could deliver, well now I'll spend that extra buck somewhere else that doesn't do this crap.
Well it looks like I will no longer be shopping at newegg due to their shitty reputation and retarded price jacking just to make an extra buck. I used to spend that little extra because I liked newegg and knew they could deliver, well now I'll spend that extra buck somewhere else that doesn't do this crap.

Ummm, I hope you realize that it is like this on any product on most any website. They have programs written for this specific reason to raise prices to maximize profit, just watch when a new popular item comes out and you can watch the price change like a roller coaster until it settles.
Well it looks like I will no longer be shopping at newegg due to their shitty reputation and retarded price jacking just to make an extra buck. I used to spend that little extra because I liked newegg and knew they could deliver, well now I'll spend that extra buck somewhere else that doesn't do this crap.

This is a joke, right?
I'm saying Newegg is just going downhill in my book. Their service is getting worse, prices are rising, shipping is rising and their RMAs cost and they won't cross ship. (I had bought 3 bad fans for like $20 total would have cost me the price of a another fan to send back the current one and get a replacement... tell me that is a good business practice. I would gladly spend the premium at Amazon because of the service and RMA process is so much better.
I do agree that newegg doesn't have the best prices in town anymore, but their website's layout is still the most user friendly.
I recently had a premonition that the DS-263N has been phased out and no longer in production. The units produced during the last run have aleady been distributed by Ingram Micro and ICG, it appears that Newegg received the lion's share or possibly the entire stock.

Call me Dionne Warwick, but I'm predicting all pre-orders from any retailer other than Newegg (ie. Provantage,, Amazon, etc) will soon be canceled (including mine).

Here's a bonus prediction that'll make all of us with orders that'll soon be canceled feel a little better. The DS-263N was phased out by DoubleSight due to a new line up coming out in July. The DS-263N's succesor, the DS-265W, will utilize the same LG IPS panel with A-TW polarizer. The only difference in the models will be in the housing which will still be black, however will now be height adjustable and no longer sport the gold DoubleSight emblem. Best of all, production has been ramped up to better meet demand.