Doom III: Project Mars City (Comments Thread)

Crimson I really hope you arent taking Dark Fluffy seriously he seems to have been trying to incite you since you started this... Every single addition you make to this case has been truely amazing and a true work of art. I wish I had 1/millionth of your talent.. Hope to see more soon.
Angel said:
agreed.. fill our need of more pictures and updates

for a suggestion, do you think it would look better to have 2 chainsaws crossing for the grill instead of just one?

i think one is just fine--two would be very bulky looking. And sorry folks no new pics as of yet :(
Consider this a warning: If you post offtopic or bring personal conversations into this thread or highjack in any way from this point out, you will have your posting priviledges removed.
muuusttt havvve moooore pics............*wipes drool off chin* :p

yeah, im definatley in agreeance, two chainsaws would look out of wak. the PDA idea sounds awesome to me, if you incorporate that in then I will just be more amazed......which would amaze me as my current levels of amazement are previously unsurpassed.

I can't wait to see the finished product.....I hope the guys at ID do express interest in it, cuz thatd be the coolest thing ever. I only wish I could do something to contribute to this project......hmmmm...........maybe I'll have a good idea that will help later on.

Anyways, as always, great job so far!

EDIT: just saw Kyle's post, i can't say I agree more, thank you mods for your hard work in regulating this thread. Now only if people are mature enough to listen to you all will be well. :rolleyes:
We just need someone to write a program (or even an OS) for a PDA that looks like the ingame PDA. That would be insane. ;) I love the PDA idea btw.
CrimsonSky said:
i think one is just fine--two would be very bulky looking. And sorry folks no new pics as of yet :(
Have you created a worklog at your site yet? Those are always easier to read than 17 page threads. :D
suicidalmole said:
EDIT: just saw Kyle's post, i can't say I agree more, thank you mods for your hard work in regulating this thread. Now only if people are mature enough to listen to you all will be well. :rolleyes:

If they don't, Kyle will have no qualms about busting out the "ban" button. Trust me on this. ;)
dudewth said:
We just need someone to write a program (or even an OS) for a PDA that looks like the ingame PDA. That would be insane. ;) I love the PDA idea btw.

Yeah a little PDA app would be great--that sound board and other controllers i'm using for effects could be controlled by a PDA---I think I'll finish the actual modded PC part of the project before jumping into this idea--and I know that if I do it I can count on some software help here on the forums--we have some really awesome people here-- ;)
I will be glad and proud to donate one of my iPaqs, b&w or color, from my stash. It won't be the newest, but they run. I also can design a custom screen, and, MultiDMedia willing, I will design a Macromedia Flash interface for it. Let me know if you are up to working with me on this...I guess all that Flash App. Dev. experience is finally going to be used for something worthwile.
Sry if this is a double post or something that had already been decided on but its hard to go back through 40 pages of posts and its been a few days since I read through it.

But I seem to remember you thinking of doing like a comm. tower or something like that on the top of the case. Why not build in a wireless router strait into the case ? :) then it really would be a comm tower. :)
Lothar the Lotharian said:
I will be glad and proud to donate one of my iPaqs, b&w or color, from my stash. It won't be the newest, but they run. I also can design a custom screen, and, MultiDMedia willing, I will design a Macromedia Flash interface for it. Let me know if you are up to working with me on this...I guess all that Flash App. Dev. experience is finally going to be used for something worthwile.

How cool is that!

How gracious, and generous, and very damn cool to do that! :cool:
We here at Union Aerospace Corporation have and always will be happy to be of service to the modding community ;)

Plus, as my first post on the forum, figured I should get started with a bang.
Ok crim I've been quiet enuf.... So what's the deal.... you've got that wonderfull window going in there. I would assume some wonderfull lighting, and a couple of kick ass completly redesigned portions of that case.... But how big a deal is the comp components going to play in this rig. Is it going to be more like Silicon Rising or more like Toxic... I mean is this going to be an over the top theatric diarama... or a kick ass personal rig that is a tribute to the perfection of the fps?
Lothar the Lotharian said:
We here at Union Aerospace Corporation have and always will be happy to be of service to the modding community ;)

Plus, as my first post on the forum, figured I should get started with a bang.

Isn't this man's talent and skill astonishing?

No doubt your "bang" will make an "impact."

Hat's off to corporations that support these truly gifted people.

regards :)
OptPrime said:
Ok crim I've been quiet enuf.... So what's the deal.... you've got that wonderfull window going in there. I would assume some wonderfull lighting, and a couple of kick ass completly redesigned portions of that case.... But how big a deal is the comp components going to play in this rig. Is it going to be more like Silicon Rising or more like Toxic... I mean is this going to be an over the top theatric diarama... or a kick ass personal rig that is a tribute to the perfection of the fps?

I already posted a tentative list of hardware specs--It will be a liquid cooled over the top gaming expense spared---think dual 6800's

Oh...and a neat looking Doom3 inspired diorama-- :D
Lothar the Lotharian said:
We here at Union Aerospace Corporation have and always will be happy to be of service to the modding community ;)

Plus, as my first post on the forum, figured I should get started with a bang.

:D Welcome to the house of [H]ard
OptPrime said:
Ok crim I've been quiet enuf.... So what's the deal.... you've got that wonderfull window going in there. I would assume some wonderfull lighting, and a couple of kick ass completly redesigned portions of that case.... But how big a deal is the comp components going to play in this rig. Is it going to be more like Silicon Rising or more like Toxic... I mean is this going to be an over the top theatric diarama... or a kick ass personal rig that is a tribute to the perfection of the fps?

It will need at least a P4EE or FX53! If SLI is out, then thats gotta be in this rig. We should start the voting now! No, Crimson, you have no say in this :D Majority rules! /everybody starts chanting "leet 'ware, leet 'ware, leet 'ware" </idiotic rant> This is going to be a democratic [H]ardware election!!! and the votes will be recounted! MINAI (money is not an issue) I' m sure peeps will give money or parts to this project! Heck, it should get some ati/nvidia/amd/intel endorsements! NOT 2 MENTION idSoft!

Rock on Modding Genius! :cool: :)

/me goes back to TV to watch more RNC
Probably a little late, but I though it would be cool if you added a conveyor system behind the glass. Attached to it could be glass tubes with the demon body's. Well, just see the pic :)


actually, depending on what type of res he's planning on using, he could possibly integrate that into it hrmmm

amazing job so far :)
I just gave the heads-up on this to the guys over at ClubOC. Tryin' to spread the word about this one. Great work so far, CS.
apHytHiaTe said:
It will need at least a P4EE or FX53! If SLI is out, then thats gotta be in this rig. We should start the voting now! No, Crimson, you have no say in this :D Majority rules! /everybody starts chanting "leet 'ware, leet 'ware, leet 'ware" </idiotic rant> This is going to be a democratic [H]ardware election!!! and the votes will be recounted! MINAI (money is not an issue) I' m sure peeps will give money or parts to this project! Heck, it should get some ati/nvidia/amd/intel endorsements! NOT 2 MENTION idSoft!

There will def be as much consideration given to the hardware performance as I'm showing the aesthetic aspects--it will strive to be the best of both modding worlds ;)
simple makes me want to start modding more myself, but my level of talent has and never will be anywhere close to this, the best I can do is some warhammer from years ago and they never turned out like I wanted (hands shake to much for steady painting)

But WOW.

That pda idea is great and your "bay" there looks like one could slide right in, if you modded it up made it look like the UAC pda somewhat and that uac interface was made.


I've posted a link to this on rage3d, gotta share the quality of this project.
Shapeshifter said:
simple makes me want to start modding more myself, but my level of talent has and never will be anywhere close to this, the best I can do is some warhammer from years ago and they never turned out like I wanted (hands shake to much for steady painting)

But WOW.

That pda idea is great and your "bay" there looks like one could slide right in, if you modded it up made it look like the UAC pda somewhat and that uac interface was made.


I've posted a link to this on rage3d, gotta share the quality of this project.

All ya need to do is practice--pick something up and paint it--get yourself some brushes and a few bottles of paint. Get your hands dirty--NO FEAR--just have the courage to create.
harley1019 said:
actually, depending on what type of res he's planning on using, he could possibly integrate that into it hrmmm

amazing job so far :)

exactly what I thought.. get a fishtank bubble deal and an LED underneath.. oh man, that'd be hot..

Easy as Pi (r squared). I'll have the bones of this interface done by late lunch tomorrow.

I've already got the vectorized UAC logo done, several interface elements, and I'm currently font shopping for what they're using for the pda.
This worklog will undoubtably hit 1 million views. Of course, thats the nature of great art. I just thank you guys for staying open to our ideas and suggestions and letting us put a little bit of somthing into your brilliant creations.
And a double thanks to you admins for busting your asses to keep these worklogs nice and tidy. Thanks guys.
CrimsonSky said:
All ya need to do is practice--pick something up and paint it--get yourself some brushes and a few bottles of paint. Get your hands dirty--NO FEAR--just have the courage to create.

The dent in my wallet says otherwise :eek: yes practice did help, towards the end of my warhammer 40k phase my armies looked 'decent' to a point, but nothing like what I had seen others do with their own.

The thing with my hands (shaking) I can't control it, its some heradtery diease or problem not sure which.

Oh and all the caffine I drink doesn't help either but... we all have our vices :p

Hey Lothar when you have some basic things done up on that, post some screens if possible will ya? would be neat to get a feel to what it will look like when done (the interface that is) (thats if its all right with Crimson)
Just sent an email to Crimson. I've got parts ready, but having server issues tonight. Will have them posted by tomorrow, unless someone wants to donate space.

***UPDATE*** Crimson gave me some space. Here's the image:

Shapeshifter said:
The thing with my hands (shaking) I can't control it, its some heradtery diease or problem not sure which.

Oh and all the caffine I drink doesn't help either but... we all have our vices :p

I'm just about legally blind in one eye--go figure--
CrimsonSky said:
I'm just about legally blind in one eye--go figure--

well you top me there sir I will give you that ;) My eyes aren't the best in the world either, but glasses fix that problem for the most part for me.

Its my feet that are the real killer :rolleyes: who would have thought flat feet could cause all sorts of complications like standing and not having lower back pain and leg pain 24/7

CrimsonSky said:
All ya need to do is practice--pick something up and paint it--get yourself some brushes and a few bottles of paint. Get your hands dirty--NO FEAR--just have the courage to create.
Your advice is somewhat incomplete. Practice will only get you so far, you have to have talent in the first place. And patience. Lots of patience.

Shapeshifter: I don't want to remind myself how many model helicopters I ruined because I was hasty. Thought the paint was dry, whoops two sets of giant fingerprints. That didn't happen once, I'm an idiot I repeat my mistakes. Sometimes I hate being overconfident. But it works wonders on job interviews though :D. I've built several model helicopters, and while I did get better at painting them, not by much. At the hobby store, the guy does it much better; the level of detail is fucking amazing and a half. You can see the iris in the pilot's eye. Seeing every little bolt goes without saying, of course. I don't think I'll ever be that good, besides I don't have a steady hand, my hands are somewhat shaky.. but I did improve significantly. Oh, and try not to inhale paint fumes too much. Also try not to inhale epoxy as much as you can, and NEVER, EVER inhale any superglue fumes. Cyanoacrylate + oxygen = heart failure. That is all soldier. Now go hone your craft ;)
Lothar the Lotharian said:
Just sent an email to Crimson. I've got parts ready, but having server issues tonight. Will have them posted by tomorrow, unless someone wants to donate space.

***UPDATE*** Crimson gave me some space. Here's the image:

That makes me download a file of unknown format. Paint doesn't open it either.
Darth_Fluffy said:
Oh, and try not to inhale paint fumes too much. Also try not to inhale epoxy as much as you can, and NEVER, EVER inhale any superglue fumes. Cyanoacrylate + oxygen = heart failure. That is all soldier. Now go hone your craft ;)

Oh don't worry about that, I knew all about that before i started, I always did my work in my well ventalted garage at the time, and any time something was strong, Id let it set and go for a drive or do whatever else I had to do.
Darth_Fluffy said:
That makes me download a file of unknown format. Paint doesn't open it either.

Well then, go out to his site and look for it. I tested the link in firefox before posting, but you could be using M$ Exploder. Try to rename the thing to .jpg.

Mmm...superglue fumes..."those were the daaaayyys"
Lothar the Lotharian said:
Well then, go out to his site and look for it. I tested the link in firefox before posting, but you could be using M$ Exploder. Try to rename the thing to .jpg.

there was somone who made a flash file of the rotating logo for a screensaver, dont remember what forum it was in, that would be awesome for the PDA...
I'm trying to make it as faithful to the game PDA as possible. I've got the gridwork, fades, and logo set up in the proper frame. As soon as I find the font, I'm golden.