Doom III: Project Mars City (Comments Thread)

Lothar the Lotharian said:
I'm trying to make it as faithful to the game PDA as possible. I've got the gridwork, fades, and logo set up in the proper frame. As soon as I find the font, I'm golden.

sounds pretty sweet lothar, you could always just email ID and ask, never hurts, and if you show them this fourm worklog they may be more willing to help.
True, but where's the challenge in that? Also, read that someone had contacted JC for a doom graphic for the case, but didn't see a reply. I think it's Microgramma Bold.

***UPDATE*** We have a winner! Microgramma Bold Extended, tight kerning.
you got it? thats great! :D yea but if you HAD emailed them, and they took an intreset in this mod, well it would have been good for all around espically Crimson.
I don't know, they probably already know about it. These guys probably read HardOCP like the rest of us. Personally, if I were John, I'd probably be concerned with only two things:

a) building the Doom/Quake empire
b) winning the X Prize with my cool full-scale rocket

or, maybe...

c) convert said X Prize rocket into surface-to-air missile battery. If I don't win, NOBODY WINS! Muhahahah!

Ok, back to work. I'll have another image posted shortly. I'm trying to figure out the whirly thing in the center in front of the logo.
I need to add the 'spinners' screensaver, so if anybody knows a point where I can see how this functions in the game (clearly), let me know.


Click here

Also, it got late, I got a little crazed. I drew this to keep the mind busy...

Click Here, Too
Awesome mod sofar Crimson..

Lothar the Lotharian said:
Ok, back to work. I'll have another image posted shortly. I'm trying to figure out the whirly thing in the center in front of the logo.

Lothar: are u getting the pda stuff from screens or from the pak files?
hehe, well searching thorugh the packs has yeilded me all the parts that are on the pda, even the main logo if u wuld like i culd send them to u..

my aim sn is: efzdeath
wow too many replies after a day.

I think the PDA would totally rule...I know this could make it more complicated but what the could make it all motorized and shit...comin out of the base. Not really a game thing but just totally cool. that's about all I got for now. that chainsaw looks sweet, etc, etc. you rule
Do me a BIG favor, Crimson...actually, three if you've got time.

1) take a screen capture of the PDA screen in the game (after it opens up)
2) think about what features you want our real PDA to do (sky's the limit, I'll try anything once)
3) with this in mind, circle the elements on the screen capture you want to keep for sure, give me a feature request list, gather any sounds you might want to incorporate (I've already got all the PDA sounds, looking more for what sounds you want to be able to activate through screentaps on the PDA), and a rough sketch if you want...if you don't have the time to do all that before 12 CST today, I'll go off what I've got or your rough specs.

Shoot me an email if you're able to do any of the above. Thanks.
I gotta hand it to ya Crimson Sky, you really set the standard for casemodding ;)
I myself like to work with these kind of things. Especially casemodding so i have send you an little e-mail.

I think i have the hand for the job and i'm also thinking of doing a Warhammer 40K mod or make a AT-AT walker from StarWars :cool:

These pictures show some of my hand jobs.. (not that kind of hand job :D )

Cant wait to see the finishing result of the Doom 3 mod its looking cool already :p


This is my painted Dreadnaught from Warhammer 40K


I did this etch with my dremmel
This is wicked sick. Awesome. I am all out of words. I can't wait for you to get the work done. Please for the love of the LORD, post more pictures of your work.
M@D_M@X said:
This is my painted Dreadnaught from Warhammer 40K
I did this etch with my dremmel

All I get are rexes... With the amount of traffic / page hits this thread is getting you better be sure that your host can stand up to the strain before posting images, especially LARGE ones. You may want to change them so they are links instead of inline images. That will keep the bandwidth requirements down some because only people who are interested in seeing them will click through...

Keep the great work up CrimsonSky. We're all waiting with baited breath for the next round of image updates ;).
WOW!!..... :D You could say so much more but I think that is the simpilest way to say it. :p Great job Crimson!!!
Just to let you guys know, I'll be using an iPaq 3835, but I'm also shopping around for a replacement, as per the battery on this one is toast.
phew, just finished reading through 40 pages of awesomeness
Great mod crimson :D Keep up the good work. Can't wait to see it when it's finished :)
I'm gonna go ahead and grab some tga's from the game when i have some time to figure out how to mod the PDA.
I think the page will be available from tommorow.. They shut the page down because of the heavy traffic

Heh, yeppers......Access Denied.

phew, just finished reading through 40 pages of awesomeness

Good god, how small do you ppl have your posts per page set in your options? Max it out and there'll be half that many pages to go through.....makes sense no? :p
Crimson, when's the best time to witness your genius on Modcam? I've been many many times and never seen anything on either side except NO STREAM.

BTW, excellent work, I do think id should purchase this from you for 1.71 Gigawatt dollars or more. If I was them I'd want that in the office.
cornelious0_0 said:
Good god, how small do you ppl have your posts per page set in your options? Max it out and there'll be half that many pages to go through.....makes sense no?
I have mine on default, but before I used to have it at the max. For me it's easier with less posts per page to find a specific post. It's not like more posts per page reduces the amount I have to read

Crimson, when's the best time to witness your genius on Modcam? I've been many many times and never seen anything on either side except NO STREAM.
I'd like to know as well. Yesterday I saw em both up, but no one was doing anything the times I checked. Sometimes I'd check back and see the case moved slightly though
braddman said:
Crimson, when's the best time to witness your genius on Modcam? I've been many many times and never seen anything on either side except NO STREAM..

My modcam wont be up for a while, or atleast until Mashie and I get a dedicated server, which is in the works.
CrimsonSky said:
My modcam wont be up for a while, or atleast until Mashie and I get a dedicated server, which is in the works.

Nice....I'd say it's probly worth the wait....just don't keep us TOO high and dry. ;)
The case is lookin great man, i've read this entire thread so far, and im still itching for more. :D
I can't really say much that hasn't already been said, but I'd lay money this is going to raise the bar for artistic mods. I'd say keep up the good work, but I don't think you have any intention of slacking off anytime soon.

I'd also like to get a bit fan-boy here and say that I've been a fan of your work for a while now, so I'm always happy to see whatever you're working on.
All the pics have been reposted to a sticky thread--the worklog will progress from there as far as photos so we can all see it a little more clear--

Ack--I think we need a pro mod to delete the image postings I made thus far on this thread--I don't want to screw anything up by deleting the wrong thing :eek: help?
most excellent idea there crimson, i just perused through them once more and found ones i had somehow missed in the 40 odd pages of this thread. Could you maybe post up some links to where you acquire some of your supplies?
CrimsonSky said:
Not only don't the pics work, you are posting Warhammer related stuf fin my Doom3 worklog---wtf :confused:

Sorry but i couldnt find a way to mail the pictures to you and i wanted you to see the pics so you could see if i had some skills :rolleyes:

But i also posted them for a future mod theme maybe.

Btw. we are all waiting to see whats next on ur project :p
looks awesome lothar, i'm totally digging this fully integrated design concept. Where'd you get that 3D render of an IPaq?
CrimsonSky said:
All the pics have been reposted to a sticky thread--the worklog will progress from there as far as photos so we can all see it a little more clear--

Ack--I think we need a pro mod to delete the image postings I made thus far on this thread--I don't want to screw anything up by deleting the wrong thing :eek: help?

I would post new pics here for a bit just because since there is so much discussion here about it all its easier to have something to refer to easily then after the discussion is exasted then archive delete the photo's later..>just my 2 cents<
CrimsonSky said:
All the pics have been reposted to a sticky thread--the worklog will progress from there as far as photos so we can all see it a little more clear--

Ack--I think we need a pro mod to delete the image postings I made thus far on this thread--I don't want to screw anything up by deleting the wrong thing :eek: help?

yay.. thank you... now I don't have to go through 35 pages of useless discussion to see what your up to.... THANK YOU!!!!!!!!

BTW, this is an awesome mod... i've been checking for updates every day!
CrimsonSky said:
All the pics have been reposted to a sticky thread--the worklog will progress from there as far as photos so we can all see it a little more clear--

Ack--I think we need a pro mod to delete the image postings I made thus far on this thread--I don't want to screw anything up by deleting the wrong thing :eek: help?

You're welcome.

Anyone commenting on the pics in the other worklog please use the URL tag and not the IMG tag