DOD:Source comes out today right?

Akuma said:
My DoD:S doesn't work just like my CS:S didn't after that update...

Ugh, I hope I dont't have the same problems that I was getting with CS:S. I'll find out in 2 hours when I'm off work.
it says my purchase hasnt gone through? wtf i payed for it and it confirmed that i did and i just decrypted!
Unlocking, my first attempt caused a steam server timeout, 8 minutes left. As usual steampowered is swamped... I am taking that as a good sign.
The same bull is happening to me, with the processing order.

I don't think it should take this long to process the order, although it might because who know, valve might just go take another vacation and ignore the users forever. :D
Screw you guys! I forgot to preload it and just started about a half hour ago.


You can see the exact moment when the Valve server exploded.
"Steam - Purchase Pending

Your purchase is still being processed - Steam will notify you when the transaction has been completed. Until then, this game is not available to play."

And here I thought all that process was done when it was checking the billing information that was entered at time of purchase.
you mofo's who forgot to update... good job.

anyway, it doesn't matter much... i preloaded last week, but it's still "updating", and i went through each problem listed here in this thread...
Its working for me. Its about damn time too, I bought it a year ago! I started up a server just to screw around and it looks pretty cool


might have to exit out of steam and re-open that and i had a question about HDR and AA is it true u have to have AA off for HDR to work?
how do i get to paly this game

I purchased HL2 when it came out and have DOD source preloaded and it listed under Just Released but how do i go about playing it ?
that game is still listed under Just Released

just finished playing for the last 40 min

graphics...sweet, I like the hdr, niceness

runs very smooth @ 1920x1200

all in all, very nice.
nice screen shots Buga. love that map.. throwing grenades to the street and watch 3-5 ppl die w/ your grenade :D

i might wait for another week to get this game till it settles and hopefully by then, the steam update bug is fixed..
Got it, downloaded updates, and now steam wont launch a single game. CS:S I try to load thinks for a bit and then nothing, game never starts. Same thing with HL2 and with DoD:S.....sigh.
just got done playing it :D

it's a blast. sniping is quite different, but i can see where it'll be better in the long run, just gotta get used to it. HDR is used very well. i gotta go to work :(. good luck to everyone having problems. ;)

well, my school's network quarantines my computer from the internet for an hour any time you start up any source game for some reason, so i can't play online, but i played on lan with 2 of my room mates for about 30 minutes and it was fun. the graphics look really nice, and the game play seems good.

i like the grenade launchers, but the iron sights seem pretty useless. i don't understand why you would use them when you have a cross hair.
omg why cant i play this game why.............

I preloaded it last sunday on my pc but now it just listed as "Just Released" and i cant play it :(

I have HL2 Silver package

Somone Help me out

I tried to log out log back in didnt work Reinstalled Steam didnt work ...
Kristo said:
just finished playing for the last 40 min

graphics...sweet, I like the hdr, niceness

runs very smooth @ 1920x1200

all in all, very nice.

Ditto. HDR in source is quite nice. Smooth. Server's I'm playing on are lagging hard though.
Chickenleader said:
Big suprise STEAM is is not working wont let me log on and the 1 time it did after 6 still said im preloaded. I say fuck valve

I say grow the fuck up, kid.
Chickenleader said:
Same here you would think they would have learned after all the hell when they released hl2.

Big surprise, some dolt complaining.

Learn from what? That kids liek you are too impatient to wait another 3 minutes for a few remainign files?

Christ, GROW UP.
What! This is an outrage! I paid $XXX for HL2! I demand DoD:S!
The store versions of HL2 were duplicated, packaged and distributed by Vivendi who had the publication rights for HL2 and CS:S only. These rights did non include DoD:S which is why it is not availble with the retail version.

GG Steam, Valve

I tought that with HL2 i was gong to get CS Source and DOD Source but I guess I was wrong :mad:
I downloaded it, had to reboot to get it working and no sound! Nothing Like an online game with no sound! Well forum searching time!
that because u purchased HL2 over steam and not like me i bought the retail game and got fucked :rolleyes: They want anohter 20$ fot DOD Source :eek:
Volkswagen said:
that because u purchased HL2 over steam and not like me i bought the retail game and got fucked :rolleyes: They want anohter 20$ fot DOD Source :eek:

Same here. :mad:

It says "Just Released" and prompts me to buy it, but I already have the retail version of HL2 that was supposed to contain it.

I am considering just uninstalling STEAM and washing my hands of Valve.
Working great here, 1680x1050, HDR full, 4x FSAA Transparency MSAA with gamma correction, 16x AF filtering, high quality in drivers, maxed ingame options, etc. etc. It is fun as heck and the graphics (mainly because of the lighting) are just plain incredible. I've been playing for over an hour so far and love it!

EDIT: To those whining about the game costing money, you knew what you were buying when you bought the retail HL2 like I did: HL2 and CS:S, as it said on the box. It did not say that it included DOD:S. Even if they wanted $50 for the game instead of just $18-20, it still would be the same thing. It explicity stated what it included, and DOD:S was NOT included. Why, therefore, are you complaining about "not knowing" what you bought?
Volkswagen said:
that because u purchased HL2 over steam and not like me i bought the retail game and got fucked :rolleyes: They want anohter 20$ fot DOD Source :eek:

why did you purchase the retail version? :rolleyes:
Just played for 45min after I got back from class. I'm still getting used to the changes, but its purrdy :)

My biggest problem was finding a server that wasn't full, and when i found one, it was laggy. It should smooth out in a week though.
pandora's box said:
why did you purchase the retail version? :rolleyes:

I did becuase I wanted something tangible for my money. Stuff like a manual, artwork, CDs, and not just data over the interweb.

I know alot of people who are gonna be upset. :(