Do you remember your first graphics card?

That would have to be a Radeon 9600 Pro 256MB.

Yeah, I haven't been around very long...

I actually still have that, it powers my secondary PC. I've only ever had one other GPU - the 4870 I have now.
My first 3D Accelerator

TNT 16MB I believe. I never actually bought it, but it was the first one I started "gaming" on.

First video card I bought with my hard earned money was a GeForce 3 Ti200. If only back then I knew I was CPU limited and not GPU limited, I saw little improvement in games I was playing. :eek:
Orchid Farenheit 64 - 2 or 4 meg of ram

Even older would be the graphics on a Turbo XT
Took 8 hours to play one round of Links 386.
My grandparents would watch the screen render
I certainly do a Voodoo 3 3000 AGP! Had to take it back though since I didn't have an AGP port. :D So I exchanged it for the PCI model. Good times back then, had a blast playing Unreal with Glide turned on.

Then again I guess my ATI Rage LT Pro 2x would be my first but that was my onboard with my old Compaq 5150.
1) Radeon 7500 (Mobile Dell 4150)
2) Radeon 9800 Pro (Dell Dimension XPS Gen 2)
3) nVIDIA Mobility GeForce 6800 Ultra (Dell Inspiron XPS Gen 2)
4) SLi nVIDIA 7800GTX (Custom Built - Damn fast for the day)
5) X1900XTX (Upgrade from the 7800GTX SLi, Basically made money off the deal)
6) eVGA nVIDIA GeForce GTX 275 (Current, Upgraded the last computer)
My first video card was a savage pro 32mb PCI video card.. I had an emachines celeron 400 computer that was my first box, with no AGP slot. First computer I built had a Geforce 32MB card... it was awesome.
The first graphics card I bought was the Matrox Millennium G200. 16 MB of VRAM. Wow.
Then like a month later I heard about the nVidia TNT which was ~twice as fast. :(
This was 1998. Things have changed.
TNT 8mb was in our first family computer. CS 1.5 got me into using it for gaming. After that I got into BF1942 after going to a local lan center and needed a new system capable of running it, I got one with a 128mb fx5200, which was the bottom of the bottom for a while and couldn't hold out and I had to eventually get a 6600gt.
First graphic card was ati 9700 pro. Cost around $275. I was finally ableto play Age of Empire 2 and unreal tournament 2004 at max setting.
My first real graphics card was a Monster 3D 3dfx card, spent my entire paycheck on one just to play Quake. I later moved to two Monster II 8mb cards in SLI, used it for Quake, Unreal Tourney and the original Tribes.

Ahh, those were the days!
It was some crazy CAD videocard with 256MB of memory (when cards shipped with 16~32), kicked ass in 3DS Max and AutoCad. Sucked horribly on Quake. Somewhere in the $4,500 range at the time. After that it was ATi Rage 16MB.
My first card was a Diamod Viper II. I used it for probably a year or so until I got a suprise upgrade - a Voodoo 5 5500!! I either signed up or was randomly drawn to win a video card from a little website called Thresh's Firingsquad.

T'was a nice upgrade. :)

Edit: Lookie there... I found the news post.
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It was some crazy CAD videocard with 256MB of memory (when cards shipped with 16~32), kicked ass in 3DS Max and AutoCad. Sucked horribly on Quake. Somewhere in the $4,500 range at the time. After that it was ATi Rage 16MB.

the first was not known to me, the PC was probably 486, can't remember that well,
but i remember the next PC built for me was using S3 Trio 64. awesome card, but no DirectX support,
that pisses me off...

until years after that built my first complete system with GeForce 2 MX 32MB and I was in gaming heaven : Max Payne@1024x768 !!!
First card I remember my dad installing was a TNT2 that was put in a Compaq AMD K6-2 . First card I bought on my own was a Radeon 9200 AGP that I put in my eMachines Athlon XP 2400+.
first comp was a 486 that I don't even remember what the graphic was. Later got a AMD K6 with a Matrox in it. Bought like a voodoo 2 for it but I remember it sucking balls on the first Baldur's Gate.
My first PC video card coming of AMIGA 1200 to PC was Matrox Millennium 2mb PCI i spend extra $350 to upgrade to 4MB, after that i added Voodoo 3Dfx 8mb along side Matrox and i was in heaven ;).
Tomb Raider in Glide locked 30FPS.. 800x600Res
First graphic card was some 1mb Trident brand card I think and first 3D type card was a Diamond brand card with an Nvidia Riva chip on it. First good 3D card was an 8mb 3DFX Voodoo2 card. :)