Disney Wants to Dump Star Wars Boss Kathleen Kennedy, but There’s a Problem


Aug 20, 2006
According to Beyond the Trailer’s Grace Randolph, Bob Iger is trying to get rid of Kathleen Kennedy for the damage she has done to the Star Wars franchise – but nobody wants her job, as she has poisoned Lucasfilm with many of her own loyalists. J.J. Abrams was supposedly approached but “turned it down flat and didn't even hesitate.” Many believe that Disney should just clean house.

"Why does nobody wanna run Star Wars? Well, it's probably pretty obvious for many of you, but let me spell it out for you. And that's in risk-averse Hollywood, nobody wants to run a house divided, which apparently is what Kathleen Kennedy has created. It's divided between her loyalists, which she brought in and wear those "Force is Female" t-shirts, and the loyalists to the brand itself that were there before Kathleen."
When people were worried that Disney took over Star Wars i was like , common it`ll be great , its Star Wars after all.
Then the movies came out... damn. (i did like the cinematic feel of Rogue One though)

and 6 movies in 3 years ? great way to kill a franchise which put out 6 movies in in 30 years before that.
Well I'll just have to be left wondering what was in that video because about 2 seconds of that annoying voice was all I could handle.
sell it back to george lucas at a super deep deep reduced price.

right now it's so damaged that only a fool would want to take charge of that helm.

all they had to do is keep on track and not fuck it up.
sell it back to george lucas at a super deep deep reduced price.

right now it's so damaged that only a fool would want to take charge of that helm.

all they had to do is keep on track and not fuck it up.

I don't think it's that fucked up, they cleaned the slate to start a new set of stories in the same universe. They just need someone with real story telling vision, not political agendas.
sell it back to george lucas at a super deep deep reduced price.

right now it's so damaged that only a fool would want to take charge of that helm.

all they had to do is keep on track and not fuck it up.

Unfortunately Lucas is unable to make any new Star Wars movies because he would be surrounded by "Yes" people, like was the case with the prequels. He needs a team of "No" people, like when he created the first 3 movies. They were saved in the editing room, mostly by his wife. Lucas was a very lucky man, with limited film-making ability, who was in the right place, at the right time, mostly surrounded by the right people for him.

He is the last person to hand Star Wars, JarJar Abrams would also be a death sentence for the franchise, as he is a liberal SJW too. It worried me that he was Iger's first call. Makes me think that Iger has no clue who he is in a room with, and what those people represent.
Funnily enough, the no-longer-canon books managed to do that without killing everyone off.

As far as Kathleen Kennedy and her coven, well, Iowahawk identified the issue years ago.

Whataboutism is useless, it literally doesn't matter because we are here, not there. Pick up and move on from here.
sell it back to george lucas at a super deep deep reduced price.

right now it's so damaged that only a fool would want to take charge of that helm.

all they had to do is keep on track and not fuck it up.

That's like buying a Good Condition Corvette Z06, then going off-roading with it and never changing the oil and burning the clutch so bad that the entire power-train has to be replaced, only to sell it back to the original seller for what you can get.
the first few minutes were painful, very shrill voice BUT it did calm down.
Some very good points raised and some nice insight.

I think she hit the nail on the head when she stated that *IF* Kathleen wanted to push a SJW stance then make your own franchise, DONT twist and established one, one which exists because the hardcore fans watch multiple times and certainly don't then turn on those fans because they do not like what you are doing ...

The vilification of the starwars fans was the worst thing...
The damage is done on SW VII-IX. Time to reboot.

Time to reboot back to the Extended Universe that Kennedy de-cannonized: the universe of Mara Jade, the Skywalker kids, and Admiral Thrawn. The fans love that universe, and it's out there already, just waiting to be adapted.

Start a new film unit: "Star Wars Classic." Staff it with fans. Give us the Extended Universe in all the glorious UHD IMAX splendor the technology allows, and then watch the money roll in.
The damage is done on SW VII-IX. Time to reboot.

Time to reboot back to the Extended Universe that Kennedy de-cannonized: the universe of Mara Jade, the Skywalker kids, and Admiral Thrawn. The fans love that universe, and it's out there already, just waiting to be adapted.

Start a new film unit: "Star Wars Classic." Staff it with fans. Give us the Extended Universe in all the glorious UHD IMAX splendor the technology allows, and then watch the money roll in.

It would be beautiful
If it fails you just reboot the franchise. Disney paid a ton for the rights. They have to make it work somehow.
thats what I never understood with her push... the starwars universe was diverse just was portrayed in the films. So instead of leaning on all of that she made a decision to pull real-world concerns into a universe that didn't need it...

What I want to see is the Sith wars but I fear they would screw that up
And heavy-handed revenge-writing from female script leads results in the utter destruction of a quadrillion-billion dollar empire of merchandising and loyalty.....................darn those pesky white males again <slaps cowboy hat on knee in disgust)!
I hope that was sarcasm.
why would it be? the legends were already very diverse ... disney didn't have to sh1t over starwars and its fans to "push" some SJW... they just had to read and understand the legends...
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Its a simple fix...

1. Timothy Zahn
2. Thrawn Series

Unfortunately, the Timothy Zahn series, while decent has some incompatibilities with the prequel trilogy as I recall. Also, the story isn't as strong as people seem to think it is. The end of the Last Command and the clone of Luke Skywalker (Luuke Skywalker) is pretty lame. I thought the series was excellent up to that point where it fell somewhat flat.

The damage is done on SW VII-IX. Time to reboot.

Time to reboot back to the Extended Universe that Kennedy de-cannonized: the universe of Mara Jade, the Skywalker kids, and Admiral Thrawn. The fans love that universe, and it's out there already, just waiting to be adapted.

Start a new film unit: "Star Wars Classic." Staff it with fans. Give us the Extended Universe in all the glorious UHD IMAX splendor the technology allows, and then watch the money roll in.

No. The fans do not all "love that universe." There are certainly solid parts of it, but crap like the Yuuzahn Vong arc was garbage that read like fan fiction. The EU was incredibly complex and it would have been far too constricting for Disney. I thought dumping it and taking the better parts of it and reworking them was the right call. Unfortunately, JJ and Rian Johnson did a shit job of it. You also don't want to necessarily staff with fans. Fan fiction is written by fans and though they may live and breathe a franchise, they don't necessarily have any idea how to write for it, produce it or create films.
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I'm not threatened by "The Force is Female"... I just want a damn good movie like the original 3. And I'll even say Episode III and Rogue One were good, too. So its not impossible, its just that the their batting average of good movies to all they've made lately would get them demoted to Single-A, and this franchise is too old to be in the minors.
I know everyone is saying star wars is ruined... and believe me, I hated the last 3 films.... But... aren't they still steamrolling it in the box office? How can we justify kicking them out when they are still doing record breaking at the box office?
I'm not threatened by "The Force is Female"... I just want a damn good movie like the original 3. And I'll even say Episode III and Rogue One were good, too. So its not impossible, its just that the their batting average of good movies to all they've made lately would get them demoted to Single-A, and this franchise is too old to be in the minors.

Rogue One is a good Star Wars film. It does not destroy canon characters or turn them into cartoons, it doesn't portray the empire as bumbling idiots, and it gives us heroes that (because we know they are all likely to die by the end of the film) we get to invest a bit in. No there was nothing in that movie we hadn't seen before but it worked because it was it's own thing. Rogue One is a good SW movie, strong female lead? I'm there.

The Force Awakens was atrociously bad......the beginnings of the new Star Wars world, same-old-shit with re-spun heroes with no good writing or explanation for any of it...and of course now we see where it was all headed with TLJ.....Solo? I honestly forgot it came and went.
Its a simple fix...

1. Timothy Zahn
2. Thrawn Series
Yes - Thrawn, Mara Jade, crazy jedi (been a long time since I read it, the one who was schizo that Luke met in the books).
At this point, I think we are ready for a movie without anything from the original movies at all. No Skywalkers, no R2D2, no C3PO, etc. Go to a different "long time ago, in a galaxy far away".
I know everyone is saying star wars is ruined... and believe me, I hated the last 3 films.... But... aren't they still steamrolling it in the box office? How can we justify kicking them out when they are still doing record breaking at the box office?

Solo tanked, which is why this is coming up now.

You're right though. Disney's number one concern is profit. They couldn't care less if hardcore fans are happy or if political agendas are in their films, but when either of those things gets in the way of their money, they're going to fix it by any means necessary.