Diablo IV - The Real Official Thread

Diablo Sever Slam struck early a Transformer went out by our house caused by a squirrel who was charred and I even saw the lights flicker at work when I was sweeping the floor before I got home.
Really annoyed, my D4 key hasn’t been delivered by asus (got a 4080 tuf) … waiting for an email back from them
Preload is going to be on the 1st and 2nd going to take a entire day to download. I won't be able really to play it until the 6th anyway.
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An extra 20-30 bucks for 4 days??

That's mighty hardcore fellas. *respect*

I won't condone or condemn, but IMO $70+tax for the "base" version is already pretty outlandish....

To be fair, you do get other things but those are going to be subjective as to whether or not they're worth it to you. To me, the cosmetics...are not. The Battlepass...I am apparently having a hard time understand what Battlepass is which make it hard to determine it's value to me.

So that does kinda just leaves the early access which is really just another way of Blizzard saying "Do you really want to start the game FOUR days behind your friends? Yeah, we didn't think so."
An extra 20-30 bucks for 4 days??

That's mighty hardcore fellas. *respect*

I won't condone or condemn, but IMO $70+tax for the "base" version is already pretty outlandish....
You also get the battle pass, for what it's worth. Right there with you, though. No way I was paying more than $70.
There's a bit of fuss over early reviewers and content creators learning the game, giving them an advantage in the HC race.


Can we talk about those same creators competing in the "race" event you guys annoucend? This gives a extreme unfair advantage.
This is not a new season. setting a president of unfair advantages is not a good look
How does deleting all their progress and making them start at the same time as everyone else give them an unfair advantage?
By the way Lore ep3 skips the entire sin war, incredibly important to diablo 4.
The ep also contains the fake Aidan retcon.
There's a bit of fuss over early reviewers and content creators learning the game, giving them an advantage in the HC race.


The thing that stands out to me is, why is that event not being done at the beginning of season 1?

I also really don't care, HC in games like these are lame as hell. People just make weird logout macros, or remove their nic, etc etc to try and cheat around it.

Half the time when I play games like this I die in one hit to some random BS anyways. POE was notorious for deleting me with zero representation of what went wrong.
Rod is wrong about this. But, also, who cares if someone else levels up faster?
People play the game for different reasons. Some people, such as myself, are ultra competitive. But I can't beat a person who has a huge head start.

For example, with Diablo 3, I can beat the streamers (Raxx, Wudijo, Rob, etc.) practically every time to 70, or even to GR100. I can beat them solo even when they're playing as a group. Because while they're very popular, and put out leveling guides, there are better players than them with better strategies, as I'm not the only person who can do that. And while most players don't care about the first 8 hours of season starts in Diablo 3, that's what I enjoy. And there are other people like that also.

Giving anyone a head start like this is completely out of touch by Blizzard. Either they should have been disqualified from participating, which practically every other game company does (e.g. Path of Exile doesn't let players with early access to full patches participate), or start it at season one.

Because at the end of the day, there is no amount of innate talent that can overcome a lack of knowledge and experience. It just boggles my mind at how incredibly stupid Rob Fergusson and Blizzard are. You can wipe characters, but you can't wipe knowledge and experience. And you don't need to be the best to be #1 if you're competing against people who have neither knowledge nor experience.

For example, I'm decent at Castlevania for the NES, but not the best. But I can beat it in one try with no continues. Try to find a person who's never played Castlevania for the NES, and have them even beat it on their first try, let alone beat my time.
There's a bit of fuss over early reviewers and content creators learning the game, giving them an advantage in the HC race.

Regardless of how wrong Rod is, people are absolutely blowing this out of proportion, as is standard with any blizzard community.
By the way Lore ep3 skips the entire sin war, incredibly important to diablo 4.
The ep also contains the fake Aidan retcon.
They didn't mention Uldyssian nor that he defeated Inarius but they otherwise discussed the Sin War by and large for a few minutes. There is at least one unique in the game with a Sin War character's name on it: Mendeln's Signet or something.

Multiple different development teams over the course of decades makes retconning inevitable and required to make a more cohesive story. And the big question, what happened to the nephalem after Diablo 3, is being answered next episode, so prepare yourself.
Preload May 30th, 4PM PDT. This is one of those times when being a despondent recluse has some pay off. I’m looking forward to a lot of fun hours exploring in this game.
I should call in for work for preload it doesn't deserve anything better. Hope the rubber banding is fixed at launch that I was getting in the 1st Beta. Really would like to roll a Paladin.
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I should call in for work for preload it doesn't deserve anything better. Hope the rubber banding is fixed at launch that I was getting in the 1st Beta. Really would like to roll a Paladin.
The first beta weekend was some time ago. The server slam ran extremely well
The good news is, Microcenter called back, and they only found one of the SSDs to go bad. Now, I had them replace the AIO, because I know the computer was overheating. And fortunately, it was just a secondary drive that went bad, but I can contact Samsung, because they have a 5 year warranty on those things. Now, just debating if I want to return the other replacement parts, or build my nephew a new computer.
The good news is, Microcenter called back, and they only found one of the SSDs to go bad. Now, I had them replace the AIO, because I know the computer was overheating. And fortunately, it was just a secondary drive that went bad, but I can contact Samsung, because they have a 5 year warranty on those things. Now, just debating if I want to return the other replacement parts, or build my nephew a new computer.
Nice, glad to hear that! I say build the nephew a new rig instead of leaving microcenter with a bunch of open box parts :D.
Nice, glad to hear that! I say build the nephew a new rig instead of leaving microcenter with a bunch of open box parts :D.
The guy called, and all the parts are closed, so I can return them. Should I trust my nephew with a 13900k, 2 TB Samsung 990, 64 GB RAM though?:p
Probably not then... I think you should just send it to me then, or return it.
It's going to have Diablo 4 on it, and you're going to have to put in about 100 hours of play testing to make sure the computer works properly. Are you sure that's a sacrifice you can make?
It's going to have Diablo 4 on it, and you're going to have to put in about 100 hours of play testing to make sure the computer works properly. Are you sure that's a sacrifice you can make?
I must try for the sake of Sanctuary.... And all that is good and right in this wo--no, I can't do a 100 hour marathon :(.

The obvious solution was to bump it to season 1.
I'm really tempted to participate but I don't want my first experience with the game to be rushing through everything.
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Early game release here in EU is at Saturday 1am. I have to move my dad on Saturday. On Sunday I have to drive my cousing to the airport (3h drive in one direction). On Monday I work.... such bad timing :)
i want to get hyped for this, but it reeks of the very worst aspects of modern "live service" game development imo. looking forward to hearing y'alls thoughts on the full version
i want to get hyped for this, but it reeks of the very worst aspects of modern "live service" game development imo. looking forward to hearing y'alls thoughts on the full version
That’s my worry. I love Diablo games but I don’t need a live service Diablo game in my life. I’ll probably run through it on a few characters and then I’ll be done. I’m not getting sucked in to play for daily or weekly challenges and time limited cosmetics.
I'm not going to participate in any multiplayer content for this game unless I want to, baring world boss fights of course. I have no want to play with any of you. I hate you all.
Ditto. Minus the *hate* part :LOL:

I put a few hundred hours into Destiny 2, then dropped it after the repetitiveness. I'll probably do the same with this.
Ditto. Minus the *hate* part :LOL:

I put a few hundred hours into Destiny 2, then dropped it after the repetitiveness. I'll probably do the same with this.
I'm joking. You know I love you guys.

Eventually we will all get bored with it, like anything else. I just hope it takes me 20 years to get bored with it like Diablo II did.
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