Diablo IV - The Real Official Thread

Game wont let me change resolution. Area is greyed out. I looked it up and it says change the windowed mode but I only have 'windowed' or 'windowed fullscreen' both allow
no change in resolution.
Hook a brotha up. Cur#1667

Trying to decide between lash sorc or spinny barb
Just search Hardforum or HOCP and it'll pop up

Not being able to change resolution is killing me. I'd like to lower it a bit for better game play but theres no way to do it.
Do lots of side quests or just stick to the main story and come back to them?
That really screws over people who are full clearing.
Just finish the main story and go back. Would be much quicker to do that since you have a mount to travel everywhere.

Gives you a reason to actually beat the game. If you dont want to rush threw to beat the game, means you will be playing the game longer which is what Blizzard wants right?
Ok, I just rolled a Sorc.... I plan to go in playing somewhat blind as opposed to following a strict build guild :cool:

Incoming clan invite request - Toon name: Horrorshow / Bnet: lqdhorror#1971
Ok, I just rolled a Sorc.... I plan to go in playing somewhat blind as opposed to following a strict build guild :cool:

Incoming clan invite request - Toon name: Horrorshow / Bnet: lqdhorror#1971
Not sure it's still the same but in the betas you could respec very cheaply.
horror you're good, just accept it.

They really should change this clan thing lol. Gonna drive me nuts. If someone requests and I accept...why the hell do they have to hit accept again lol

Accepted! Thx

Quick question, is there an option to put a highlight around enemies when they're occluded by a wall/object??

If there is, I can't seem to find it....
Starting to definitely slow a bit on pace with Rogue at lvl34. I've been resisting looking up any guides and trying to figure it out on my own so far. Thinking that Barrage was not the right bow skill to dump points in.
Starting to definitely slow a bit on pace with Rogue at lvl34. I've been resisting looking up any guides and trying to figure it out on my own so far. Thinking that Barrage was not the right bow skill to dump points in.
I was WAY off on my necro build. I finally caved and looked. I thought I picked something that made sense, but man I was off.
There a Path of Building equivalent for this? $10 says I cave by the time kiddo goes to bed tonight and get the game. Trying to hang onto Last Epoch until I finish up a build there, but who knows.
K, taking a little break....

Initial impressions: Thus far, seems pretty solid overall (Only made it to the "Find the Hermit" quest tho)

Performance is at my preferred locked 90 fps with no High Res texture pack, High Quality preset, & FSR 2 set to "Quality"

But damn, even with the regular textures - I hit my 8192 VRAM cap at some point apparently.... That's pretty nuts!

EDIT: Oh and I haven't experienced any of the stuttering or rubber-banding some others have been posting about
K, taking a little break....

Initial impressions: Thus far, seems pretty solid overall (Only made it to the "Find the Hermit" quest tho)

Performance is at my preferred locked 90 fps with no High Res texture pack, High Quality preset, & FSR 2 set to "Quality"

But damn, even with the regular textures - I hit my 8192 VRAM cap at some point apparently.... That's pretty nuts!
Doesn't necessarily mean it's using all your VRAM. iirc even 4090 owners will show ~20gig used.
Hmm, I'm not sure about that. A buddy requested me to join his clan, he went offline and then I popped on, accepted and was in the clan instantly.
If somebody in a clan sends you an invitation, then you only need to accept once. If you search for a clan by yourself, you send a request for an invitation, a clan member accepts your request, then you have to accept the invitation.
K, taking a little break....

Initial impressions: Thus far, seems pretty solid overall (Only made it to the "Find the Hermit" quest tho)

Performance is at my preferred locked 90 fps with no High Res texture pack, High Quality preset, & FSR 2 set to "Quality"

But damn, even with the regular textures - I hit my 8192 VRAM cap at some point apparently.... That's pretty nuts!

EDIT: Oh and I haven't experienced any of the stuttering or rubber-banding some others have been posting about
you basically did the tutorial only. You'll get a rubber band here and there, especially when in town for some time.
RIP 8GB cards lol. Jk. I googled it, apparently it's not using that much it just allocates that much or some such.
In my case the game is allocating the whole 24GB on my 4090. I guess it's because I'm using DLAA on top of max settings at 4K. Even though this is the case, I have never run into out-of-VRAM performance or visual issues. The game truly is just putting all your VRAM to use by allocating as much as it can.
Finally got in. 4k maxed DLAA no DLSS 120hz. Holy fucking VRAM batman...
View attachment 574063

Sorry for phone pic. HDR screenshots are wonky.

My Xbox controller acts weird with this game. The A button brings up the chat window randomly and doesn't attack? I changed a controller setting in Steam recently and the controller lights are different. Gonna revert that and hope that was just some weird glitch.
Mine was using 21G avg at 4k 120hz maxed out during the last beta.. no DLSS trickery.. smooth as butter though.
I feel the Vram allocation is just the tools not understanding the difference between the game's allocation and what it's actually using. Like when Vista / 7 came out and memory tools reported all available system ram in use...
I just pre-ordered the standard edition. I am not paying 20 bucks more for a couple of days. I did briefly play the betas on xbox. Question. I assume the world map is not randomly generated. Are the dungeons, caves, etc randomly generated maps?
Looks like I'm gonna be getting this game, but I'm working all weekend and don't care about the battle pass so I just got the standard edition. I can hold off for a few days, still have a TON of Zelda: TOTK to do.