Development Thread for ATI overclocking tool - v0.0.19 out

wizzard, nice....downloading right now...

"the pickier the better"....

then you should also force Antialiasing in case it's on app default in the driver ?! I dont know if you do AA....but the more load on the card the better !

Prog so far is quite accurate..gave me 5mhz more than what i found out running rthdribl..didnt try the new version yet and still have to test my mem oc

If we have a nice OC test program then we can finally get 'rid' of all the braggers who claim the over OCs (like 460mhz at stock)...but never heard anything about rthdribl....or people who think they ahve the ueber-OCs but dont even test with AA on etc,,,,if your prog works nice then we have something like a reference !!! (And not everyone claiming moronic OCs by running different programs with even more different driver settings..this is dumb....)

Hehe, accurate though it may be, it detected that minor noise my card does and went down below the stock speeds. It seems to be stable at higher clock rates with no increase in any kind of artifacts or anything that I can see, so I'm just not going to let it do that. Too accurate I say.
Originally posted by W1zzard
version 0.0.14

- by popular request: new renderer with some ultra-artifact-picky pixel shader 2.0 code .. hope you're not disappointed by your max core OCs now :)
- rewritten more than half of the 3d app detection code .. it's no longer crashing other apps .. at least i couldnt find any ..

can someone check what happens on a non-ps 2.0 card plz?
on a Radeon 8500:
I go into the prog, hit "find max memory". It slowly cranks it up to 310MHz, at which point visible artifacts show up. It then slowly cranks it down all the way to stock speeds. My ramsinks are slightly warm to the touch, but not bad at all. With Version 0.0.12, the RAM was running at 290 artifact-free. I don't know if it's my card or the program, but that's what I get. Any other tests you want me to run?

BTW, I suggest you add another button that performs a "torture test" on the GPU and memory to warm it up, much like prime95 for a gfx card.

That way, you could get the card nice and toasty, and THEN find max core/mem speeds, and be guaranteed it would work at high temps. Just a thought. Great prog BTW, I used to use Rage3d tweak, and I'm not going back;)

/edit: oh yeah, and the new 3d view has a white background, which means I can't see how many second it's been running artifact-free. Dunno if this is because of the new PS 2.0 stuff, or what...
Originally posted by jagec
BTW, I suggest you add another button that performs a "torture test" on the GPU and memory to warm it up, much like prime95 for a gfx card.
Great idea. I think that would partially solve some of the problems with finding the maximum values. Fill up the ram as much as you safely can and throw the hardest tests you can think of at it, then start checking clock values.

Anyway, I think the problem with the stepping down process is that after it hits that highpoint at which problems start occuring, the components are then already stressed out and need to cool just a bit to get back to more normal values. Actually, I think a better idea instead of just pausing like I mentined earlier would be to instead is memorize where the artifacts occured, then go down to stock speeds, wait a bit for some cooling, then go back up to the last safe one and test that for a longer period of time. IMO this is a more accurate way since that short period of time the components are stressed and you are still throwing work at them so they can't cool off as fast.
Originally posted by jagec
BTW, I suggest you add another button that performs a "torture test" on the GPU and memory to warm it up, much like prime95 for a gfx card.

/edit: oh yeah, and the new 3d view has a white background, which means I can't see how many second it's been running artifact-free. Dunno if this is because of the new PS 2.0 stuff, or what...

I like the idea of some kind of torture test but I just left 3dmark2001 looping for 10 hours while I was at work. ;) Came home and it said "Tests completed 1376 of 17"...........looked pretty funny. I think I should be good to go for the OC test. ;) :p

That white background has to have something to do with your lack of shaders 'cus mines kind of a black/red haze and looks pretty cool.

Props to W1z once more, as if I hadn't said that enough already. :D
torture test is silly since the proggy itself should already be the torture test.
If you would need a torture test before the actual run then it shows the actual prog doesnt put enough load on the card.

btw. 0.14 runs fine. Only one problem: I use powerstrip to OC my card...and when i use Atitool and set some clock speed and exit the Atitool i cannot set my core clock stays stuck at the value atitool set it to.

Everytime i up the core clock with powerstrip it gets automatically reset..and i can only set it with Atitool (unless i reboot i guess)

btw. i hope you use 3dmark01 on some older card like the 8500 ? Running 3dmark01 on a dx9 card like the 9800 as overclock tester would be silly..the only real oc test (besides atitool :) for newer cards is rthdribl and *maybe* 3dmark03, nature and troll scenes. rthdribl still more sensitive than 3dmark03
Yes yes, I know all about rthdribl.....I've been preaching it to ppl for quite some time now. I never said I use 3dmark2001 to test the OC, i just said that I left it running for 9 hours or so to get the card "warmed up".

The OC test itself isn't a torture test. Running the test for max core and/or ram when the card is "cold" will result in unrealistic results.....seeing as the card has had time to cool. It is generally recommended that you "warm up" the card for about a half an hour or so with games or whatever, that way the temps are up to where they would be when you're actually gonna notice the artifacts when you're gaming.

It's all about realistic results my friends. Sure I could pop the side of my case off and stick a huge floor fan next to it to try and help my OC/temps but that isn't how I use my comp 24/7 and that isn't how it'd be at LAN parties so it really doesn't matter.

Keep it comin' W1z.....I await 0.0.15 to see what kind of new goodies you've got for us then. :D :cool:
Originally posted by jagec
on a Radeon 8500:
I go into the prog, hit "find max memory". It slowly cranks it up to 310MHz, at which point visible artifacts show up. It then slowly cranks it down all the way to stock speeds. My ramsinks are slightly warm to the touch, but not bad at all. With Version 0.0.12, the RAM was running at 290 artifact-free. I don't know if it's my card or the program, but that's what I get. Any other tests you want me to run?

BTW, I suggest you add another button that performs a "torture test" on the GPU and memory to warm it up, much like prime95 for a gfx card.

That way, you could get the card nice and toasty, and THEN find max core/mem speeds, and be guaranteed it would work at high temps. Just a thought. Great prog BTW, I used to use Rage3d tweak, and I'm not going back;)

/edit: oh yeah, and the new 3d view has a white background, which means I can't see how many second it's been running artifact-free. Dunno if this is because of the new PS 2.0 stuff, or what...

i'll check the codebase to see what was different in 0.0.12 than in 0.0.14 ...

as flexy123 said the program showing the spinning cube is already the torture test .. maybe it can improved .. i'll look into that..

the white bg is because no ps-2.0 is available .. i'll change the bg color to black.
0.0.14 is much better in terms of finding the max core. It was only 5 higher than what I arrived at using rthdribl (this app needs a better name.)

ive being trying to run loops of 3dmark01 at the same time as running the ap to warm the card up but atitool crashed after a while everytime.

finding max core while running rthdribl gives more accurate results. max core clock dropped by about 5mhz while doing that and i could easily see if the speeds were artifact free or not. they wernt but getting a lot closer.
Originally posted by fr33ze

ive being trying to run loops of 3dmark01 at the same time as running the ap to warm the card up but atitool crashed after a while everytime.

finding max core while running rthdribl gives more accurate results. max core clock dropped by about 5mhz while doing that and i could easily see if the speeds were artifact free or not. they wernt but getting a lot closer.

Hmm, something to think about. Thx for the suggestion.

I posted this problem above but you've probably overlooked it. Please help:

The 0.14 version gives the error message "No compatible devices found. At least Vertex Shader 1.1 is required." I've run the "sc delete atitool" command before opening this latest version.
What's wrong?
Originally posted by Stang Man
do you have DX9.0a or higher installed?

Of course. Latest official DX.

Edit: the previous 0.13 version does not work either... hmmm. Used to work fine a few days ago. I don't understand this. Catalyst control panel correctly says that the driver version is 3.10...
Originally posted by laja
Of course. Latest official DX.

Edit: the previous 0.13 version does not work either... hmmm. Used to work fine a few days ago. I don't understand this. Catalyst control panel correctly says that the driver version is 3.10...

this might sound really stupid but try switching Fastwrites from Off to On.....or vise versa. I've run into problems before where if it's set "backwards" some games/apps won't detect the card at all and will refuse to run.

Just a thought.
Originally posted by laja
Of course. Latest official DX.

Edit: the previous 0.13 version does not work either... hmmm. Used to work fine a few days ago. I don't understand this. Catalyst control panel correctly says that the driver version is 3.10...

OK, sorry, it was a false alarm. Some stupid tweaking program seems to have disabled the acceleration functions in directx... it's fixed now.
great to hear ... i didnt overlook your post .. just put the issue on my "check the codebase for possible bugs" list which i wanted to work on tomorrow ..
Originally posted by W1zzard
great to hear ... i didnt overlook your post .. just put the issue on my "check the codebase for possible bugs" list which i wanted to work on tomorrow ..

Sounds like you've got things in order and good to go. Good stuff. Keep up the good work man, I await 0.0.15.
I've been tracking this since it's inception. Have tried almost every version but have found it to be a bit too buggy to run as my primary VC tweak utility. That is no longer the case with 0.00.14. I'd say it is almost 1.0 quality.

The implementation of PS 2.0 seems to have really dialed in the max core detection. I still had some artifacting w/ the resultant memory max settings as detected but no biggie. I just bumped it down a couple MHZ and it was good to go.

Thanks W1zz... It's really shaping into the best Radeon Tweak utility, hands down!
JUUUST in case you wanted to know:

it doesn't work on a 3d Rage Pro PCI. Crashes the system;)

This is a great utility and it works great on one of Desktops, and my laptop, but on my main rig is crashes out with the following error (noted earlier in the thread also):

Error 1:
startService2: Access is denied.

Erro 2:
Service not started.
Current State: 1
Exit Code: 5
Service Specific Exit Code: 0
Check Point: 0
Wait Hint: 0

Error 3:
Could not connect to atitool.sys.
Try to fix it? Y/N

Click yes and it goes back to error 1. Click no and the utility starts with everything disabled.

Here are my specs:

Abit IC7 Bios 19 | P4 2.6C @ 3.2 (246*13) | 1GB Corsair PC4000 | Dell Radeon 9800Pro with bios for 8E memory | Windows XP Pro SP1

Works fine on my other system:

Asus A7N8X-Dlx 2.0 | 2500+ @ 3200+ | 1GB Corsair PC3500 | Dell Radeon 9800Pro with bios for 8E memory | Windows XP Pro SP1

Any ideas?
great program, wizzard... though im having a problem with the find max core/mem features, whenever i run either the slider goes down instead of its infact not really finding anything.. just lowering my speeds below default, anyone have this problem?
I've had the same thing happen to me. Either the program is really anal with finding the speed, or it's a bug. I don't know which one though.
v14 artifact detection works fine on the 9000, shows up earlier than v13.
v13 artifact detection works better on the 4200, shows up earlier or either my core wasn't quite warm enough yet.

either way it works quite nicely, I tested 13 more than 14 with the 4200, it was pretty much dead on. the fastest core I knew would run stable was 290, 295 showed artifacts on your proggy when other apps would run for awhile then nuke themselves back to the desktop.

I'm sure there's still room for improvement, but you're damn close now.

Now if you could just add DX7 cards... lol
Well, aside from the the overclocking part of the tool; could you add a custom resolution and refresh rate setter? For example, I'd like to run 1600x1200x32 @ 99 Hz on my 9800np and Nokia 445XPro monitor. I'd prefer not to use powerstrip.


Hello, I am new to using the ATItool and I was just wondering if maybe anyone could give me a step by step order of how to set it up? I just downloaded it and opened the program, but im not sure how to use the "set max core/mem" functions. Thanks
great program, wizzard... though im having a problem with the find max core/mem features, whenever i run either the slider goes down instead of its infact not really finding anything.. just lowering my speeds below default, anyone have this problem?

I've had the same thing happen to me.

Me to, when I use my 9800XT the sliders goes down... why??:rolleyes:
Originally posted by KaEL
Me to, when I use my 9800XT the sliders goes down... why??:rolleyes:

Ack! I had the nickname KL when I grew up. But changed it to be KaEL a year or so back. You've st0lenz0r my megahurtz! (jk)

Hehe, quite a coincidence. :)
Originally posted by nkmcc

This is a great utility and it works great on one of Desktops, and my laptop, but on my main rig is crashes out with the following error (noted earlier in the thread also):

Error 1:
startService2: Access is denied.

Erro 2:
Service not started.
Current State: 1
Exit Code: 5
Service Specific Exit Code: 0
Check Point: 0
Wait Hint: 0

Error 3:
Could not connect to atitool.sys.
Try to fix it? Y/N

Click yes and it goes back to error 1. Click no and the utility starts with everything disabled.

Here are my specs:

Abit IC7 Bios 19 | P4 2.6C @ 3.2 (246*13) | 1GB Corsair PC4000 | Dell Radeon 9800Pro with bios for 8E memory | Windows XP Pro SP1

Works fine on my other system:

Asus A7N8X-Dlx 2.0 | 2500+ @ 3200+ | 1GB Corsair PC3500 | Dell Radeon 9800Pro with bios for 8E memory | Windows XP Pro SP1

Any ideas?

you must run as administrator
I get the same error on my system, and I am the administrator.

I've determined that it has something to do with a recent change in your software. On my system, the error only occurs on versions 0.0.13 and 0.0.14. Version 0.0.12 works flawlessly, so look at what you've changed and see what you can do.
Great tool. Seemed to find the max clock almost perfectly. If you let it run for say 30 minutes or so, you get really close. Had no idea my 9800Pro was this good ;)

Still on stock cooler and still got it up stable to 413/370 (actually, even higher than 370 but i lowered it slightly to be on the safe side). Heh, i'm over the clock speeds of a XT ;)
Originally posted by Shorty
I get the same error on my system, and I am the administrator.

I've determined that it has something to do with a recent change in your software. On my system, the error only occurs on versions 0.0.13 and 0.0.14. Version 0.0.12 works flawlessly, so look at what you've changed and see what you can do.

I have the same exact problem, and I am logged in as Admin as well.
When I do find max mem and core, the silders and numbers go down, is it supposed to do that?
We are 3 with the same problem (to find Max GPU/MEM, sliders goes down) :(

Hope W1zzard read this.

Overall its a great utility :D
Sorry if this has been answered before but I unfortunately don't have a whole lot of time to "paruse" 34 pages of posts. :D I'm wondering if you need your hacked drivers installed to find the max core and such. When I try to find max core and max memory, the program closes out. I would install the hacked drivers but I always end up getting artifacts when I do for some reason. Kinda pisses me off, but whatcha gonna do?
Originally posted by Screwz Luse
Sorry if this has been answered before but I unfortunately don't have a whole lot of time to "paruse" 34 pages of posts. :D I'm wondering if you need your hacked drivers installed to find the max core and such. When I try to find max core and max memory, the program closes out. I would install the hacked drivers but I always end up getting artifacts when I do for some reason. Kinda pisses me off, but whatcha gonna do?

dont need hacked drivers